Already Gone (Harry Styles...

By outofstyle75

16.7K 483 41

(BOOK ONE) (Complete but Editing) A chance meeting between southern beauty Maddie Grey and the famous four bo... More

Trailer and Cast
Friends and Bimbos*
3 Brunette's and a Blonde*
Unbelievable Encounters*
Tattoos and a Ride*
A Dirty Mouth
Drunk Girls
City Boy
A Return and A Phone Call
Death and Greif
A Trip, and Acceptance
A Kiss and Niall The Drunken Mess
A Song and A Bloody Nose
Meeting Anne
Chick Flicks and Feelings
Relationships and Goodbyes
Evil Spawn
London and a Surprise
I Lost My Way
Harry Styles of One Direction?
Unexpected Stop
A Little Girl and A Song
New Hair
Uneasy Feeling
Hide and Go Seek
What a Mother
Happy Birthday To Me
A Tattoo
A Breakup?
Baby Why Are You Naked?
New Career
The Bitch Troll
It's Over
You're Not Trying Hard Enough
No No No
I'm Starving
I Can't Hold It In
She's Already Gone
Author Notes

We Didn't Know

176 8 3
By outofstyle75

~~Harry's POV~~

I cant believe she has said what she did. How could she even think I would ever cheat on her, how could she say all those things to me. I move letting her go after my rant, she seems more calm so I release her. She moves toward the door but stops turning and I cant believe what I'm seeing. She pulls her ring off her tiny finger and I break on the inside but just stand here in shock on the outside. She moves forward and slams her hand and the ring to my chest. "Now you are free now you can flirt, and fuck whoever you want and wont have to worry about me." She turns and walks out leaving me here on the floor where I fall straight to my knees not being able to move or even breath. I start freaking and I know I cant let her go. I pull myself off the floor and run after her but she's already gone. The girl I love left me and now I am here breaking all on my own.

I walk in slamming the door behind me, how could I fuck this up so bad? How could I just ignore her like she was nothing? I blamed her by saying it's because she was running but really it was me who pushed her away. I scream out making Styles run and hide. I destroy the living room slinging and throwing anything within reach. How could I be so stupid! I pick my phone up and call Louis.

"Ello mate." He chirps threw and I cant keep my tone steady.

"Louis she's gone." I sob out and I hear him sigh. I know she will run to him she always goes to Lou to talk when something happens.

"Wait what to you mean by gone mate?"

"She left me! She gave me her ring and left." I choke out not wanting to say the words.

"Haz just give her some time mate. She loves you she's just hurt right now." No he didn't see her, he didn't hear the words she screamed at me.

"Please mate promise if she comes there you will let me know." I beg and I hope he does.

"Look Haz you know I will but don't get down, she'll be back." I really hope he's right but something down deep tells me she's not coming back. Not this time. I just hang up and sink into the wall and I sob into my hands.


I wake up with a jolt not realizing I had fallen asleep. I climb up from the floor looking around at the mess that I have made. I have to clean this up, if Maddie comes back she will freak. I look at the clock and groan it's been 5 hours since she left, and no calls from Louis so I text him.

Me: Hey mate is she there?

Louis: No mate I haven't seen her. I figured she came back seeing as how you haven't been blowing my phone up.

Me: She's not here Lou?

Louis: Well maybe she is just getting air she'll be back mate.

I throw my phone down and start cleaning up to take my mind off her not being here. I hear the buzz from the gate and I don't even wait I buzz them through I hurry trying to get the mess cleaned up then I hear the door bell and I run to it hoping it's Maddie. I stop breathing when I open the door as two policemen stand before me. I zone out as my head becomes fuzzy.

"Mate.... Mate..." I shake my head as they call out to me. "Mate is this the home of Madison Grey?" Why do they want to know this?

"Yeah it is. She's my fiancée." I spit out barely finding my voice. They look at each other then back at me.

"I'm afraid there's been an accident." My heart stops and I cant breathe, I grip the door trying to hold myself up on my feet. "Could you come with us please?" I don't think I can move, I don't think I can breathe. One of them move forward placing there hand on my arm. "Mate are you ok?" Am I ok no I'm not.

