always attract 🌙 derek hale...

Av finnmikaelson

357K 11.9K 4.8K

It all started out for Derek Hale when he was at the age of seven, entering his second grade class for the fi... Mer

Always Attract
one shot


7.2K 268 82
Av finnmikaelson

n// wow i cant beleive it's been 84 years since i updated last im sosososo sorry wow omg please dont hate me lol but idk if yall are sensitive to this type of stuff but throughout this chapter there is mentions and actions of booty grabbing/the tiniest bit of "smut" (not really but i dont wanna risk any of yall getting mad at me) and i think it's beautiful and everyone should get their booties grabbed by the one they love but some of you guys may not like it so if you're one of those people im sorry and if you aren't one of those people i hope you get all the booty grabs in the world ok i love you, remember that voting makes me update faster, and that comments are my fav things in the world okok i hope you like it

also i will fIGHT any of u who look me in the eye (or screen) and tell me that derek hale is NOT an ass man. like,,... the disrespect. that is a total hc and i refuse to let anyone tell me otherwise amen

song of the chapter: stay by rihanna (thirty seconds to mars cover)

And surely, after a long, boring day of classes, the fun was ready to begin. Derek and I finally had a date planned out, and hopefully one that didn't involve assassins, or dead pools, or death in general. For once, I just wanted a simple and normal night out with my boyfriend, watching a game that I really had no interest in. And I swear to God, if anything comes in the way of that, I will personally murder whomever is held accountable. This is my love life, not some stupid shtick. So that's why I was going to make sure everything is perfect.

Taking out my phone, I dialed Derek's number and pressed it to my ear, letting it ring. And as always, he answered on the third ring.


"Hey, Hale," I greeted, walking my things to my car. "Just calling to let you know that I'm heading home to change out of my work clothes and into something a little more comfortable before the game. That's still happening, right? No secret agendas or supernatural emergencies?"

I heard him chuckle over the phone, and I could practically see him shaking his head at my reasonable ass questions. Because some shit like that always seemed to happen right before we were about to do something. Need I remind you all about the little pandemic scare?

"Nope. Just a normal night with my best girl, watching a whole bunch of teenagers throw a ball using sticks into a big ass net."

"Are we talking about sex or lacrosse because you're describing the same things."



But Derek said nothing, just laughed about my comment.

"I take it you aren't very excited about the game?" I asked teasingly.

"...No, but this is what you wanted to do, so this is what you're getting."

"Well, no matter what, nothing will ever come close to being as bad as the Paris incident of 2011."

"What happened in Paris 2011?"

"You'll find out one day."

"But now you've gotten my interest."

"Then you'll be even happier when the time comes for you to find out." I smirked, loading my car up. "So, back on topic, swing round my house in ten so I can change and all that and we'll head to the game together."

"Sure thing, but what's wrong with what you're wearing now?"

"I don't think I want to spend my entire night in a pencil skirt and heels, Derek."

"But you were wearing something different when you left this morning―"

"You think I'd honestly wear that to work?!"

"I thought you looked beautiful."

"And I did, but that's not professional enough to wear to work." I explained. "Besides, you always think I look beautiful."

"Because you always do."

"Well, if I do say so myself, I look even more beautiful in this outfit because goddamn does my ass look fine in this skirt!"

"Your ass always looks fine." Derek smirked. "Trust me, I would know. I got a great view of it the other night―"

"We're keeping this date PG, Hale, and everything leading up to it." I said sternly, starting up my car.

"So no sex?"

"No sex."

"Not even booty grabs?"

"...Okay you little jerk booty grabs are allowed." I said, knowing that that asshole knew that I loved them. "But I'll see you at my place in a few. Love you!''

"Love you, and your booty, too!"

And with a little grin, I shook my head and hung up the phone, saying hi to a few students before getting in my car, and driving home. And, as promised, Derek's car was in the driveway, making me grin. Hopping out, I gathered my belongings and booked it into the house, throwing open the door to be met with the face of my one true love.

