Dandy Andy book four get your...

By sarahtexter

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Join Andy and her friends Jen Jake and the rest of the Js in their high school adventures More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Book four

Chapter three and four

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By sarahtexter

Days were a bore, I wake up go to school, play practice, work, then to bed. What a great life, I was in dance class, listening to the Brit brats chatter about the first dates they ever went on, "oh yeah, and I was so hyper, I almost rode the car off the cliff" their little spot on the top of the bleachers filled with laughter. I rolled my eyes going back to my homework, good old math problems.

Something hit me in the back of the head, I turned back to see Brit grinding like an idiot, "what's so funny" i moaned, much rather wanting to flick her in the face, maybe even  in the eye. "I heard about your little go by with brice, not cool" "really now, and what is your reasoning behind this" "I get that you like him, but you don't have to throw yourself onto him" "what now"

"C-mon Andy, darling admit it"

"See your speechless, you know you do"

"First of all, he kissed me, second of all, I don't like him, and I'm glad to see your keeping up your profile"


"You got that right"

"Shut up"

"Okay then"

"Your such a snot"

"That you, I'm just fallowing in your footsteps".

She gave up and went back to her air head friends. "Girls, you have to hear this, when I was in howii, this kid..." I really didn't want to hear the dumb story.  I doodled on my notebook, really not wanting to be here.

Class was slower then Brits math skills, good one right, all I could think about was the final school trip to California, it was a school tradition, I couldn't wait for it.

Dear dairy,

I've been thinking, I have all these dairy pages full of my life, I wonder if I wrote a book about it called dandy Andy, I mean everybody calls me that, it would be funny, all my friends would be like I'm in your book, wow, that would be crazy.

What if it got published, and then I would be so famous, that would be the life, like seriously, people would come up to me and be like, oh my gosh Andy, I'm your biggest fan, I loveeeeee youuuuu.

Or what If one of my friends elected me for a talk show called the funniest girl ever. I can see it now

Andy you were elected by 100 people, then the crowd would cheer, that you Betty, yes I am funny, my dear old mom calls me a nut, haha, then they would show clips of my life, you know all that secret stuff, kinda strange.

Love Andy

"Hey Logan wanna hit up the bowling Allie with me and Jen" I said tapping him on the head, he was in the middle of a complicated Sudoku game, he didn't even reply, "yo nerd face" I screamed in his ear, yanking the book away from him, "Andy I was so far"

"Oh waaaa waaaa waaa" I said tickling his ear, "I'm sure you'll live"
"Oh shut upppp"
He laughed scooting closer, what do you want"
"You want to go bowling" I screamed the last part in his face, ya know to help the kid understand, "sure" he said backing away, he laughed then ruffled my hair. "Logan come here" jasmine scratched rushing up to us, "what is it" he asked standing up, jasmine was in a black sequins top with dark purple jeans. "We made this epic shield in art club, Andy come too"
"I'm on it" I said picking up my flowery notebook and joining the both of them on a journey to the art room.

I could already hear Emily's laugh, it almost sounded like a waterfall, riding and falling, but I loved it just the same. "Hey Andy darling" Emily said, she had tie-dye jeans on with a lacy white shirt, it was actually really cute.

Emily's the kind of girl you can be yourself around, she wears fake glasses to school, and has some to match any outfit. She is the kind of girl you could hang out with a month and not even get bored because she could keep coming  up with stuff to talk about. When she walks down the hall she says hi to everyone and talks to everybody and seams to really know what's going on in their life, all I can say is she's going to have a packed funeral.

"Jazzy joe, you get yo bro" Emily chirped bouncing over to the both of them. "You bet I did "Emma bean the drawing queen." I laughed at their enthusiasm. "Catch Andy darling," Emily chimed tossing me a bunch of odd looking junk, "what's this" I asked a little to dull, even the art room walls would have hated my boring lack of enthusiasm. "Pipe it up girl, your letting off a bad Ora,"  "I am" I questioned looking down at my oh so plain outfit.

That was Makayla  Archers, you would see her leading a save the animals fund razor, she could care less of what you thought about her which made her stand out from other girls. Logan was still clutching his sudoku book in his hand, the pages were bent and frayed, you could tell the games had been erased and done over countless times, maybe he might get some job in the FBI working with numbers, it suited him.

Oh those great memories of Logan Jen and I on the edge of our seats watching murder mysteries, of course I was the one making excuses to go get drinks of water and go to the bathroom, but really it was that I was to scared to watch the fighting scenes.

Thank goodness I don't have friends who pause the movie and wait for you to come back, they were much to into it also, I bet you they didn't even notice that I was gone. I love my half nerdy have not group of friends.

"Ooooo cookies" I grinned making my way over to the box of chocolate fudge cookies in the center of the table, "no Andy, those are for Mrs whets birthday" "and I'll help her celebrate" I said once again taking a dive for the box of sugar filled deliciousness. "Step away from the cookie box" Emily said sticking out a thin arm, "okay okay" I breathed, looking over to catch jasmine laughing a bit too hard at me.

