
By idkmyusername

211K 5.2K 293

‘At first there's no pain, then you feel it. So hot, it's almost like freezing ice.’ For D' Mario it wasn... More

Chapter 2
D'Mario: Know Your Character: Part 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Part 1
Chapter 5 - Part Two
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Pain & Pleasure SPP1
Chapter 9
Pain & Pleasure SPP2
Chapter 10 SP
Chapter 10
Chapter 11


88.5K 545 34
By idkmyusername

'At first there's no pain, then you feel it. So hot, it's almost like freezing ice.' For D' Mario it wasn't about the dope-dealing, the hoes, the baby mommas, the fast money of selling crack or even finding away out. It was all about the struggle, how hard it was for a black man to find a job now-a-days, how much disrespect every one got in the streets including the crack heads, the strippers, the home-less, even the rare rich ones. But he never forgot about what the hood aka Crack Town did for all the young men including him. Being nine-teen in the deep hoods of Manhattan made him grow up, he knew some people were dragged into drugs but that was a choice. You can't do good if you don't try to, after getting justice for the abuse from his father and raising his two-year-old daughter by his self, Mario had definitely grown up. Someone from the past shows up but can he accept her, or judge her before listening to her story. RATED-R // URBAN

A/N: This will PROBABLY be another short story. I update it every other weekend, a few chapters are all ready written so far. I try to make them 3000+ words every chapter, that should be 5-6 pages. Lyrics to California Dream at the end of the chapter (the song goes to the birth of Angel btw).

Chapter 1

D' Mario pulled off his tie when he stepped inside the house. Mrs. Robinson, the mother of his first love and grandmother of his daughter, stood from the couch as she watched Mario pull his shoes off.

"How was it?" She asked with a smile, the little old lady was aways there for him and his daughter. Even after the missing of her daughter two years ago, a month after giving birth to his angel.

"It was aight, I doubt I got it." He sighed before he looked at the sleeping form on the couch, "she eat?"

"Yeah, she already took her bath," Mrs. Robinson told him before grabbing her purse and kissing his cheek, "It'll get better, Mario. Keep your head up, that's what Chanel would want."

He nodded before giving her a hug and watching her walk to her car before getting in and driving off.

He hated when she brung up Chanel. He hadn't seen her in two years, they had her picture everywhere. In corner stores, stapled to trees, and even on car windows. No one but her family and friends acknowledged her disappearance. Although he hated when he thought of her, he never gave up hope. Every time he closed his eyes, he thought of the way she would kiss his temple and tell him it was okay. She had gotten pregnant at seventeen and they both knew they couldn't provide for a baby. He wanted her to see how Angel was growing up, how she stumbled with her s and t's when she tried to talk and the way she waddled when she walked.

Being that there was no evidence that anyone took Chanel, police came up with the story of saying she ran away. D' Mario knew she wouldn't leave, especially a month after the birth of their daughter.

But he still cringed when he thought of the last things they said to each other before she went missing..

"Chanel, let it go." He sighed as he tried to work out his math homework while listening to the baby monitor for any indication that Angel woke.

"How I'm suppose to act knowing you went out with another female and we together!"

Chanel was standing above him, her eyes filled with pain. Her hair that stopped just above her shoulders were thrown into a messy bun, she had took her make-up off, and walked around naturally. He loved when did.

"I already told you, me and Taylor just friends!"

"You don't go on dates with other females, D especially my friend at that!"

Normally, Chanel wouldn't argue over a bitch, she didn't care who the female was but she could never break her and D' Mario. Now, it was like he was talking to a new person, he knew that she knew he only had eyes for her. He didn't understand why he couldn't have female friends.

"You just like yo' daddy," She shook her head and before Mario could stop himself, he had already let the B word slip out. He told her how much he hated his dad, the one that beat on him everyday and constantly cheated on his mother while he was still in the house.

"Don't play that, Chanel!" He had her pushed against the wall, she already knew he had a hard time controlling his anger. He didn't know why she was provoking it.

"You just like yo' DADDY!" She said again, putting her hand in front of his face.

"Move yo hands, Nel."

"And you ain't gone be nothing but a cheater, just like him!"

His fist connected with the thin wall right next to her head. He let his forehead fall against her shoulder just as Mrs. Robinson pulled the door open.

