to be with you ā†  narry

By -violence

26.6K 755 147

it's not a thing they realize at first, no, it takes a five day blizzard and late night confessions to realiz... More

new book!


2K 75 4
By -violence

six; fashion show + too many buttons

The next day, Harry awakens earlier than Niall, heading into the living room to watch television while he waits for Niall to wake. It isn't until an hour later that Niall comes to consciousness and decides to get dressed. Neither of them expected a blizzard and Niall certainly did not think to bring spare clothes so for the time being, Niall would have to manage with Harry's wide assortment of clothes. As he's rummaging through his friend's closet, he spots Harry's green Packers jersey and decides to wear that along with some loose basketball shorts.

Shortly after, Niall makes his presence known when he exits the bedroom and enters the living room where Harry lays. It's a surprise to Harry to see his mate in a football jersey of a sport he doesn't watch. Nevertheless, it looks good on him.

"I didn't know you were into American footie." Harry commented as Niall sits beside him on the couch.

"M'not, thought I'd wear it because it beats the flimsy floral patterned shirts you own." He replied, earning a scoff from Harry as he sits alongside him, resting his feet on the coffee table in front of them.

"Hey! I'll have you know that I paid good money for those, they're designer too." He shoots back, playfully shoving Niall away.

"That's even worse, if you're gonna pay tons of money for a shirt at least have a logical reason behind it beside 'it's designer'."

"I could walk down the runway with the clothes I own, you would probably show up in skinny jeans and a striped shirt."

Niall chuckles, "That's probably true, I haven't worn a tuxedo since Greg's wedding."

"Hey I have an idea," Harry grins. "You should put on a fashion show. It'll be amusing to see you in some of the clothes I own."

Niall thinks it over for a second, nodding in agreement as he had quickly decided to engage in something entertaining to pass the time. Harry's face radiates with excitement as he steps into his room and announces he'd be choosing the outfits. Laughter floods the other room with Harry's boisterous cackle as he most likely imagines the clothing on Niall. His everyday look of skinny jeans and a plain shirt will soon be transformed into something you might see male fashion models wear.

Harry comes into vision and proclaims that the fashion show may begin. He nods in response and makes his way into his room. Soon after, the door creaks open slowly as Niall pops his head out into view.

"I look quite silly in your clothes, that's for sure." Niall remarks, stepping out and revealing his slim body in a sheer black shirt with all the buttons being buttoned, skin tight, leather pants, and a pair of boots that you'd find Harry in more times than none.

Harry snickers softly, holding a hand to his mouth and eyeing the ground for a second to hold in his amusement. He glances up and takes a step forward to meet Niall closer. He shakes his head and reaches his hands out to unfasten the first four buttons, smiling because now his skin is more exposed and the small tuft of chest hair is visible. He moves his chest flush against Niall's and brings his hands up to his hair and runs his fingers through and upwards to mess with his soft, newly brunette hair. Niall silently holds in a breath and stares upward at Harry's eyes, he can feel the bare skin of his chest press against his friend's. His body feels oddly warmer in the few mere seconds they've been brought together. Harry gazes down and locks eye contact, tugging the ends of his lips into a small smile as their heart beats have now synched up, causing their chests to rise and fall simultaneously.

They don't remain like that for long because once Harry takes a few steps back and regains his composure he looks over Niall all together once again. He somehow resembles a shorter haired version of Harry.

"Damn, Niall. You look good." Harry remarks truthfully, shifting his weight to his right side.

Niall chuckles and shakes his head, "You're only saying that because I look like you."

But before Harry can reply that-No, Niall, you actually look quite gorgeous in sheer material, he's already back off to his room to try on another outfit. He leans back on the couch as he waits for his arrival once again but this time, Harry can't seem to draw his eyes away from him.

He's dressed in all black once again with a hint of white. His top is made of cashmere that's soft to the touch. Niall still hasn't figured out how many buttons should be left undone, keeping most of them fastened but one, which is still too many. A long black coat drapes over the shirt and down to his knees. His pants have white vertical stripes, however they ended up being a tad bit too long so he had to fold the ends up. And finally, he's wearing black, polished dress shoes.

"So what event would I wear this to?" Niall asks as he takes a step forward to stand right in front of Harry.

"Hmm, I can see you walking down the streets of Los Angles on your way to a nightclub." He replies, doing a once-over and admiring his current look.

"Oh really? Am I an A-list celebrity now?" He questions, tilting his head at angle as a soft chuckle is released.

Harry steps closer to him, reaching his hands out to fiddle with the buttons again. For this outfit, he finds it best to only leave a few at the bottom left buttoned. A long v shape is uncovered, revealing way more than Niall would normally think to show.

"No, not a celebrity. But you would look so much like one, that the bouncers would be forced to let you in."

Niall shakes his head in amusement and laughs. Glancing back at Harry, he decided to look for himself and head to the bathroom where he finally sneaks a peak of how he looks in Harry's clothing. It's definitely not as bad as he thought, however he can't imagine going anywhere dressed in that outfit. Behind him stands Harry, watching his reaction as he leans against the door frame.

He turns to Harry, "Is this the last outfit or do I have to endure more embarrassment?"

"Oh shut up," He remarks, "I know you enjoy this. But there is one more and it's just a casual everyday outfit, no worries."

And with that, Niall heads back into the bedroom and tries on the last and final outfit that would complete their fashion show. The last set of clothes includes a loose fitting black t-shirt, a dark maroon flannel, a classic pair of black skinnies, and his brown suede boots. Harry was right, this was an everyday outfit, Niall could even see himself wearing this on an average day. Once he's done dressing, he exits the room and meets Harry back in the front room.

"Not too shabby." Harry comments right as he takes sight of his Irish friend.

"I'd have to admit, this one isn't too bad. Might have to steal this look from you one day." Niall replies cheekily.

"As long as I can tape a piece of paper to your back that says Clothes Courtesy of Harry Styles." Harry remarks, earning an eye roll from Niall.

"Well now that that's over-" Niall begins to speak but soon gets cut off.

"Hold that thought, my mom is calling me." Harry explains, answering his phone and walking away.

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