The Starlight Sentinels: The...

By JGrayDingler

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A man, a woman, a boy, a girl, a demon, and an alien, all walk into a bar... THEY FIGHT CRIME! The Starlight... More

Prologue: First Impressions
Chapter 1: Snipe Hunt
Chapter 2: Hostile Takeover
Chapter 3: Mary Misfortune
Chapter 4: The Haunting Visage of Vyn Lon
Chapter 6: The Lynch Man
To Be Continued...

Chapter 5: Master May I?

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By JGrayDingler

An elderly man with a cane, a colorful scarf, and a top hat knocked on a door. He stood patiently, adjusting his scarf as he heard someone inside moving to greet him. Answering the knock was a sharply dressed older man in a two-piece suit. He removed the cigarette from his mouth and carefully examined the elegant stranger standing in front of him.

"Let me guess," said Nick. "You're out tonight collecting donations for the nineteenth century?"

"No, I'm the Investor, here on behalf of the Order," answered the man in a friendly voice.

"Really? Well, you got here awfully fast." Nick motioned for the Investor to come inside. "Seriously, didn't Daryl just call you people like thirty minutes ago?"

"I move quickly. Always have since a certain experiment gone awry gave me the power of teleportation." The Investor removed his hat and scarf, then looked for somewhere to place them.

"You don't say? I'm starting to think I overreacted when I hassled Daryl to contact you people so soon. A spaceship must not seem like much to someone who can move around like you do."

"Well, I only can teleport when I have plenty of time and somewhere peaceful to concentrate. I also got this limp from the same experiment. So it's not all it's cracked up to be." The Investor placed his hat and scarf on a nearby table. "This place is so quaint," said the Investor as he studied his surroundings. "I love how open and natural it feels. So much better than the sterile walls of computers and instruments I always see at Pyrgos."

"So, Mr. Investor?" asked Nick.

"Call me Charles."

"Charles, I'm guessing you're here to see the alien my team recovered?"

"Yes, do lead the way." Nick led Charles up the spiral staircase, which Charles took one hobbled step at a time.

"I'm Nick Tetra, I'm the Starlight Sentinels' sponsor."

"Yes, I assumed."

"I wanted to ask you about the Order's policy regarding cooperating with private entities for research purposes."

"That's not my department I'm afraid, I just handle first introductions." Charles and Nick spotted Daryl heading for his room.

"Daryl," called Nick. "You've got company. The—"

"The Investor," greeted a surprised Daryl. "I just sent in my report to the Order, I didn't know they were coming tonight."

"The top brass wanted to make contact ASAP," said Charles. "Which means I have to make contact because I'm the one who would get here first. Speaking of which, where is our newest off-world immigrant?"

"Just down the hall." Daryl motioned for Charles to follow him.

"I'm curious. How is young Eric doing?" asked Charles.

"He's fine. Anxious as ever to grow up," answered Daryl

"That boy will miss his entire childhood if he's not careful."

Daryl stopped at the last door in the hall. "He's inside. We found him—"

"Hold on a moment." Charles removed an unusual looking watch from his wrist. Unfolding it revealed four mechanical arms with tiny propellers attached to the ends. Charles pressed a button on the device and it suddenly buzzed to life. It zipped into the air like a giant metallic mosquito and turned to face Charles.

"Mnemosyne? Are you there?"

"Affirmative. The Mnemonic Device is operating at nominal levels." A small blue light blinked in sync with the monotonous, almost mechanical voice emanating from the pint-sized drone. "Proceed." Charles motioned to Daryl, who opened the door. The group stepped inside to find a short alien with light yellow skin sitting on a bed listening to Olivia play guitar.

"What that?" asked Vyn.

"Nothing, I was just screwing around," said Olivia as she played a quick chord arpeggio on her guitar. "Is that—"

"The Investor," said Charles. "Nice to see you've found a team to work with Ms. Rivera." The Mnemonic Device flew close to Vyn, slowly circling around the curious alien. Vyn tried following the drone with his eyes only for it to fly behind him.

"What that?" asked Vyn as the drone circled around in front of him.

"An exceptionally noisy fly," answered Charles.

"Focus Investor," dictated Mnemosyne.

"Of course, heaven forbid a conversation break out," quipped Charles. "Vyn? I'm going to run some very basic tests on you. Do you understand?" Vyn nodded at Charles, who removed a short metal wand from his coat and slowly waved it in front of the alien.

"Analyzing all known detectable bacteria, microbes, pathogens and trace elements in the immediate vicinity," said Mnemosyne as Charles's wand hummed softly. "The asklepian is reporting nothing unusual. Proceed to establishing vocal contact."

"Vyn, how are you this evening?" in response, Vyn just looked at Charles.

"He has only a tenuous grasp of our language," informed Daryl.

"I see. Vyn. Are you in pain? Any discomfort?" Charles motioned to the bruises on Vyn's face, which Vyn touched in response.

"Small pain," he answered. "Everything heavy."

"Heavy?" said Charles.

"I have a theory," said Mnemosyne. "It is possible he is experiencing discomfort due to Earth's gravity."

"Vyn, your planet, things are lighter? Less heavy at home?"

"Si. Yes," said Vyn.

"Where is your home? Your planet?"

"Across the universe," said Vyn with unusual clarity.

"Pools of sorrow, waves of joy." Everyone turned and looked at Olivia. "Sorry."

"Are drifting through my opened mind." Everyone turned back to Vyn.

"Possessing and..." prompted Olivia.

"Caressing me," finished Vyn.

"Am I missing something?" asked Nick.

"They are reciting song lyrics," clarified Mnemosyne.

"Yeah, he knows Across the Universe," said Olivia.

"He did say he listened to Earth's broadcasts," informed Daryl.

"Well be careful you don't sing too loud or we'll have someone sending us a letter demanding we pay for the usage rights."

"Cute Nick," said Daryl.

"I'm serious, the people who own that are probably the same ones who refused the request to put Here Comes the Sun on the record commissioned for the Voyager mission," informed Nick. "If they wouldn't share one song for the benefit of representing humanity to the rest of the universe then they'd probably also sue an alien planet for pirating their music."

"Pirate?" asked a confused Vyn. "What pirate?"

"Irrelevant," said Mnemosyne as his drone hovered closer to Vyn. "Count Nutus said you learned our language from Earth broadcasts. Is this true?"

"Si. Yes. I number one Earth speak expert."

"Obviously," quipped Nick.

"I suggest we forego extensive questioning until I can assemble our linguistic specialists. With permission, I recommend administrating a blood and saliva test." Charles removed a small metal rod with a sponge-like tip from the wand.

"Vyn. I'd like you to place this in your mouth for a moment." Charles gestured with the swab, aiming the tip towards his own mouth. Vyn nodded and placed the swab in his mouth.

"Now, I'll need a sample of your blood." Charles retrieved the swab, placed it in his device, and removed a different utensil. "This will cause a small amount of pain. Do you understand?" Vyn hesitated, but then nodded. Charles gently held Vyn's hand flat, then pricked his finger with the tool. Vyn hastily pulled his hand back while Charles fed the sample into his tool.

"Sorry," apologized Charles. "Well Mnemosyne?"

"The initial analysis reveals a biology with no immediate significant differences from earthbound humanoids," chirped the drone as it hovered closer to Charles. "However, the asklepian is only capable of the most basic of tests. I will study these samples in greater depth upon your return."

"Single track mind as always." Charles shook his head.

"I resent that characterization." The Mnemonic Device pivoted in place to face Charles. "I have proven to be a most efficient multitasker on numerous occasions."

"Single track, multiple engines," retorted Charles.

"Count Nutus," the drone moved to Daryl. "Your report mentions this being is capable of assuming a different form with intangible properties. Can he demonstrate this?"

"Sure. Vyn, can you fly for us?" asked Daryl.

"Yes." The Mnemonic Device flew in for a closer look as Vyn stood up. A blinding flash emanated from Vyn as he suddenly transformed into an ethereal being composed of a bright white light.

"Oh my God!" Olivia's exclamation was followed by another flash of light as Vyn returned to his human form, stumbling as he landed on the floor.

"Fascinating," mused Mnemosyne. "Investor, hand Vyn your cane."

"Why?" asked Charles.

"I have a hypothesis I would like tested." Charles shifted his weight to his good leg and reluctantly handed his cane to Vyn. "Please demonstrate your ability again." Vyn changed back into his luminous form, hovering above the floor as a ghostly image of a man holding a cane. Another flash and he returned to his human form, landing on the ground with a soft thud.

"As I theorized. When he enters this intangible state, he draws in other matter such as his clothing. He can even expand this effect to include objects like your cane. I am eager to learn the limits of this ability."

"I'm sure you are." Charles gestured to Vyn, who handed the cane back to the man. "I think that's enough scientific inquiry for tonight."

"Count Nutus's report mentions a spacecraft." Charles sighed.

"It's on the roof," informed Daryl.

"Your report states Vyn was able to navigate to this location by tracking a signal from your phone. I would like to examine this claim by studying the spacecraft."

"Sure, if you would just follow—"

"Ohh, I don't believe this," said Charles. "I forgot to bring a caduceus. I guess you can't study it tonight."

"Your tone suggests this omission was intentional," noted Mnemosyne as his drone flew in close to Charles's face.

"My, no wonder you're known as the perfect mind," smirked Charles.

"Clearly you are uninterested in assisting me further. I would appreciate you returning my samples to Olympus Pyrgos."

"Of course." Charles turned to Vyn. "It was very nice to meet you. I hope you find your stay here on Earth, an enjoyable one." Charles bowed slightly then exited the room with the rest of the group.

"I have requested the necessary implements to safely transport the alien and his ship to Olympus Pyrgos. Commander Crius and a team should arrive by early morning. Count Nutus, I would request you go with them. Your experience with the alien may provide additional insight."

