My Awesome Book of Awesome

By evalturtleluva

348 48 56

If you're looking for heart pumping action and a twist at every corner, here's not the place to look! Go read... More

My Introduction
My iPad
Guiz, my new top, though!!
My new cover
Scary Movie
Really, Really, Very, Important
Guys, my skin
I drew him
Back to school
Happy Valentine's Day
You will find out if you click on this chapter!
My New Catch Phrase..
I'm such a good photo-o-grapher
Kawaiian17's Challenge
Star Wars


3 0 0
By evalturtleluva

Hey guys!
Yes, I am useless at updating this book and my other books. Sorry.
I was just reading through my old challenge book and I felt that there is a lot you should be updated on.

1) I no longer say swag. Right now, I am going through the phase of calling everyone man or dude. I'm not exactly sure why, but it just happened.

2) I don't know if this is happening where you live, but people have moved far on from 9+10=21 and WHATTA THOOOOOOOSE to the unfortunate Zuts. When someone asks you, 'Guess what?' do not say 'What?'. They will take the chance and yell 'Zuts!' in your face.

3) I have become an even more full on nerd. I am not messing around, there is almost nothing I do that isn't fandom related. I legitimately count down the days to T.V. shows and books to cone out and I am in the following fandoms: Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, Kane Chronicles, Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Pokémon, Star Wars, Doctor Who, The Phandom, Teen Wolf, Magnus Chase, Divergent, Modern Family, Maze Runner, Undertale, Spiderman, Fairytail, The Fault in our Stars and finally, Pretty Little Liars!

4) I moved house. YAYA!

5) I went to a Melanie Martinez concert, and she was amazing! If you don't know who she is, she's a singer and she writes songs about things that matter, not just sappy love stories. She is also quite creepy and she mostly tries to almost portray the role of a small child.

6) This is probably the most important one. Remember my lifelong obsession with turtles? Well, for my last birthday, I GOT TWO BABY LONG NECK TURTLES!!!! I named them Squirtle and Voldemort. YES JUST YES OH MY GODS!

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