Loving You Discretely (BoyxBo...

By Scattered_Roses

7.1K 81 26

Ayden Stone is the young and sexy new Math teacher this year at Northern Lights Academy in Michigan. He thoug... More

Loving You Discretely (BoyxBoy Romance)
Loving You Discretely (BoyxBoy Romance) - Chapter 2

Loving You Discretely (BoyxBoy Romance) - Chapter 3 : Inside These Walls

1.1K 32 8
By Scattered_Roses


Here's chapter 3 for Loving You Discretely! :D I hope you guys enjoy Ayden's solo chapter :D 

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                                     Chapter 3: Inside These Walls

                                              Ayden’s POV

         “What the hell are you doing here? I told you I never wanted to see you again.” I snarled and noticed Kai hesitating as he rounded the corner back toward the cafeteria. I hoped he hadn’t noticed my hostility, but it was difficult to restrain when face with a man I only wished had died years ago.

         "Ahh Ayden, now is that any way to greet me? After all it’s been years, hasn’t it?" He replied and I felt contempt boiling in me.

How dare he come here? How dare he speak to me after all he had done, all he had allowed to happen? Panic rose in the walls of my mind as the fierceness I once held slowly started to wane. I didn’t think I could handle this. I never wanted to set eyes on this betraying fool again, but I suppose my luck had run out. How did I expect not to run into such a powerful, well known man in a town this size?

         "How did you know I was here? What the hell do you want?" I demanded, less than fervently, but with as much conviction as I could muster. It was all coming back in waves and flashes, the pain, the shame and disgrace I fought so hard to bury for all of these years.

"Gwen told me. She wants us to... reunite, rekindle our relationship. She's a sweet girl, very trusting." He commented and it made my stomach turn.

         Not only had I not wanted him anywhere near me, but I didn’t want talking to my friends, colleagues, and least of all my fiancée. I couldn't believe she had done this to me. She knew how I felt about this man. I'm certain she meant well by it, but she wasn't aware of the true reason why I had severed ties with him. No one was, except for Grey.

         "You can go to hell!" I spat angrily, feeling backed into a corner, with fear and adrenaline rising in me. I was preparing to fight or flee and since I was reverting to past behaviors, I was definitely about to flee.

          I hadn’t realized our confrontation of sorts had been so loud, but when a firm yet calming hand lay on my shoulder I realized we had drawn unwanted attention. I shrunk into him, almost instinctively, searching for the comfort I needed so desperately in this moment. He was the strong one, always encouraging me and believing in me as only a best friend could. His soft yet commanding voice soothed me.

          "Darius." Grey greeted in a smooth yet slightly skeptical tone, as if my dearest friend didn’t believe he had the balls to show his face to me after everything that happened.

"Greyson, how good to see you again. It’s been a long time." He responded and thrust his hand in Grey's direction, as if a handshake would erase all of the bad blood between the three of us. Grey took it hesitantly, but shook accommodatingly nonetheless. He was ever the well mannered sir, as his parents had taught him.

          "What brings you here today Darius? Not that it isn’t nice to see you again, sir." Grey replied effortlessly, but I could hear the distain laced in his tone. He always had my back, ever since we first became friend so many years ago.

           "Do I need a reason to see my son? It's been so long, I only wanted to catch up now that Ayden is back in town with his lovely fiancée Gwen." My father smiled pleasantly, directing his response to my protective friend. Yet I could see there was more to this visit than just saying hello. Was he fishing for information, or was he really interested in making amends? I wasn’t certain I wanted either one.

           "Well, we'd love to stay and chat but unfortunately, we've got class, so perhaps another time. It was good to see you Darius." Grey replied coolly and gave us an out. He grabbed my arm and spun me around. Needless to say I was dazed and confused, not to mention a bit angered by the ordeal.

           "Another time then son. Greyson." My father called a farewell to us as we swiftly retreated around the corner and to the sanctity of Grey's office.

           "Addy, you alright?" He asked as soon as he closed the office door. To be honest, I wasn't sure. This was not what I needed on my first day as a teacher.

           "What was he doing here Grey? What makes him think I'd ever want to mend our relationship?" I sighed and sunk into the chair across from his desk. I was accustomed to my best friend's counseling by now and knew I wouldn't get out of this without a talk.

           "I’m not sure, maybe it was as he said and he just wants to be a father to you again." He shrugged. His answer was ludicrous. If he wanted to be a father, then he should have been there for me 8 years ago, instead of shunning me and casting me aside.

           "It's bullshit Grey, and you know it." I remarked, feeling entirely drained by the encounter.

            "Just forget it Addy. Try to relax and go to class. I'll see you at dinner tonight." Grey spoke dismissively, as if I was reading too much into the situation.

            Was I making too big of a deal? Or was my skepticism warranted. I was entirely uncertain, but I wasn’t about to let it rule me. I took a few deep breaths to regain my composure and steadily made my way to my next class.