"Is she hurt please tell me.. Is she hurt." I beg and I lean forward on the door.

"Mate you just need to come with us they can explain more when we arrive. Does she have any family here?" I nod not being about to speak. "We need their numbers mate." And in that moment I know she is hurt and I fall straight to the ground not being able to stand.


~~Maddie's POV~~2 Hours Earlier~~

Pain. You just have to ride it out. Hope it goes away on its own. Hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions. No easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time, pain can be managed. But sometimes, the pain gets you when you least expect it. Hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain. You just have to fight through. Because the truth is, you can't outrun it. And life always makes more.

I lay on this stretcher thinking of those words, as the pain I feel takes over my body. Three hours and thirty four minutes, that's two hundred and fourteen minutes. That's Twelve thousand, eight hundred and forty seconds I was stuck in that fucking car not able to move. I couldn't speak for some reason, just like I was stuck there hearing and barely seeing everything that was going on around me. I could hear them talking to me but I couldn't answer back. The asked me my name, how old I was, everything but I couldn't say a word. It's like my brain wouldn't translate what I wanted to say. I remember the loud sounds as they cut away the car to get to what was left of my body. My chest hurt so bad and I knew that I was dying. You want to know the one thing that was on my mind? The one thing that never left and kept me company as I laid there not able to move?

Harry.... I think now that I over reacted a bit and I had realized that, and that's where I was headed when someone hit me. It went black for I don't know how long but when I came to I smelled and tasted nothing but blood and the pain was tremendous. I hear the beeps of the monitor as they make their way to the ER I'm guessing. I hear them talking but its no use I don't try to speak anymore. The doors open and all I hear are people spouting out and I listen to this.

"Jane Doe, early to mid 20's hit by a drunk driver that ran a red light. Blunt force trauma to the head, chest, and abdomen."  I can feel myself trying to drift to sleep but I fight it. I try to scream my name, Harry's name anyone's name but there's nothing just gasp. Why did I have to leave? Why couldn't I just stay home and hear him out? Instead of being hard headed and jumping the gun. So now I lay here dying alone and nothing and no on can stop it and I done it to myself.


~~Harry's POV~~

I walk back and forth in the same place I have for the past six hours. Everyone is here and we are just waiting, they explained to us that she was hit by a drunk driver and where she was when it happen. I want to scream because I know now that she was on her way home. They said it was bad but wasn't really sure how bad until they finished her surgery. I asked why it took so long for them to contact us, and they said she couldn't speak so they didn't know who she was until they recovered her bag. I will never forgive myself if she doesn't make it, she has to make it. My mum showed up about a hour ago and I'm grateful. Many tears have be shed along with quite whispers throughout the waiting area. The accident just hit the news thirty minutes ago and we seen the wreckage, and I have to say I am surprised she survived. It was nothing but a pile of metal, to think she was in that breaks me farther and I don't think there's much more to break.

"Grey?" I look up and stop as I see a doctor walk in and speak. Everyone stands as he comes over. Mum grabs me holding me close and I welcome the extra support. "Madison has made it threw surgery." We all let out a sigh of relief. "But there were some complications but we got those under control. She lost a lot of blood and she is going to have transfusions, so don't be alarmed. The head trauma is what we are worried about. As you were told she wasn't able to communicate when they brought her in, we cant be sure if that's going to be an issue when she wakes, if she wakes." What if she wakes? Josh pipes up as I think it.

"Doc what do you me if she wakes? She's going to wake up right?" Gemma holds him close, he had a breakdown earlier and it was scary.

"Well as I was saying the head trauma was severe. Her brain has a lot of swelling at the moment and we are doing everything we can to try to get it to go down. But it's not something we can control. If and when the swelling recedes we wont know how much or if there is any damage. Now we had to go in and reset the bone above her left knee which is why it is in a brace. The bone had been completely broken in half so she will need therapy in the future. She had massive internal bleeding in her abdomen and we have to go in a repair the damage." He looks sad for a moment and I get freaked out. "We did have a complication while controlling the bleeds which led to the ending of her pregnancy." He pauses and I lose it. Pregnancy she wasn't pregnant are they even sure they haven't confused her with someone else. Everyone looks to me like I am suppose to know what this man is talking about.

