Forced into Fame

By idkmorgs

299 5 0

"Do what you love to do, not what others want you to do. I think that's the most important lesson in life. Ju... More

Forced into Fame
chapter 1

chapter 2

51 3 0
By idkmorgs

The next day, my father planned for me to go shoot a skit for AwesomenessTv. It was the Tv show that was on Nickelodeon, so obviously my dad too that opportunity. He takes whatever he can get for money and makes me do them. I was just surprised he didn’t make me sing, like Trevor.

My dad drove me to the studio and dropped me off. He never stays at these shoots because he says they’re boring and he could be doing something way better and productive, than sit and watch me make a fool of myself in front of a camera, which was obviously all an act.

I stepped out of the car and onto the pavement and closed the car door behind me. I was just glad I could get away from him for a few hours and that was all that mattered. Right before I entered the building, my dad rolled down the window and pointed at me telling me to come over. I sighed and obeyed his order and leaned in the car waiting for him to talk.

“Connor, remember these people are professional. They don’t want some immature, little kid ruining all their shit. You’re here to do one thing, and that’s to get on Tv and make money. You understand that?”

“Dad,” I rolled my eyes. “Of course I won’t do anything stupid, but this is a kids show. I’m pretty sure they want me to be silly.”

He gave me a death glare and it was actually quite scary.

“Just get in there and do what you have to do. Don’t ask anymore questions.” He demanded. I rolled my eyes back and stepped away from the car and watched him as he started the car and drove down the streets of LA and disappeared before my eyes.

I sighed walking into the building. This wasn’t the first time I was here, but it was my first time filming something here. Jc took me here a couple of times because on of his best friends, Kian, does skits for here a lot. Jc told me that Kian loves it a lot. But I knew I wouldn’t, because I was being forced.

I walked up to the desk and asked them I had a reservation here. She looked through her computer and then told me what office to be in. Once she told me the office number, I headed up in the elevator and reached floor four before walking down the long hallways and finally reaching my destination.

Even though filming was something I was passionate about I still was really nervous. I knew that if I didn’t take what I was doing seriously, my father would disown me. I couldn’t go through that again.

I pushed open the door and it was not what I was expecting at all. Tons of people around my age were just sitting around and talking or filming. I had no idea what to do. I stood there in shock.

A girl looked up from her friend and walked over towards me and smiled.

“Hey Connor,” She smiled. I immediately recognized who she was. Her named was Teala Dunn.

“Hi Teala. Um if you don’t mind me asking, I’m supposed to be filming something right now for AwesomenessTV, do you know where the director is?” I asked. She laughed and I was confused.

“Actually, they sent me to find you so you found the right person. Follow me.” She instructed. I followed her as she walked past all the YouTuber’s and felt extremely awkward. Although I was super popular on YouTube and most YouTuber’s knew who I was, it was really awkward. The only YouTuber’s I knew were the ones I’ve met at events and or had to have meetings or collabs with. Outside of all that I try and stay away from YouTube as much as I can.

Once Teala and I reached the room where I was supposed to film, she smiled and left, and I was stuck there with a bunch of people I had no idea who they were.

A really tall man, probably around thirty-five, walked over to me and stuck out his hand. I  shook his hand nervously and grinned a bit.

“Hi Connor, you’re here for a sketch, is that correct?” He asked.

“Yes sir.” I replied.

“Call me John.” He said.

“Okay, John.” I said. I don’t know what it was but after that he wasn’t too bad. In fact I didn’t expect John to be the person he actually is. Even though this show I’ll be on is a kids show I still expected him to be really professional and all that, but he was the complete opposite.

He was really funny and entertaining. With all of the breaks, laughing, and cuts we had to made when we were filming I was actually surprised we got everything done and perfect. Honestly, it was a blast but I was just glad the day was over and I could go back home.

As I was waiting for my dad to come back around and pick me up, Teala walked out and sat next to me.

“So, had fun?” He smiled.

“Yeah, a ton!” I smiled.

“So Connor, do you think we can get some late lunch after this?” She asked me. I frowned at her.

“Uh, I don’t know. I think my dad wants me to be home for something. I’m really sorry.” I apologized.

“Oh, you still live with your parents?” She asked me. I didn’t know whether I should have been offended by that, or the fact that it did seem weird that I was still living with my parents.

