By run-bts-ineedu

203K 6.5K 3.2K

Book ONE: Taehyung and you were childhood friends/neighbors, but things happened to Taehyung that changed... More

Chapter 1 - [ Kids ]
Chapter 2 - [ Unexpected ]
Chapter 3 - [Jerk]
Chapter 3.5 - [JimJams]
Chapter 4 - [Gang Gang]
Chapter 5 - [ In, not out ]
Chapter 6.5 - [Her]
Chapter 7 - [ Hiraeth ]
Chapter 7.5 - [Lost]
Chapter 8 - [Catching feelings]
Chapter 9 - [Guilt]
Chapter 10 - [Reconcile]
Chapter 11 - [Is it Worth it?]
Chapter 11.5 - [Somin?]
Chapter 12 - [With or without]
Chapter 13 - [Push & Pull]
Chapter 14 - [A caged Butterfly]
Chapter 15 - [Un-expected]
Chapter 16 - [Silver Lining]
Chapter 17 - [Jelly or Puddin']
Chapter 18 - [ Autumn Leaves]
Chapter 19 - [I know, You know]
Chapter 20 - [Metanoia]
Chapter 21 - [ Lies ]
Chapter 22 - [ Without You]
Chapter 23 - [ Rose ]18+
Chapter 24 - [ Intertwined ]
Chapter 25 - [Us]
Chapter 26 - [Stay]18+
Chapter 27 - [(In)Constant]
Chapter 28 - [The pain of Fate]
Chapter 29 - [Heaven] (End)
Announcement time my babies~
• Book 2 •

Chapter 6 - [ Confusion ]

6.6K 222 83
By run-bts-ineedu


We are walking towards the bus stop with Taehyung walking ahead of me. I couldn't help but think about what happened at last night's party. Did he remember the kiss? But what if he doesn't? Should I be feeling happy or disappointed? I sighed. Taehyung probably heard my lifeless sigh when he stops walking and glances back at me. "Why are you walking so slow?" he took steps forward, making me step back. A very sly smirk crossed his face as he grabs my wrist. "Let's go somewhere together!" I was startled by his sudden 'wrist grabbing'. 


"Come on y/n. I've been way to diligent since the first day I entered University. I need some fun." He pulled me to walk with him.

"But, I, but we..." just went to a party last night. I know my words won't make him change his mind. I needed some day off too anyways. Yesterday's party was too much for me. "Where are you planning to go Taehyung?" I asked.

"The sea."

"The sea? Sounds good to me." I gave him a smile. I have always wanted to see the sea in winter. His expression partially shocked, he must not have predicted that I would act so obedient. "What?" I asked him as he stared at me weirdly. "Nothing, you're just full of surprises y/n," he said and smirked.

We finally reached the sea, the salty air and the sound of crashing waves calm my mind. Letting all my worries disappear for a while. Since it's winter, there are not that many people here. It's great because it felt as if we had the place all to ourselves. I stared long at the moving waves. Finding myself lost in the moment. Until I heard a snap coming from a phone camera. My head shifts to Taehyung snickering as he took my picture. What the hell? 

"Kim Taehyung you better delete that," I tried reaching for the phone, but he is just way too tall for me. He held his phone up higher above his head. "Or what?" He grinned, holding my head back. I quickly jumped and slap his arm. Making his phone slip out of his hand and fall into the sea-water. Oh. I gulped, dumbfounded as I stare at the phone slowly drifting away by the waves. Taehyung grunted and rolled his eyes. "Look at what you did."

"I'm so sorry. I'll get it for you." Feeling guilty for what I did. I took off my shoes, rolled a part of my pants and dipped my feet, the freezing winter sea making my whole body shiver, giving me goosebumps all over. I better hurry up before the phone gets further away from the shore. I dipped my hands and grabbed the phone. I turned back and saw Taehyung had a huge smile plastered on his face. He's having too much fun seeing me suffer.



I couldn't contain my smiles seeing her being this stupid. Why did she even volunteer to get my phone when the water is so cold. I could just buy a new one.

"Taehyung!" y/n called me with a troubled face. "Help I'm stuck."

She's stuck? 