"Of course, I'll be there," said Daryl.

"Who do I talk to about research opportunities?" asked Nick.

"Mr. Tetra, I presume?" asked Mnemosyne as his drone turned to Nick.

"That's me. Sponsor of superheroes, eccentric billionaire, owner of a group of scientific geniuses," boasted Nick.

"You refer to Asymmetric Applications. I had hoped to employ them for Science Sector until the Pantheon slashed our research budget for the year."

"So I have the money and the people you need," realized Nick. "It's my understanding you'd allow for a joint venture provided I pick up the check?"

"There are a number of precautions that need to be considered for a discovery of this magnitude before any kind of partnership could be formed. However, your resources and discretion would make you a prime candidate for a cooperative research effort."

"And such partners reap the benefits of any commercial uses derived from said research?" asked Nick.

"Provided a portion of the net benefits are bestowed to the Order along with unhindered access to all research."

"And credit for scientific discoveries goes to both parties?"


"I think we have a deal then."

"I will give priority to your request during the upcoming proceedings."

"You two were made for each other," commented a weary Charles.

"What about Vyn? Is there anything else we need to do?" asked Daryl.

"Ensure he remains here until morning. I suggest posting a guard on his ship for the time being," instructed Mnemosyne.

"You really think that's necessary?" asked Daryl.

"His non-threatening nature does not negate the suspect circumstances surrounding his arrival."

"Suspect?" asked Daryl.

"He travels to another planet without any major environmental protection or nourishment while possessing only a faint understanding of this world. These circumstances do not suggest an entirely rational individual."

"You think he's dangerous?" asked Nick.

"I think he's pretty harmless," said Charles. "However, it's better to be safe than sorry. There's nothing more dangerous than an enemy who can pass for a friend."

"Agreed," said Mnemosyne.

"Right, I'll be sure to keep watch then," said Daryl.

"Well, with all the major details settled, I'll take my leave," said Charles.

"Hey, wait a minute," said Olivia. "What about Angela? When is the Order going to help her?"

"Angela?" asked Charles.

"She's a demon we were asked to shelter here," said Daryl. "But I don't think this is the time for that."

"This is exactly the time," insisted Olivia. "It's his job to check in with superpowered people, isn't it?"

"Olivia, you're being rude."

"No, I don't mind," said Charles. "Mnemosyne, can you find anything about this demon they mentioned?"

"A report filed by the Mystic Ministry confirms the capture of a demon by the Starlight Sentinels on April eighth. Starlight Sentinels are tasked to contain demon until Mystic Ministry retrieves it for processing. Processing of said demon has been deemed a non-priority by senior mystic advisors," explained Mnemosyne.

"Why is it you rush out for an alien, but a demon is a non-priority?"

"The demon's determination was not made by me," said Mnemosyne. "Regarding the alien, instances of extraterrestrial contact are very rare and of major concern to the Order. There are a multitude of issues brought on by introducing foreign agents to the planet that, if not handled properly, can have cataclysmic repercussions.

"By contrast, instances of demonic contact are relatively more common and, to the best of my knowledge, of far less consequence, especially since the Mythic Ministry worked with the Vatican to eliminate a growing demon epidemic in Europe during the nineteen-nineties."

"That was to stop the Seekers of Gog, right?" asked Charles.

"That would be correct," answered Mnemosyne.

"So you're not going to help her?" asked Olivia.

"Is this demon here right now?" asked Charles.

"She's just down the hall," said Olivia.

"And her name is Angela?"


"Well, since I'm already here, I can take a look at her," offered Charles.

"We wouldn't want to trouble you," said Daryl.

"And I would remind you that neither of us is an expert in this field," added Mnemosyne.

"Does this mean your usual approach is inadequate for this situation?" challenged Charles in a smug tone.

"You are attempting to appeal to my pride in the scientific method. I find it frustrating that you were successful," spoke Mnemosyne's drone in a robotic monotone before turning to Olivia. "Proceed."

Olivia led the group to Angela's room, where they found the demoness sitting on her futon, reading a book.

"Angela, this man is here to help you," informed Olivia.

"The Investor!" he announced in a dramatic tone. "But call me Charles."

"Hello Charles," greeted a meek Angela as the Mnemonic Device flew in close to her.

"Just ignore Mnemosyne's annoying toy," suggested Charles. "That's what I've been trying to do for years now." Charles sat down on the floor across from Angela. "So, I hear you've been here for a while."

"Yes, I have."

"Have you enjoyed your stay?"

"Well, there have been moments I've enjoyed."

"But you would like to go home?"

"I don't want to upset my master. He is likely already very angry with me for disappearing for so long."


"He raised me, educated me, and disciplined me."

"Does he have a name?"

"I'm to address him as Master, but I've heard Mama Nica call him Mister MacMillan."

"I see, and who is Mama Nica?"

"A nun at the monastery. She taught me to read and feeds me."

"She cares for you?"

"Yes, she does."

"And this monastery, what can you tell me about it?"

"I lived there my whole life. It is my home."

"Anything specific you can tell me about it? What it looks like, its name?"

"Manastirea Voronet," she answered.

"Mnemosyne?" asked Charles. "Anything noteworthy to add?"

"Voronet is a monastery in the Romanian village of the same name."

"Let me take a guess, mysterious little place tucked away in the middle of nowhere?" asked Charles.

"Small and isolated yes, but not mysterious. The monastery is a tourist attraction due to its intricate and lavish frescoes. It is sometimes referred to as the Sistine Chapel of the East."

"Interesting, I don't suppose you were part of the attraction?" Charles asked Angela.

"I usually stayed out of sight in my room. Sometimes, Mama Nica would let me heal sickly visitors, but only very rarely."

"Heal? You healed people?"

"I can take people's pain as my own, take their injuries away."

"Interesting. Does this mean you can heal my limp?" asked Charles.

"I could try," offered Angela.

"Really? What do we need to do?"

"I would just need to touch you where it hurts."

"Well then." Charles carefully rolled up his left pant leg, revealing the scarred and misshapen calf underneath.

"Investor, I feel I must warn you of the potential danger you are putting yourself in. I have limited access to data regarding demonic behavior, but their most commonly exhibited personality traits seem to be aggression and deception. Since she is not exhibiting any aggressive behavior, it is highly probable she is deceiving you," cautioned Mnemosyne.

"Angela wouldn't hurt anyone," retorted Olivia.

"I thought you'd be happy about this, you can monitor what happens." Charles placed the asklepian near his leg. "When you're ready." Angela carefully placed her hands on Charles' leg. After a few moments of quiet concentration, Angela let out a pained whimper. She hastily released Charles and clutched her head in her hands.

"Are you all right?"

Angela nodded at Charles. "I'm fine," she said, her voice shaken. "How are you? Does your leg feel any better?"

Charles stood up and tried shifting weight to his bad leg. "Feels better than normal, but not nearly enough to walk on."

"It would seem that her action stimulated natural healing processes in your body, but directed them in an unnatural way and at a rate and level of effectiveness that does not seem possible without serious side effects."

"I feel fine."

"Indeed, that is what I find perplexing."

"I'm sorry I couldn't mend your leg," said Angela. "It would appear too much time has passed."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'm used to it. It was kind of you to even try." Charles carefully shifted weight back to his cane. "I'll get out of your hair now. It was nice to meet you, Angela." Charles bowed and left the room with the rest of the group.

"She's a most interesting being," remarked Charles.

"Is there anything you can do to help her?" asked Olivia. "You said you knew where she came from? A monastery in Romania?"

"Well, it's not up to me. I just report what I find," answered Charles.

"I can amend my orders to instruct Commander Crius's team to retrieve the demon as well," reported Mnemosyne. "We have facilities to hold her until the Mystic Ministry process her."

"What do you mean process her?" asked Olivia.

"Examine and evaluate her. Then decide and execute a course of action."

"What kind of action? Like make her a superhero?" asked Olivia.

"Hey, not on my dollar," snapped Nick.

"Demonic heritage does not necessarily preclude someone from joining the Order, but the actual decision would belong to the Mystic Ministry."

"What do they normally do with demons?"

"I do not believe there is a single formal procedure, but I am not privy to their decision-making process. I suspect if the Ministry believes the demon's cooperative and passive nature are genuine, they will likely assist her in a means suitable to her needs, whatever they may be."

"That's good, but what if they don't believe her?"

"Likely they would keep her for study. If she is considered a significant threat, they may elect to imprison or eliminate her."

"Eliminate her!"

"An extreme last resort reserved for only the most dangerous situations," Charles assured Olivia. "I doubt anyone in the Ministry would suggest it for someone as friendly as her."

"I do not presume to know how the Ministry makes decisions," clarified Mnemosyne.

"Of course you don't." Charles rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't worry, I'm sure they'll take good care of her."

"If you say so," said Olivia.

"Well unless there's some other unfinished business you'd like me to look at..." Charles paused to see if anyone had anything to say.

"Actually," spoke Mnemosyne. "I—"

Charles pressed a button on the Mnemonic Device and it suddenly shut down. "Nobody? Well, I'll be taking my leave." Charles clipped the drone back to his wrist. "Daryl, Olivia, good to see you again. Mr. Tetra, it was nice to meet you." Charles headed downstairs to retrieve his things.

"This day just keeps getting longer and longer," mumbled Daryl.

"What's with the whole nice to meet you crap?" asked Nick.

"He was just being polite," said Daryl.

"You should try it sometime," suggested Olivia.

"Oh, you mean like how you were when you started harping on about your girlfriend?"

"That was... she's not my girlfriend," spoke a flustered Olivia.

"Sure, whatever you say." Nick retrieved a cigarette from his jacket pocket. "Polite? Nobody acts that polite unless they're hiding something. Bet it comes out that he's a child molester or something." Daryl shook his head at Nick. "No, seriously. He made sure to ask you about Eric didn't he?"

