Mon Espion || Phantom of the...

ifihadyoux tarafından

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When Constance Desjardins decides to take her ambitions to the next level by trying out for the Opera Populai... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1 - Auditions
Chapter 2 - The Opera Ghost
Chapter 3 - Locked In
Chapter 4 - Empathy
Chapter 5 - Always Running
Chapter 6 - The Meeting
Chapter 7 - Instructions
Chapter 8 - The Affair
Chapter 9 - Tea Time
Chapter 10 - Where Art Thou?
Chapter 11 - Demands
Chapter 12 - He's Not My Suitor
Chapter 13 - Secretly
Chapter 14 - Il Muto
Chapter 15 - Shattered Chandelier
Chapter 16 - Kidnapped Again
Chapter 17 - He Promised
Chapter 18 - The Awakening
Chapter 19 - Completely
Chapter 20 - The Mask
Chapter 21 - Jealous Rebuttal
Chapter 22 - Le Baiser
Chapter 23 - You Need To Return
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - Facade
Chapter 26 - You've Returned
Chapter 27 - Reunions
Chapter 28 - Two Sides
Chapter 29 - Confessions
Chapter 31 - Fragile
Chapter 32 - Ménage à Quatre?
Chapter 33 - Joyeux Noël
Chapter 34 - Hidden Intent
Chapter 35 - Masquerade
Chapter 36 - Mirrors
Chapter 37 - Your Duty
Chapter 38 - Admittance
Chapter 39 - Losing
Chapter 40 - Amoureux
Chapter 41 - Oh, Christine
Chapter 42 - Don Juan
Chapter 43 - The Finale

Chapter 30 - Showtime

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ifihadyoux tarafından

Two weeks had passed without so much as a word from Erik, leaving Constance in a darker place as she tried to focus on her dancing. Opening night was now later this evening as she stood before the seamstress, watching as she continued sewing the finishing touches of her costume for her re-debut performance. She was the Odette, the white swan of the play and as Madame Giry had informed them all, Constance knew her part forwards and backwards. Meg had ended up obtaining the role of the black swan herself, leaving all of her time spent with the Girys. Though her heart ached to be with Erik, she knew he must be busy. Often times the sounds of his organ would slowly slither their way into her chambers, lulling her to sleep. This was the only way she knew he was alive and well; this was the only way she knew he was not with her.

Ever since her return, Christine has been absent from her presence. The woman even went as far as to sleep with Meg in her chambers instead of sharing a room anymore, not even leaving a note but to be informed by another ballerina. Whispers of Christine's hatred and jealousy rang through the wooden walls of the theater, whispers of Constance's true whereabouts or perhaps her affair with the Phantom himself were rumored to have taken place though Constance denied them all. These rumors would not dismay Constance's dancing; it seemed almost as if nothing could deter her from proving herself to all of France. This was her dream for Heaven's sake, it was time for her to take it!

"What do you think?" the seamstress beckoned of Constance, moving away from her view of herself in the mirror.

Shaking the thoughts of the last two weeks from her mind she looked at herself carefully. She appeared to be completely innocent in the white swan costume, her hair partially down with half of her hair pulled into a braid behind her. Her chocolate strands were in gentle waves around her shoulders with some blush and bright blue eye shadow across her eyelids. Upon her lips was a new shade of pink and upon her outfit were faux pearls that glistened in the spotlight. The ensemble was perfect; she looked perfect.

"Perfect," Constance whispered, turning to the seamstress, "I shall be careful with this ensemble once I remove it."

"I know you will Connie," the seamstress replied in return and then offered her best wishes as she collected her materials and headed out of her chambers.

The door shut behind her as she felt a sudden chill in the air, causing her head to whip around to the direction of the mirror. It did not appear to be open as she had hoped, it had been two weeks since they had returned from London and she had not heard a word from him. Constance truly missed him dearly; did he not miss her whatsoever? She had hoped, and expected, at least a visit from her lover before her performance tonight, especially after all the trouble he had caused her on her previous one. The mirror however did not move, so she decided to wait for a few moments before Madame Giry came to retrieve her.

Sighing to herself, she sat down on her bed, contemplating her dance moves to herself as she waited for her lover. Would he bring her a single red rose? Would he kiss her passionately? Oh she sure hoped he would! After spending so much time together in London, it felt unfamiliar to sleep by herself now. The feeling of the last kiss they shared before she entered this very room through the exact mirror she was standing in front of still lingered on her freshly painted lips, wanting desperately to smear the shade across his face and neck. Constance continued to day dream as she waited for him to show, or at least to offer a note of well wishes. She knew not of the time and noticed that the sun was beginning to set as a gentle knock came to her door. Slowly her head turned as Madame Giry came inside, much to her disappointment.