She gasped when she saw the tears running down her daughters face, the killer look in Mario's eyes and the hole in the wall, right next to Chanel's head.

Chanel pushed him from her before wiping the constant tears from her face.

"I'm sorry.." She whispered before she walked out the room. D frowned at that, he frowned at the way she said it. Like she was more surprised about her outburst than him.

"You want me to drop you off?" Mrs. Robinson asked, she didn't know a thing about his father.

He just nodded even though he wasn't in the mood to be pushed to the ground again tonight..

He picked up Angel off of the couch before walking upstairs to her room. He laid her down carefully before he ran his hands through her twisted hair. She had a head full of hair just like her mom, without Mrs. Robinson he would of never survived having a daughter.

He cut her light off before going into his bedroom and taking off his dress shirt and slacks. He had applied for job after job and was still looking. His part time job as a flower man wasn't paying enough money for him to provide for Angel, him, and Mrs. Robinson.

He looked at the many braids in his hair, he was contemplating on wether to cut them or not. Maybe the braids gave him a dangerous look somehow, he couldn't explain it. The braids were hanging over his eyes, he had to tie them in a ponytail most of the time.

Chanel would always tell him that his hair covered his beautiful grey eyes, giving him a mysterious look that she was intrigued by sometimes though she loved to look in his eyes. She would say, his eyes told her what his mouth couldn't. His eyes expressed all his emotions but only she could see them, she could see right through him.

He always wondered how they fell so deep in love at such a young age. His friends would say that he didn't know what love was, that him and Chanel were just a phase. He always knew what love was when it came to Chanel and Angel.

He laid down in the king bed before he did what he did every night. He thought about how Chanel used to feel in his arms.

Before his eyes were fully closed, a cry made them open fully. He stood up before walking to Angels room, he grabbed her off the twin bed and laid her head against his chest as he walked back to the room. Angel was already sleep again in her daddy's arms.



D'Mario let his head fall back against the couch as he continued to smoke the last joint he had. This would be the last joint.

He was celebrating, even at the age of seven-teen he was ready for Chanel to pop out baby Angel any day now. Angel wasn't something they planned, she just happened. The first thing that his dad said when he told him Chanel was pregnant was, "tell her to get an abortion."

That time, he fought back. Only to face a broken rib the day after.

The ding of his phone made him drop the roach that was burning his fingers.

CHANEL was across the screen along with a picture of him and her together and his hands on her swollen tummy.

He coughed, hoping his voice sounded decent, "What's up, baby?"

"D- D- I think my water broke.." She started before he stood up from his couch. He grabbed the weed and put it back in his fathers office.

"I'm on my way, Nel!" He panicked before he made a quick run and got some coffee to ease his high. His eyes were rimmed with red but all he could think of was Angel.

He already had his Buretta ready for any lil nigga that tried to cross his baby girl. She probably would never know how much happiness she brung him, still being in her mothers womb. She was daddy's little Angel, and he knew she would never understand but she was sent from heaven up above.

He pulled into Chanel's driveway, she called him six minutes ago. He was counting.

He pushed his key to her house into the lock before opening the door. Chanel was on the couch, holding her stomach as she continued to breathe in and out.

Without saying a word, he picked her up bridal style before walking back to his car after locking the door.

"You left the bag!" She whispered/yelled as he tried to drive through the traffic. His heart was beating faster and faster, Chanel tightened her grip around his right hand as she tried to ease the pain of the contractions.

He turned to look at her for a quick second before shouting, "I know yo ass ain't high."

He ignored her as he pulled into the front of the hospital where nurses rolled out a wheel chair. He helped her out the car before going to park.

He ran into the hospital before going to one of the nurses.

"I need a room number." He panicked.

What if they already had her out?

"Name?" She looked up at him with a blank expression as he blew out a sigh.

"Chanel Robinson." He told her before she looked through her clip board.

"Room 78, Floor B"

He ran to the elevator before pressing "78B."

Once he got to the room, he saw Chanel's legs pushed open as a female nurse sat on the seat with her hands on Chanel's thighs.

"Alright, I need you to start pushing , Chanel." The nurse had told her while D'Mario walked near her.

A big smile was on his face as he realization really started to sink in..

Their Angel was about to be welcomed to the world..


"Daddy!" Tiny hands grabbed Mario's braids as his eyes opened. He was met by Angel's grey eyes and big smile.