          After school was finished, I made my way home and I stalked into the house slamming the door behind me. Not only could I not believe that my father of all people had shown up at NLA my first day as a teacher, but I couldn't believe that this was Gwen's doing. I threw down my leather bag and marched into the kitchen where I knew I'd find her. She had some explaining to do.

         "Baby, you’re just in time for dinner. Where's Grey, isn't he coming?" She asked lightly while approaching me.

         She slid her arms around my neck and pressed her soft body to mine. I fought the urge to push her away, fought the pent up revulsion that welled in my stomach. This wasn't what I wanted, but it was what I deserved. To live a life shadowed in trouble, hardship and to suffer for being the monster I once was. I didn’t respond to her touch or the soft kiss she placed on my lips. Instead I stood still, unmoved and unaffected by her actions.

         This was the new, more dominant me who was rising to the surface. It was the only persona she had ever known, and to falter now just because of my father would have been a grave mistake. Gwen pulled back with a puzzled look on her face as if trying to understand why I hadn’t greeted her as I normally would. The truth of the matter was that my normal greeting of an embrace and affectionate kiss was nothing but a farce, an act to keep the monster, the victim at bay. But even now, I found that difficult to pull off given the circumstances.

          “What’s wrong baby? Why are you acting so… strangely?” She asked with a raised eyebrow and concerned look. Was she going to act like she had no idea? Apparently she was.

          “I had a visitor at school today.” I replied with no hint of emotion. I wasn’t willing to give away just how unsettling my father’s visit was to my delicate emotional balance.

“Oh? Who would come to visit on your first day?” Gwen asked casually while continuing around the kitchen and putting the finishing touches on the dinner she was about to serve as soon as Grey arrived.

          “My father. He says he spoke to you Gwen. Is that true? Did you ask him to meet me?” I inquired with a bit of hostility, although it came off as more of annoyance. She shifted uncomfortably in front of me before picking up the serving dishes and heading in to the dining room.

         “Well, he may have called here a few weeks ago and I may have told him about the new job and encouraged him to try to mend fences with you Ayden. I’m sorry baby, it’s just that… he’s your father and enough time has gone by that you should both forgive and forget.” She explained plainly while setting the dishes down on the table.

         She threw me a concerned and somewhat apologetic glance. She had no idea what she had done, and she would never understand the reason why I despised my father. It wasn’t in her best interest to know, or for anyone to know for that matter. Just as I was about to respond, the doorbell rang signaling Grey’s arrival. I scowled slightly before moving towards the door.

        “We’ll finish this later Gwen.” I remarked with an exasperated sigh, before passing her by and opening the door to allow my best friend and closest confidant into our home.

         We settled into the dining room and began our normal routine as we did every time Grey came for dinner. Gwen talked about her job as a nurse, questioned Grey on his love life and asked about work. I felt awful for putting him through this time and time again but he was my best friend, so he was more than willing to support me.

        "So how was the school day? Anything new or interesting this year?" She asked and Grey responded hesitantly.

         "Well, I think Addy had a great first day. The students and staff seem to like him. He's the talk of the school, gets a lot of attention. Other than that, there’s nothing new Gwen." He replied openly.

          I had hoped he wouldn’t bring up my popularity because Gwen was the insecure, jealous type, but to my distaste, he did anyhow. She was only going to ask questions and be on guard now. 'Thanks so much for the help dear friend' I told him silently with a less than satisfied look. He grinned sheepishly at me and continued with his supper.

          "Is that so baby? Should I be worried about those high school girls throwing themselves at you, flashing their breasts and trying to get you alone?" She asked, jealousy seething in her eyes. See, this is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I sighed not knowing how to respond.

           "Honestly Gwen, high school girls hold no interest for me." I commented after a few quiet moments. Grey snickered in response to which I returned a hardened stare.

It was an honest statement. Nothing I’ve ever said could have been truer. Those whoreish girls had nothing that even made me bat an eyelash. I didn't want attention from them, members of the staff, or anyone else. I was perfectly content to only socialize with Grey and the honest students in my classes or counseling sessions.

           “Fair enough. So how did the counseling go today? Did you find any troubled students worth saving?” She questioned me offhandedly.

           Immediately, my thoughts went to Kai, the shadowed boy with piercing blue eyes and so many secrets hidden deep within him. He was troubled, haunted, much like me, and I was dying to find out just exactly what I could do to help him, to save him from himself or whatever plagued him. There was something so honest and sincere about the helpless look that was buried in his eyes that drew me in, had me captivated. It wasn’t just his looks and it definitely wasn’t his kind and open personality. In fact, he was guarded and a bit defensive which only made him seem much more puzzling. We were the same, I could feel it resonating from him when he sat in my office this afternoon. I needed to break him and discover what he had hidden deep inside the walls of his mind.

          “I’m not sure, but there may be one worth saving.” I commented and returned my attention to the rest of my dinner.

          Certainly out of all the students I had met, Kai Fosters seemed to be the only one who held my interest, the only one who seemed worthy of my attention.


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