Tattooed Hearts

By acreativeblur

87.8K 3.2K 992

❝ darling, let me trace the lines on your tattooed heart ❞ ● ● ● 〚 highest ranking: #471 in romance 〛 〚 copyr... More

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Soccer Stadiums & Close Encounters

1.3K 54 8
By acreativeblur

❁ ❁ ❁

For two weeks, I couldn't get a word out of Grace. No matter how hard I tried.

But eventually, she was back to her normal self. I realized this when I walked up to her door to take her to the soccer game, knocked on it, and she answered it wearing one of the Chicago Fire shirts I lended to her. She has it tied with a little not so it doesn't swallow her small frame, wearing jeans along with it, and her hair is wild, the way I love it.

I'm just gonna let her keep the shirt. She looks absolutely adorable wearing my clothes. Like a little teddy bear, I just want to squeeze her.

"And I thought you couldn't get any more cute," I comment as she closes the door behind her, smiling up at me.

We walk back down to the car, but she ushers me to the other side, seeming to hide behind it as if someone was watching us.

"Sorry I've been so moody lately," She says. "It's just everything going on with my family–"

"Grace," I quietly cut her off before she gets too caught up in an apology. "You don't have to explain yourself to me. I understand."

She nods her head. "Thanks, Isaac."

Her hand still in mine, I gently rub her palm, soothing her. "Um, I was talking to my mom the other day. We're going on vacation sort of thing over spring break next week." I start.

"Really? That's fun, where to?" Grace asks.

"My old town," I answer. "And well, it's not the ideal vacation, but I don't want you to stay here by yourself. If you don't want to come, that's okay. Like I'm sure you can be okay but you know, it's fun and all and–"

This time it is Grace who cuts my rambling short. "Isaac," She chuckles. "That sounds great."

I grin. "Okay. Okay, awesome," I take a deep breath. "I'm really glad you're going to come, Grace."

"Thanks for inviting me. It'll be nice to get away. Home isn't really the ideal place for me right now," She sighs, looking down at her sneakers. "I'm just glad to have someone like you, Isaac."

I place two fingers under her chin, lifting her face back up to look me in the eye. "You know I love you, right? A lot."

She giggles. "Right."

I smile, pulling her towards me and giving her a warm hug, kissing the side of her head. Giving her small hand a squeeze, we get into the car, starting the drive to the stadium.

❁ ❁ ❁

As soon as our car stops in the bustling parking lot, I practically jump out of the car, quickly helping Grace out and then turning around and gawking at the stadium.

The first thing you would notice are the people, all dressed in red and blue to support their team. The aroma of hotdogs and cotton candy fills the air, and you can hear the noise of the crowd inside from a hundred feet away.

Last time I went to a professional soccer game, I was with my dad.

Wrapping my hand around Grace's, we wait in line to get inside the stadium. Handing the security our tickets and finding out seats, there were only about fifteen minutes till the game.

"Are you hungry?" I ask Grace.

"Yeah. Concessions are over here." She leads me over to the stand and pulls out a couple bills from her purse.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask her.

She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "This is my Christmas present to you, remember? Besides, you pay for everything. It's my turn."

I eyeball the money. "No Grace."

"Yes, Isaac." She looks up to see lady behind the counter chuckling, waiting for us to put in our order. Grace walks up against my protest, handing the woman the money. "Two popcorns and two Cokes."

She quickly gets our snacks, handing them to me and Grace. As we walk back to our seats, I whisper, "You're very stubborn, Grace Baker."

"I know. But you're too much of a gentleman. Can't you forget your wallet at home just once?" She laughs.

We take a seat, watching as most of the crowd files in and the soccer team retreats back to the sideline to go over game plans one last time before it starts.

I spent the time leading up to it explaining how everything in soccer works, after all it's a little different than the one everyone plays as kids. As I was deep into my conversation, I noticed how Grace was attempting to balance a piece of popcorn on her nose, and I completely forgot about what I was saying. I just focus on her.

The popcorn falls off and she looks at me. "So the game ends after twenty five goals?"

Remembering what I said, I quickly nod my head, "Yeah. Yeah that's right."

I hear the whistle blow, signaling the start of the game, and I place my arm around the back of Grace's chair, excited to share one of my interests with her.

❁ ❁ ❁

Later that night, Grace and I are stumbling out of the car, laughing our asses off, high energy from the late of time and all the sugar we ended up eating.

Without breaking our giggles, I walk her up to the door and she unlocks it with her key, revealing a dark, house.

"Did you see the way David Accam scored the last goal!" I say ecstatically.

Snickering still, she shakes her head in agreement. "And then that guy in front of us threw that hot dog and it hit that scary guy's head!" She says, Laughing even more at all the fun memories me made. Once our voices die down, she whispers, "I think my dad is asleep. Come inside, I need to give you your shirt back." She pulls me into the house, and we head towards her room.

"Grace, you can have it if you want." I tell her as we reach the bottom of the staircase and head into her room.

"It belongs to you, Id hate to take it from you," She pulls out some pajamas from her dresser. She walks over to the bathroom. "I'll be right back."

I lean against the wall, looking at the ground, thinking how crazy it is that only months ago, Grace was in my room teaching me math, and I was developing a crush on her, as juvenile as it sounds. I never expected to fall in love with her, but I'm sure as hell glad I did.

When i glance back up, I see she didn't close the door the entire way. There's still a small crack, where  I can see her pull of the jersey.

I quickly revert my eyes away, remembering to act like a gentleman, no matter how raging my dumb boy hormones are. I distract myself by looking at the photographs Grace has taped along her mirror and walks. Pictures of her and her mom. Some of her and Jane from who knows how long ago. Even some of her as a baby, which seem to be my favorite. Even as a little kid, she still had the crazy curls and bright green eyes.