"Touch my butt and tell me you love me." I giggled, throwing my work on the couch and wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning my forehead against his.

"Yes ma'am." Derek responded, then wasting no time in pulling me into a feverish kiss, placing his hands on my ass and giving it a nice squeeze.

The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever, filled with him letting his primal instincts out and me completely falling under his spell. As he moved down from my lips to my neck, I felt his wolfish grin as I let out a moan.

"You know," I whimpered under his touch, letting out a small yelp as he picked me up. "Even without your powers, you're always going to be my alpha."

Stopping his assault on my neck, he let out a low, animalistic growl, turning me on even more. Attacking my neck once more, I threw my head back, making the access all the easier for him to leave a mark of his own on my beautiful ass neck. Moving us to the couch, he dropped me and begun the real fun. And around an hour and a shower later, we were ready for our date.

"No sex, eh?" Hale chuckled, placing a kiss on the outer shell of my ear.

"Shut up, you prick." I smiled, leaning into his hard chest.

"I thought I was your alpha."

I could practically feel his shit-eating grin from behind me, making me involuntarily smile.

"Did I really say that?" I asked, playing dumb. "Huh. Must of been the moment."

"Ha, ha, very funny." He said sarcastically. "How's this for 'the moment'?"

Furrowing my brow, I turned to look at his face before I was in a sudden movement thrown over his shoulder.

"Hale!" I screeched with a giggle. "Hale! Put me down!"

"Sorry, no can do, Lizzie!"

"You know I hate that name!"

"Really? I didn't know that!" He yelled back sarcastically. "Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie!"

"Oh, you wanna play, Dere-Bear?" I asked, taunting him from my position over his shoulder.


"Oh, I'm sorry, Dere-Bear, do you not like that name?"

"No, Lizzie, it's perfect."

"Just like me." I grinned, wriggling around in his grip until I eventually got out. "Now let's go, Dere-Bear, we have a game to get to."

"Ugh," He groaned, really not wanting to go to a stupid lacrosse game, but sucking it up for me. "I really don't want to have to deal with your co-workers and students."

"You leave my babies alone." I chuckled. "Plus, they all love you."

"Not all. Don't think I don't know about their little crushes on you, Elizabeth." Derek said jealously.

"Well, after seeing my neck, I doubt they'll try and do anything." I said reassuringly, kissing him on the lips. "But if one of those teenage girls that fawn over you even come close, I will give them a detention so fast they won't know what hit them."

Smiling, he nodded and picked up his coat, putting it over my shoulders sweetly.

"You did not just do that." I laughed, wrapping my arms around his waist as we walked to his car.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

"I didn't even know that people did that anymore!" I laughed. "I thought people just made their significant others their man crush Monday or woman crush Wednesday to show their love."

"Do you?"

"Hale, you're my man crush everyday."

Laughing again, we slipped into the car and headed to the school, where the night lights were put up, and the students/parents were already filing in.

Buying our tickets and walking through the gates, Derek took my hand and quickly found us seats, where we were right in between some of my students.

"Hey, Ms. I!" A lovely boy named Luke chirped.

"What's good, Ingle-Pringle?" His best friend Calum asked.

"Hey, guys!" I replied, waving at them. "You excited?"

"Yeah! Lacrosse is life!" Calum laughed, high fiving Luke. "You?"

"Actually, it's date night for me." I smiled, gesturing to Derek, drawing attention to the brooding man I loved. "This is my boyfriend, Derek. Derek, these are two of my amazing students, Cal and Luke."

As the boys exchanged pleasantries between each other, Derek and I both noticed the utter looks of disappointment and heartbreak that flashed across their faces as soon as the word date slipped past my lips. And Derek would be lying if he said that that didn't make him the happiest man on Earth at the moment. So, to make the moment even better, Derek wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his chest, effectively shielding me from the nip of the cold and making the boys even more jealous. And, eventually, the boys went back to their business, and we went right back to chatting quietly as we waited for all of the lacrosse players to finish getting ready and get out on the field. Scanning the crowd, I found myself looking for all of my kids, AKA Scott, Liam, Stiles, and Kira, but only found half of the quartet.

