Safe and sound

Od xoxCaiti_Kit_Katxox

138 9 7


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Chapter 1: I remember #1

39 7 7
Od xoxCaiti_Kit_Katxox

*sobbing* "How?" The one word that echoed in my head, every time bringing more pain then the time before. Still trying to forget the day I caused the death of my parents, I was in the car on the way to an orphanage, the one place I never thought I would go. "Clearly you don't talk very much huh blondie?" Said the cab driver as we were turning the corner on South Birch street. All I did was look at him in pain, my mascara ran from my eyes to the lower part of my cheek, I looked like a hot mess. "So, I guess you're not a people person" said the driver as he handed me a black wooden box. "Niether was my sister, her name was Clarissa, what is your name darlin'?" He said kindly. I opened the box and looked into it. A silver necklace was the only item in it. It had, what looked like, a bird. It also had a circle type thing around it, and something in its beak. "It's beautiful." I whispered staring up at the driver. "My name is Aria" I said a bit louder this time. "Ah, yes! Isn't it a beauty? It was my sisters. Its a mocking jay. And Aria, what a beautiful name!" He said cheerfully. "Was, what do you mean by "was" sir?" I said as I handed the box back to him. "No, no, you keep it darling, you look like you need it more than I do. And what I mean by "was" is, my sister died at the age of eighteen, that was her favorite necklace, she gave it to me before she took her last breath. Her last words were, "remember Marcus, you should always think of the positive, not the negative, negativity is what put me in this perdicament, and I love to much to let it happen to you too."" He said. I saw a tear shed from his eye, he started to swell up with tears. And so didn't mine. I never thought someone I just met could share such a moment. I took the necklace out of the box and put it on, I felt a sudden burst of pride. Even though I don't know Clarissa, I could tell she was an amazingly caring person, and died loving everyone with no care in the world. This is an item I will treasure forever. I put my right hand over the bird and kept it there until we reached the orphanage, I looked at the driver as he drove off, then I looked at the bird, it reminded me of my parents death somehow, even though I forgot almost all of what happened and then it happened, all of the horrific memories of that night, and what happened. "I remember!"

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