Her skin was light just like her mothers, the beads in her hair were clacking as she moved her head. Right above her lips were a Cupid's bow, just like the one her mother had.

"What you doin' up, mama?" He asked her as she began to poke his face with her fingers.

"I hungry." She pouted and he sat up before getting out the bed. He pulled on some sweatpants before picking her up from the bed. Her fingers traced the tattoo of her and her mothers name on his chest.

He walked downstairs and into the kitchen before he sat her on the kitchen island while pulling out two bowls and a box of cereal. Her favorites, Lucky Charms.

Angel watched as D' Mario made a bowl of cereal before getting the milk out of the refrigerator.

He poured in the milk before putting it back and getting two spoons. He picked up Angel's pillows that she used when she sat on the stool since she couldn't reach the counter. He laid the soft pillows on the seat before sitting her on it and moving her cereal in front of her.

Her sat beside her before she started frowning as the theme song of Mickey Mouse came from the TV in the living room.

"I wanna see Mick." She whined, "Daddy, I wanna see Mickey."

"Nah, eat that in here then you can watch TV." D' Mario sighed as the tears started.

"I don't want to." She dropped her spoon and folded her arms and put on a pout.

Mario shrugged before he pushed the spoon in his mouth.

"What I tell you, Angel? Eat." He told her before she dropped her arms and started to eat her cereal.

Angel had her daddy wrapped around her little finger but in order for a child to know right from wrong, you had to be their parent not their best-friend. He didn't want her to make the same mistake her did and have unprotected sex at a young age, not that Angel was a mistake but he didn't want her to skip out on her education for some boy. He wanted to correct his wrongs by showing her the rights. He didn't want her to end up like these lil girls out here with only a small ass skirt on just to please these lil boys.

"You wanna go see Uncle Chris?" Mario asked Angel as they sat on the couch, watching Olivia.

"Mhmm." Angel said as she drunk her orange juice.

"C'mon, let's go get ready." Mario stood up before scooping up Angel.


Mario pulled up his sagging pants as he held a sleeping Angel in one arm. He knocked on Chris's door before it swung open and marijuana smoke hit him in the face.

Tonya sighed before opening the door wider for him to come in with only a robe on and her hair wrapped.

"Why you bring that child ova here?" She asked once she shut the door and walking to the bong she had set on coffee table.

"Why you smokin' up my brotha house?" Mario asked as he pulled open two windows so Angel wouldn't inhale much, "He gave you a place to live, not a crack house."

Tonya was one of Chris's many ex's. She ran to him when she was without a home, and as nice as Chris was, he let her in until she got on her feet. She was twenty-five and still acting like she was in high school.

Tonya ignored him and continued to smoke from the bong.

He walked down the hallway until he found Chris's room. He laid her down on Chris's bed before going back in the living room.

"Cut that shit out, my daughter in here." He told her as he took the lighter out her hand.

Tonya shrugged before she laid on the carpet floor and spread her legs, giving D' Mario a view of her pussy.

"You ever find yo' baby momma?" She asked as she licked her middle finger before trailing it down her body til she reached her core.

Mario sighed, she was bringing up Chanel why trying to seduce him.

He sat on the couch as she stood up and walked to him before sitting on his lap.

She circled her arms around his neck before moving her lips to his ear and whispering, "In my opinion, I think she died a longggg time ago. You should move on, baby, to something bigger and better."

She went to move his hands to her breasts but instead he had her pinned to the couch. His braids were covering his eyes and all she could see was the mug his lips held.

A scream tore from her lips as the painful grip he had on her arms.

"Don't worry bout h-" He started before the door was kicked open.

"The fuck you doing?!" Chris shouted as he pulled Mario off of Tonya.

Before D could count to two, Chris's fist flew to his jaw. He groaned as Chris continued to lay punch after punch to his ribs.

All he could think of was the same pain his dad use to cause him a year ago.

The way Chris saw it, he was just getting out of his car when he heard Tonya's scream. He opened the door as fast as he could to see his brother holding down Tonya while her robe was pulled open.

Angel stood in the middle of the living room, watching everything. Nobody noticed her until the word "Daddy" flew from her mouth and she let out a cry.

Chris let go of D' Mario and watched as he fell to the floor before Angel ran to her dad.

