Clexa AU °Safe Haven° [#Watty...

By autumn_elle

292K 11.5K 6.3K

~My name's Lexa, as all of you probably know now. I'm eighteen but still don't have driving license. I honest... More

Chapter 1: And that's how it all begins
Chapter 2: Emotion spree
Chapter 3: Rejection
Chapter 4: What's right and what's wrong
Chapter 5: The difference
Chapter 6: Deeper into the Woods
Chapter 7: A spark of joy
Chapter 8: Who am I to you? Pt.1
Chapter 9: Who am I to you? Pt.2
Chapter 10: Running into the fire
Chapter 11: I'm not a perfect person
Chapter 12: Fly away from here
Chapter 13: Pushing her fears further along
Chapter 14: It's getting rather cold
Chapter 15: What was that?
Chapter 16: No Angel
Chapter 17: Make my messes matter
Chapter 19: It woke me up
Chapter 20: Night Trouble
Chapter 21: Come here girl
Chapter 22: Exhausting Night
Chapter 23: What if?
Chapter 24: Memories and Surprises
Note: I'm still alive!
Chapter 25: Letter

Chapter 18: Mixed

8.6K 370 293
By autumn_elle

Lexa's POV

It's been only a tiny little part of a second and our lips are crashing each other. I can feel Clarke's pressure on me as I bend backwards, almost falling off of the tree. Just a moment after her empowerment, I have to grip the branch beneath me to hold on, completely breaking our connection.

My eyelids separate, first thing in sight being the girl's face with a trail of surprise, her tears still sucking into her flawless skin. I notice some of them printed on my own cheeks, making me feel like I was the one crying.

I silently watch her tiny face expressions for a second. A mixture of excitement, lust and surprise quickly changes into worry and confusion. The gap between her thin pink lips disappears when she shuts them together and looks away, pretending nothing just happened.

"So.." Her raspy voice breaks the silence, her hands now clutching the branch beneath us with me. "What about that pizza?"
I have no chance to respond. The branch is already being bend as she climbs on it and quickly goes down the tree. I can hear her feet touch the ground as she jumps off the bottom of the trunk and glances up at my figure.

"You coming, Tree?"
Despite my hatred for that nickname, something in this moment is just so glorifying and special that the sound of it makes my dimples show up. In this very second I'm glad that I'm up here and she's that far away because I don't know what I would do if I was standing next to her. Hiding of my warmed up cheeks would certainly be more difficult.

I have to get down now. I could just climb down the old classy way or I could simply jump off. The air beneath me should not be an obstacle for me, I remember jumping off every time when I was a kid. Okay, I may have literally broken some bones few times but that was when I was a child. I surely can land smoothly now when I'm taller and all that-

My thoughts are interrupted when my right hand slips, causing my skinny body to fall off the tree. After a moment of terror my back harshly crashes the ground, sending wrecking pain up my spine.

My brain feels like it was hit by a rock repeatedly. I even go deaf for a second. When I open my eyes, I see blonde hair coming closer to my face.
"Oh god," Clarke can't help but laugh. "Are you okay, Lexa?"
Her little laughter sounds like she is giggling in some deep tunnels to me. I feel her hand touch my shoulder, helping me sit up to a straight position.

I touch my forehead with my left palm, feeling the heat of shock going slowly away. "Yeah, I guess."
Great Lexa, kiss a girl and then fall off a tree in front of her. Good job, you have such an amazing technique. Your flirting game is really strong.

When she checks my back if there's anything serious, she lets out another giggle. It sounds normal this time. "Can you stand up?" She asks, supporting my back with her hand. I nod and slowly get up on my feet, still feeling a little dizzy.

"Sorry for that," I let out a fake laugh. "Didn't plan on falling down."
She smiles briefly, but her eyes don't meet mine. "You don't have to apologize. It just happened."

We both now know she's not talking about the fall anymore. What should I think now? Does she regret that she kissed me back? Do I regret that I kissed her in the first place? Oh god, what if she's straight and she's just experimenting. Or not even that, she could be playing some joke on me or something. Maybe there's a whole group of her friends behind the bushes, ready to jump out and laugh at me at how stupid I was when I thought that she liked me. I shouldn't have kissed her.

Awkward silence takes over the place as we leave my old house, quietly with our minds both racing, walking down the street and heading to a pizzeria.

. . .

After a really painful and never ending route, I spot the door of my favorite pizzeria. There's a big sign all over the glass saying "Welcome to the Pizza Jungle" with a little slice of pizza below it.

Clarke goes first. As she pushes the door, a scent of baking bread and Italic kitchen rapidly makes my stomach go empty. I didn't think I was that hungry before, now I'm starving. My concerns about the previous events are gone, changing into an irresistible piece of a large Hawaii pizza. The only thing I see is the way it's slowly baked in the back of the kitchen.

I thought I was happy for a second. Of course something must go wrong.

"Heyy Clarke! What are you doing here?"
The deep voice is somehow familiar. I move my  view to the right, away from the kitchen. When I spot one of the guys from Clarke's class, I'm not that surprised.

