
By Starfire0101

2.4K 87 21

Ok so Kori and Richard "Dick" are dating, Rachel and Garfield "Gar" are dating and last but not lest Karen an... More

idk what to put as the title
First Day
Too the Beach
What are we?
On the Road Again
"What is wrong with him?"
Your so stupid
I guess...
Oh my gosh...
I thought they hate each other
That Sucks
Maybe this is better
"Are You Ok Princess?"
Last Night....

"Just not my best today.

85 3 4
By Starfire0101

It had been a day sense Kori's parents had die. Dick was currently at the doctors office to get information on there death.
Komi and Kori were at home asleep. Well not Kori.
Kori was walking around in the dining room. She had just got done eating and was wondering were Dick was.
Kori looked to her left and saw the licker cabinet.
"Maybe just one drink. It wouldn't hurt." Kori thought to her self.
She looked around and took a bottle. Opened it and drank some.
Kori instantly felt better. And drank more.
She ran upstairs when she heard a car pulling in the driveway.
It was Wally and Vic.
"Sh*t they would kill me." She said and bolted to her room.
*Knock Knock*
Kori went downstairs and acted like she just woke up.
She had a toothbrush in her hand and was wearing a big t-shirt and shorts then opened the door.
The guys walked in and sat down and waited for her to finish brushing her teeth.
"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Kori asked.
"Dick is trying to get information about stuff and he wanted us to check on you guys. You aren't doing anything illegal are you?" Wally joked.
Kori turned red. "No..." She said nervously.
"Kori is there something wrong?" Vic asked and reached for her.
"No no. I'm good. Everything's. Good." Kori said. She was terrible at acting.
"Hey!" Dick entered the room.
"Hey." Everyone said.
Ryan was on the top of the stairs.
"Korni!" He yelled and was trying to go down the stairs and tripped. Dick who was closer to the stir ran over and quickly grabbed Ryan. He held him until Ryan tried reaching for Kori.
"He does this all the time."
Karen and Rachel were hanging out together to day they were watch a movie.
More like Karen was and Rachel had her nose in a book.
"Oh isn't it romantic?" Karen said to Rachel.
"Haven't we watched this before?"
"Yeah. So what's your point?" Karen asked annoyed.
"Why don't we watch a horror movie?" Rachel asked as she closed her book.
"Because there stupid." Karen said to one of her best friends
"No they aren't. At least people aren't having sex every five seconds. And aren't entertaining. At that is is drama." Rachel explained to Karen.
"Okay then how about we watch one of these movies and you watch one movie I like." Karen said and Rachel agreed.
Vic and Wally had left.
Kori was in her room.
"Maybe I should go a head and put this back. It was just that one time thing." Kori was talking to her self.
"Hey Kori you in there?"
"Yeah hang on one second."
"Sh*t were do I need to put this?" She thought.
Kori had put it in the back of her closet and opens the door.
"Hey, what's up?" She asked and let him come in.
"Do you want to know more?"
Kori knew exactly what Dick was talking about and nodded her head.
"Ok if you want me to stop at anytime tell me okay?" He said and she nodded.
"So your parents were in the hotel lobby. They were about to leave for another business meeting. And a gang came in looking for a friend of your fathers. Your father didn't want to tell them worried that they would kill him. By shooting. Your mother was about to escape but one of the gang members saw her and shot her to. The police found out who they were and sent them to Jump City to the hospital because of lack of hospital down there. They both had a 20% chance of living. But that night a gang member came into there room. Claiming to be there son. And murdered your parents. The doctors didn't know until they came into the room and found a knife, a lot of blood and two dead body's." He said and looked down.
  They didn't speak for a while until...
  "Does Komi know?" She asked breaking the silence.
  "No not yet." He said and looked up at her.
  "I guess I should tell her." Dick said and walked off.
  Dick shut the door behind him and Kori grabbed the bottle and drank. A lot.
  "So what your telling me is. This is a horror movie and there sitting there making out on the couch?" Karen asked Rachel.
   Which nodded her head.
   "This is like a scary romance movie!" She said and smiled.
   "Why are you so surprised? And plus these are the type of people that die first." Rachel told her.
   Karen frowned at the girl sitting next to her.
   Garfield was sitting alone in his bedroom. He was listening to music.
   And then the door bell rang.
   "Who is it?" Garfield asked the person on the other side.