"Is everyone in your world some kind of maladjusted monster?" asked Daryl as Nick lit his cigarette.

"Yours too, you just haven't realized it yet." Nick took a long drag off his cigarette. "Well, I came here to take care of business, and I took care of business." Nick turned to Daryl and Olivia. "Nice to see you again," he said in a sarcastic tone before walking down the stairs and out of sight.

"Why do we work for him again?" asked Olivia.

"I have no idea." Daryl yawned. "Guess I'm stuck watching Vyn's ship all night. Let me see if I can find a book or something."

"Wait, hold up," said Olivia. "I could do it."

"I said I would do it. You—"

"You've been up all day. Now you're going to stay up all night? And then you're going to spend all day tomorrow with the Order?"

Daryl sighed. "I don't know," said the man as he rubbed his head.

"Come on, you look terrible."


"I just meant, you got a big day tomorrow and you'll need your rest."

"What about monitor duty?"

"What about it? Eric and Washington are out on patrol and it's a slow night. If anything happens, I'll wake you."

"You're sure you can handle standing guard all night?"

"Yeah, I'll take my guitar and practice until the sun comes up."

"All right, just don't touch anything on Vyn's ship."

"I won't."

"Okay, I'm going to bed. If anything, and I mean anything—"

"I'll come get you," finished Olivia.

"Right... thanks Olivia. I appreciate it." Olivia watched Daryl stumble into his bedroom, then made her way back to Vyn's room.

"Hello Olivia," greeted Vyn as she stepped inside.

"Hi Vyn," she answered. "I wanted to ask you something, about your ship." Vyn just looked at Olivia in response. "Your ship. On the roof." Olivia motioned upwards.

"Mahgon? Ship? Annabara?" said Vyn.

"Annabara? Is that what you call it?" Olivia motioned upwards again.

"Si. Annabara," confirmed Vyn.

"Right. You can fly the Annabara to anywhere on the Earth, right?" Vyn looked at her again, confused by her words. "How can I explain?" Olivia thought to herself for a moment, then swiftly left the room. With no one to speak to, Vyn lay down on the floor. There he remained, resting peacefully until Olivia returned.

"Hello Olivia," repeated Vyn as Olivia sat down on the floor next to him.

"Vyn. You know what this is?" Vyn sat up to find Olivia holding a laptop displaying something familiar on its screen.

"Earth," answered Vyn, awing at the sight of a map of the planet.

"Right. Now Vyn. We are here." Olivia motioned to Vyn and herself, then pointed to a spot on the North American continent. "Understand?"

"I think."

"The Annabara." Olivia motioned upward. "Fly us to here." She scrolled the map over and pointed towards the European continent. Vyn looked at the map for a moment, then turned to Olivia.

"Across the Earth?" he asked.


Vyn pondered the proposal. "Si. Annabara fly across Earth." Olivia felt a little like celebrating as she watched Vyn examine her laptop. "What this?"

"That? It's my computer."

"What for?"

"Well, I use it mostly for the internet and to listen to music."


"Yeah, let me show you." Olivia scrolled through a list of songs before stopping on one at random. Vyn's eyes lit up upon hearing the music. Olivia watched as the alien fell into a trance in front of her computer screen, awestruck at what he was hearing.

"Vyn?" It took Vyn a moment to realize Olivia was talking to him.

"Sorry. Never hear that."

"You never heard that song before?"

"Not like that. Not clear."

"You never heard it clearly before?" Vyn nodded at Olivia, who started smiling as an idea crept into her head. "I have a lot more songs," she said as she scrolled through her music library. "I think you know this one," teased Olivia as she clicked on Across the Universe.

"This one," repeated Vyn in a quiet voice.

"You okay?" Olivia noticed Vyn seemed to be on the verge of crying.

"Nothing will change my world," he spoke, not sang, in a sad voice.

"Vyn, I have other songs if you don't like this one," explained Olivia as she paused the song.

"How many song?"

"Um, a few thousand I think."

"Thousand!" Olivia was surprised by how excited Vyn got upon hearing the word thousand.

"Yeah, thousands, all on my laptop. And you know what? You can have it if you want." Olivia pushed the computer towards Vyn.

"You? Nahdahnu?" A confused Vyn pointed to himself.

"It's all yours if you help me."


"I need you." Olivia pointed to Vyn. "To take me." Olivia pointed to herself. "And one other." Olivia held up a single finger. "To go here." Olivia pointed to the screen and placed her finger on Romania. Vyn considered Olivia's words, then answered.

"I help."

"Good." Olivia stood up and peeked out the door, searching the hall for any sign of Daryl. With the way clear, she motioned for Vyn to join her. Vyn picked up Olivia's laptop and the pair carefully snuck into Angela's room.

"Olivia," spoke the demoness in a warm voice.

"Hi Angela," answered Olivia. "I've got a new friend I'd like you to meet. This is Vyn." Olivia gestured to the short alien with the golden hair and skin.

"Hello," greeted Vyn as he approached Angela. "Oh, malu." Vyn started studying the back of Angela's head with great curiosity.

"Um..." Angela inched away from Vyn as he tried to hover closer.

"Vyn?" said Olivia. "Something wrong?" Vyn turned to Olivia, then back towards Angela.

"I sorry," he said. "Your malu, hair."

"What about it?" asked Angela.

"Long, so beautiful," said Vyn.

"Thank you?" A puzzled Angela examined Vyn. "Are those bothering you?" Angela pointed to the bruises on Vyn's face

"Hurt, small," answered Vyn.

"I can help you with that." Angela carefully placed her hand on Vyn's face and took a deep breath. Vyn's bruises faded and Angela groaned in pain for a moment. Touching one of his bruises, Vyn was shocked to find it and his other injuries had disappeared.

"Wow," awed Vyn. "How you do that?"

"I just can," answered a weary Angela.

"Can you do that?" Vyn asked Olivia.

"No," said Olivia. "Angela, I think Vyn can help you get back home."

"He can?" exclaimed a surprised Angela.

"Si. The Annabara. Fly," said Vyn.

"We can leave right away. Would you like that?"

"We can? That would be..." Olivia watched as the excitement suddenly disappeared from Angela's face.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, your friends have done so much for me. It feels ungrateful to leave so suddenly," said Angela.

"That's it? Angela, you don't owe us anything. In fact, we owe you for catching Mary Misfortune. We'd be happy to take you home."

"Well, there's also..." Angela stopped.

"What? You can tell me."

"I just realized, once gone, I'd never see you again." Olivia was taken aback by this realization. She thought to herself for a moment, then smirked.

"Well, it wouldn't be never. I could visit you sometimes. And I can write and call." Olivia placed her hand on Angela's shoulder. "I just want you to be happy, Angela. Wherever that may be." Angela smiled at Olivia.

"I would like to see my home again," confessed Angela.

"Great." Olivia turned to Vyn. "Go to the Annabara and get it ready. Understand?"

"Si." Vyn rushed out of the room while Angela stood up. As she adjusted her cloak, Olivia noticed Angela wasn't wearing anything underneath.

"Where's that dress I got you?" asked Olivia.

"Under my pillow. I guess you can have it back."

"Nonsense, I bought that for you. Take it with you."

"Are you—"

"Yes, I'm sure," assured Olivia. "Get dressed, I'll be back in a minute." Olivia snuck back into the hall. She carefully approached Daryl's room and slowly cracked the door open.

"Daryl?" Daryl appeared fast asleep in his bed. "Daryl." Receiving no answer, Olivia closed Daryl's door and reached for her phone.

"Eric? You there?" asked Olivia.

"Yeah, what's up?" answered Eric.

"Oh, nothing," lied Olivia. "Just checking in. Everything okay?"

"Just fine," scoffed Eric. "I think we're on our way to our third domestic disturbance of the night. Hopefully this isn't another battered husband who insists he fell down some stairs."

"Well, I just wanted to warn you, I'm going to take a bath. So I might be out of contact for a while," said Olivia.

"Go 'head. You're not missing anything," sighed Eric.

"All right, talk to you later." Olivia headed back into Angela's room. She was wearing her dress now and was about to slip her cloak on over it.

"Ready?" asked Olivia.

"I can't believe I'm really going home," professed an excited Angela.

"Come on." Olivia quickly led Angela up to the roof.

"What is this?" asked Angela as she examined Vyn's ship.

"It's your ticket home," assured Olivia as she searched for the ship's entrance. Spotting an opening, the pair darted inside and found Vyn hunched over a control panel near the front of the vessel.

"How's it coming?" asked Olivia.

"Need coordinates." Vyn pointed to the map on the laptop's screen.

"Can't you use latitude and longitude or something?" Vyn responded by staring at Olivia in confusion.

"Is Daryl coming?" asked Angela.

"No, he's going to keep watch here." Olivia tried to think of a solution to Vyn's dilemma. "Wait, somebody said you can track cell phone signals." Olivia pulled her phone out. "Can you navigate by this?"

Vyn looked at the device for a moment. "Yes." Vyn nodded and turned to one of his control panels. He fiddled with the switches and turned back. "Ready go," prompted Vyn.

"Oh, I guess you need me to call where we're going, right?" Vyn nodded. "Just gimme a minute." Olivia picked up her laptop and started typing. "Angela, what was the name of your monastery?"

"We're not supposed to be doing this." Olivia turned to Angela in a flash. "Are we?" Olivia looked at the demoness, unsure how to answer. "This is like before. When I left the firehouse and was seen."


"I don't want to do this." Angela headed for the exit.

"Angela, wait." Olivia ran ahead of Angela and blocked the door. "Don't you want to go home?"

"Not if you must risk disobeying Daryl again. You already suffered before because of me. You shouldn't have to again."