I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Yah! What's so funny? Hurry and help me!" she holds out her hand. I grabbed her hand, still laughing and before I could pull her, she gave me a quick smirk and pulled me in instead. The sudden cold of the water making me wail in pain. My shoes and half my jeans are now soaked. "Look who's laughing now." y/n burst into fits of laughter. Argh! This girl  "Oh? You're asking for revenge!" I splashed water on her. Her laughter disappears and her hands are covering parts of her face. "Kim Taehyung!" She splashed more water on me, wetting my shirt and hair. Her laughter returns again. I have never seen her laugh that way before. Her shoulders shaking, and her face was bright red. She was–was she always this pretty? And she was laughing all because of me. I found myself staring at her and I felt this weird feeling growing inside my chest that I have never felt before.

We looked like a wreck. From top to bottom, I am all wet and so is y/n. We hurried to the nearest convenience store, to dry ourselves before walking home in the cold winter air.

"This is all your fault." I blamed her.

"This all wouldn't happen if you didn't take my picture in the first place." She argued. I rolled my eyes, remembering the picture I took. Maybe I should just get my phone repaired instead of buying a new one.

"So what are you thinking to have for dinner today?"

I looked at her confused because it is still lunch time. "Dinner?"

"Yeah, I'm your chef for the whole 2 months, right? Are you planning on firing me already?"

Oh right. "I wouldn't fire you after what you did to my phone, but I'll extend it to another 2 months." I grinned. Her mouth gaped and her eyes twitched. "Are you serious?" I heard her murmur something un-audible. She made me seem like I'm a bad guy. Geez, I only wanted her to cook for me because eating instant noodles and ordering jjajangmyeon all the time is not healthy. I want to live a long life too you know. "I feel like some street food today."

"You mean fishcakes and tteokbokki?"

"Mhm" I nodded. "We can just visit the stands somewhere I guess." She better thank me for saving her the trouble from cooking and burning the apartment.

She smiled widely, "Ahh! I'm already hungry. Let's go grab some food then!" she walked out of the convenient store and I followed her behind. Thank god there is food stands not far from ahead of where we are. I could already smell the smell of the spicy rice cakes and steamed fish cakes. My mind is already drooling. "Woah! There are so much to eat here." y/n's eyes widen at the sight of so many food stands. I was also amazed by the fact that I haven't been here before. We end up stopping at every stand and tried their delicious foods. In the end, I felt my stomach is going to pop out, my belly before is flat and now it has grown a little hill.

I was walking beside her and I took a good look at her. She seems to be enjoying her day with me. 

"Y/n?" There is a sudden question that has been bugging me for awhile. "Yeah?" her slight 'yeah?' is making me more nervous about my question. What if I don't get the answer that I want?

"What do you think of Jimin?"

"Jimin?" she raised her eyebrow, probably finding it strange by suddenly bringing up Jimin's name.

"I mean would you consider him as a boyfriend?"

"What's with the weird questions Taehyung?" she chuckles before continuing. "He's a cool guy I guess, but I'm not sure as a boyfriend..."

"And what if he asks you to be his girlfriend? Would you accept it?" I was staring at her lips as she was talking and there is a sudden urge to just slam her into a wall and kiss her. I am not even drunk right now. So, why can't I stop staring at her lips?

"What? Cut it out with these weird questions Taehyung and No why would I accept him, it's not like he's going to confess or anything." She caught me staring at her, and I snapped out of it. "I don't know, he just might."  

"Wait. Did he say anything to you about him wanting to confess to me?" Her tone became interested, which irritates me. "So you'll reconsider?" I asked her again, ignoring the weird feeling growing in my chest.

"Well... He's a good guy and he really did change after he apologized." Her smile grew wider along with this feeling in my chest.

I went back home not knowing what this feeling is because I have never felt it before. Am I sick?  I walk out of my room, to find my father sitting down on the couch watching the TV. He looks up at me, "Oh Tae, do you want to watch soccer with me?" 

"No thanks," I responded coldly, grabbing myself a glass of water from the kitchen. 

"I saw y/n yesterday." He said and I slam the glass down the kitchen counter, angry, frustrated and annoyed. I look at him before saying, "Don't you dare bring her name up just to get my attention." I grab the glass with water and head back to my room, closing the door with a loud bang. 


Damn phone costs so much to get repaired. I cursed inside my head. Jhope, Jin, and Yoongi hyung decided to visit the campus today to eat with Jimin and I. They said that they missed it, but seriously how can anyone miss this place. We promised to meet at the cafeteria. As I entered, I saw them sitting in y/n and her friend's table. I groaned. Of course, they would sit with them. All of them are suddenly good buddies now right? "I'm surprised they still remembered who y/n is after many years of not mentioning her name," Jimin said as he took an empty tray. "Yeah." I'm pretty surprised too. 

