Mistake Row

By lulubuzinga

1.2K 41 6

Hannah, 17 year old Senior at Moore High school, had it made. Friends in every corner. A family who never fou... More

Mistake Row
Hallway encounters
Your son has 6 months to live.
I can feel it.
It's normal
All over
The sound I would never forget
Wake me up
This was love
Haigha (hannah and kaigha) no more.
Everything has changed
bound to sink
My turn
Update (not a real chapter)
One day

What's new

79 4 0
By lulubuzinga

Rene's P.O.V. (Hannah's mom)

I woke up on the floor. My head hurt. I felt nauseous and week. But what's new, right? Alcohol is the only thing to take away my pain. My son was my pride and joy. It feels terrible, knowing something you created is going to die. It's like you wrote a 50 page essay about a very hard topic, and it got shredded in the paper shreder. Horrible right? Wrong, worse.

I grabbed my bottle of Jack, drank the last sip, got up, and tossed it out. I haven't gone to visit Quin in a week. It's just to hard. But i think i should. He probably misses mommy.

I got in the car and was on my way. About half way there, i realized my son shouldn't see me like this. Bags under my eyes, smudged makeup, and messy hair. I turned around.

I could've just showered and went back. But i didn't. I regretted every time I decided not to see my baby. My brain started to turn on. Where was Michael ( her husband, Hannah's dad) ? I dialed his number and was sent straight to voice mail. Fabulous. Was he cheating? No, probably just visiting family. I can't just assume something so harsh.

"Look whose up!" I said as Hannah flaunted down the stairs.

"Look whose not caring!" Hannah rolled her eyes and avoided eye contact. I understood her crabbiness it was like 5:30 in the morning.

"Why are you up this early anyways?" I questioned.

"I'm bring my brother some good food, something a good mom would do!" She shook her head.

I was silent for a minute, "listen Hannah, my son shouldn't see me like this. I'm a hot mess! And i'm not into your attitude!"

"Well maybe you could clean your damn self up! Maybe you could even stop drinking for once, then you wouldn't really have to worry about cleaning up!" Her voice started to raise.

"Maybe you could quit running your DAMN MOUTH!" My face red, eyes filled with rage.

"MAYBE YOU COULD BE A MOM!" She grabbed food for Quin and her backpack, and fled out of the house.

Her words stabbed me like a knife. Shot me like a bullet. I wasn't that bad of a mom, was I? I found myself crying. I'm such a woman, so hormonal. I knocked over a wine glass and went to lay down in my bed.

Hannah's P.O.V.

She made me so angry! She could never live up to her role as a mother. I tried to hide the irateness i was feeling as I walked into Quin's room.

"Hannah!" Everytime, he would say as I walked in, his voice getting weaker, more faint.

"Quin! I brought you food!" I lifted the bag and continued, "I have your breakfast you can eat now, and lunch at like 12. And these are some of your favorite snack. Oreos, snickers, gold fish!"

"Thank you so much !" He looked happy, but his expression began looking lower. He continued, "w...where's mom? Why doesn't she ever come? Does she not want to see me? Am I too ugly?" His eyes started to water, and his mind looked baffled.

"No, no baby. Mom is just ..." I struggled trying to think of an excuse to cover her selfish ass. I continued, "she's uh.. Sick! She doesn't want you to get more sick!"

"Oh, well give her a hug and kiss for me. Let her know I love her! But , where's daddy?"

My parents are lucky i actually cover for them, "he's out of town on a work trip. He'll be home soon!"

Quin grinned but you could see the hurt that laid beneath his skin. I went and hugged him. "Quin.. I love you so much. You're all I have"

"I love you too" he hugged me as tight as he could.

I looked at the time on my phone!

"Crap! Quin i'm going to be late if i don't head to school now! I love you bye enjoy your food!" I scrambled out the door. One more tardy I get a week of detention.

Quin's P.O.V.

It was always so lonely in here. There was no kid shows on my tv. I missed mommy and daddy. I hoped they missed me too. I wanted to call mommy so I buzzed in the nurse and had her dial the number.

"Quin?" My mom's voice spoke.

"Mama!" I was so excited to hear her speak.

"How are you baby?"

"I'm okay! Hannah told me you were sick and daddy was out of town. Get well soon mommy!"

Mom was quiet for a minute. "Oh.. Yeah thanks hun. I love you but i have to go!"

"Bye.. But wai-" she hung up before i could tell her I missed her.

She's probably so exhausted. Poor mama.

I enjoyed the breakfast hannah brought me. Fruity Pebbles and a Banana! I wish I could eat this all day every day.

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