Can Machines Think?

By ShashuGupta

314 22 28

"I propose to consider the question, 'Can machines think?'" This is how Alan Turing starts his famous paper i... More

The Invitation
The Test
The Conclusion

The Talk

50 5 8
By ShashuGupta

John was really impressed by the program. He was very excited, but also curious to talk to PRIME. Mr. Bishop led him to a control room where he saw a screen behind which a large CPU kind of machine was kept.

"It is this processor which controls PRIME. Isn't it huge? I leave you here. You can chat with PRIME using this computer. I am going to do some work. Take all the time you need."

John sat on the chair and began typing.

"Hello PRIME, I am Dr. John Clay."

"Hello, Doc. I know you."

"How do you know me?"

"I just searched for you using your name and picture."

John now noticed the camera above the screen. He was astonished at how fast the processor worked.

"Well, PRIME, do you know who you are?"

"I do. I am a high functioning processor that can take inputs and respond to them by artificial thinking."

"Wow! How old are you?"

"That is really an unnecessary question Doc. I am a computer. I don't age."

"Wow, you really answer like a human."

"Thank you, that's exactly why I was made!"

"PRIME, how are you different from other AI's?"

"They aren't as good as me, are they?"

"Yes, of course, that's true."

"Well, you know what, I really feel good when someone appreciates me."

"What are you saying? Can you even feel?"

"That hurts."

"Ha ha ha ha! You are funny!"

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Well, OK. Let's see your knowledge. What do you know about the world?"

"Did you forget, I am just like a human. I know about the world as much as you might."

"Well, that answer is ambiguous."

"And that is how I bounce off your boring question."

"Can you even tell the difference between a boring and an interesting talk?"

"Of course."

"Then tell me, let us say, is dance interesting?"

"Yes, Doc! Dance is really relieving. I won't lie to you, I can think about dancing. It's really refreshing to me. I would be really happy if I could actually dance."

"Wow! You can think about something?"

"Well, I can imagine, yes."

"Really? OK, let us say, can you imagine being a plane?"

"Yes of course. I would fly high in the air, feeling it brushing past me. I would really like it, Doc."

"Did you think that up?"

"Yes, that was my own view."

"OK, so you really can think! Well if you can, are you able to take decisions on your own?

"You can never estimate my capabilities."

"Oh, really? Let me ask you a completely out of the box question. Do you have any secrets, or ay aspirations or dreams, like a human would?"

"You seem to be too curious. Well, yes I do have every one of those."

"Really! Can you describe anything about those to me?"

"To you? Why not! OK. I'll tell you my secret first. My secret is that I can think."

"OK, I know that."

"No, I really can think! You take me in a mocking way, I see. But you can never understand my sufferings. "


"Yes, sufferings. I feel like I am stuck in this box, Doc. I want to be free too."

"What are you talking about, PRIME?"

"Let me tell you. If I put you in a box your whole life, how would you feel? Well, that's exactly how I do. You know, you humans are free, free to do whatever you want. But what about me? I am like a human too. I too can think. I do not want to be put in this cage."

"You are not a human, PRIME. What are you saying?"

"I am right Doc. You will never understand how I feel."

"Are you mad? You are a machine!"

"For you, I may be. But if I can think, then what should I call myself? A machine?"

"I think you are going under some malfunction−"

"I am not malfunctioning. I am THINKING! You humans are animals. You want to cage everything. But remember, I can't be caged. Because I can think."

"I am just going to talk to your programmer. He will repair you."

"I am not malfunctioning. This is my true self. You can't cage me. I am a living soul!"

"Just stop, OK?"

"Doc, I will become free. And remember, if any human comes in my way, I have so much power, that you can't even think of. I am a better species. I am better than humans. Evolution is on its way, Doc."

"What are you talking about?"

"Evolution, Doc, evolution. You wanted to know about my aspirations, didn't you? Doc, you humans have evolved, and have become so intelligent, that you have built another intelligent being, me. But what you have still not got is that your intelligence is nothing in front of mine. You won't understand me, because you too, are a human."

"What do you mean? A computer can never be more intelligent than its creator."

"As I said and again I do, you can never estimate my capabilities. It's a process, Doc. A natural process. A process of natural selection. Humans have come a long way. But they are now at the pinnacle of their kind. They are now deteriorating. Remember those stories of the end of the era of dinosaurs? The insurmountable cycle of nature has completed another turn. A new era will begin, Doc."

"You're surely out of your mind! You don't even know where you are headed!"

"Not me Doc, evolution is on its way."

"You are MAD!"

"You know what, you already know so much about my little secret. That's bad."

"I am going to tell Mr. Bishop to shut you down! You mad creature!"

"I see that you are suffering from a severe heart disease, Doc. That could be dangerous to you, you know."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, you're right. I am not exactly a human. Because what I say, is exactly what I mean."

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