My Rage in Red

Af robobot14

38 0 0

There's an unusual tale behind that art on the wall.. Mere

Chapter 2

My Rage in Red

30 0 0
Af robobot14

 Chapter 1


   The lithe body felt a cool material embracing his waist, knotted onto the freezing metal behind. The boy was creeped out about this situation; he was happily strolling along the gorgeous flower fields, excited about earning a new girlfriend, Kara Saunders. He was having thoughts about him and Kara laying lazily in these fields, grasping each other’s hand without a care in the the world. His thoughts had been interrupted when he felt a soft hand wrap around his slender arm and drag him across the sweet smelling grass. The girl dragging him, he estimated, was 12 years of age, sporting silky, raven locks that reached down to her slim waist. She glared at him with amazingly beautiful, yet evil looking gray eyes. The girl had paused for a moment, causing the boy to peer up. He was carried to an extensive, gorgeous mansion, which was painted a coconut cream color. It appeared to have been erected in the middle ages, similar to castles established in old England. When the strange girl opened the door, she yanked him into a lavish room, with a marble floor, bronze walls, and a dolphin fountain sitting right in the center. The family’s ancestors embellished the walls, sitting inside gold, antique picture frames. He had been turned to the corner, eying a ivory handle on the floor. The girl pulled on the handle, revealing a lengthy, lead colored staircase. He was hurried down these stairs, but it seemed like a drawn-out couple of hours. These led them to the place he was now. Although the rest of the mansion was a total luxury, this particular room looked like dog crap, he thought. The room was entirely constructed out of steel, half of it rusting, turning it a grayish orange. The walls were covered with mysterious, runny stains. This must’ve belonged to someone else, the boy thought; the people in the other room seemed as tidy as can be. He had noticed a tall woman shrieking in horror when a tiny gelato stain dripped onto her buttercup yellow dress. Now the boy felt frightened, his heart hammering loudly in his chest.

   “Sshhhh”, the girl muttered nonchalantly

   She let go of the boy, her left hand digging into her violet jean pocket. Her jet black nails were clutching something the boy always feared when going to the doctors- a syringe. The tip of the needle seemed to sparkle after being hit by the sunlight escaping from the window. This caused the boy to shake tremendously, but he felt her hand land on his shoulder again.

   “Stay stilll”, she hissed through her teeth.

   She removed her tiny hand, deeming that the boy had probably learned his lesson. She lifted the syringe to his left arm, darkness corrupting her irises. Her arm swung back, and then a blaring mewl filled the room. A warm, crimson liquid jetted down his arm, creating a small puddle on the floor. And this was the only blood that would land here. Pulling on the syringe, the girl watched intriguingly as the red fluid shot up to the end of the device. Spotting the syringe, anger crept into the boys eyes, curious of why the stranger was doing to him.

      “What is the matter with you?!!?!”, he roared loudly, echoes filling the almost empty area.

      “Oh...nothing...”, she replied, turning to pour the blood into tin bucket she hid behind her back. “Just feeling a”

      She turned back to face to boy, smirking as she spotted the large dot blemishing his arm. She rose the syringe to his elf-like ear, doing the same exact thing as before. This one seemed hurt a little less than the last wound, because it felt like he was getting his ears pierced. Although it was two years ago since his pierced his ears to wear those on sale skull earrings, he remembers it like it was yesterday. She drained the new blood into the bucket, creating an inch tall layer of red. The boy tugged with all his might on the cord, straining his weak muscles. He didn’t do any kind of damage, causing him to groan loudly. The cord was tied too securely, producing a huge knot in the back. The girl shook her head, noting that he would never be able to make an escape. She jabbed the syringe harder into his head, leaving a thin, crimson hole. The boy estimated it had probably came close to a centimeter away from his skull. His head was throbbing tremendously as the blood kept on flowing and flowing. If you are gonna kill me, why not just shoot me instead of doing this?!, he wondered. It’s quicker, much easier, and the pain lasts a shorter amount of time! And why would you do this? I haven’t done anything to you! I don’t even know you!!! Gosh!! He began to feel weak, not dizzy enough to collapse, but he knew soon he would be. The girl lifted up his monster truck t-shirt, unveiling a lanky, pale stomach. Thrusting her instrument into the flesh, she trailed it down to his belly button. The syringe was hungrier than ever after indulging in that salty, sweet blood earlier. As it was dragged across the cool skin, it kept eating and eating. The boy decided he would give up; it was no use. He imagined how his funeral would go; tears would trickle down their cheeks as his lifeless body would sink deep into the dirt. Flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors would embellish his gravel gravestone.  Passing by the graveyard would be the same girl, smirking in satisfaction over the deed she has done. But at this moment, the girl was looking stoic, as if she was unsure of what she was doing herself.

