Haunted ~Dark Zayn Malik~

By iikeeksii

52K 1.2K 192

He slowly backs me up into a wall. I put my hands on his chest. "Zayn." "Mhmmmm?" He mumbles onto my neck. "I... More

Haunted ~Dark Zayn Malik~
Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
llChapter seven
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter ten

Chapter Five

3.8K 105 22
By iikeeksii

"Finnly? Where are you going our shift isn't over yet." I turn around to see Marcy following me. "I'm leaving." She stops and grabs my arm. "Why?" I sigh and look her in the eyes. "That Zayn guy is a creep. He makes me feel uncomfortable." She starts to laugh. "Za-zayn doesn't want you! You are so not his type! He likes girl who will reveal stuff and do what ever he says and a girl he can show off to his friends! NOT YOU!" By the end of her sentence she is practically on the floor laughing. I stand there processing what she just said. "Excuse you?" I say offended. "Look at you Finnlyetta. You where the dorkiest clothing and your kinda pathetic." She puts her hand on my shoulder and gives me a sympathetic smile. "But it's cute you think he wants you. He probably just wants to toy around with you. " She pinches my cheek and laughs. "Your so adorable. Zayn wants you." She shakes her head chuckling an walks away. I stand there.Marcy aria C.J, my friend since pre-k basically just called me a pathetic dork. I open my mouth and tilt my head a little tryin to figure out if I heard her right. I look up to see her flirting with Zayn and I suddenly become sick to my stomach. How could she. I walk out the door slamming it behind me and push past the guard. "Did Bennett dismiss you? " He grabs my arm and pull me back. "No I haven't really talked to Bennett." He shakes his head. "Then you can't leave until Bennett has dismissed you." I roll my eyes. It's not that important but I turn around and go back inside. I walk over to Marcy who is still flirting with Zayn. "Where's Bennett?" I ask not looking at her or Zayn. "Why?" She says in a snobby attitude. I look at her this time with wide eyes. "Because I want to know." She rolls her eyes. "No need to get bitchy." Zayn laughs and she smirks. "I can get as bitchy as I want now where the fuck is he?" She moves closer to me. "He's in his office." I move back and fan my nose. "God please buy a tic tack." I turn around and start walking to Bennett's office.

I knock on the door and cross my arms waiting for him to open the door. I can't believe That thing I just talked to was Marcy. She has never acted like that. "What? What do you want?!" I jump back a little. "Um my shift is done and I was wondering if I could go home." He eyes me up and down. He's a little short fat man so it's weird to have him size me up. "No. I want you to work till 11:50 then right at that time leave don't you ever stay till twelve. Not safe for girls as..." He licks his lips. "As pretty as you." I sigh. "Dude really 11:50? I got here at 9 A.M that's a 15 hour and 50 minute shift." I say crossing my Arms. "Good you can do math now go work." He slams the door leaving me there in silence. "Dammit." I mumble to myself as I walk back up to the front. Zayn is still sitting there but Marcy is gone. I walk behind the counter and go on the end so I'm away from Zayn. "Well, see your not gonna keep me company like your friend did." I roll my eyes and ignore him. "Well I guess not." He sucks his teeth and keeps tapping the cup on the table in a annoying matter.

"Please stop." I say not turning around to look at him. "Aye and she talks!" He says chuckling to himself. I stiffle a smile. "What did you mean when you calle me 'yours'?" I ask still not looking at him. He laughs. "What by saying your mine? Well it means your mine. Noone else can have you. Thats what it means." He states simply. "I'm not a object." I scoff turning arounnd and walking to him. "Okay and I never said you were." He gives his cup anther tap. I put my hand over his to make him stop. "I'm not yours. I have a boyfriend and i'm postive he wouldn't like the idea of me being yours." His smirks is gone and his hazel eyes are replaced by the dark ones he had before. "Oh yeah whats his name." He leans in closer to me. 'Whats his name?" "None of your damn busniess." I say feeling proud of myself. He chuckles. "None of my damn business huh?" He gets up and walks around to the bar grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the bar and pulling me to the men's bathroom. "YOUR INSANE LET ME GO!" I yell tryin to pull out of his grip.He ignores my comments and throws me in the bathroom an pushes me up against the wall. "What's his name." He says threw gritted teeth. "None of you beez wax." I say smirking feeling accomplished. He chuckles and hangs his head down. "Pretty girl." He puts his hand on both sides of my head. "I'll find out one way or anther." He looks up at me. I can't read his eyes it looks like everything and more is flashing across them. He moves one of his hand and trails his finger down my stomach. He leans in close to my ear. "One way or anther." He kisses right below my ear and at that moment the door opens and Bennett and two other men I haven't seen before come in. "Do we have a problem in here?" Bennett ask crossing his arms. Zayn shakes his head and smiles lightly. "Nope we are dont." He backs away looking at me. "No problem at all." I stare at him for a few minute before pushing past Bennett and the men. I walk out to the bar to see its crowded with a bunch of men who weren't here before. I look at the clock an it's 11:58 I bite my lip and run to the door. I open it and run out noticing the guard isn't there. I sigh in relief I walk to my car and get in unlocking the door. I sit there and rest my head against the seat. "You made it Finn." I put my keys in the ignition and try to crank up the car. It won't start. "C'mon c'mon." Still nothing. I slam my hands against the wheel. "FUCK." I yell slamming my hands on the wheel repeatedly. I look out the windshield to see a bunch of guys coming my way. A bunch of big scary guys coming over to me and my not working car. Oh god.

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