I hear the door creak open and look to see Grace walking back out, wearing a tank top and some shorts.

Stop it Isaac.

Don't start thinking about the tank top.

Don't be a stereotypical teenage boy! Don't do it!

Grace gives a shy smile, setting the jersey on the dresser next to her perfume. It's daisy perfume, her signature scent.

"Thanks." I manage to say, internally cringing at myself.

She walks back over to me. Uh oh. "I had fun tonight."

I nod. "I had fun too."

She takes another step closer. Oh Grace, why? Don't you understand how much I'm trying to be a respectful person right now?

"I think I can play you properly in soccer now." She comments.

This sparks my interest. "Oh really?"

A competitive smirk appears on her face. "Yup. And probably beat you."

I tilt my head. "Is that a challenge?"

Without warning she stands on her tip toes, putting her lips onto mine. Pulling back, she says, "Maybe it is."

She must be doing this on purpose. Grace Baker, you sly little lovable thing you. Two can play this game.

This time, I am the one to kiss her. "I might have to take you up on that offer, then. Unless you're a sore loser."

She grins. "You wish. You'll be crying like a little baby once I shoot a goal."

Her insults are so lame that they're adorable. "You better stop talking smack before you get ahead of yourself." I tell her, our faces only centimeters apart.

And with two words, she makes the tension in the room reach its full capacity. "Make me." She murmurs.

It's the last straw. I immediately press my lips onto hers, doing exactly what we've both been waiting to do. We grasp onto each other tightly, slowly kissing as if it's the last thing that will keep us alive. Our lips move perfectly in sync, molding together like puzzle pieces.

We slowly take steps towards the bed, laughing as we both fall onto it clumsily, both of us failing to be sexy or seductive in any way possible. We quickly situate ourselves, my back leaning against the headboard, Grace on my lap.

Holding onto my shoulders, she looks me in the eye, softly smiling. "It's so weird," She says quietly, "To think that at the beginning of the school year, I wanted nothing to do with anyone. And here now, knowing that you're the most important thing to me." She gently traces along my jaw with her thumb. "I'm so in love with you, Isaac Richards."

I pull her closer to me as our lips reconnect, my hands traveling up and down her back while hers find my hair. It's the most intimate we've gotten, which makes me slightly nervous of what could happen next, but at the same time it fills my blood with adrenaline, nothing but love fire the girl in front of me pulsing through my body.

Our kisses get deeper and quicker, our chests pressed against each each other, hearts beating rapidly. I practically kiss her breathless, and we both pull away to catch some air. As she takes some time to breathe, I move my mouth to her neck, giving the tender skin a few small kisses. I slip my hands under her tank, resting on her hips and she doesn't even flinch. I then kiss her lips once again until I feel her arms fall from my shoulders. She tugs on the hem of my sweatshirt and I help her pull it off, and she reattaches her lips to mine as she undos the top of my shirt.

She leans back as she struggles with the buttons, laughing. I begin to move my hands to help her, but she stops me. "I can do this. Buttons are just stubborn." She chuckles.

I peck her forehead as she slowly but surely unbuttons my shirt, my heart rate growing faster and faster. When my torso is fully exposed, I get a little nervous of what she thinks. Am I working out enough? Does she expect perfectness?

And then she pokes my stomach.

"Someone ate too much cotton candy today." She teases.

I can't help but look down, wondering if I really did somehow manage to gain an extra pound or two today. Wait, nothing's there–

Grace's finger lifts up my chin and she places her lips back onto mine. She mumbles, "Made you look."

I laugh a little, wrapping my arms around her, enveloping myself in her warmth. The kissing continues for more minutes until Grace stops, peeking her head up.

"Do you hear that?" She whispers. I listen closely, and I do hear something. A light turn on. Muffled voices. And footsteps coming closer. "My dad's awake." She says, sitting upright and we both let go.

The thuds of his feet get louder and louder as we listen to him descend down the staircase. He'll be in here any second now.

I jump off the bed, struggling to fix my shirt back. "Shit." I mutter. There's no time to get out.

Grace opens her closet, pushing me inside and shutting the door. I hear her bedroom door creak open, her dad walking in.

"What's going on in here?" He asks. I strain my ears to make his words audible

"Nothing. Just studying." Grace quickly replies.

"Then why did I hear voices?" I hear him begin to walk around the room, as if looking for someone. I back myself into the corner, covering myself in a blanket and some scarves.

"I tend to talk to myself while doing math." Grace answers.

There's a small pause, and then he opens the closet door. I hold my breath, not daring to make the smallest of noise until I hear him close it again.

"Why are there no books out? And who's sweatshirt is on your bed?" Mr. Baker says. "That boy better not have been in our house."

"Oh, I'd never disobey you. Isn't that obvious?" Grace sarcastically responds.

I hear him mumble some words under his breath as he leaves the room. After a minute has passed, Grace comes into the closet as I climb out from under the pile of fabric.

She quietly laughs as I finish buttoning my shirt. Grace tries to hand me my jersey, but I tell her to keep it. That I've got plenty others. She nods and opens up the window, and I climb out of it, leaning down before shutting it and kissing Grace one last time.

"Maybe next time, we won't be interrupted." I cheesily say.

Grace swats at my arm. "Go to bed Isaac. I love you."

I smile. "And I love you, Grace Baker."

❁ ❁ ❁

YAY I FINALLY GOT A CHAPTER UP LOL! Sorry if you felt awkward reading this but hey, this is Wattpad after all. I'm really excited for two reasons, 1. I get two new books tomorrow, one of which is the new Maze runner book and 2. Now that I have this filler chapter out of the way, I get to move onto the more plot-filled climaxing chapters. I'm so excited!!! Yayyyyy. Xoxo.


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