Neverland Crumbling: The Arri...

By veronica_openthedoor

470 27 42

A fiery crush. Burning hatred. Blood, sweat, and tears. Desperation to win. Holding onto those they love. Fam... More

Chapter One (Ellie)
Chapter Two (Xander)
Chapter Four (Xander)
Chapter Five (Ellie)
Chapter Six (Ellie)
Chapter Seven (Xander)

Chapter Three (Ellie)

48 2 2
By veronica_openthedoor

"And that over there is the Indian camp!" I led the boys and Xander through the island, giving the latter a tour. I loved showing new children the island. It renewed my love for Neverland. It was home to me. A place I belonged in. A place where I felt free. "They have their celebrations quite frequently there, and I'm friends with their princess, Tiger Lily!" I laughed a little at the thought of Tiger. She was such a sweet person, full of joy and fun. She was sweet, but she loved a good party every now and then.
"Tiger Lily?" I saw Xander's curiosity on his face, and I smiled cheerily. "Is she pretty?"
"Oh, very much so! Maybe not as much as as me, but yes, she is pretty!" I said jokingly, Peter's arrogance growing on me. Xander laughed, and we continued our adventure.
"You said that there are mermaids, Ellie!" Xander's enthusiasm made me smile, because I knew what he was like mere hours beforehand. "Where are they?"
"Oh, the beach! FOLLOW ME, BOYS!" We made a sharp left and headed down to the shore, the white sand sinking in between our bare toes. The ocean was a swathe of blue, reflecting the beautiful blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds.
"Remember Xander, mermaids are such cruel creatures. They'll drag boys and girls like us into the water to drown them." I warned, and Xander paled and took a few steps back.
"Oh Ellie no need to scare him!" Peter came to the front, rolling his eyes. "The mermaids are nice if you know how to treat them!"
"Well they hate me." I murmured, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Because they're jealous!" He laughed. "They're jealous you're close to me and that it's not one of them!" That comment made me smile, and I pushed a stray hair back behind my ear.
We walked along to the beach, and I made sure to stay behind Peter once we came to the shore, for as soon as we approached, mermaids were squealing and swimming right for us. Or for Peter. "Peter! Oh, it's Peter! Hello, Peter!" I rolled my eyes in annoyance, standing back. "Oh look, it's Ellie..." They gave me nasty smirks, and I glared right back at them.
"It's Mother to you!" I placed my hands on my hips.
"Well—" A huge gasp emanated from Gabriella, the leader of the mermaids, for she spotted Xander. Oh no. "A boy! A new one! Girls, look at him!"
The girls immediately began squealing over him, and Xander stepped into better view so the girls could see him better. They went on and on about how cute he looked, how he was an utter darling. It made me gag.
"Come to us, darling!" Gabriella cried, her arms open. Xander hugged himself and took a step back, and Peter patted his shoulder.
"Smart choice, Little Blue." He smiled down at the new recruit reassuringly, and I smiled at the friendship forming.
"Peter!" Gabriella whined, splashing her tail. "We want to play with the boy! He's adorable!"
"Sorry girls," Peter shrugged. "He's not for sale."
The boys began giggling, and Xander's cheeks went pink. Peter, he was clever sometimes. He would say that he was clever all the time, because that's just how he was. He was so arrogant, and it made me laugh.
The mermaids suddenly went still, and they looked around nervously. Peter suddenly became serious, bringing the laughing to a halt with the single raise of a hand. When the mermaids suddenly let out shrill cries and disappeared, Peter immediately grabbed Xander by the arm and myself by the hand.
"We need to get out of here," my heart began thumping. "It's not safe."
"Peter, it's not--"
"Yeah, it is. We need to get you both to camp." He began walking, us two in tow, and Xander whined in protest.
"What's going on?!" He cried, looking at us confusedly. "Why did the mermaids vanish like that?!"
"Pirates." Peter and I said in unison, and Xander's little face went white with utter terror.
