Carvings of Gods | Emmett Cul...

By -hopscotch

1.3M 37.4K 7.4K

❝My people are different, hidden. I have even become a master at staying secret. It's really a miracle that y... More



103K 2.2K 515
By -hopscotch

Aleida loved the feel of the earth under her feet. Wiggling her toes, she never cared when she got dirty. She was often had traces of the earth on her anyways.

With the night sky over head and the moon as her protector, she continued through the forest, no idea at all of where she was in the world.

She was a wanderer, the winds and rivers were her guides.

Aleida could be called many things, but she was not stupid. So when she took her next step she was able to feel the magic that the land contained.

Slipping a knife out of her belt, she proceeded with caution. It was often that the earth held this much magic and she did not wish to run into anyone.

Moving so that she's walking further away from the path, Aleida continues her journey. Humming to herself on old song that belonged to her people.

The moon was reaching its apex when she decided to rest for the night.

Glancing at the trees, she tried to pick one best suited for her. Something out of sight and easy to climb. Something high with plenty of coverage.

Using the soil as her guide she carefully placed her hands on the trunk. Running her fingers over the grooves and bumbs. Trailing her hands down to the roots, she felt the they way they were torn up.

"In the morning," she whispered. "In the morning I will see what I can do to help you."

Making her way up the tree, she couldn't help but scold herself for waiting until it was this dark. She was aware of how dangerous it could be at night in the forest.

Reaching a good height, she settles herself for the nights and just watches and listens to the night.

The sound of soft thumping brought her attention to the ground. Making herself smaller, she peered down her position and watched as a huge grey wolf passed right under her. Stopping and sniffing around the tree she was in.

She couldn't see it clearly but from what she could tell, the thing was massive. Practically a beast.

Aleida watched as the animal turned it's head up, a low growl rumbling in its chest.

How peculiar, Aleida thought. It's almost like it has human thoughts. How would he know im up here?

Slowly climbing down, Aleida stops just low enough so that she could get a better look, but high enough so the beast couldn't get to her.

She whistles soflty to get its attention on her.

"Hello Monsieur Wolf," she cooed to the animal. "You're big for a wolf. I'd even go as far as to say giant."

The wolf snapped his head towards where she was sitting, a growl and a snarl being directed to her.

"Calm down little wolf," she says. "Calm down."

Swinging her legs, she readjust her belt before climbing down a little lower.

"You aren't like a normal wolf are you? You're different."

The wolf turned it's head up, as if telling her to keep talking.

Watching the animal, a small smile creeps onto her face. Placing her hands onto the tree trunk, she feels the familiar thrum of power that comes from the earth moving to the tree. Concentrating, she put all her focus on the earth lower down. Reaching out, checking to see if any other wolves were in the area.

"You're all alone aren't you?" she speaks to the wolf. "No pack members are around."

The wolf turns his head to the side and huffs.

"Ignoring me won't help. I know you understand, I'm just trying to figure out to what extent."

With a soft sigh, she climbs down even further, placing herself dangerously close to the animal.

"You're a spirit shifter, aren't you?" Aleida asked with a knowing smile. The wolf jerked his head toward her, his eyes narrowing into slits. "My mother use to tell me stories about your kind."

The wolf stood, placing himself into a predatory stance.

"How does that work? The shifting?" she asked.

Not getting any change in the wolf, she figures she's not going to get a responce.

Standing up on the branch, she fixes her belt and adjusts her knife. Climbing back up the tree to the safety and coverage of her original position.

"Stay there all night, call your friends if you wish, but I am going to sleep," Aleida tells him. "Goodnight."


When Aleida woke up in the morning. She stayed still in the tree, willing herself to fall back asleep. Once she realized that it wasn't going to happen, she silently climbed down the tree.

She was more than surprised when she saw the same wolf from the night before. Unsure of why it was still here. Intentially making noise, she watched as the wolf raised its head from its lying position on the ground.

"You're still here," she simply states.

The wolf lazily lifts himself from the ground, stretching himself out before sitting down and watching her.

The two stared at eachother until Aleida grew annoyed. Dropping herself gracefully toward the ground, she made her way towards the tree roots.

Her mood drops significantly when she sees how torn up and damaged they look.

Shooting a glare towards the wolf, she places her hands on the damaged section and mutters a prayer that her mother had tought her.

"Are you ever going to shift?" Aleida asked, facing the wolf. "I do not enjoy one sided conversation."

The wolf watches her warily, before moving back. Trotting behind a tree, he stays there for a few minutes before turning and coming back as a human. Tall, kinda lanky, tanned skin and very cute.

"Where did you get the shorts?" she asked him.

"I had them tied to my leg," he tells her, a slightly deep voice.

"Neat idea."

Turning, she starts to walk in a random direction. Not caring in the slightest of where she's going.

"What's your name?" the boys asked.

"Aleida," she replys in a sickly sweet voice. "Yours?"


"Well Embry, I must be off."

Catching up to the girl, he grabs her arm gently and turns him to face him.

"Where are you going?"

"Everywhere," she whispers to him.

Slipping out of his grasp, she continues on her way. Wondering where she's headed or what she's going to be having to eat today.

"Maybe you could hang around for a bit?" he calls after her. "I'll tell you anything you want to know about shifting! I'll get you food!"

Smiling at his desperate attempts to make her stay, she turns back to him with a sly smile on her face.

"Throw in a bath and you got a deal."




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