Hard To Love

By xoxolazygirl

2.4K 133 236

"No need to be a d*ck. You know that's supposed to be a part of your body and not your personality, right?" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2. New/Old Friends
Chapter 3. Karma is a B*tch
Chapter 4. Confrontation
Chapter 5. Disappointment
Chapter 6. Shall we make amends?
Chapter 7. We are friends
Chapter 8. Sweet Dreams?
Chapter 9. Friendzone's a b*tch
Chapter 10. Start of something new
Chapter 11. Kisses, fights and more kisses
Chapter 13. It's over
Chapter 14. Friends in need
Chapter 15. Feelings
Chapter 16. Parties and Tequila shots
Chapter 17. A Different Birthday Celebration
Chapter 18. Make a move
Chapter 18. Part 2. The aftermath
Chapter 19. He's okay-ish
Chapter 20. Close
Chapter 21. Part 1. The Ugly Truth
Chapter 21. The Ugly Truth. Part 2
Chapter 22. This Is It
Love Me Harder.

Chapter 12. Happy Birthday Emma

61 5 6
By xoxolazygirl

Emma's POV

The library hall was quiet. I had picked the last one and I was leaning against a shelf while sitting on the floor. I was the only one in here and I had managed to keep myself here for the past four hours.

My phone was on airplane mode so I wouldn't receive any calls and the music was playing loud through my earphones, blocking out the rest of the world. I had a book in front of me which I had no idea what was about, but it was enough to make it look like I was reading it and giving it my full attention.

It was convincing enough.

I had been looking at the same page for the past few hours though, still completely oblivious to what was written on those pages.

I was almost ready to show up at my classes this morning, ready for the birthday wishes to come by the people closest to me, but I couldn't bring myself to do it when it was time.

So instead of celebrating my birthday, I'm in a goddamn library trying to keep myself from crying-and failing. Just trying to block out of the world.

The only people I have spoken with are my parents. Mom woke me up today so they could wish me Happy Birthday. Lexi and I faced timed too when she was leaving for school but other than that I refused to talk to anyone else.

Not Lucas, not Demi, not Nate...not anyone.

I didn't want to see anyone.
I just wanted to be alone.

A person sat down on the floor next to me and ripped my earphones out of my ears. "What do you think you're doing?"

My eyes didn't leave the book. "I'm studying Nate, if it isn't obvious."

"Oh really?" Nate asked grabbing the book from my hands and making me look at him. He examined the book and handed it back to me. "I didn't know you were into Applied Micro-Biology."

I shrugged and placed my earphones back into my ears.

He took them out once again. "Everyone's been looking for you."

I let out a heavy breath.
"You can let them know I'm okay. I'm studying, in case you didn't notice, and I would appreciate it if no one disturbed me."

"So, you expect me to believe that you're suddenly into biology for gradschoolers..."

"Knowlegde is never enough."

"Cut the bullshit Emma." he said grabbing the book once again and placing it on his lap. His hand then went on my chin, making me look up at him. "Don't shut me out, talk to me." He pleaded.

I looked away from him refusing to let mt vulnerability show "There's nothing to talk about."

"You're in a library, on your birthday, and you expect me to let it go like that and believe everything's okay?"

I scoffed "It's not my birthday."

"Em." He said with a sigh.

"Don't Em me. You know it's not my birthday."

"But it is." He said wrapping his arms around me pulling me in for a hug. "It's the day your parents found you, a new life got started that day." He kissed my hair "You're happy with your life isn't right?"

"Generally speaking, yes I am." I mumbled.

"Then I don't know why you shouldn't celebrate it."

His words were like a slap back to reality. I shouldn't whine about what I don't have, but instead, I should be grateful for what I do have.

"I hate you." I said pulling away from him "Seriously, how can you always say the right thing?"

He smiled "It's a gift."

I gave him a small smile. "Where's the guy that didn't want anything to do with me, huh?"

"You know I never really meant that."

"I do. Thank you, for saying the right thing."

"I'm always here when you need me Em. Don't forget that." He reminded me rubbing my arm.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair "I'm such a mess."

"I'm a mess too. Everyone's a mess." He said in a poetic way with a small calming smile "Now quit being a little brat and get up."

"I don't want to face the world, you can leave if you want to." I mumbled being stubborn.

"Emma, everyone is looking for you, your bestfriend, your boyfriend." He said, his tone getting irritated "Damn it, get up now."

"Nate." I whined

"No." He said sternly. "Lucas has made reservations for all of us at the bar they're performing. Let's get you fed and ready and we'll go together."

I sighed giving up "Fine."

Nate got up and helped me up as well. He got his phone out of his pocket.

"I've got her."

I gave him a look. What the fuck am I? A package?

"Just let Lucas know that she's okay and we'll meet you at the bar at 9." He paused listening to who ever he was talking to. "Demi, she's fine... We'll see you later, bye." He said before hanging up. He turned to me "Let's get going."


"Don't disappear on me like that" Demi said while her hands were tightly wrapped around me a few hours later.