"Hey, Hale?" I hummed, brows furrowed slightly. "What time did Kira and Scott say they were going to be here?"

"Before the game started, why?" Derek asked.

"I don't see them..."

"Well, your eye sight has never been the best."

"Oh, shut up and see if you can find them. They're numbers eleven and fifteen."

Scanning the crowd of lacrosse players that put on their pads, he saw most every other number and found that I was right. Scott and Kira weren't anywhere to be seen.

"I don't see them, either," Derek admitted. "They probably lost track of time, and are still at the loft."

Sighing, I nodded, and snuggled further into his chest, easing my nerves about the whole situation a little bit. But I just couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right, especially if the two star players of the team weren't showing up for the game they'd been talking about since it was announced that they were going to play Liam's old school. But as the game commenced, I found myself pushing it to the back of my mind, focusing on the game I had been looking forward to, as well.

Derek, on the other hand, was bored out of his mind. As he watched Stiles get pummeled over and over again by the much better teenagers on the Devenford team, he began thinking about stuff. More specifically, his past. How could I tell? Derek tended to get a tad bit of a whimsical look on his face whenever he did that. Especially when thinking back on our relationship, or lack thereof one.

"I remember you doing this for me when we were kids," He whispered in my ear. "Cheering me on while I played my games."

"You wish," I rolled my eyes, cringing as Stiles got knocked down again. "I was always there to see if my hexes worked."

"Well, hex or not, I appreciate you coming."

"Yeah, yeah," I groaned, looking over the field, still in search for Kira and Scott. But instead of them, I found someone else. "Wait. Is that your uncle?"

"What?!" Derek asked, no longer being the nostalgic Derek that he was a second ago. "Peter's here?"

Looking down, I pointed at the handsome man talking to a girl whom I recognized as Malia, drawing his attention to the odd situation.

"Must he ruin everything?" Derek asked in frustration.

"Okay, this is getting weird." I said lowly. "Scott and Kira aren't here, Peter and Malia are talking about god knows what, Liam is conversing with his enemy without killing him, we're on a proper date, and most of all, Stiles is playing first string for fuck's sake. Something isn't right, Hale, and I don't like it."

Agreeing, Derek nodded and kept his trained eyes on his uncle, seeing if he was going to try anything to the young girl, whilst I kept an eye on my boys, who looked like they were dying on the field.

"Come on," I said, standing up and taking my boyfriend's hand. "We're going back to the loft."

"What? What about our date" Derek asked, showing concern. "You wanted this more than anything."

"That's where you're wrong, Hale," I smirked, kissing him sweetly. "What I want more than anything is our safety. I can have a date with you any time I want, but I can't decide when these kids' lives may be in danger or not. Also, there's only a few minutes left of the game, and there is no way we are going to recover from that score. Now let's go."

Smiling softly, he took my hand and together we dashed out to his car, going as fast as we could to get to the loft. And as soon as we were up there, our worst nightmares became a reality.

"Call Stiles and the Sheriff." Derek ordered upon entering, seeing shattered light bulbs and glass everywhere. "I'll call Braeden."

Nodding, we both set off to do our jobs, and in no time, all three of the people we called were there with us in the loft, looking as terrified as we felt.

"What the hell happened?" Stiles asked upon entering, looking around in shock.

"It was supposed to be a date." Derek answered, looking slightly guilty.

"They were both here?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"And now they're both gone." Braeden confirmed.

Hearing the buzzing of a phone, we all turned to look at the teenage boy, who took out his phone and answered it, seeing that it was none other than his one true love, Lydia Martin.

"Scott's been taken." I heard her muffled voice on the other side of the phone speak.

"Scott and Kira, we just don't know where." Stiles confirmed.

"Mexico." A man's voice spoke. "And if you want to save his life, that's where you're going too."

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