She leaded over to hide it, but it just made it more obvious, as her whole body shook, through it all she was stepping to say something to me, but all I got out of it was party cookies and boom, but the memory lingered evermore.  

If you haven't noticed I love sweets, it had been my birthday a years ago, at my dads country club, there was all sorts of treats cakes, cookies, drinks, and everything in between. I had eaten much more then what my stomach could carry, and after doing so, I didn't want to obey the rule of dint swim for an hour after you eat. I dove into the pool, feeling quite excited. Jen jumped on my back, cackling like a super high toddler. "Give me a ride" she sang in between breaths, "I started off into the deep end, swimming faster then ever, I wanted to impress my friends of how well I could swim.

When I couldn't reach the bottom, my side started cramping up, of course my best friend didn't notice, she was clinging to me, and waving at BRICE, and all the other guys as she did. I was failing to stay above the water, but instead of droning, I threw up, all over the side of the pool, and not just a small puddle, it was a huge lake of vomit, Jen threw herself off of me, and the friends around me scattered like mice to get help and janitors to clean it up.

Luckily nobody x friended me.

Jen tapped me on the back of the head, "the bell rang" she prompted, dragging a finger through my thick ponytail. "Then you better get to class" I told her, standing up myself, "no we are going bowling remember. "Oh yeah" I said leaping up to search for Logan.

Jasmine Logan Jen and I all walked out the side doors into the warm air, it had been a while since I had been bowling, Jen was the best, her dad played in collage and taught her all he knew, she could outplay everyone in our friend group, and have a score of about thirty points ahead of ours.

I was alright, I'd get a few gutter balls, but end up with a score of 60 or 70 in the end. Logan enjoyed fining the average of all our scores, which was completely pointless to me, but whatever. Jasmine, she cheered us all on, but got mainly gutter balls, unless she had bumpers.

"I walked up with my ten ball, kicking my leg up as I bowled, it was a weird habit, I did it when I played basketball also, you can say it's my little trademark. "Nine pins" I cheered, clapping hands with Jen who was already at eighty points, she took a video of Logan as he went, to get his super concentrated Facial expression which by the way we always teased him about. It's crazy how the kid can be so good looking and smart at the same time, good jeans and good mind, the whole package deal. "Want to be my good luck charm" he said to jasmine" who was all for it and bopped up with her boyfriend, cheering as he rolled the ball down getting a spare, "nice one" Jen said standing up to get her ball.

Jasmine hugged Logan, then steeped over to me telling me how he got a spare, as though I hadn't noticed. "Did he really now" I looked at him, "wow Logan, I patted him on the back, pushing him down into the leather seats, "look at this text" I showed him the text I had gotten a few days back, the one that said I'm sorry.

"What about it" he asked

"Who is it" I asked,

"The parson said Ashton"

"Huh" I pulled the phone back, he did reply, well now, about four hours ago they had sent Ashton, Ashton the guy who had dragged me along on that car adventure a while back. Oh my gosh, I broke into laughter thinking about what I should text back,

Are we going to do it again sometime

You name the day you little rebel, with a face crying happy tears emoji.

Where you been? I'm coming up next weekend, you wanna hang out?

I'll have to see okay, I have my play this week if you wanna come see it.

Oooooo Andy is an actress

And a good one too!!

I'll be there


I smiled, love that kid, a bit of a flirt, but I love him.

I scrolled through my photos, one with me Logan and Jen, all doing the three amigos cheer, then one of my little brown dog, I never call her by her real name, but her nickname is Susie Q, don't really know why, but yeah. Me and jasmine sticking our tongs out at the camera. Logan looked over at the photo then laughed, "classic" "is it" I laughed skipping to the next one, a dress I wanted to buy.

I leaned back against the leather couch, thinking about just everything.

I wondered if me and jake were ever going to go out, if he liked me, I wondered if he was thinking about me right now. Dallin and Jen had a strange relationship, but I kind of liked it, they didn't really care if they weren't around each other all the time, they didn't care if they didn't go on a ton of dates. She's a pretty awesome girl if I do say so myself.

Chapter four

Again I found myself visiting Emma, I sat next to her, looking down at her just waiting for her to wake up, I had brought her a small white stuffed bear, I set it down next to her, "if you ever do wake up, I'll be here for you, Emma, I promise I will."

I stroked her hand with mine, just wanting to sir here forever. It was nearly nine thirty, and my opening night of the music man was tomorrow. I blinked, I couldn't stay much longer, I had come every night after work to come see her for the past four days.  

Jen buzzed ms on my phone,
Andy, come over I'm bored

Then go to sleep

I'm not tired

Fine I'm coming

Okay good

Ten minutes later I was up in Jen"s room, she was on her computer, like always. "You have to watch this Video of the shaytards" she announced, turning the computer so I could watch behind her.

I was in my snowman pJs that I had got for Christmas, Jen had matching ones with me. "Why couldn't your boyfriend come over" I asked "I don't know, homework I guess" "yeah" "eat these, I don't want them" she threw me a box of recess pieces" "oh yeah, you hate peanut butter" "it's nasty" she said, clicking on the video.


