The Thompsons.

By yourequestedmyface

2.2K 87 77

My name is Lia Thompson. I am a pretty average girl. My school life is nothing special and my social life is... More

1 The Thompsons
2 Tiffs and FOOD!
3 The Beginning of Pranks
4 Pranks and Their Consequences
5 On the Run, but Not for Long
6 Sucky Parents
7 More Pranks and New Friends
8 Special People
9 Almost Caught and Plans to Meet
10 Pizza and Shower Mishaps
11 Meet and Greets With A Side of Unhappiness
12 Relationships and Brotherly Meetings
13 Blackmailing With A Side Of Ex-boyfriends
15 First Day and Full-house Prank War
16 The Beginning Of The Prank War
17 Drunk Zara Is A Loopy Zara
18 Disastrous dinner party
19 Changing For The Better
20 Meet The Parents.
21 What Just Happened?
22 Avery Benson
23 Truth Spilled
24 Housing Issues
25 Adapting and Dates
26 Miss Thompson, The Prankster
27 A Day To Remember
28 Beach Day
29 Surprises and Holidays
30 Dates and More
31 Ending on the Perfect Beginning
Happy new year!

14 The Secret Is Out?

57 3 2
By yourequestedmyface

"You okay? Your eyes are wild." Leo greeted as I walked through into the kitchen. I nodded with a sigh then hesitated, shaking my head. "What happened?"

"Uh, I was at the park with Zara when Charlie and his brother turned up. We all sat and talked for a while before Jason turned up. He broke up with Zara by revealing the fact that he was screwing some girl from the hospital. Then, me being the big-mouth I am, I butted in the conversation sticking up for Zara when he decided to be an even bigger bag of dicks than normal and he said some things to me which caused me to punch the crap out of him..." I trailed off at the end and looked down the the counter which was now really interesting to me. I began tracing the small dots that littered it as Leo heaved a deep breath. He knew Zara and Jason quite well, therefore he knew about the whole me disliking him situation and hospital ordeal with his mother.

"Well shit. What did he say to make you fly off the handle?" Leo asked after a few moments of silence as he took in all the information I had just relayed to him.

"Asked if I was gonna 'go cry to mommy'." I put in air quotations before continuing. "Then reminded me that the bitch doesn't love me. That's what did it." I shrugged at the end, still angered by what Jason had said and done.

"What a dick. Also, mum does-"

"No, she doesn't, stop saying that." I interrupted angrily.

"Okay, whatever you say. Hey, I'm going to the garage for a while later, wanna join me?" Leo tried switching the subject, quite badly may I add.

"Sure, whatever. Just let me know when you're going." I sighed as I left, trudging up the stairs into my bedroom to occupy myself until I left with Leo to see my eldest brother at work.


"Oh, hey Lia. Didn't expect to see you here after what happened earlier. You okay?" Charlie asked as I walked in through the doors to my brothers garage with Leo. I smiled at him and nodded in answer to his question. He nodded back and continued working on some beat up green car that sat not-so proudly in front of him. I hauled myself up on one of the tool tables and brought out my phone. Leo completely ignored everyone and everything as he made his way into the office where James would be, usually taking care of some financial issues that the garage had.

I was playing '' on my phone when James stepped out of the office and over to Charlie to help on the same green car that sat next to a nice silver one. Leo was often left in charge of the office when a particularly bad car came in to the shop.

"Hey, Lia, could you pass me the wrench?"

"Sure thing spoon." I mumbled as I picked up the wrench from the table next to me and tossed it to James.

"Thanks spud."

"No problem spork."

"What the hell is up with you two and 'sp' words?"

"Shut up you spadefish." I mumbled as I continued playing my game.

"Is that even a real word?" James asked from under the bonnet.

"Yes you spanner, it's another word for an angel fish. Google it if you don't believe me."

"I still think it's made up." Charlie said from underneath the slightly elevated car. "This reminds me of when we first met, Lia. Not sure why. Probably the way you are acting right now which leads me onto charming a pretty lady and the words 'fuck off' coming loud and proud from your mouth."

"What the hell, Charlie?" I asked with a chuckle, momentarily forgetting the fact that my eldest brother was close by.

"Those words never came out of either of your mouths when you two met." James pointed out from the bonnet. Confusion laced his tone. I suddenly felt my face drain of colour.

"Well that's because we met each other before the whole family meet up thing." Charlie said in a duh tone as he pulled himself from underneath the car. I shot him a glance that clearly read the message; 'shut the hell up before I land your head on a spike before my brothers get the chance'.

He didn't get the message.

"Charlie, shut up you dumb piece of shit. The first time we met was at my house when we were all clad in animal onsies." I said clearly, trying to get him to understand.

"No you silly goose! It was at my house when you were with- OW! WHAT THE FUCK?" Charlie exclaimed as a spanner flew through the air and hit his head before clanging loudly on the concrete floor.

"Oh, would you look at the time! I best be off before Liam cancels our dinner date. BYE!" I hurried out of the mechanics and walked the long way back home, calling Danny on my way to tell him what had happened whilst with his idiotic brother.

"Well then, time to put our blackmailing plan into play!" He laughed manically.

"Well make sure they aren't a super crazy or creepy ex. He may deserve a worse ex later on. Actually, call a girl and a guy, see if you can get both to come up at the same time!" I exclaimed excitedly. Danny laughed on the other end of the line before saying how much he loved my idea and that he'd keep me updated on what was going on. We bid our goodbyes and I continued my way home, hoping that Charlie wouldn't spill any information whilst I was gone.

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