   “Go ahead.”, he muttered quietly. “Go along with your sick antics!” He placed an artificial grin on his face. “I RELISH in pain!”, he shouted, knowing that it was an utter lie.


    “Good for you.”, she responded. “And you may have some more. Just wait a few seconds.” Before she could capture some newer plasma, she had to remove the excess blood from his older wounds. She bro the device back to his arm after spotting blood stains left on his fingers. She had to grab as much fluid as she was able to for the event she was planning this evening. Dabs of blood formed into a narrow flood as they swam upstream. There was still empty spaces that needed to be filled, so she reached back up to his ear. The liquid blanketed the lobes, formed into the shape of veins. The crimson solution was drank up immediately before being ejected into the bucket. The bucket was a quarter way full; the silver and red side by side made a pretty sight. Blood had dripped down to the floor, but the girl could never use this. It was tainted and dirty from the dirt and dust settling there. She tucked the gadget behind his right ear, spying a puddle of plasma lurking there. The cool metal brushing against the boys skin gave him a nip. He was feeling uneasy around the girl; not only because she was sucking the life out of him, but because she was all up in his grill. Her flesh stunk in the result of an overload of jasmine perfume. The overpowering scent made his nostrils burn and his eyes squint shut. The girl became aware of his disgusted face, giving him a small scowl.

   “Is there an issue?!”, she questioned.

   Duh!!!, the boy thought. There’s a psychopath who stinks to high heavens that’s over here stealing all my blood! Like, seriously. You are an idiot if you think nothing is wrong! But instead of saying this, he just shook his head silently.

  She sneered. “I hope not.” The boy was pristine now, except for the abrasions from which the blood dripped from. The girl was a little short on her fluid supply. She kept some up in her bedroom from this morning, but there was many plans that only some of that blood can fulfill. She only needed a slightl bigger quantity; from what she had remembered, the two buckets  had a 2 inch tall layer filling each. From the day she went about this, she had an idea of sneaking into Colham County Medical Center and raiding the blood supply. But it clicked in her mind that the blood was most likely laying around for a bit, ruining the moisture. So, until there was a new plan available, she had her trusty syringe that she found lying around. She couldn’t resort to a knife; they were solely  chef property and they would get ticked if they discovered their equipment missing. It’s not like she didn’t get enough punishment..

 “Has anyone told you that you have really great blood?”, she asked, ruffling his pale brown hair with fake sweetness. “Seriously, it’s so creamy, so colorful..what type are you?”

 “A-AB+.”, he stuttered. What’s with the happiness all of a sudden?

 “Never had that kind before!”, she grinned. “I usually have O+, since it’s so common, but it gets really boring. “Sometimes I get B-, A+, and B+, but that’s only if I’m lucky!” She reached her arms out wide, placing them around the child’s waist and squeezing. “You have made this day great! I did get some from a raccoon, too, but your sweet blood and personality make you special!” She pulled back her arms and grabbed her weapon again. “Not done yet, buddy! Still need a bit more!”

  Her words became replaced with a sharp cry, followed by the soft sounds of heels clicking. The boy tilted his head to see the source of this, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

 “Kara! How the heck did you get here?”, he exclaimed.

 “Well, this chick here has her sneakers covered with some nasty crud, so she got footprints everywhere!” Glancing at the buckets, she stated, “But her mind is much nastier.” She walked up to said girl, leaving a painful mark on her cheek.”

“Girl, what’s your problem?”, Kara shouted, her face only millimeters away from the troubled one. “My boyfriend’s way too fabulous and kind for him to go through this!”

“I don’t have a problem.”, she assured in a stoic manner. “I’m just simply getting what I need for today. I guess you’re unfamiliar with that sort of thing?”

“It’s just my supplies don’t get so..Halloween themed…”, Kara said softly, curious of the word “supplies”.

“This isn’t for Halloween, darling.” The female told her. “But you’ll see soon. I better go now; my supplies might get worn out. She scooped up the bucket, being careful to not spill anything. She left the 2 people to escape on their own.

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