I was jamming out to New Romantics on the way to the  theatre when Jen buzzed me on my phone


Oh my gosh Andy, miss reed is really mad, she said she might council the show

But how, I mean like we spent so much time, she can't just

I heard miss reed scream angry lines of threats to the tech
I had never seen her like this.

"You lazy actors better step up your game, I'm not bringing a show like this to the public tonight. I didn't understand her logic, we had already sold tickets and had everything ready.

"If you don't do a good rehearsal today, then we are not putting on the show, if you do, then yeah, it's show time actors and actresses, now get your lazy buts to work, and now side conversations, we have two hours to see how good you are, I'm not putting crap on the market."

I hopped into my car, man I was stressed out, both of my costumes sat in the back seat, cats and the music man. I ran over my lines and songs on the way, I didn't want to screw things up now.

I was so focused on perfecting everything, I almost didn't notice a white car swerving toward me, the driver was on their phone. I pressed the horn and made a sharp left, plunging into a parking lot over a think curb. The driver just kept driving, their face still toward the phone.


"places everyone places" miss reed rushed past us out the door, the door swinging into place after her. I rushed down the stairs to the theater, my white hills slapping against the tile.

I then realized I needed to go to the bathroom, I v lined toward the girls restroom, taking one last check in the mirror. I tucked a strand of hair back into place then flung myself into the bathroom.

My stomach tightened with nervousness, I had never had stage fright, what was wrong with me. I stood up, leaning towards the door, I could feel my face heating up. I drew my hands down my face inhaling deeply. I let the breath loose then attempted to fidget with the bathroom lock.

I had never been a pro at unlocking bathroom stalls, "come on" I wined at the door, thumping the lock, it was seriously stuck, "ugh, what am I supposed to do now.

Leaning back against the wall, I felt so dramatic, three minutes until the show, and I was locked in a bathroom stall, oh joy.

I guess I'll have to crawl under the bathroom stall like a little two year old.

Crap crap crap, I glanced Ito the mirror, staring wide eyed at my squished bun, it looked like a lopsided birds nest on the top of my head. The music sounded from the theater, a soft melody, the overture. Racing out of the bathroom, I clinked down the tiled hall into the back of the theater. I opened the door to the room that led to the stage, it was show time.

"There you are" Jeff said, I glared at him, I was going to have to kiss the dummy tonight. Maybe I will request a stage kiss, I guess I could have Jen do it, my filler on, but then again she has a boy friend, who will be watching, and I have to Kidd my EX. I paced the room, thinking of what to do, what could I do. A high five, maybe a hug, maybe I'll get sick and die. Ugh I don't want to kiss him, I rather die.

Then it hit me, I could play a trick, during intermission I could our sour stuff on my lips, it would be the funniest thing ever, and plus, he deserves it. The music stopped, and I could near people walking onto the stage for the first scene, the high school scene.

The play was running smoothly, everyone was remembering their Qs everyone was doing their lines perfect, accept. Brice who sang off tune sometimes, sheesh he has a bad voice. And he kept doing this weird clicking thing to make everyone laugh, all the girls in the audience adored him, thank goodness they couldn't see my discussed faces in the background, and even more when I had to kiss him on the cheek.

My solo went well, the play went well up to intermission..

I rushed outside to go get some lip spray from the corner store.

Dancers were swirling around us, their lacy white dresses circling around then. I gazed into those ocean blue eyes, this was it, oh great, I licked my lips, but not to hard, I doony want the spray to come off.

I think I'm going to throw up, I thought as Jeff leaned in, closer and closer, he was throwing himself at me, and I had to kiss him, in front of Jake and everyone else, if jake is even here. I felt Jeff's hand fall onto my shoulder, "Andy, you don't have to do this if you don't want to" his lips barely moved. "I'm alright" I said slowly also leaning in, the dancers twirled, rising and falling, a soft music moaned in the background, four inches three inches, I could clearly see the freckles on his nose, our noses brushed, and our lips were about to touch, thank goodness they didn't.

"Andy stop" a voice from the crows rang, I whisked around to see BRIT rise to her feet, I stared daggers at the snot for interrupting the show. Only she was not glaring back at me, the cloud was silent, all their faces looking back and forth at me and Brit, "yes, it's dumb, I should have never told him to do it," she was pacing up the isle. "What" I questioned feeling quite shocked. "Jeff was planing on coughing in the middle of your stupid kiss" she sneered the last part, making my eyebrows raise.

"I wouldn't have enjoyed the kiss anyways BRIT" I admired, roving back on my hills, the audience was staring, quite confused. "How about we do a stage kiss and finish the show" I said, walking back to Jeff who was red as a tomato.


"Jen" I shouted across the hall, I was standing next to Jen and Jenna who were chattering about something. I saw Jen not even look up, she was focused on something across the hall, "earth to Jen" I bellowed trying again to capture her attention, she appeared to be in a daze.

What the freak, I started fallowing her down the hall, she didn't pay notice when I kicked the back of her shoe jump on her back or even push her into the wall, "Jen stop" I said pulling her arm and stoping her right in front what is wrong with her. "I gotta go to class Andy" her voice sounded tired, like really tired. She just walked off not paying me one more second.

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