"You hurt my daddy!" She screamed at her Uncle as Mario started to cough up blood.

Chris turned to Tonya who had her hands covering her face as tears streamed down. She looked from Chris to D' Mario, seeing the mess she caused.

"I'm high," She started as Chris looked at her in confusion, "I didn't mean to."

"Tonya.. What'd you do?" Chris asked as he looked to his younger brother to the woman he trusted enough to live with him.

"I- I- I told him Chanel was dead," She dropped her head, "he got angry."

Chris sighed as he breathed in and out and watched as his brother stood up. He knew Chanel was a hard topic for him.

"Go in the back." He told her before helping D' Mario to the couch.

"You good?" He asked as D nodded even though he knew his younger brother wouldn't let it go, "D, you aight?"

He nodded before wiping the tears from Angel's eyes.

D' Mario sat for an hour til he fell asleep with Angel on his chest.

When he woke up the pain in his chest was bearable. He stood up, he could hear the heavy arguing of Chris and Tonya. After hearing Chanel's name more than three times, he was ready to go.

He picked up Angel before slowly walking out the front door. He put Angel in her car seat before making sure it was secure. He got in the front seat before wiping the blood from his lip. He laid his head against the steering wheel as he absorbed everything.

Tonya was nothing but trouble and he couldn't believe his blood would think he would try to rape her. He wasn't that low, he had his flaws but it wasn't in his heart to hurt a female.

He lifted his head before he started the car. He pulled open the glove department before pulling out some pain medicine. He dropped four in his hand before swallowing them. He picked up the bottle of water in his cup holder before washing them down.


D' Mario went to Mrs. Robinson's house before dropping off Angel since he had his next interview was tomorrow morning.

As soon as he got home he was dizzy. He rubbed his eyes as he watched the figure stand up from his porch.

He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked to the figure. Before he could get a word out, "D' Mario" fell from her lips.

He finally got a good look at her face as she fell into his arms.




[Verse 1: Game]

I'm at the house bout to roll this kush up

I can get a call at any minute, so I'm just doing push-ups

Waiting on what seems to be forever

I burned a hole in my Polo sweater cause I was nervous

That's how crazy birth is, loading up this Beretta

Cause this time I'm having a baby girl

So it's whatever, whenever... whatever

You my willow and it's my will to make this last forever

First thing I'm a tell her? Daddy's your umbrella

Get with a glass slipper Cali, you my Cinderella

Gotta be a dream, hold up, that's your middle name!

Both your brothers big now, so baby you my little Game

Who gonna be the Godfather? Lil Wayne?

Y'all smoke too much but got Cali tatted on his veins

And I just got a text from your mama

Saying the water burst, I guess it's time for my comma...

[Verse 2: Game]

You walk through the door, she on the ground crying

She don't wanna get up, you had a baby right here

I ain't cleaning that shit up!

I finally got her out the house, now we on the elevator

She screaming, her left the car seat

But I'm a tell her later

Forget the car seat - man - I'm hella-faded

She like "I know you ain't high! " Man, I'm celebrating...

Now we in the car, she won't put on her seatbelt

Screaming at the top of her lungs: "I need help! "

Weaving through traffic, minutes between contractions

Close your eyes right now, and you can see it happening

Imagine: she pulling on me "stop I'm about to crash, shit! "

Butterflies in my stomach, heart beating fast as shit

Every time I have a kid, it's like the first time

Kids the best, but they be coming at the worst times

Now we here, Tiff get in the wheelchair

Butterflies still here - am I happy? Hell yeah!

[Verse 3: Game]

I parked the car, now I'm running through the halls lost

Trying to figure out which one of these rooms is ours

Think: damn... one of the nurses stuck her head out

They gave her an epideral so I pulled the couch bed out

Took a nap, woke up, they almost got the head out

She grabbing on the rails, looking like she about to pass out

Told her to breathe, grab my phone and hit record

"Breathe! 1, 2, 3, 4 - one more - 1, 2, 3, 4"

Push! C'mon Tea, push! God damn it, just push! "

Nurse coaching her, doctor pulling on shoulders

Giving me the notion to cut the umbilical

She out, 8 pounds 4 ounces

Hold up: I'm about to make an announcement

See, every time a child is born somebody leave the world

So I thank the woman who gave her life for my baby girl

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