Like I said, I’m a twenty-year old college student. But because my father has controlled my life and made me into this popular YouTuber, he made me drop out. Now I’m stuck again living under his roof and living by his rules for god knows how long.

“Yeah...” I said gritting my teeth together. “My dad wanted to come here to California with me and everything so we just decided to live together. Hopefully it’s not permanent and he’ll move out soon or something but I don’t know. It’s not that bad.” I lied.

Teala looked and me and nodded pretending to look like she knew what was going on and was interested in what she was saying. Before long, my dad rolled up to the side of the street and yelled at me through the open window.

“Bye Teala.” I smiled.

“Bye Connor.” She flirted back. Once I hopped into the car and drove off, my dad made things quite awkward.

“Who’s that?” He asked me as we were at a stoplight.

“Her name is Teala.” I said.

“And what does Teala do?” He pounced.

“She acts and does YouTube videos like a lot of people.” I said.

“Connor, I don’t want you hanging out with her.” He yelled back.

“Excuse me?” I shot back. I swear that every person I meet he doesn’t like. No matter how nice the person is or how much fun I have with them I’m always banned. He was the one who got to choose my friends, not me and I fucking hated it.

“What did I fucking say! I told you to never ask questions and talk back to me you fucking shit!” He spat. I glared at him and looked down at my lap playing with my phone. One thing he also didn’t control was the people I could call and text. I think he trusts me enough that I wouldn’t disobey and text or call anyone he didn’t like but like I said as far as he knows, I only text and call people he likes.

All of a sudden my phone buzzes and I notice that Jc’s named pops up onto the screen. I quickly opened up the text and read it:

From: Jc

Heard you were going to be on AwesomenessTv in a few weeks. I’m so happy for you bro. You deserve all of this

I didn’t know what to say, honestly. I love Jc so much but half the time we talk we always talk about YouTube. I don’t blame him especially because he actually doesn’t understand how much I hate talking about it because I always end up lying about something. It makes me really guilty that I have to lie to him, and it sucks.

To: Jc

Thanks Jc, I appreciate it. How about we just hangout the two of us and do something not YouTube related tonight. Crave at 8?

As I was waited for a response, my dad kept looking at me like he knew something. I decided to put my phone away until I got home. Also, I had to think of a lie to get around to have my dad let me go outside of the house and not think something is up.

Once we reached the house, immediately rushed inside and grabbed a snack. But all that was left was Arizona and Taco bell, the usual stock in the house. To be honest, I don’t really like either. It get’s old after like a week. It was something my fans about me. They know me as the kid who is really obsessed with Arizona and Taco Bell. Of course, I had to like it because that’s what all the YouTuber’s are into so of course I had to be just like them.

Getting annoyed with the food that we had in our house, I decided to not eat and go straight to my room. I opened up my laptop and decided to go on Twitter. I got a whole bunch of tweets talking about how I was going to be on AwesomenessTv in a few weeks and I wondered. I never told them I was going to be on the Tv show just yet. Then I remembered, my dad probably tweeted for me.

That was another thing he also controls, my Twitter. Although he doesn’t have one he’s still afraid I’m going to say something to someone and his whole plan would be ruined. I never understood why he chose me for this whole thing. He’s not that old, I’m sure he can be a YouTuber too.

I sighed and logged off.  I knew I had to come up with a lie to get out of the house. After thinking and coming up with ideas, I decided to tell him that Trevor invited me to one of his meetings for one of his new songs and that they were going to pay me if I got to speak my opinion about it.

I walked towards my dad room, nervous and scared my dad would find out I was lying, but at the same time I wasn’t, because my dad adored Trevor. It was like Trevor was a better son to him than I was.

“Dad?” I called outside of his door.

“Come in.” I heard his loud voice boom through the room. I stepped into the room and looked at him. He was sitting at his desk, looking through a bunch of papers, and watching my videos. I’m sure he’s trying to come up with a new video idea for me.

“Um, Trevor just texted me and wants me to know if I can come to one of his meetings with him for his new song.” I explained. I bit my lip nervously, trying to hid the fact I was lying.

He looked up at me, shuffling through some papers and leaning back in his chair.

“Oh really....” He trailed off.

“Yeah. I’m actually gonna get paid for speaking my opnion and everything. I will give you all the profit and everything.” I said hoping he would believe me.