"I want to!"

Angela was baffled by Olivia's outburst. "Why? Why risk so much for me?" asked a confused Angela.

"Because someone should!" declared Olivia. "You were kidnapped, then stranded halfway across the world, and nobody seems to care. Well I care!"

"Why? I'm just a monster."

"No! No you're not. Stop saying that. I don't care what your master or anyone told you, you're not a monster," dictated Olivia. "It doesn't matter if you're a demon, your actions make you who you are. If anything, you're a hero."

"But what about you? I don't want to spend the rest of my life knowing I may have ruined yours."

"I'll be fine. We'll probably be back before they even know it. If not, the worse they can do is fire me."


"Angela, if I gotta get kicked out of this superhero club to get you home, then so be it. I'll find something else to do and be happy knowing that you are better off for my lousy decision making.

"The important thing is you're happy. If you don't want to do this, we won't do it. We'll go right back inside and forget all about it. But don't pass up this chance because of me, I'll be fine." Olivia placed her hands on Angela's shoulders. "So, honestly, what do you want?"

Angela looked into her friend's eyes and saw the same resolve in them as she had heard in her words. "I... I wanna go home," confessed an almost tearful Angela.

"Then that's where you're going." Olivia moved her arm around Angela to pat her on the back, and Angela responded by wrapping her arms around Olivia. The pair tightly embraced each other.

"We go?" Olivia released Angela and looked over at Vyn, who was still sitting at the front of the ship.

"Yep," confirmed Olivia. "Angela, what's the name of your monastery?"

"Voronet," she answered.

"Right." Olivia tried to sit down, but found a stack of empty bottles and folded candy wrappers placed in the nearest seat. "Huh." Olivia collected her laptop and moved to the next nearest seat. "Okay, Voronet monastery. Let's see, I don't suppose they have a phone?"

"I'm not sure," answered Angela.

"Wait, I've got something here. Romanian travel guide for monasteries, apparently there's such a thing. Is this it?"

Angela looked at the screen. "Yes! That's it!" she said. "That's my home."

"Great, and there's a phone number here. Vyn, you ready?"

"Si." Vyn turned to the nearest control panel.

"Okay, I dial zero-one-one, then Romania's country code, then the area code, and then the phone number." Olivia finished dialing and raised the phone to her ear. "It's ringing." Vyn started fiddling with the console he was sitting at. "Still ringing. Whoever this is, they're probably asleep right now."

"I have coordinates," announced Vyn.

"Good, because no one is answering." Olivia pocketed her phone and the Annabara's door slid shut. A light hum filled the air as the ship lifted into the sky. Olivia looked out the cockpit window and watched the city shrink beneath them. "Wow," awed Olivia. "You're going to take us up really high, right? Where people can't see us."

"Yes," answered Vyn.

"And you know what you're doing? Right?"

"Yes," repeated Vyn.

"Um, are you just saying yes? Because you don't understand everything I'm telling you?"

"Yes," said Vyn without looking up.

"Oh God." Olivia watched as Vyn reached for a lever and the image of the window changed into a brilliant vista of moving lights. She stared deeply into those lights, unable to look away from the hypnotic display of radiant waves swimming past the ship, only for them to vanish as suddenly as they appeared. Olivia rubbed her eyes and saw that they were flying over a rural landscape now. The night sky had become an early dawn, and a grassy valley was stretched out below them.

"Is this it? Are we already there?" asked Olivia.

"Yes," answered Angela as she looked out the cockpit window. "Look. That's Gura Humorului below us." The demoness pointed to the small city not far in the distance. "I never thought I'd see it like this though."

"I land at point of signal," said Vyn as the ship started to descend.

"Wait, stop. Vyn, take us back up."

Vyn halted the descent. "Problem?" he asked.

"You can't just land in the middle of town... again. Let's find a place out of sight. Okay?"

"Oh, out of sight. Si," Vyn pivoted the ship in the direction of a wooded area on the outskirts of a distant village. "Out of sight?"

"That looks good. We can probably just walk into town from there. What do you think Angela?"

"I'm not sure. Everything looks so different from up here, and I rarely saw the area outside the monastery," confessed Angela. "But that definitely looks like Gura Humorului, so home can't be far from here."

"All right. Vyn. Remember the coordinates?" Olivia held out her phone. "Land, in the forest, closest to the coordinates." Olivia made sure to point to the wooded area beneath them, then back to her phone. "Understand?" Vyn processed everything Olivia said, then nodded.

He grabbed hold of the controls and the Annabara sank down towards a small forest. Spotting a narrow gap in the trees, Vyn carefully maneuvered the ship into the clearing.

As they descended, the sounds of branches scraping across the hull of the ship echoed throughout the fuselage. An uneasy cracking sound filled the air as the vehicle inched towards the forest floor. The cabin shuddered briefly, then the engines went quiet as Vyn released his grip on the controls.

"Okay to go," announced Vyn as he pressed a button to open the door.

"Finally," said a relieved Olivia as she headed for the exit. "To be honest, I was getting a little worried. Flying around in—ahh!" Olivia dropped out of sight as she passed through the door.

"Olivia!" Angela ran to the door and looked outside. Olivia was lying on the forest floor, which was about five feet lower than where the ship's door was. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just fine," she grumbled as she picked herself up. Angela leapt out of the vehicle and landed next to Olivia. Looking up, it became apparent that the ship didn't land so much as get stuck. The Annabara's wings had become wedged between nearly a half dozen trees.

Vyn poked his head out the door and examined his surrounding. "Oops."

"Yeah, didn't quite stick the landing there," joked Olivia.

"Are you hurt?" asked Angela.

"I'm all right," assured Olivia. "Vyn?" Vyn landed on the ground next to Olivia. "Coordinates?" Olivia pointed to her phone again, prompting Vyn to turn towards a spot in the woods and point.

"Signal that way."

"All right. Good thing we left when we did, it's almost day here already. I guess we should get going. Vyn, stay here and—"

"Stay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just stay here." Olivia pointed to the ground.

"I not come?" asked Vyn.

"Well." Vyn peered up at Olivia, his large amber eyes quivering in disappointment. "All right, you can come," said Olivia. "But stay close. Got it?" Vyn nodded excitingly, then pressed a button on his key device to close the ship's door. He then moved away from the ship and motioned for Angela and Olivia to follow.

"Stand back." Olivia and Angela took a step back while Vyn fiddled with his key. He pressed a button and the massive orbs on the Annabara's wings started glowing bright blue as an unseen force pulled the group towards the ship. The trio edged away as leaves, broken branches, and other loose foliage were pulled onto the ship's exterior.

Gradually, pieces of the forest began blanketing the Annabara, covering it with a layer of leaves and broken sticks. Vyn pressed another button and the gravitational pull ceased, leaving the ship partially camouflaged by greenery.

"Out of sight," announced Vyn.

"Yeah, good thinking," remarked a dubious Olivia. "Let's go." The trio set off through the woods. The forest was quiet, almost serene. The light of the morning sun was streaming in through the treetops, as if it was guiding the group forward. As they walked, Angela looked back at Vyn, who struggled to keep up with her and Olivia's modest pace.

"Where did Vyn come from?" Angela asked Olivia.

"He came from... well, it's kinda complicated," answered Olivia. "Let's just say he's a stranger from a faraway land, like you."

Vyn stumbled in place. "Wait," he pleaded between deep breaths.

"The gravity getting to you?" Vyn nodded to Olivia.

"Si. Maybe I fly?" Olivia walked over to Vyn and easily lifted him into her arms.

"This any better?" Vyn looked up at Olivia.

"Strong," he commented.

"Yeah." The group continued onward, eventually exiting the forest and entering a grassy meadow. They looked out on a rustic village nestled in a long verdant valley that spanned the landscape, the sunrise bathing everything it touched in a natural warm glow.

"Ohh, beautiful," awed Vyn.

"Yeah," agreed an astonished Olivia. "I don't know why, but I always figured you lived on some desolate mountain top, but this place is more like the Shire." Olivia searched for any sign of the monastery. "Angela, any of this look familiar?"

Angela carefully scanned the area for any familiar landmarks. "There," she pointed to a walled off cathedral in the distance. "I think that's it."

"All right, let's get going. Long walk ahead of us." Olivia looked down at Vyn. "Most of us." Vyn smiled at Olivia while Angela adjusted her cloak.

The company kept a relatively brisk pace, finding a paved road before long. Angela studied the quaint houses lining the side of the road and the rolling hills leading up to the edges of the valley. She had lived here her entire life, but she'd never been allowed to simply explore her homeland as she was now. It felt like she was discovering it for the first time.

The demoness felt a strange urge just to stop and enjoy her surroundings, if just for a moment. But then she noticed a familiar steeple in the distance and started to run ahead of the group. Angela sprinted through an empty intersection, past a few small houses and straight up to a large gray stone wall. She placed her hands on the surface, feeling the familiar rock.

"Angela!" called Olivia. "Wait! I'm carrying a gravitationally challenged alien." Olivia set Vyn down, then moved beside Angela. "Is this the place?" Angela didn't answer. Instead, she just stared up at the top of the wall. "I guess we should look for a way—wait Angela!" Without warning, Angela leapt up, grabbed the top of the wall and climbed inside.

"Dammit!" Olivia took a step back, then leapt up at the wall. She swung her hand towards the top of the enclosure, only to discover she hadn't jumped nearly high enough. Instead, her fingertips collided with the wall, puncturing the stone. "Oh crap."

Olivia tried to let go of the wall, but her fingers had become embedded in the concrete, causing her to hang comically from her fingertips. A quick tug with her free hand and Olivia dislodged her fingers, bringing herself and a few bits of stone tumbling down to the ground. Looking up at the wall, Olivia couldn't stop herself from grimacing at the small holes she had just added to it.