   "My car broke down in front of your house. I wanted to know if I could use your phone to call my folks at home so they could pick me up." The girl said.
   Gar looked through the pepping hole and as she said her car was sitting there.
   He opened the door.
   "Hey, do you want me to drive you home?" He asked.
   "I guess I could let a hot guy as your self drive me home. Or not." She said.
   "Well maybe some other time. Come on." He said and started to walk off.
   Before he got out the door she pulled him back into the house and kissed him.
   "Do you want to take this upstairs?" She asked as if she had done this before.
   "No I shouldn't." He said and shook his head.
   "Oh please for me?" She asked and took of her jacket. It reviled a tight crop top that showed a lot of cleavage.
    And accidentally dropped it on the floor behind her.
   "Oops!" She said and turned around and bent over to show off her butt.
   "Does this girl really trying to do this?" Gar thought to him self.
   "So how about going upstairs? It will be fun!" She said.
   "I'm sorry I don't even know you. And-" She cut him off and grabbed him and kissed him and they went up stairs.
    They got into the guest bedroom. She pushed him down on the bed and the kiss got heated.
    She tangled through his hair as he pulled her close to her.
   Kori sat on her bed and stared at the bottle.
   She looked at her phone. And looked at the bottle. Thinking if she should just go to her friends.
   She thought about it.
   "They wouldn't understand. They would think I'm weak and laugh at me. And annoy them and they wouldn't want to be my friends." She thought.
   And took another swig of it then put it back in the closet and walked out of the room.
"Hey princess!" Dick greeted as she walked into the living room.
"Hey could you do me a favor?" She asked.
Karen rushed home. Kori wanted to talk about something very important. Well that's what she told her.
"Hey!" She said as she greeted Kori at the door.
"Hey" she said and was looking down.
They walked to Karen's room. And sat down on Karen's bed.
"So what do you wait to talk about?" Karen asked her friend.
"You know maybe I shouldn't tell you." Kori said and tried to leave.
"No you need to tell me." Karen said and grabbed her arm.
"Fine. But you have to swear that you tell no one! Most of all Dick and Victor. They would kill me." She said.
"Did you cheat? Are you pregnant? Are you going to kill your self? You can't do that!" Karen started to cry.
"No in not doing any of it. Could I tell you?" Kori asked.
Karen nodded.
"Well Dick went to the hospital this morning. And Komi was asleep and so was Ryan. And I was looking around for Dick. And I looked to my left and the liquor cabinet was next to me. And well. I opened it and took a bottle. And I have uh- started to.... Drink. A lot." Kori had told Karen. And looked down at the floor.
"Holy sh*t. That's illegal your not even 21. And it's really dangerous. You have to tell Dick. And I have to tell someone I can keep a secret like that. What the sh*t is wrong with you?" Karen picked up her phone and was trying to call Vic.
"No Karen please don't tell anyone I have been trying to stop. Please don't tell anyone. Please." Kori cried.
"I m not going to but you have a month to stop. Or I'm tell in Dick and Vic. And you'll be there so you can talk to them." Karen threatened.
"I will I promise."
Kori got home after a bit.
She had to listen to Karen going on and on about alcohol and drugs.
"Hey babe!" Dick said to Kori as she walked in.
He was trying to help with dinner. And as usual failed. Terribly.
"What were you girls taking about?" Dick asked.
"Oh sh*t does he know." She thought to her self.
"Oh just girl stuff." She had thought that would be best so he wouldn't ask anymore.
"Oh that's cool."
"So what did you do while I was gone?" Kori asked.
"Just hung out with Ryan." Dick said to her.
Gar got off the bed.
That girl was asleep.
"Oh my gosh I slept with. This girl." He thought.
"Hey girl. You have to leave now!" Gar said. And woke her up.
"Why I really like you." She said and got out of bed and tried kissing Gar.
"No you have gotten me into so much trouble." Gar said and was looking around.
He made her clime. Down the side of the house where the drain pipe was.
And she left.
"Wait what's your name?" Gar called.
"You'll find out." She called back.
There was something about that girl. But she was bad news.
Rachel was with Terra. They were passing Garfield's house when some girl shimmied down the drain pipe.
"Do you see that?" Rachel pointed.
"No what?" Terra looked around.
She saw a girl with messy hair, a tight crop top and really short jean shorts. Gar dropped her jacket to her. And then her shoes.
"Get back here" Terra told Rachel and pulled her into some bushes.
"What's your name?" Gar yelled.
"You'll find out." She called back to him.
"You know what that means right?" Terra asked Rachel.