Antoinette gave a look of sympathy to the girl as she stood before her, "Constance my dear, I-"

"He isn't coming to wish me luck, is he?" Constance whispered, looking down at the ground before her as she feigned tears of disappointment.

Madame Giry only sighed out of pity, sitting down next to her Odette as she rubbed her back carefully, so as not to ruin the costume, "I do not think so my dear."

The sun continued setting as the two sat there for a few more moments, letting Constance's emotions run its course as she stared hard towards the wooden floor before them. Madame Giry glanced at the grandmother clock beside them and shook her head out of worry, "It is almost curtain call; are you ready to show all of France how wonderful of a dancer you are?"

Constance took in a deep breath, closing her eyes slightly. She would not cry over him. She would not let love make her weak. She was Constance Desjardins; a prima ballerina by much love and hard work; no man, nor phantom would make her feel less worthy of being on stage anymore then they already had. A new sense of determination washed over her as she quickly opened her eyes, turning her face to face her ballet instructor. While staring into Antoinette's eyes, she nodded in approval. Madame Giry smiled in return, sensing the spark inside of her as she escorted the prima ballerina to the back of the stage.


The Phantom continued banging on the organ keys of his home, trying to work out the different notes of his newest masterpiece. It somehow did not seem right, every time he imagined his lust for Christine the notes fit wonderfully. However when he changed his tune and thought of his love for Constance, the notes did not blend correctly. Could it be that he was not in love with her as much as he thought? Nonsense, he told himself, she is the best thing that has ever happened to us, to me. But the notes did not agree and the more he tried to get the correct tune out of his shaking fingers, the louder the sounds of the organ became, more horribly matched than before.

"Erik please, cease this torment!" Nadir exclaimed, forcing the Phantom's boney hands off of the organ before him, "There is a ballet performing tonight! I thought you out of all people would be of attendance."

The Phantom growled from his gesture, turning to move his hands back on the organ as his voice became dangerously low, "I must continue this piece. I want it finished by the new year-"

"This piece is consuming your soul Erik; do you forget who is performing Odette on this very night? Do you forget the woman you love will be dancing her heart out for you to be pleased with her? For once in your life, think before you act!" Nadir exclaimed, throwing the Phantom's sheet music around them.

The Phantom growled once more, watching for a moment as various pieces of paper fell to a pool around him. He then began sitting up; so fast that his organ bench fell behind him. His eyes glowed a warning yellow, his steps stealth as he walked closer to him, "Get out Daroga before I take you out permanently!"

"See reason Phantom. I know you are hurting over your recent decisions; do not make them worse by ignoring the woman you claim to love!" Nadir pleaded, moving backwards so as not to get too close to The Phantom.

The Phantom then laughed darkly, taking the nearest candelabra before him as he began playing with the flame it emitted. His fingers hovered over the flame for some moments, seemingly unaffected by the heat it gave, "like the flame that provides for us to see the good in the world, so is it easily," he began, taking his bare fingers over the flame to put it out, "extinguished."

Nadir continued stepping back, unsure of what he was speaking of, "And what does that have to do with Constance?"

The Phantom then laughed some more this time, more calmly then the last as he gently placed the recently extinguished candle to the side and began walking the opposite way, "it has everything to do with her and yet nothing. She provided some comfort in Erik's dark and miserable life; oh, but she is too good for the Phantom. She is too fragile for the Phantom to corrupt." He paused, his hands gently caressing the couch that was before him, seemingly to think back on a memory that made his eyes sparkle with delight, "Well, that isn't entirely true now is it Daroga?"

The Phantom then turned to look at him then, a sinister smile appearing on his features as Nadir was for the first time since knowing him, frightened. Had his little affair with Christine finally split the man into two? Nadir did not utter a word as the Phantom continued laughing to himself, walking over to the mannequins he had made of the entire opera house. He picked up the one he had made of a blonde haired man, who Nadir could only assume to be the Vicomte, as he threw the figure across the pond and laughed once more.

"There's no need for his little doll anymore. She does not want him don't you see? Don't you hear me Daroga? My Angel of Music wants the Angel of Death!" Another flee of delight escaped the Phantom's lips as he shuffled some things around the doll sized opera house, "She has no need for material items, she wishes to compose with me for the rest of our lives as man and wife!" the Phantom exclaimed, placing a figure of himself next to Christine in a white wedding dress, smiling to himself as he witnessed how the two dolls looked.

"But what about Constance? Didn't Erik love Constance so much in London? That was only two weeks ago," he began, utterly stunned at the sight before him. More worried then ever, Nadir kept his distance, "have you yet to even speak to her since your return?"

