AU One Shots (I guess)

By GLitCH_the_ViRuS

278 8 2

My own takes on Undertale AUs, cause their cool. More

Why Did You Have To Go?
You Don't Hate Hate Me, Do You?

Bed Buddies

51 3 1
By GLitCH_the_ViRuS


The sound of monsters cheering played on the TV set in the living room, it's light dimly shining over a sleeping form as Napstablook vlogged on his infamous show, Bluetube. Behind him was a huge crowd of adoring fans, monster from all over screaming and cheering, some throwing what seemed to be their shirts and other things onto the stage for him.

Soft steps padded down the stairs behind the couch, their noise mostly muffled by the soft rug as Sans crept down. He was wearing white foot pajamas, the fabric shining in the TV's glare, his scarf still tied around his neck. He looked bothered as he reached the bottom, walking towards the back end of the couch with his boney hands fidgeting in front of him.

His head was hung low and his eyes looked up sadly, like a puppy, as he reached the sofa and gently poked his sleeping brother's shoulder.

"Papyrus? Are you still awake?" As he whispered it, Papyrus grumbled and blinked open his eyes, looking around in confusion.

"Huh, what?"

"Oh.. Sorry for waking you.." Papyrus wiped his eyes blearily and looked to the smaller skeleton, tilting his head to the side when Sans wouldn't meet his eyes.

"Why you up so late, bro?" At first, his voice came off a bit groggy, though his expression became more serious as Sans lowered his head even further, casting his features in shadow.

"Sans?" Papyrus sat up and turned his torso towards him, searching Sans in a worried matter. Sans' shoulders trembled as he spoke softly, so quiet that Papyrus had to lean in to hear him, barely catching his words at that.

"I had a bad dream." Papyrus sat back and gave him a weird look, slightly annoyed at being woken.

"Oh, you'll be okay. Just.. Go bak to sleep, okay bro?" When He didn't get an answer, Papyrus put a hand on his shoulder, coaxing Sans to look up.

"It's okay, see? It was just a dream." His reassurance faded as he saw the tears dripping down his brother's face, shimmering in the faint light.

"You died, Papyrus." The voice left the kid'a mouth was one that Papyrus had never heard before from hom, so full of sadness and fear. Sans looked down again, sniffling queitly.

Papyrus felt a pang of sorrow for the skeleton, knowing it must have hit him hard to see something like that. He sighed, and padded the cushion next to him, smiling when Sans looked up again.

"C'mon then. You can sleep with me." Sans seemed to brighten at the offer and quickly moved around the couch, plopping next to Papyrus happily.

"Thanks, Pap. Sorry that I had to wake you up like this.." Papyrus shook his head, reassuring the small monster who wiped his tears away, smiling back.

"It's fine, bro. You had a bad dream. I couldn't just ignore that." Papyrus leaned back into the couch again, settling down once more, his eyelids drooping.

He jumped a little as something pushed into his rib cage and looked down, smiling warmly as Sans nestled closer to him, his eyes already closed. Papyrus chuckled and rested his arm over his brother, silently vowing to protect him from anymore nightmares and soon feel asleep.

Ugh, this one turned out a bit bad.. I probably fix it later.

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