"I hope these people have insurance." Studying the holes she had just made, Olivia found the answer to her dilemma. "Vyn, stay here, I'll be right back."

Olivia jumped up and grabbed hold of the holes she created, then pulled herself up and drove her fingers directly into the concrete again, creating another handhold. Olivia then managed to pull herself up to the top of the wall without further damaging it. She hopped over the wall and landed in a courtyard, where she found Angela staring up at the church in front of her.

"Angela," called Olivia. "Are you okay?" Before she could answer, Vyn's ghostly visage approached her. A startled Angela backed away as Vyn changed back into his more familiar appearance. Angela stared at Vyn for a moment, utterly shocked at what just happened, then looked at Olivia.

"Yeah, he does that," said Olivia. "I thought I told you to stay put."

"Si. Stay here." Vyn pointed at Olivia.

"That's not what I meant." Vyn moved past Olivia and approached the side of the church.

"Vyn, are you even..."

Looking past Vyn, Olivia saw a massive and intricate fresco stretched out before her in every direction. Rows of hallowed figures forced people and beasts over a river of fire to a scorched land. Above that, lines of noblemen surrounded an empty throne looked down upon by the chorus of holy figures in the row above them. And at the very top, an image of God surrounded by the animals of the Earth and bookended between watchful angels. The entire piece had to be over twenty feet tall and was painted against a wall that was the most striking shade of cerulean that Olivia had ever seen.

"Beautiful," uttered Vyn.

"The Last Judgment," informed Angela. "My master used to tell me if I didn't do what he and the nuns said, I was doomed to Hell, like the beast at the bottom of the painting." Angela pointed to the tortured multi-headed creature being consumed by the river of fire emanating from a divine being seated on a throne. Looking at Angela, Olivia noticed she was distressed, the initial excitement of returning home was nowhere to be found on her face.

"You're sure this is what you want?" asked Olivia.

"This is where I belong," reasoned Angela.

"But is it what you want?" repeated Olivia. "Honestly?"

"I..." Angela didn't know how to answer that.

"Cine esti?" Looking aside, the group noticed a nun with fine silver hair and dark green eyes approaching them. "Ce faci aici?" she said.

"Mama Nica?" answered Angela.

"Miracol?" The elderly woman approached Angela. Slowly she drew the demoness's hood back, revealing her face. "Miracol!" The nun threw her arms around Angela in a great big hug. "God has returned you to us!"

"Yes, Mama Nica, I have returned," smiled Angela as she hugged the nun. "Thanks to my friends." Angela motioned to Olivia and Vyn.

"You brought our miracle back to us?" asked a gracious Nica.

"Well, yeah, I guess we did," said Olivia.

"Thank you!" Nica shook Olivia's hand, then turned to Vyn.

"Vyn Lon." He extended his hand to Nica, who gratefully shook it.

"Thank you," she told Vyn.

"Is Master awake? I imagine he must be very angry with me." Nica's face dropped at the mention of Angela's master.

"Mister MacMillan is not here," answered an uneasy Nica.

"Oh. I suppose I'll speak to him when he returns."

"What do you remember of the night you left us?"

"Nothing. I fell asleep in my bed and awoke trapped in a crate. I broke free and found myself in a different part of the world."

"That's when we found her," added Olivia.

"Why do you ask?" said Angela.

"Mister MacMillan has toiled day and night to find your abductors since you disappeared. I have never seen him so distressed," explained Nica.

"I should go to him then. He need not search any longer."

"Well, that's a problem." Nica cleared her throat. "He said he was going after the Spirlea brothers; the ones who sometimes visited the church. He thinks they were responsible for your disappearance."

"And he hasn't come back?"

Nica nodded. "That was two days ago," she added.

"Do you know where to find the Spirlea brothers?" asked Angela.

"Yes, Master MacMillan told me in case he didn't come back."

"He hasn't come back, so we must go to him then," concluded Angela.

"Please, you're home now. I'm sure Mister MacMillan will return. This isn't the first time he's run off on some personal crusade. I'm sure he's fine."

"Then there's no harm in asking these brothers about his whereabouts," reasoned Angela.

"But if Mister MacMillan was right, they could be dangerous."

"Which means Master could be in danger," concluded Angela. "All the more reason we should see these brothers."

"Please dear, I don't want to risk losing you, again," confessed Nica.

"I'll go," suggested Olivia. "You can take me there, and we can ask them if they've seen him. Then we'll come back."

"I don't know if that's wise. If they really did take Angela, they must be capable of terrible things," assumed Nica.

"If that's true, then somebody needs to stop them." Olivia eyed a small rock sitting near her feet. She picked it up off the ground and crushed it into gravel with her bare hand, feeling a surge of confidence as she did. "And stopping bad guys is my job."

"Your job?" asked a stunned Nica.

"I'm a superhero," smirked Olivia. "I think we'll be okay."

Nica sighed. "We ask them if they saw Mister MacMillan, then we leave." Nica turned to Angela. "And you stay here. Understand?" Angela nodded.

"Vyn. Stay with Angela until I get back." Olivia pointed at Vyn, then pointed at Angela. "Understand?" Vyn nodded. "Great. Angela, maybe you can show him around while we're out."

"We should be back before the monastery opens. If we don't return by noon, tell sister Miklos to call the police. Tell her Mister MacMillan and I went to visit the Spirlea brothers. Understand?"

"I do," nodded Angela.

"Pray for our safe return," instructed Nica.

"I will."

Nica motioned to Olivia, and the pair moved through courtyard until they reached a large wooden door embedded in the wall. Nica unlocked the entrance and stepped outside. Olivia looked at the nearby parking lot while Nica locked the door, noting it was empty except for a single rusted pickup truck.

"Come." Nica led Olivia to the truck.

"How far are these brothers?" asked Olivia.

"Not far. Mister MacMillan even left his truck since he wanted to walk." Nica sat down in the driver's seat.

"Angela's master lives here?" asked Olivia as Nica started the engine.

"Yes, we made up a room for him and the demon a long time ago, away from the tourists of course." Nica pressed down on the gas and pulled onto the road. Olivia watched as they drove through the rustic neighborhood surrounding the church.

"So, how long have you known Angela?" asked Olivia.

"Who?" answered Nica.

"The demon. Angela is the name I gave her."

"Angela? You named her?"

"Yeah. I guess I wasn't supposed to do that."

"Mister MacMillan said giving a demon a name empowers them."


"But, I won't tell if you don't," smiled Nica.

"Thanks." Olivia couldn't stop herself from smirking at Nica. "So how long have you known her?"

"I was there the night of the ritual."


"The demon, Angela, was born from an occult ritual performed decades ago."


"Yes, I'd never forget that terrible night. Horrible men in black cloaks forced their way into the monastery and took us hostage, all so they could practice their pagan ways." Nica bit her lip, trying to hold back the swell of emotions. "They killed a man... and one of my sisters, just for their ritual."

"I'm sorry, I had no idea."

"After Mister MacMillan rid the church of those horrible people, we found her."


"Yes. MacMillan said it was a monster, but I just heard a baby crying for a mother. He wanted to kill her, but I..." Nica trailed off.

"You didn't let him," finished Olivia.

"He said the day would come when I would regret sparing her. A day when she would turn on us. And he said when the day came, he wouldn't hesitate to end her life."

"Is that why Angela is so worried about her master? Because he'll kill her if she doesn't obey him?" accused Olivia in a harsh tone.

"Do not think ill of him. He's had a hard life and he helped us in our darkest hour. He's stayed with us to protect us."

"From Angela? Is that's why he whips her and cuts holes in her wings?"

"You care about her? Don't you?"

"Well, yeah. She's..."

"Special?" finished Nica. "Did she show you her gift?"

"You mean how she can heal people?"

"Amazing isn't it? Ever since she discovered that talent, I was certain she was a gift from God, not the Devil. Our very own miracle."

"But her master doesn't feel that way."

"No, but I think he'll be glad to see her just the same." Nica slowed the truck to a stop in front of an old farmhouse. The paint was a faded brown, the roof worn and unkempt, the front porch in dire need of repair. Behind the house was a dilapidated barn that appeared ready to cave in on itself. Olivia stepped out of the truck as Nica shut off the engine.

"What do you know about these brothers?" asked Olivia as Nica got out of the vehicle.

"Not much. They've been in the monastery a few times. They once acted like the youngest was sick so I'd take them to the demon for help." Nica headed up the steps to the front door.

"So they know about Angela?"

"Yes, but that was a couple of years ago. I think they were just curious. We try to keep quiet about her staying at the church, but this is a small town and people talk." While Nica knocked on the door, Olivia glimpsed at the barn behind the house. Something about how derelict it was piqued Olivia's curiosity, but the sound of someone opening the front door drew her back to the business at hand.

"Buna." Standing at the door was a small teenage boy with messy dark hair. He looked half asleep and wore a yellow fanny pack around his waist.

"Buna. Sunt frati casa ta?" The boy nodded in response to what Nica said and motioned for her to come in.

"Felix! Virgil!" called the boy as Olivia stepped inside. Studying the room, Olivia noticed a pair of bookshelves pressed against the wall near a dusty brown sofa and an old box television across from that. The floor was littered with books, clothing, and dirt. Looking up from the floor, Olivia saw a pair of young men enter; one short and trim, the other tall and stout.

"What's going on?" asked the short one.

"Ei doresc sa vorbeasca cu tine," said the youngest boy.

"What? Felix, what did he say?" asked the shorter man.

"He said they want to talk to us," answered the taller one.

"When are you going to teach Anton English?" complained the short one.

"You know, Virgil, it would probably just be easier if you let me teach you some Romanian already," retorted Felix.

"So you keep telling me," the shorter brother collapsed on the sofa.

"We're looking for someone," said Nica.