I took my tray filled with food and walk to the table where the Hyungs and y/n are sitting. My gaze met y/n and she gave me a smile as I took my seat.



Taehyung took his seat right in front of me and I couldn't help but remember the things we did yesterday. It was fun. I never knew that I would be having a lot of fun with Kim Taehyung. The fear I had of him when I was in high school has somehow disappeared.

"You're here too Yoongi hyung!" Jimin said taking his seat beside me. "I was forced by Jhope. He won't stop knocking on my door." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm surprised that you're still alive hyung." Taehyung chuckled at Hoseok

"I let Jin hyung handle the rest." Hoseok cackles.

"Woah the food here has gotten better!" Jin exclaimed with wide eyes, making me and Sojin giggle. "Here try it." Jin feeds Hoseok a spoonful and his eyes went wide, "Ooh it really does!" Jin also feeds Yoongi and he only nods in approval. I wonder how long they have been friends. They all looked very close. Taehyung looked very comfortable talking to them.

They only stayed for lunch and said that they need to get back to their works. I have no more classes so I decide to just hang around the campus for a little bit before going home. "Y/n!" Jimin jogged towards me happily. "Are you going home?" he asked. 

"Yes Jimin." I couldn't help but smile brightly at him. "It seems that you are in a good mood today?"

"Yeah, because I got to see you." He grinned. "Where did you go yesterday anyway? I was so lonely without you." I remembered the conversation I had with Taehyung yesterday about Jimin. Does he really like me?

"Do want to go grab ice cream with me y/n?" his eyes smiling together with his lips.

"Well it's kind of cold today, but I would love to."

He grabbed my wrist instantly and led me to his car. "The convenience store is just 2 blocks away Jimin." I chuckled. "I know, but I want to send you home after we got ice cream." He smiled brightly. "You don't have to do that, but if you insist." I opened the car door and sat down in the passenger's seat.

Jimin drives us to the convenience store to grab some ice cream. I picked a vanilla one and he picked the chocolate mint one. "Can I try your ice cream?" Jimin asked. "Sure." He pulled my hand with my ice cream and took a big bite out of it. "Yah!" I looked at the ice cream in shock. Jimin chuckled from seeing my reaction. "Not fair!" I pouted and crossed my arms. "Fine, fine, I'll buy you another one okay?" he ruffles my hair, making me giggle, fluttered. He went and bought the same ice cream. "Here. Don't pout anymore or that lips will fall off." I took the ice cream from his hands. "Don't worry, it won't." I smiled, happy that I got another ice cream. After all the ice cream, Jimin drives me back home. "Thank you for the ice cream Jimin."

"Y/n?" He calls, right before I step off his car.


"I have something that I wanted to say to you." Jimin's gaze avoiding my eyes.

"Sure, go ahead Jimin." Is he going to confess?

"Can you meet me tomorrow here?"

He seems to be very nervous. Once again, just like the day of the party. He doesn't fail to make me curious about what he is about to say. "Alright. I'll be waiting tomorrow, Jimin." I gave him a pat on the shoulders and get off. I was about to step into the apartment building when I saw Taehyung staring at me from a distance. "Hey, did you just get home?" I ask him, finding it odd that he was just standing right there.

"Was that Jimin driving you home?" he asked, obviously ignoring my question.

"Yeah, we grabbed some ice cream together." Why do I feel the need to tell him this piece of information?

"Oh." He walked passed me, his expression showing no emotions.

I trailed behind him and into the elevator. The air between us seems awkward and a little uncomfortable. "I think you might be right about Jimin." I strike a conversation. "He asked me to meet him tomorrow in front of the apartment building." I heard Taehyung scoffed. "Your point in telling me this is?" his tone turned cold sending shivers down my spine. "Uh... well I thought you might want to know." Stupid. Of course, why would he want to know about this? It's obviously not his problem.

The elevator reached our floor and Taehyung stepped out first. He is giving me the cold shoulder. I guess he's in a bad mood today. Being on his bad side is the last thing I wanted to do. I am walking casually behind him, minding my own business when Taehyung took a sudden stop, turning his body around, making me bump into his chest. I looked up at him confused and ready to yell at him when I found the pair of beautiful browns on mine. I stare at his eyes for what feels like an eternity. When finally Taehyung broke it off with a scoff, disappearing into his apartment. Leaving me still in a total daze. I realized my heart racing and my face burning like someone had just light up a fire on my face. 

I think... 

I just fell for him.




To be Continued

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