He sat there for a minute, making everything awkward. It was around 7:30 and I had to be there at eight. It would take me around a half an hour to walk there. I would take the car but my dad tracks it somehow so if he sees me parked outside Crave he could get suspicious.

“Alright.” He replied. “I’ll let you go. But, you have to be back in two hours and no later. You also have to give me the money as soon as they pay you and I want Trevor to text me and tell me you are with him so I know you were going out with someone I don’t want you too.”

“Okay. Thanks.” I said before going out of his room. I grabbed my backpack and my phone and started to walk outside. It was pretty dark out and it was chilly. I was wearing skinnies, with my toms and a sweatshirt. It was only late August, but nights here in LA and get pretty chilly.

I texted Trevor telling him to just tell this lie and said I was going to be with Jc. Even though Trevor doesn’t know the truth, he knows that I’m not supposed to be with Jc or anyone my father doesn’t like. I trusted Trevor enough to cover for me. He was also a really good friend and I hated the fact I was literally lying to him about lying.

I reached Crave just in time and headed to the back like usual. It was really packed tonight so I was kinda of glad. Usually when it’s all quiet Jc likes to talk about serious thing and tonight I didn’t. I just wanted to have fun.

Jc finally showed up five minutes later and we ordered pizza. I got coffee while he got a root beer and we just laughed, talked and we even vlogged. I just wanted to show him that I could have a good time.

Jc actually invited some girls over. Lindsay DeMeola and a few of her friends. I didn’t really like them but I was just having too much fun to care.

Juliet wasn’t working tonight and I was kind of sad about that. Juliet only works during the day. Hopefully she could change to nights, because I may come here more often at night.

Once everyone showed up we decided to walk down broadway and just go from there. I kept thinking in my head I had only two hours until I had to be back but after a while I lost track of time.

We headed to an old abandoned house and we tried to scare eachother. It reminded me of Hallloween which I actually really love. It was pretty spooky but we are teenagers that’s what we do.

Lindsay talked me in to buying them alcohol and even though I’m only twenty, they said I cool pull it off. I didn’t know how I would be able to buy it so they told me to steal it. I wasn’t very sure of what was going to happen. I never stole anything in my life. I wasn’t the type of person to do those things but I was having such a great night I didn’t want to ruin all the fun.

I walked to the back of the store and hid a bottle of vodka until my sweatshirt. I was really glad that it was a baggy one, so it didn't show up that bad. I walked out quickly, pretending I wasn’t interested in anything and actually walked out successfully. I handed the bottle to Lindsay and everyone started to drink, but me.

We were all on top of a mountain, listening to music and sitting by a fire laughing at talking. Everyone finished the bottle of vodka and everyone was super drunk. I had no idea where I exactly was or how I was getting home but I was beginning to get nervous.

I pulled Jc aside. He wasn’t super drunk but he was a little tipsy.

“Jc, I need to be home in twenty minutes, do you think you can drive me home?” I asked him.

“Connor, it’s only 9:40 why do you have to be home so early?” He slurred.

“Um, because I need to get some editing done. Please, can you drive me home?” I asked really unsure if he should drive or not.

“Alright, if you say so.” He replied. He grabbed his jacket from Lindsay and we said goodbye. Even though I would never get in a car with a drunk person, I trusted Jc and I really needed to be home. My dad would flip even if I was a second late.

I told him to drop me off a few block from my house. We weren’t that far and by the time he dropped me off I would have a few minutes until ten. I could walk fast then.

Without any scratches, Jc dropped me off successfully. I think him and then began to rush home. By the time I reached the door step, my dad was sitting on his chair like usual, waiting for me.

He glared at me as I walked up the creaky steps.

“What?” I shot him a look. “I’m home on time.” I said.

He kept looking at me and didn’t say a word and I was beginning to worry. I had no idea what he was up to, to be honest and I was scared for life.

“I know what you were doing,” He stated. My heart stopped and I stood in my tracks.

“I told you I was with Trevor.” I yelled.

“Oh really?” He explained. He pulled up his phone with a picture on it. It was the local news.

“Yes.” I said trying to sound like I wasn’t hiding anything.

“Then explain to me why you were coming out of a convenient store holding a bottle of vodka.” He shouted.

“You fucking lied you piece of shit!” He yelled back. Before I could another word, I felt my dads hand wrap around my neck and being shoved into the side of the house. That was it. I was caught and I knew I was going to be punished.

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