"We haven't seen him," grumbled Virgil from the sofa.

"Just ignore him," suggested Felix. "You were saying?" Olivia wandered over to the bookshelf. She read titles off some of the books' spines quietly in her head; Grimorium Verum, La-Bas, Picatrix. The only one she recognized was Paradise Lost.

"He's an elderly man with a gray beard, about your height," said Nica.

Olivia noticed the shorter brother was staring at her and flashing a creepy grin. Feeling the man's uncomfortable gaze on her, Olivia decided to move out of the living room and into the kitchen.

"And you said his name was Gavin MacMillan?" The kitchen was an even bigger mess than the living room. The sink was full of cracked dishes and filthy flatware. The counter was covered in half eaten boxes of food and empty bags. It was becoming apparent to Olivia these brothers lived alone.

"If you do see him, can you give him a message?" Olivia thought about returning to Nica, but then she noticed the half-open kitchen door leading outside. Through it, she could see the rugged barn just beyond.

"Just tell him, we found what he was looking for. It's back at the church and he should come back as well." Olivia stepped outside and headed for the barn. She could hear Felix saying something else to Nica in the distance, but couldn't make out the words.

Olivia walked over to the edge of the barn. The big door on the front looked ready to fall off, and the hinges squeaked horribly as she pulled it open. Inside, she found the barn was even more of a wreck than the outside led her to believe. Huge portions of the ceiling were missing, the back was filled with rotted timber, and the whole building seemed to be leaning slightly to the left.

Olivia was ready to leave, but as she turned back to the entrance, she spotted a pair of boots sticking out from under a tarp. Curious, she tugged on one of the boots and realized someone was still wearing it. Olivia quickly flung the tarp aside and discovered an elderly bearded man underneath. His hands and ankles had been tied and his mouth gagged with a rag. He turned his head and blinked his eyes a few times, appearing utterly disoriented. Leaning down to untie him, the man noticed Olivia and mumbled something through his gag.

"Hang on." Olivia pulled the rag out.

"Behind you!" Olivia spun around to find the youngest brother, Anton, standing in the door. His eyes met Olivia's and he panicked. Olivia pounced and grabbed the boy's arm before he could flee.

"Your brothers have some explaining to do." The boy scooped some powder out of his fanny pack and hurled it into Olivia's face.

"Somnum!" yelled the boy as Olivia's grip on the boy's arm loosened. Anton darted away as Olivia felt her head grow heavy. She lurched forward a few steps, then fell to her knees. Looking up, she saw the other brothers dragging a terrified Nica into the yard by her wrists, then everything went black.

*   *   *

Olivia opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry, but she could see she was in the wrecked barn. She tried to stand up, only to find her hands and feet had been tied together. The young woman struggled to break her bonds, but only managed to fall on her side.

"I wouldn't bother," spoke a gruff voice. "The little one's powdered magic crap will leave you feeling like limp shite for a while." Olivia turned her head and noticed the elderly man from before lying across from her.

"Magic?" mumbled Olivia.

"Or some kind of arcane concoction or dark art or forbidden alchemy or some other ancient sorcery. The young one and the fat one seem to know enough about that kind of nonsense to make what got thrown in your face. I don't know how any of this stuff works. I just know anyone who does is usually up to no good," rambled the old man.

"Lemme guess. You're Master MacMillan?"

"Who the hell wants to know?" he retorted.

"The person who found your demon," mumbled Olivia.

"So what those rotten Spirlea brothers said is true? She returned to the monastery?"

"Yeah, it's true. I brought her back."

"And who the hell are you?"

"I'm Olivia Rivera. I'm a superhero."

"Oh, that so? Well, I guess I should stop worrying then. Obviously I'm in good hands now." Olivia thrashed against her restraints again, but couldn't summon enough strength to break them. "I told ya not to bother. Even if you were a superhero, the wee one's trick tends to leave you drained for a bit."

"How long was I out?" asked Olivia.

"I don't know, an hour or longer, or not. Hard to keep track of time when you're tied up in a mangy barn."

"Where'd the brothers go?"

"The older one took your phone and called someone, then they went into the house. After a while I heard what sounded like my truck heading away. I think they went back to the monastery."

"The monastery? Why would they go there?"

"Well they didn't exactly spell out their plan to me like they do in the movies! But from the bits I picked up, it sounds like they want to trade us for the demon."

"Trade us?"

"Aye, our lives for hers. I know Mother Nica would nary accept such a wicked deal, but I'm not sure about the demon. If she's smart, she'll leave us to rot."

"Don't count on it. Despite how you treated her, she still wanted to come back here."

"Did she?" asked MacMillan, sounding surprised.


"Never would've seen that coming." Olivia managed to sit up enough to face MacMillan.

"What do these people want with her?"

"That's what I came here to find out. Before that little bastard threw an armful of that shite in my face, I did manage to scare a few details out of his brothers."

"Like what?"

"Like they're just working as middlemen."

"What? You mean they're planning on selling her or something?"

"Aye. At first I thought they wanted her for different reasons, what with them dabbling in the dark arts like they've been doing. But after a bit of persuasion, they told me they were trading her off to someone else for their own gain."


"That I don't know. Mother Nica lets the demon heal so many visitors it could be any one of hundreds of people who've passed through over the years. But good people typically don't deal in demon trafficking. Luckily they never got their reward, which means they never delivered her."

"Probably because my group found her after she escaped."

"Well, you picked the worst possible time to bring her back. Had you been a few days earlier, or later even, we could have avoided all of this," griped MacMillan.

"Don't blame me, I wanted—"

MacMillan made a shushing noise. "They're back." Listening carefully, Olivia heard a car engine idling in the distance. The pair sat quietly as they heard cars doors slam, then fast approaching footsteps. Without warning, the door was flung open and standing in the opening was the three Spirlea brothers, with Angela right behind them.

"Here they are, just like we promised," said Virgil.

"Master! Olivia!" exclaimed Angela.

"You fool! What do you think you're doing?" barked MacMillan.

"She's saving your lives. Isn't that right?" said Virgil in a smug voice. "You come with us and they'll go free."

"Don't you even think of it!" ordered MacMillan. "Run away! Run back to the monastery! That's an order from your master!"

"But... you and Olivia... I..."

"Angela," said Olivia. "Hold that thought." Her drowsiness gone now, Olivia summoned all of her strength and broke free from her bonds.

"What the hell!" Olivia tore the ropes off her feet as Virgil charged at her. He tried pinning Olivia to the ground, only to be hurled backwards. The young woman leapt to her feet and rushed forward. Anton reached into his pack, but Olivia grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him off the ground, causing his powder to spill onto the dirt.

Felix tied something to Olivia's free hand, which immediately found its way to the man's throat. Olivia looked at the small chain Felix had attached to her wrist, then looked at Felix himself. He tried to say something, but only could mumble through Olivia's death grip.

"What's that?" quipped Olivia as she loosened her grip.

"Dolorem." Olivia felt a sudden shooting pain coming from her wrist. It was so sudden and so severe that Olivia hastily released Felix so she could remove the chain. But the moment she moved her hand, horrible stabbing pains started running all the way down her arm.

"I call it a pain chain," informed Felix.

"You bastard—ahh!" Olivia collapsed to her knees. When she spoke her face felt like it was on fire, and her legs felt as if they were ready to shatter under some massive unseen weight bearing down on them.

"It responds to movement, so I'd recommend holding still." Olivia tried to crawl towards Felix, but every gesture brought about more agony. Olivia gritted her teeth and tried to endure the torture, but it was too much and she crumpled to the ground.

"Stop this!" pleaded Angela.

"Sure, as soon as the four of us are safely on our way," said Virgil as he rejoined the group. "Then we can call your friend at the church and tell her how to take that thing off. Right Felix?"

"Oh, easily. You'd be surprised how simple it is once you know the trick." Angela ignored Felix and tried to pull the chain off Olivia, only to discover it felt searing hot. Angela grabbed it again, trying to break it off before the pain overwhelmed her, but the harder she pulled the more it hurt.

"That won't do any good," teased Felix as Angela was forced to release the chain.

"Let her go, please," begged Angela.

"Only once we're all in the air." Angela looked down at Olivia, who was writhing in pain, then looked over to the haggard and malnourished Master MacMillan.

"I... I'll come with you," conceded a reluctant Angela.

"You cannot do this!" ordered MacMillan. "Whatever they plan to do with you will be far worse than what will become of us."

"You've always told me to do no harm," Angela said to her master. "If this is the only way I can prevent further harm to the people I care about, then so be it."

"It's not," Olivia groaned in pained. "You're stronger than them. You can fight them." Stirred by Olivia's words, Angela glared at the brothers. Her gaze seemed to strike terror into the young men's hearts. Slowly she rose to confront them, stepping forward as the brothers stepped backwards.

"You can't remove that chain without my help." Angela glared at Felix, who was clearly terrified. Part of her figured Felix would help her if she forced him to, but looking back to Olivia made her realize if he didn't, Olivia would continue to suffer. The tense stare down was interrupted by a ringing phone, which Virgil answered very slowly as Angela stared at him.

"Our sponsor works quickly, there's a helicopter ready and waiting for us down the road. What's it going to be, demon?"

"I..." Angela sighed to herself. "I'll cooperate," she said as she moved towards the brothers. "And once we've left, I expect to hear their voices over that phone," Angela told Virgil in a cold voice. "And if I don't, I won't continue to cooperate." The brothers watched Angela don her hood and exit the barn.

"I guess we're at an agreement," said Felix with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, right. I'd feel better if we could just put her to sleep again, like last time," mumbled Virgil and he looked at Anton. The youngest brother was desperately trying to scoop the spilled powder off the ground, but with no success.

"A uita," Felix said to Anton. "I don't think it would help. It wasn't enough to keep her out last time. Besides, we have leverage this time."