"Um, hi.." The blonde's eyes move away from her classmate, almost like she's avoiding him. "Actually, me and Lexa here just thought we'd go to have something to eat. What are you doing here?"

The tension between the two of them is getting stronger as the boy looks behind Clarke. He must've really hoped that I'm not here with her, because his cheery face immediately dropped.

"Oh, okay!" He puts on a fake smile. "Just so you know, we're here with Bellamy, Nina, Octavia and bunch of other people. Maybe you and your.." He stops to look over at me. "Friend.. could come and join us?"

Clarke looks to the ground, then glances at me. I'm trying to show her as much disagreement as I can through my face expressions, I'm not sure if it works though.

She breathes in, looking back at the dark-haired boy. "Sure, Tyler. Be there in a minute."
Okay, it didn't work.

Tyler smiles, nodding contentedly as he walks over to the people I've already seen. When I spot their faces, it brings me memories to that night. And now I just can't figure out if it was all real or just an imagination.

"What kind of pizza do you want?" Clarke doesn't bother turning herself to face me, walking away to the counter.
"Hawaii," I say, cringing inside a little bit at her tone. I hope she won't cut me off now after our experience.
"Seriously?" She turns now. "With pineapple? Disgusting."

She flicks her hair and bends over to order. Wait, is a pineapple on pizza disgusting to some people? How? It's the best part of the food. Maybe it's a good thing that she wants to cut me off after all if she doesn't like pineapple on pizza.

"Ordered. Let's go."
Something in her tone seems so odd. Like she is in the past-form of herself, the form which I met before I got to know her. And now I'm trying to push back tears, trying to forget how awful that was. Trying to forget how she acted. Did I do something so wrong that it made her switch like that? Or it's just in her nature and it would have happened without me?

We take our steps to get to the table where Bellamy and others sit. Basically the whole class to be honest. Nina can't stop talking about her upcoming party, Tyler can't keep his eyes off Clarke and others are just engaging her into their conversation, making me the only one who is quiet. Drops of sweat go down my forehead as my mind keeps working, overheating everything that happened in the past week and before. My head starts aching horribly, I don't show it to the outer world though. It's my head, my own business. No one would care anyway.

.   .   .

As I finish my meal, I stand up and let out my first words in ages. "I have to go to the toilet." My words almost break as I keep pushing back the tears like the whole hour before. I have been close to leave a long time ago but I couldn't force myself to. Now I just have to run and cry at least few tears before my brain explodes.

Clarke nods, giving me at least some sign that she knows I'm here. I even see a little bit of concern. Or I am imagining it again.

The bathroom door is slim, matching the whole space in. Two people could barely get in here without any harm. I lock myself in and look in the mirror. I don't look okay. The attempt of acting normal failed. I splash my face with cold water and look again, watching the drops slowly tracing my forehead, my cheeks and the rest of my outside appearance. I can't recognize the tears in the frequent amount of drops anymore.

Suddenly a loud knock rips me out of my thoughts and I jump back a little.
"Are you okay?"
I hear Clarke's soft voice, different than when we came here. It's like she cares.
"Yeah," I start drying my face with my T-shirt. "I'll be right there."

No response. Perhaps she left. I breathe in, look at myself once more and after putting on fake smile, I pull the door. She's standing right there on spot, looking like a child who lost their toy.

"We can go home now," she almost whispers. "I said I was sick. Let's go."

.   .   .

As we're walking down the street again, something tells me I have to speak up. I have to know how she sees me. I take a deep breath and look over to her side.

"I just wanna know something," I say quietly. My lips are shaking, making my words sound little bit weak. I don't know why I am so nervous about this. She shouldn't be my weakness, not after all I've been through.

"Yeah?" She let's out faintly, her eyes glued to the ground. Her blonde hair is perfectly moving in the cold wind. I focus on the little things to find out how she feels before directly asking her. I'm trying to remember the way she looked at me when we were up that abandoned building. I'm trying to remember the night when we laughed in the freezing water, our last journey to the random city, her sparkling blue eyes when she cries, the beauty behind them when she looks into mine and most importantly the way she kissed me just about an hour ago. It has to mean something.

I'm ready to speak, already opening my mouth when my eyes spot something that I never thought of seeing again. A tall figure of an asian girl is coming right to us, her chocolate brown hair waving in the wind, holding coffee in her hands. What is she doing here?

I stop in my tracks, frozen to the sidewalk as she comes right in front of me, looking at me like I'm a familiar stranger. After I overcome my shock, I can finally assure it's really her.


What happened? I updated?! After 3 months?!?!?!

I'm SO sorry guys. There has been so much happening in my life you wouldn't believe it. It's like it became a movie or something! I completely forgot about wattpad and all other stuff that used to matter to me before and I'm ashamed of it. I'm hopefully back now!

I hope some of you stuck with me, even though I'm sure there are some way better Clexa fics out here that have been written in past 3 months. Let me know what you think in the comments, I'll be glad even if you just came here to say how awful and irresponsible writer I am, really. I missed you guys so much.

Special thanks to my friend Rabia for the motivation to write again! And some prompts I will use for sure. One more question for you people is:

Do you like pineapple on pizza or not?
Comment down below! (I'm all for it, I love it)

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