"They did it and he doesn't even know who she is." Rachel responded.
They both ran to Gar's house.
And rang the door bell and Gar opened it.
"What?" Gar asked.
"Rachel left her book here. We need to get it." Terra told Gar. And he open the door wider.
"I think it was in here." Rachel said and walked into the guest bed room.
It had sheets everywhere and the pillows were on the floor.
Plus Gar looked like a mess.
"Gar what happened?" Rachel asked.
"Oh I uh fell asleep in here."
"With who?" Terra asked him.
"What the d*mn are you taking about?" He asked his ex girlfriend.
"That. There was a girl in here." She said and pointed to a bra on the floor.
"Oh sh*t. Well uhh. This girl came to the door and told me that her car broke down. And well she started kissing me and I tried to stop her but she walked me up stairs and boom. Please don't tell anyone." Gar pleaded.
"I dont know I think we should tell Kori!" Rachel said knowing Kori would beat his *ss.
Dick was in Kori's room. She had fell asleep and it was in the middle of the day.
"What is that?" Dick thought. Something hit some glass and hit his eyes.
It was in the closet. Dick walked over and started looking in her closet.
"What the sh*t are you doing in her closet you pervert!" Komi said to him and started to through stuff at him.
Kori opened her eyes and Dick was being attacked by Komi.
"What the h*ll?" Kori said.
"Your perverted boyfriend was looking through your closet!" She said to Kori.
"Sick him!" Kori laughed.
"No! There was something in your closet that was shining into my eyes!" He said to them.
"Are you sure you weren't looking for her underwear? Or her bra's?" Komi asked him.
"Okay you to brake it up." Kori got in between them and Dick hit her with a pillow.
"Ohh! Crap I was trying to hit Komi!" He said and ran out the room.
"Come back her Grayson!" Kori ran out the room and Komi was running behind her.
Dick ran behind the couch to hide.
"Babe were did you go?" Kori said walking down the stairs.
Kori pointed to the couch and Komi walked to the opposite side Kori walked too.
"We got you!" The both started hitting pillows at him.
Dick grabbed both the girls by the waste. And keep them there so they couldn't move.
"More like I got you guys!" He laughed.
"Do you give up?" He asked the girls.
They both agreed a rematch and gave up.
"Korni!" Ryan was at the top of the stairs and tried walking down.
"No Ryan stop!" She commanded.
He stop were he was and sat down on the stairs.
"Korni I'm hundry. Can I eat the pish?" He asked.
"Sure let me get them." Kori walked to the cabinet.
"Here you go Ry." Kori said.
"Tanks!" He said to her and started eating goldfish.
"Gar your an idiot!" Terra laughed.
Gar was so embarrassed by what him and that girl did.
"You had sex and you don't even know her name." Rachel said and shook her head.
"Your turning into who Dick used to be. A playboy. I'm tell you this as a friend." Rachel told Gar as they left.
"I'm worried about Gar." Rachel told Terra.
"Why do you say that?" Terra asked her friend.
"Well in high school Dick was a player. Well it began in 7th grade actually. But it was bad in high school. I personally think he was trying to find someone like Kori but. He had gone through all the girls at school pretty much. Or just flirted. But never did with Kori. They had there moments and finally someone cheated on Kori and Victor took the part of wiping the kids *ss and dick tried cheering her up. So meaning he was with her a lot. We all got closer that time. And they one day got into a fight. A week later I walked in on them making out on the couch. Sense then they had been dating and that was around the end of the third year of high school. And then he stop being a playboy. I'd say they both liked each other sense kindergarten. But never admitted it."
"D*mn I dont know that. There like a perfect couple I never thought that happened." Terra told Rachel.
"Jenn Karen come on let's go." Wally called to the girls.
Jenn, Wally, Vic and Karen were having a double date.
"We'll leave you girls here." Vic threatened.
"That means you to are on a date together." Jenn yelled back.
"I'm not dating this jack*ss!" Vic said and took a step away from Wally.
"Dude I'm not a jack*ss!" Wally wined.
The girls walked out and they all walked to Vic's car. Wally and Jenn sat in the back and Victor drove with Karen sat next to him.
"Karen, KAREN. KAREN!" Vic yelled.
"What?!" She asked the annoying guy next to her.
"We're here. Are you okay? Your acting weird."
"No I'm good." Karen said.
When Kori told her that she had been drinking that's all she thought about.
"I'm just not my best today." She told her boyfriend.

~~ the picture doesn't go with the chapter but oh 🐳.
Don't be a silent reader tell me what you think!

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