"Come on, it's gonna be okay. Trust me, they're not as bad as you think.." While inside, my heart was thumping. They honestly terrified me sometimes. Especially Captain Hook and his gleaming hook for a left hand... I had seen him kill one of his own men by driving it into the poor victim's chest. He had done it to scare me. To scare Peter Pan's little pretty friend.
"Going somewhere, Blondie?" I turned around, Peter's grip on my hand tightening. One of the pirates. Hook himself never came on attacks. He showed himself once I was his prisoner on the ship. The man's eyes fell on Xander, and my throat tightened. "And who is this? A new recruit?"
"His name is Xander and you won't lay a finger on him!" I was suddenly getting very defensive with him. I didn't know why.
"Well look who's feisty." The pirate laughed, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me in.
"ELLIE!" Xander shrieked. Peter released the battle cry, and soon all the boys had pulled out their weapons and charged.
"RUN XANDER!" I had pulled out my own knife, fighting a pirate who had a little too much to drink.
"RUN LITTLE BLUE!" Peter cried out shortly after me. "JUST GO!" So Xander took off running, lifting into the air soon after. I watched him for a second, curious. Huh. He was a real natural--
"DUCK!" I hit the deck, and a bow and arrow went sailing over my head. Nice one, Stripes.
"ELLIE DON'T FOLLOW XANDER!" Peter shouted from somewhere inside the battle, and I managed to stand back up with my knife still drawn. "You'll lead them right to him DON'T DO IT!"
"I'm not gonna do it!" I stabbed my dagger into a pirate's throat, and he dropped dead immediately. "I'm fighting with you!"
"There's my Wildcat!" I could see him now, effortlessly warding off nasty pirates with that charming grin of his.
I laughed along with him, spinning behind me to slash a pirate across the cheek. "Don't you mess with the mother of Neverland, nasty fool!" I loved the thrill of the battle. I loved being a Lost Girl so much. It was my calling, in my eyes. Fighting pirates beside Peter, defending my friends. It was the best feeling in the entire world.
"Come on, sweetcheeks," my current opponent chuckled. "Cap'n misses ya!"
"Well, too bad! He'll have to do without me! I am a Lost Girl, not a filthy pirate like you!" I sent my knife into his chest, and the light immediately left his eyes.
I only hoped Xander was alright... The poor Little Blue... If the pirates managed to get him..I would never forgive myself. I could handle them easily, but I didn't know about him..
While I was distracted, I felt an arm enclose around my waist and a hand clamp over my mouth. Peter looked over at me, and his smile faded. None of the boys seemed to notice that I was being dragged away, but Peter saw and he looked completely crushed. I could see him begin to come after me, and then he doubled over. A knife was sticking out of his shoulder. I let out a muffled scream, and soon my view was blocked by trees and vines and branches.
Peter Pan--the boy who I always believed was invincible--was stabbed. I kicked my legs and tried to fight, but I was no match for this pirate's grip. We went deeper into the jungle, my mind still reeling, and soon we came to a stop.
"Good job, boys." I looked over and saw Xander on his knees, his wrists bound and his mouth gagged. How did they find him?! "Take them both to the ship." The men stripped me of my knife and tied my wrists together, and I was dragged along while Xander's tiny body was over one of their shoulders.
Another meeting with Captain Hook. This was going to be just wonderful.

Aaaaaand our two blondies have been captured by pirates!! I bet you all know who Hook is considering what this is based off of lol XD
~ Sammie <3

DUH DUH DUH DUH. Peter Pan has been stabbed! Oooooo! We all know nothing's gonna happen to him, we're not that cruel...or are we? So yes, next chapter we're going to meet CAPTAIN HOOK! You all know him, you all love him, and you all can't live without him. How're you guys liking the story so far? My opinion is that it's awesome, but I'm one of the writers and therefore I'm biased. Stay tuned, laddies! More coming your way soon!
~ Sami (paper-sami)

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