I hugged her back "I'm sorry. I just..."

She cut me off "I know, just...come and find me next time, okay?"

"I'm sorry. I will." I said pulling away.

She pulled me back and whispered in my ear "Maybe you should explain yourself to Lucas a little bit. He's coming over."

I pulled away and sighed.

Lucas was standing in front of me in seconds.

I threw myself on him kissing him before he could say a word. I obviously caught him off guard and it took him a couple of seconds to start kissing me back.

His hands went on my waist. I pulled away after a few seconds "I'm sorry." I mumbled against his lips.

He sighed "Are you okay?"

"I am. I just needed some time alone. I get like that sometimes."

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and gave me a small smile. "I'm just glad that you're okay. But I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything."

I nodded "Thank you."

"So I better get back to the band and I'll give you your present later, alright?" He said pecking my lips.

I smiled "Alright."

"Alright baby, I think you've had enough of this." Lucas said taking my glass away from me not more than an hour after their performance had stopped.

"Nope." I giggled. "I'm not even drunk. You all dragged me here and you have to let me have fun at least."

I grabbed Demi making her stand up from her chair "Come on Dem, don't be a party pooper. Dance with me." I said and grabbed my glass again.

"Emma honey, you can have fun without that." Demi said.

"Nope. I can't. And you know why I can't?" I said taking a sip from my bacardi "Damn that's good, you know that in other countries you don't need to be 21 to drink right? Damn those lucky bastards." I giggled "Not that I can't drink now being 19 but whatever" I slurred "Anyway. What was I saying?" I tapped my finger on my chin "Ah yes. I can't have fun without drinking. Wanna know why baby?" I said looking at my boyfriend "Because I'm a-"

A hand shut me up before I could say more.

"She's a potential alcoholic." Nate interfered.

Is he drunk or something?

I'm adopted, not an alcoholic.

I took his hand off my mouth "Lying is bad Nate."

"Maybe someone should take her home." Charlotte suggested

That bitch.

"What are you even doing here Charlotte?" I scoffed at her. "I mean everyone here loves me." I said looking around "Right?" I giggled "Demi loves me, Lucas loves me, Nate loves me, Stella loves me, James loves me and Stefan loves me too. See? You don't even care about me."

"That's not true Emma."

"Bullshit." I rolled my eyes at her.
"Come on Emma this is enough, lets get you home." Lucas said wrapping a hand around my waist and pulling me away.

"Yay." I giggled "Birthday sex."

"Okay you definately need to get home." Demi said with a sigh.


"I did what?" I asked Lucas with wide eyes.

Oh my god, I shouldn't be allowed to have access to alcohol from now on.

"Yeah." He said rubbing the back of his head. "Not your best moment. Oh also when I told you I should get you home you threw your hand up started giggling and said 'Yay, birthday sex.' It was funny actually."

I put my head in my hands "Oh my god. I'm so stupid. God, I need to apologise to Charlotte."

I ran both my hands through my hair. My head was pounding "But first I need something...anything. My head feels like it will explode any moment now and I feel nauseous"

Way to go Emma, you made a fool out of yourself.

"Damn it." I mumbled after getting some tylenol.

"Emma, it's fine. We all do stupid shit when we're drunk."

"It's not fine." I looked around "Where are my clothes? I need to get to the diner." I grabbed my pants.

"Look who doesn't have a hangover this morning. I'm surprised." Stefan commented the moment I walked into the kitchen of the diner.

"Not funny Stefan."

"Well I thought it was." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"What time does Charlotte come in?"

"Around three."

"Okay. I'm gonna go change now." I said before walking in the back room.

Why do I alway screw up like this?

"Charlotte, can we talk for a moment?"

She turned around with a sigh and let the towel that she was using to dry the dishes down. "What is it?"

"I'm sorry. Lucas told me about last nigh and I was rude. I shouldn't have snapped at you especially in front of all these people." I sighed "I was having a bad day and the alcohol didn't really help."

"You know, I get it, the whole not having a good day thing and the alcohol adding to it. I know... your mom" she paused "Your mom had told mine, so I get it." She sighed "What I don't get is why you act like it's all my fault. I'm as hurt as you are Emma." She said in a sharper tone. "But we need to let it all behind if we want to build a friendship all over again. I am ready to, let me know when you are too." She finished and walked to the front.

I ran a hand through my hair.



Hm, Emma's birthday wasn't exactly a piece of cake, huh? Nate was there to help though and I think I saw a moment somewhere in there.
What did you think of Emma snapping at Charlotte?

Chapter 13 Preview:"Lucas, seriously, I'm tired. After 3 hours in Alex's class the last thing that's on my mind is sex."

His grip on the steering wheel tightened and he scoffed "Of course."

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Nothing." He said, a few seconds later he pulled up at the dormitory "We're here."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to face him. A sigh left my lips. "Are you mad now?"


"Well it certainly seems like you are. Is it really that big of a deal that I'm tired and want to sleep?"

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