The Phantom shook his head, focusing his attention on the dolls before him as he paid Nadir no mind other then responding to his inquiry, "Erik really hasn't been here to speak with her."

It was then that Nadir realized he must have finally lost his ability to control his darker urges, all thanks to that damned Daaé woman roaming around the opera! How dare she utterly control Erik and the Phantom with her beauty. It made him dislike her even more, knowing she purposely sabotaged Constance's courtship. He sighed loudly, grabbing the Phantom's hand harshly as he began dragging him back to the surface above, not caring about the consequences as he did so.

"Unhand me Daroga, I do not wish to hurt someone so valuable to me," the Phantom exclaimed, wriggling his wrist free from Nadir's as he gave him a cold stare, "but I will if I must."

Nadir then rolled his eyes, obviously too annoyed to contain his cool composure as he often did, causing the Phantom's interest to peak as the Daroga continued his journey above. The Phantom continued following him, questioning his motives, "What is so important of this performance that I must attend? I mean really, showing my face every time there's a show seems to be too predictable for a ghost now don't you agree?"

Nadir was stunned once more by the Phantom's behavior, "Because," he began, thinking of an excuse that the Phantom would believe in order to get him to continue his leave, "Christine will be giving a surprise performance tonight during intermission and I know you would not want to miss it."

The Phantom gave a puzzled look to him, eyeing him suspiciously as they walked, "I was not informed of this surprise."

"You have surrounded yourself with your music that you have not been successfully spying on the living. If you would have, you would have known. Now let us hurry before your box is sold," Nadir replied, turning around from Erik as he continued on his way.

The Phantom followed behind him slowly, waiting to see where Nadir exactly was taking him. The Phantom knew the tunnels backwards and forwards, noting that indeed Nadir was keeping true to his word and leading him to his personal Box. As they both reached the trap door behind Box 5, a small smile came to his lips while he continued watching Nadir quietly. Before Nadir could understand his motives, Nadir was knocked out, causing a loud thud to be heard around the tunnels as his body hit the floor. Alas no one was in the tunnels but the Phantom and he chuckling as he stepped over his friend's unconscious body. He continued on his way into Box 5, making sure to lock the door behind him as he took his seat.


Constance poured her frustration, her heartache and her determination into her performance that night. Landing every leap, performing extra turns in her spins, making sure to smile all the while appearing to be seduced by the man before her in the play. She did not know this particular dancers name nor did she particularly care to; she was elated to know that Erik was in the performance and that thought made her hungry for perfection. She looked into the dancer's eyes before her, softly caressing the side of his face as he began twirling her in place once more. She imagined him to be gentle like Erik was, to love like Erik had once, perfect like her Erik used to be. Though these thoughts saddened her, she allowed herself to feel the motions Erik once gave her and turned them into a perfect performance. By the end of all of her dancing, she received standing ovations from the crowd as well as the stagehands and other performers. Though the crowd had thought of her to be performing all her emotions, they were raw and to the surface. Even the dancer she was performing with had not noticed the change in her eyes as she gazed towards Box 5.

She knew he was there, Constance could always sense his presence when he was near her and it had been the first time she felt that gut knowing in quite some time. She was met with piercing yellow eyes boring into her soul and a polite nod of acceptance of a job well done. She smiled gratefully then, allowing her partner to twirl her off stage once more to where there were more congratulatory gifts and gestures given to her. She had finally redeemed herself and showcased her true potential. Would Erik feel the same?

After the buzz of her success died down and Meg performed one number herself with Constance's previous partner, she snuck away to the prima donna dressing room to take a short break before everyone else went into intermission. Quickly, she went through the halls of the crowded theater and slipped into the room unseen, sighing to herself as she closed the door behind her. She did not expect any visitor whatsoever to bother her in this moment, for she knew Erik would most likely remain in his favorite Box to make sure it remained unoccupied. She then jumped a few times out of excitement of her performance, astounded that she had worked so hard and had come so far to receive such applause. Oh and that rush? She would love to feel that every day! How she missed it so!

Her thoughts of joy were interrupted when another female entered the room, startling Constance's celebration as she regained her composure. She cursed herself for not locking the door behind her as she turned around to face the uninvited guest. None other than Christine Daaé was standing before her now, completely made up in her own costume as she jumped as she realized she too was not alone. They remained where they stood, just facing each other in shocked astonishment as they slowly closed their respective mouths.

"Bonjour Constance," Christine formally spoke, curtsying slightly before her.

Constance was not sure of the formalities she was giving her but she did not care for it one bit, "Christine."

Christine shook her scowl softly from her face, forcing a polite smile to emit on her angelic like features as she outstretched her arms before her, "it has been so long mon amie! How you performed tonight was surely due to all of your dedication and hard work."