"You bastards won't get away with this. I'll track you down no matter where you run!" threatened MacMillan.

"Not likely, we're getting out of this shitty country, and we're not coming back. Later old man, pretty young thing." Virgil flashed Olivia a devious smile and left with his brothers. With their captors gone, Olivia tried pulling on the chain again, but the pain was overwhelming.

"Do something," pleaded Olivia.

"Like what?" asked MacMillan, defeat hanging in his voice. "I could no more save her than I could save Ina or Ian or even myself. Goddamn failure. Story of my life."

Olivia sighed as she listened to the man resign himself to their fate. Seeing no options herself, Olivia did her best not to move, as even breathing caused great discomfort. As she lay there, all Olivia could think about was Angela, and how this attempt to help her had doomed her instead.

"Olivia?" Though it pained her to do so, Olivia tilted her head up to see who was there.

"Vyn? What are you doing here?" Olivia winced from the pain brought on by speaking.

"Stay with Angela until Olivia get back," he answered. "I fly after her to here. Out of sight. Then see Olivia." A brief moment of silence followed Vyn's explanation.

"Who the fuck is this?" babbled MacMillan.

"Vyn Lon." Vyn approached MacMillan with his hand outstretched.

"Vyn listen!" commanded Olivia. "I need you to pull this chain off me." Olivia moaned in pain as she extended her arm towards Vyn.

"Okay." Vyn knelt down and looked at the small chain wrapped around Olivia's wrist. He noticed one of the links was a clasp that could be undone. He reached for it, but pulled his hand back the second he touched it.

"Hurt," said Vyn as he rubbed his hand.

"I know," groaned Olivia as she tried to think of a solution.

"Well if you're on our side, come untie me," demanded MacMillan.

"Wait!" exclaimed Olivia. "Vyn, remember the cane? Charles's cane?" Vyn thought to himself for a moment.

"Yes," he answered.

"Do that with the chain. Okay? Try to take the chain with you." Hearing the anguish in her voice, Vyn tried to grab the chain again, but couldn't hold on to it.

"Not touch. Hurt too much," he said.

"Please, Vyn. You have to get this thing off me." Vyn saw the torment in Olivia's eyes as tears strolled down her cheeks. Overwhelmed by the sight of Olivia suffering, Vyn placed his hands directly over the chain and readied himself. In a sudden quick motion, he wrapped his fingers around the chain, transformed into a luminous being, then immediately changed back and fell over backwards.

Olivia turned her head and saw Vyn lying on the ground. Sitting up, Olivia let out a nervous laugh when she realized her pain was gone. Quickly she crawled over to Vyn, who still hadn't moved from where he had fallen. Next to his hand was the chain.

"Vyn? Are you okay? Say something."

"Something," sang a woozy Vyn.

"I'm guessing that means you're okay," smiled Olivia.

"Hey!" called MacMillan. "Little help?" Olivia untied MacMillan, who wasted no time in sprinting out of the barn.

"Wait!" Olivia raced after MacMillan, following him out of the barn, past the side of the house and into the street. "Where are you going?"

"They mentioned a helicopter, there's a helipad south from here, right off the road." MacMillan started charging down the road as fast as he could.

"How far is it?" asked Olivia as she chased after MacMillan.

"About a mile or so," he answered without slowing down.

"A mile?" Olivia groaned in response to that information. She struggled to keep up with MacMillan, who maintained a startlingly fierce pace. As they ran, Olivia scanned the immediate area for incoming cars or anything that could speed up their pursuit, but the road was empty except for a bright white light in the distance. As Olivia tried to focus on the faraway object, it started zooming towards her with surprising speed. Seeing it grow closer, Olivia realized it was Vyn who was approaching. He changed forms and landed beside Olivia.

"Where we go?" asked Vyn.

"After Angela." Olivia took Vyn by the hand and started running again. Vyn was only able to keep up for a few seconds before Olivia felt his hand disappear from her grasp. Looking over her shoulder, Olivia watched Vyn change forms again and quickly fly to her side.

"Wait." Olivia skidded to a stop, prompting Vyn to stop and shift forms again.

"Problem?" asked Vyn.

"Vyn, you can make it there faster than us. I want you to fly down this road until you see a helicopter."


"A ship, like the Annabara. Fly as fast as you can. Follow the road. Find a ship, like the Annabara. Understand?"

"Yes. Find ship, on road, fast."

"Stop those brothers and bring Angela back. Understand?" Vyn seemed bewildered by this order. "Understand?" repeated Olivia.

"Stop brothers?"

"Don't let them leave. Don't let them on a ship."

"How? How stop?"

"I don't know. Fight them or..." Olivia groaned as she tried to figure out what to do. She rubbed her head, unsure how to proceed; then it dawned on her. "Bring me with you."

"Bring you?"

"Like the cane, and the chain. Could you do it?" Vyn seemed reluctant to answer. "Could you?"

"Not know," he shrugged.

"Try." Olivia moved in close and put her arms around Vyn. "Remember. Fast as you can. Follow the road. Find the ship."

"Okay." Vyn held Olivia close, and the young woman watched as the surrounding area seemed to suddenly melt away into blurry shades of color. Her body felt strangely stiff but weightless, as if it wasn't her own anymore. Olivia tried to scream, but she couldn't. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't even close her eyes. All she could do was watch as the blurred mess that was the world flew past her with incredible speed. Something that may have been a person, possibly MacMillan, disappeared from view as quickly as it came. Everything moved so fast and looked so strange; Olivia could hardly make sense of it.

Instead, she just tried to focus on what looked like the road as it sped past her. She watched as buildings disappeared and patches of green grass began to surround the gray road. Olivia wanted nothing more than to tell Vyn to stop, but then something red and white caught Olivia's attention. Everything seemed to slow down and the object came into focus; it was a helicopter.

Just as Olivia wondered how to stop, she felt her body become her own again and tumbled onto the pavement. Standing up, everything seemed normal again and Vyn was standing over her.

"Ship?" Vyn pointed to a red and white helicopter parked on a nearby landing pad, a person in a brown cloak standing outside of it.

"Angela!" The cloaked figured started to turn just as a pair of hands pulled her into the helicopter. Olivia rushed towards the helipad as fast as her feet would carry her and leapt into the air, colliding with the helicopter's landing strut just as it lifted off the ground.

Her collision rocked the small helicopter, causing it to sway through the air. Olivia tried to pull herself up, but the swaying made it difficult to maintain her grip. She grasped the strut with all her might, and her fingers snapped right through the metal, causing Olivia to lose her grip and fall back to the ground.

"What was that?" asked Felix.

"It's that crazy girl from before," informed Virgil.

"Olivia!" realized Angela.

"How did she get my pain chain off?" asked Felix.

"Pula mea!" cried Anton as Angela moved toward the door.

"Hey, we had a deal. She went free and you come with us. Remember?" Angela tried to moved past Virgil but the spiteful brother punched Angela in the face. The angry demoness reeled back slightly, then directed a deathly glare at the foolish young man.

A frightened Virgil tried to lunge at Angela, but Angela tossed him aside with ease, causing him to collide with the other two brothers. The eager demoness slid the door open, causing a rush of air to enter the cabin. Angela looked down to see Olivia was still following them about thirty feet below.

Briefly Angela turned back to the brothers, all three clearly terrified of her. She grabbed hold of Virgil, who did nothing but cower in response this time. Angela examined the man closely, then thrust her claw towards him.

Virgil screamed and looked away, expecting a vicious attack, but it didn't come. Opening his eyes, Virgil found that Angela was rummaging through his pockets. She removed Olivia's phone, shoved Virgil backwards and went for the door. Angela readied herself to jump, but then felt a tug on her cloak.

"You're not leaving!" A desperate Virgil struggled with all his might, but for all his effort he only pulled back an empty cloak. Angela found herself instinctively spreading her wings as she fell through the air. Gracefully, the demoness descended from the sky and into Olivia's arms, who buckled under Angela's weight and fell backwards onto the ground.

"Olivia, are you all right?" said Angela as she helped the girl to her feet.

"Just fine," smiled Olivia as she brushed herself off. "I can't believe you just jumped out of a helicopter, or that I caught you."

"I saw you following from below and I just thought, jump."

"I don't think they'll be coming back," realized Olivia as she watched the helicopter fly away. "How'd you get away from those creeps?"

"I just remembered what you said. That I was stronger than them, and I could fight them. Also, I couldn't let them take this." Angela handed Olivia's phone back to its rightful owner.

"Completely forgot about that. Knowing Mr. Tetra, I'd have to pay him to replace it." Olivia pocketed the mobile.

"Where is Master? Is he all right?"

"Hey!" called MacMillan as he and Vyn approached the pair. "Demon! You escaped." MacMillan staggered to Angela's side, sweating profusely and breathing heavily as he slowed to a stop.

"Master? Are you hurt?"

"No, just... just give me a minute." MacMillan sat down and tried to regain his composure as he wiped the sweat off his face.

"Feel heavy?" Vyn asked MacMillan.


"He's wondering if the gravity is getting to you," Olivia's answer just caused MacMillan to shake his head.

"This has got to be the weirdest day of my life, and I'm really old, and fairly weird." MacMillan looked up at Angela and noticed the fine black gown she was wearing. "What the hell is that? Did you get that from those Spirlea brothers?"

"I bought it for her," answered Olivia.

"You? Why?"

"Angela liked it."

"Angela? You named her?"

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" Olivia crossed her arms.

"Oh whatever." MacMillan stood up. "Those bastards left my truck by the side of the road. Give the demon your jacket and we'll go back to the monastery. I'm starving and in desperate need of both a bath and a change of pants." Olivia lent her hoodie to Angela so she could conceal her face and the group piled into MacMillan's truck.