"Maddie wasn't pregnant she was on birth control." The doctor looks to me and is firm when he replies.

"Mate I can assure you Ms. Grey was in fact pregnant. From what we could tell she was about 8 weeks along." I step back with my head in my hands. She was pregnant, she was bloody pregnant and..... I hit my knees as I cry out. Why in the world did this happen to her? This is what we wanted to be married and have babies. Now in one fucking night one, I have caused it all to disappear with my flirty fucking ways. I feel arms wrap around me as I sob out. Louis whispers in my ear.

"Oh Haz. I'm so sorry mate." I hear him weeping as well and I cant seem to move as he pulls me to sit on the shitty couch in the corner. "She's strong Haz she will make it through." I know she is but did he not hear everything that is wrong with her. My girl is broken and bruised and now our baby that we didn't even know about is gone just like that. Wait. I stand straight up and walk to the doctor as he explains things to Josh.

"The other driver, what happened to the other driver?" I swear to god I will kill them.

"I'm not suppose to say mate but given this situation I will tell you. The other driver is dead, he was DOA and there was nothing anyone could do." I inhale and walk back sitting down and everyone just looks at me. Yeah they know what was about to happen, they know I was fixing to lose my shit.

"You all can go in and visit for no longer then ten minutes then you will have to leave." The doctor says and we nod following him to the ICU and he opens the door and the sounds of machines is all that fill the room. "She is intubated so that she can breath but it's only helping her until the swelling goes down so don't let that alarm you." I stand at the door as Josh walks in and I here him start weeping and screaming then he hits the ground beside the bed in which I can not see. I'm scared to see her this way, I'm scared to know that this is real. Mum comes over and wraps her arm in mine as we walk forward. The moment I see her I weep like a little baby as my mum does the same. My girl that is so full of life and beautiful, lays here lifeless and unrecognizable. Her face is so swollen to where you cant even see her eyes. Her whole left side looks like it took the worst of it as her tiny hand lays in a brace along with her leg. I want to take her pain away, I would trade places with her if I could but all I can do is sit here and cry into my mum's shoulder as I feel many hands rest on my back. I move over to her side as Josh is on the other and grab her tiny bruised hand and she feels so cold. I weep for the girl I love and beg her to wake up. I place my hand over her stomach and just sob.

"I'm so sorry baby..... Please love..." I choke on each and every word as Louis comes over and rubs her face.

"Little Grey we are all here love. You fight this, you fight to come back." His tears flow freely as he talks to her. He bends down and kisses her swollen face as he backs up to me. "It's not your fault Haz." How can he say that, how is this not my fault. We would be home in bed laughing if I hadn't been so stupid. I stand and make my way to the door, I need to hit something to let this rage I feel inside out.

"Harry you need to be strong love, now's not the time to let yourself break." Mum says pulling me into a hug. "She loves you baby boy and there's nothing that your love cant fix. You have to believe that she will come threw this and she will son. It's going to be a long road and she needs you there." I inhale taking in her words then she ask the golden question. "You didn't know she was pregnant did you?"

"Mum she didn't know she was pregnant. She would have told me, she was still taking her pill everyday. Hell I seen her do it." I cant believe that for the past 8 weeks she was carrying our child and we didn't know. I mean I noticed her eating picking up but that's normal right? She hasn't gained any weight but I assume it would be to early for that. "Mum how do you tell someone that they lost a baby they didn't even know they had? How do I tell her that?" I wipe the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hands.

"You just do son, it's going to be hard and she will be sad but together you two can get through this."

"I was going to be a dad." I sob out. I have always wanted children even when I was younger I wanted them and to know that I was going to have one and it was ripped away before we even knew. Maddie will lose it she has lost so many things in her life and now this. I just don't know what to do.

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