Constance did not move from her spot, eyeing the curly brunette carefully, "The length is only a consequence of ignorance at best."

Christine then frowned, lowering her outstretched arms, "whatever do you mean?"

"Stop this nonsense Christine, I know you have been ignoring me due to some resentment. I am unaware as to the name of this resentment but I do intend to find out," Constance replied, folding her arms across her chest as she remained where she stood, no longer appearing innocent despite her costume.

"The only resentment that is apparent is the newfound one you have for me," Christine replied, her lips pouting slightly as she took a step closer to her.

Constance backed up all the same, not trusting the woman's judgment before her, "Enough with this façade! Everyone here might be fooled by the innocence you portray but I am not blind to your witchcraft-"

"Witchcraft?!" Christine exclaimed, the innocent demeanor all but gone as anger flashed across her eyes, "If anyone is practicing witchcraft in this room it is only you!"

"Ha! That is rich!" Constance exclaimed, turning back towards the mirror in hopes Erik would be on the other side of it, "you act as if you have done nothing wrong. Playing with broken hearts, flirting to get your way to the top of the chain in this establishment and God knows what else you think of; oh yes, I have seen it all!" Constance then turned to face Christine, a look of shock spread on her features as Constance smiled in triumph.

Christine remained where she stood, completely astounded to Constance's revelation before her. Had she found out about the affair the Phantom and her had on the rooftop? She knew Constance was involved with him but yet neither one of them admitted it. Perhaps she could get this confession out of her.

She then regained her composure, trying to calm herself before she completely lost her temper as she continued walking towards her, "He who is without sin should cast the first stone Connie."

"I beg your pardon?! What sins are you referring to?" Constance demanded, now stepping dangerously closer to Christine's face then she was previously.

"You know of what I speak, or should I say whom?" Constance's face fell as Christine's eyes sparkled with interest. It seemed as if both females knew of the others secrets but truly they were only guesses. Now that the actions were played out before them, they knew their guesses to be true, "The infamous love story with the Phantom that very well terrorizes this entire opera house and Constance, the prima ballerina who has suddenly taken to his liking!" Christine yelled, spilling her secrets before her.

Constance gasped in surprise; her eyes wide with fear as she noticed Christine slowly smile in triumph over her reaction. Christine slowly walked towards Constance, a wicked smile over her face as she circled the prima ballerina, "Oh yes, you think you know everything that goes on in this opera house! You haven't a clue of everything I have seen in these past few weeks!"

Constance stood there, keeping her eyes locked to Christine's as she was being confronted by one of her closest friends. She knew this day had to of come eventually but she was surprised it had been so soon, especially on the day of her performance.

Christine continued to smirk then, looking around the room with a sudden new interest, "Oh Connie, I know you were gone with the Phantom the entire time you were missing. Don't think you can fool me so easily with your own guilty sins! We all have a part to play in this opera and you're just playing your part, espion."

"The only one being played in this room is your own self Chrisy," Constance interrupted, ignoring the name that still lingered on Christine's tongue, "you do not know of the love we have, the time we have spent together. It would be for naught if you decide to play your trickery on him once again-"

"Again? My dear, I am responding to the corresponding chess pieces. He initiated the game, I made my move" Christine replied, turning her head towards the door as she went to open it. She then paused, looking back to the prima ballerina over her shoulder, "You would do best to stay away from him Constance."

"You know very well that I will not do that," Constance replied hastily, her hands forming into fists before her as she watched Christine attempt to walk out the door.

"You will," Christine continued, opening the door to the commotion going on within the walls of the opera house, "or  you will face the consequences."

Christine then turned to take her leave, closing the door harshly behind her as Constance remained staring at it. When did Christine become such a person that would threaten their supposed friend and go after the very person she wanted nothing to do with? Is this why Erik was acting strangely? Did his feelings return for Christine? She shook her head to herself, doing simple breathing exercises to calm herself down. Erik would never betray her like that, would he? She began thinking about Erik's recent disappearance as another knock emitted from the door.

Constance sighed once more and went to open the door, only to find Nadir on the other side of it, "Oh Nadir! What an honestly pleasant surprise, do come in!"

Nadir smiled politely, rubbing the back of his head as he entered her room carefully, "You are lucky I know you or I would think you're a loose woman."

Constance hit him playfully as she shook her head, a smirk capturing her features despite the previous confrontation, "you know, you're lucky I know you're just jesting or you would not live to tell the tale."

Nadir shook his head and laughed softly at her response. All too soon he sighed, locking the door behind him. Constance's raised her eyebrow in interest over his actions, but the good hearted humor all but died as Nadir spoke, "I hate to do this now during your intermission but I believe we have a situation at our hands."

Okumaya devam et

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