They returned to Voronet Monastery without incident and were greeted by a relieved Mother Nica. She prepared the group something to eat while MacMillan excused himself to go change and bathe. While they waited, the company found a secluded spot in the courtyard to rest for a while.

"I am sorry that you suffered because of me," apologized Angela.

"We didn't suffer because of you, we suffered because of those creepy brothers," said Olivia. "You need to stop apologizing for things that aren't your fault."

"I'm sorry... um, well..."

"I know what you mean," reassured Olivia.

"So exciting," proclaimed Vyn.

"Vyn had fun," smiled Olivia.

"Thank you again, Vyn," said Angela. "Like Olivia, you've done a great deal for me despite just meeting me." Mother Nica approached the group. She sat down with them, laying out a basket containing several apples, slices of bread, a jar filled with a red substance, and a small wheel of cheese.

"You all must be hungry," said Nica as she unscrewed the jar.

"Ohh, feast," said Vyn as he eyed the basket.

"Eat as much as you like. It's the least I can do after what you did today." Nica pulled a small butter knife out of the basket.

"What kind of jam is that?" Olivia pointed to the jar.

"Not jam, zacusca. Try it." Nica handed Olivia a piece of bread covered in the substance. She took a bite and found not a sweet taste, but a slightly spicy one.

"I try! I try!" Olivia handed the bread to an exuberant Vyn, whose eyes lit up for a moment upon biting into the snack. Vyn seemed to pause briefly, as if he were savoring the treat, then proceeded to gobble the bread with haste.

"Thank the Lord this ordeal is over," spoke Nica. "I never would have thought those Spirlea children could do such horrible things. Kidnap you and Mister MacMillan, then tell me they'd kill you if I didn't take them to the demon." Nica paused to take a breath, trying to calm herself.

"I'm sorry Mama Nica. It's my..." Angela paused as she considered her words. "I'm sorry for what they did but you need not fear their return, I will not allow them to bring harm here again. As Olivia has helped me realize, I am stronger than them, so I can and will defend Voronet."

"I appreciate that my child. But I don't think that will be necessary."

"It would be no trouble," assured Angela. "And now that I'm here, it's one more thing I can do for you and the monastery."

"You could do that. But I imagine you could do that other places as well."

"Other places? Mama Nica, I don't understand."

"I've been thinking a lot about why you were taken from us."

"Angela's master said those brothers were planning to sell Angela to someone," said Olivia. "But he didn't know who."

"That's troublesome, but I wasn't talking about the Spirlea brothers."

"Then who?" asked Angela.

"I think God took you from here," said Nica. "Because you are more needed elsewhere."

"You don't want me here anymore?"

"My child, you'll always be welcome here. But I don't think you're meant to spend your life inside these walls. You've grown, and there's a big world waiting out there for you. It's as obvious as the clothing you wear and the friends you made. You've too much to offer to be kept caged here forever."

"But what of Master? He would never—"

"I'd never what?" Before anyone could answer, MacMillan grabbed an apple from the basket and began devouring it.

"Mister MacMillan, I was just telling Angela how I think she should leave with our friends here, instead of staying."

"What?" mumbled MacMillan as he spat out pieces of chewed apple. "Did you tell her to say that?" MacMillan asked Angela.

"She didn't," answered Nica. "I feel she was taken from us for a reason."

"Don't be starting that again." MacMillan rubbed his forehead, seemingly at a loss, then turned to Angela. "Is this what you want?"

"I'm not sure," admitted Angela. "For so long, I wanted nothing more than to come home. But now that I'm here..." Angela looked at Olivia and Vyn. "Now that I'm here, I can't stop thinking about what's out there."

"Is that so?" asked MacMillan. "What if I forbade you from leaving, what would you say then?"

"You can't—" Angela motioned for Olivia to stop.

"I'd stay here, like I was asked to."

"You would, wouldn't you?" MacMillan sighed and scratched his head. "Demon, you know why I've stayed here with you for all this time?"

"To protect people from me."

"Aye, I did, had to be sure you'd do no evil. But, truth be told, the last couple years, I haven't felt like I was protecting people from you. I felt like I've been protecting you from them."

"I don't understand."

"If you wanted to escape or attack one of us, you'd done it years ago. Hell, you get taken to the other side of the planet and you still came back to us. I always thought once you got big enough, you'd realize I couldn't stop you and just turn on us, but you never did.

"Once you discovered how to heal others, I started thinking more about what would happen if the wrong person found out about you. I know I was hard on ya, but there're people out there who'd done worse to ya, much worse. Believe me."

"I see. Then I must thank you for protecting me."

"Thank me? I failed you, repeatedly." MacMillan let out a weak moan. "I knew I was getting too old to stop you, but I didn't think I was too old to stop some dumb arse kids from doing something stupid."

"Please don't say that Master. You're not—"

"I am," stated MacMillan. "I couldn't stop those Spirlea brothers from taking you from me, I couldn't protect myself when I confronted them, and I couldn't get you back from them. I'd probably be dead now if not for those two." MacMillan gestured towards Vyn and Olivia. "Truth be told; you'd probably be better off with them than with me."

"Does that mean, you want me to leave?"

"Demon, err... Angela is it?" Angela nodded. "I want you to make up your own mind." Angela considered everything her master said. She looked at Nica, the closest thing to a mother she had, and the old woman merely smiled in response. Then Angela looked at Olivia and Vyn, noting the faint anticipation on the former's face, and the zacusca slathered on the latter's. Angela then turned to her master, who seemed to be awaiting her response with a sense of quiet resignation.



"I'd like to leave here with my friends, with your blessing."

"You have it," answered MacMillan without hesitation. "But before you leave, there's something you need."


"A proper name. Angela is a fine first name, but you need a last one too."

"Perhaps I could take yours," suggested Angela.

"God no. I've been stuck with it for over seventy years and I still don't like it," joked MacMillan. "You need something to call your own."

"I have a suggestion," said Nica. "Goodspeed. The name that means—"

"God speed," said Angela. "To wish someone a prosperous journey."

"Angela Goodspeed?" said Olivia.

"It has a nice ring to it. Whatta ya think?" MacMillan asked Angela.

"I like it," she answered.

"Then God speed, Goodspeed." The group ate their meal and talked for a while longer before saying their goodbyes. After Angela had packed a few things from the monastery, MacMillan drove the group out near the forest where they had arrived and Angela said a final goodbye to her master. Vyn used his ship's key to locate the Annabara and flew on ahead into the forest while Angela and Olivia followed on foot.

"I can't thank you enough for everything you and Vyn have done for me," professed Angela. "I don't think I've ever felt like this, so nervous and excited all at once."

"I'm glad you're excited." Olivia smiled at Angela, but then looked away in distress. "I just remembered. If you go back, you'll be sent to the Order."

"What does that mean?" asked Angela.

"I don't know. The Investor said they'd probably help you, but they might study you or lock you up or something. Maybe we should go back. You—"

"Olivia," said Angela. "I have faith your Order will show me the same kindness you and your friends have shown me."

"But we can't be sure of that. Are you sure you want to risk it?"

"You've taken several risks to help me. I'm more than willing to take one myself. I imagine it's something I'll have to do often now," assured Angela with a smile. "I was hoping to ask them if I could become a hero, like you."

Olivia looked at Angela in surprise. The demoness seemed to carry herself completely differently now. Her stride beamed confidence with every step and Angela held her head up high, her bright orange eyes burning with anticipation.

"Is that an unreasonable request?" asked Angela. "For me to be a hero?"

"I... honestly don't know. All I know is the Order recruits people with superpowers. Other than that, I'm not sure."

"I suppose I'll find out." Angela's eager tone caused Olivia to smirk, and the pair pushed deeper into the woods.

"What is that?" asked Olivia, noticing the bag on Angela's back.

"My possessions. A Bible I've had since I was young, a rosary Mama Nica made for me, and some books Master gave me."

"What kind of books?"

"Here, take a look." Angela pulled a book out from her bag and handed it to Olivia. The title read 'The Sandman', and as Olivia flipped through the pages she realized it was a comic book, and a very unusual one.

"I like to read them before bed because my dreams are better when I do."

"Your master gave you these?" asked Olivia as she placed the comic back into Angela's bag, noticing several more inside.

"A few years ago. He said they used to belong to his son."

"His son?" Olivia remembered MacMillan said something about not saving someone named Ian.

"I never met him. But Master said his son didn't need the books anymore so I could have them."

"That... that was very generous of him." Olivia found herself sincerely believing that, realizing what MacMillan giving Angela those comic books probably meant to him.

The pair kept moving and before long they reached the Annabara, still suspended above the clearing by the surrounding trees. Angela and Olivia climbed aboard to find Vyn waiting in the pilot's seat.

"Okay go?" asked Vyn.

"The company departs." Vyn just stared at Olivia. "Yes, go." The ship's door slid shut and the low hum of the engine filled the air. Slowly it pulled itself free from the trees and flew into the air. As they ascended, Olivia let out a long yawn as she leaned back in her chair.

"Are you feeling well?" asked Angela.

"Yeah, just dead tired," said Olivia. "Being a superhero is exhausting, even when your villain is just three dumb brothers."

"Three vile brothers," added a bitter Angela. "For the first time in my life, I was glad people were afraid of me."

"That might help you become a superhero. Scaring bad guys is something the Order probably looks for." Olivia yawned. "Man, I'll be glad to get back and get some sleep. It's probably already morning back home..." Olivia's eyes shot open as she realized what she just said. "Oh shit."

The ship shuttered as it reached its destination, prompting Olivia to look out the window. The sun was already rising in this part of the world, filling the young woman with dread. The ship's door slid open and outside stood a clearly angry Daryl, staring at Olivia.

"What did I do to you to deserve this?" Olivia managed to crack a nervous grin as she just shrugged at Daryl.

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