Mark Me Yours ✔️[REWRITING]

By ivankaross

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(The first book of the supernatural series) When eighteen year old Savanna opens a portal during camping wit... More

Mark Me Yours
(1) Battle Cry
(2) The Coronation
(3)Meet Mr. Knight
(4) Mother Dear
(5)The New Man
(7) The Forgotten Story Of Vashka
(8) Lost In Knowledge
(9) Humanity
(10) First In Everything
(11) A Shock Of Doubt And Attraction
(12) Attraction For Death
(13) Know Your Enemy
(14) The home For The Wicked
(16) Jealousy Does Not Suit You My Friend
(17) Mine
(18) I Am My Own Enemy
(19) We Are At War
(20) Dear Cousin
(21) Witches beware
(22) The Lost Soul
(23) A Sleepless Night
(24) The Lost Witch
(25) The Thorns Of Pain
(26) Brotherhood
(27) I Sense The Pain In Your Presence
(28) A Sword On Your Mouth
(29) Enchantments And Goodbyes
(30) The Awaited Moment
(31) Monsters Vs. Magic

(15) My Beloved

605 26 2
By ivankaross

Chapter Fifteen (unedited)

The first thing Savanna thought through that thick headed skull of hers was what Lucas had said. She didn't know why or how she didn't see it before, The way he had said 'Alpha's' and 'meetings' should have gave warning signals yet she stayed clueless like a rock until she was escorted to her own room in the castle

It was then it hit her like a truck when she realized, they were meeting alpha's

All alphas,

Which meant Alester is a part of this meeting......

She began to process her thoughts until it fully sink in was when she began to panic. Her eyes widen knowing she might see Alester and Lucia again. Those two stupid bags who she really didn't want to see. Although it has been a Month, she really thought it was too soon

She didn't know she had been pacing until she heard the door click open. She hesitated but relaxed when it was just Lucas


She froze one again when it
Was in fact Lucas. Freaking Lucas who has been ignoring her since that kiss. Technically they didn't but was about to, It was still considered a kiss when your upper lip touched right?



They stared at each other as the silence blanketed them is peace. Savanna couldn't speak nor open her mouth as she looked- really looked at Lucas who remained cold and rigid. He didn't say anything too which made things awkward

The way his eyes assessed her body silently but never showing emotions got Savanna frustrated especially when she didn't know what was in his mind.

"So what happens now?" She ask all a sudden. She felt suffocated when Lucas didn't answer, instead he took a step forward- not even stopping until he stood just in front of her

"I can smell your fear" he murmured in a soft whisper

Savanna who let out a humorless chuckle snorted "I'm in an Area where I'm not welcome Lucas, how much more when I meet my pack who despises my very existence because I killed the man they have worshiped for a long time of course I should be scared shitless"

She could feel herself shake in fright and nervousness. She really didn't know what could happen next when Lucas declared all to be in unity- they thought of him crazy. Hell she thought Of it crazy too when he ask for the impossible. Wolves are very territorial and they would do anything to be on top. If they ear of such thing- things might not end well

The packs stood in one family. Them only. And once they know of Lucas' plan- surely they will go to war

Packs against packs

That was what she was afraid off. Now that Savanna was allowed to stay without having to look at her back all the time, she still had many problems to face

And that even includes Lucas who hates her for unknown reasons

"The elders have sent the message and everyone will be ready tomorrow. I hope you are ready to face them Savanna. Since You are the soul reason why they are in this situation" he quipped in a low time

She wanted to curse. So much that Lucas was wearing her thin

"Oh so you call imprisoning Vashka for centuries would have been a greater job?" Her eyes glazed in anger when all he did was scoff

"It brought peace to Ostar, brought her to sleep and you opened her door. Defeating Vashka is not simple Savanna so I hope you know What you brought to us"

Unable to hold it anymore, she burst in frustration. To the world but mostly to him

"You know what Lucas?" She hissed "fúck you! Fúck your cold hearted ass and fúck your hatred for me! I don't care anymore if you hate me with passion but I'm trying my best here!"

Curse the goddess for putting her in this situation, being with Lucas and his way and being the person everyone hated. She could still feel the frustration that she began to realize her eyes suddenly  blurred. It was then she notice she was crying

"Fúck!" She heard a curse until she was engulf with two strong arms. Lucas' scent filled her nose as she fought not to sigh from his presence. She should be bat shit crazy for this bastard from hugging her but she couldn't leave his side. Unfortunately she loved being hugged or be near him- as crazy as it is, she eve thought they were mates

That impossible! She thought. They couldn't. I mean Lucas hated her right?

Her tears didn't stop just as Lucas' soft words didn't while he cooed against her ear made all the frustration leave her body and was surrounded with peace

Nothing but peace

"Savanna please stop crying, I- shit I shouldn't have said that " he muttered, his hands caressed her hair in such soft manner

"I don't understand why you hate me so much Lucas" she heard herself whisper "I don't care if everyone despises my existence or wants me dead but why does it hurt for you to hate me?"

Lucas brought his arms tighter against her small body and surprisingly kissed her forehead

"Don't do this to me Savanna" she heard him choke. Confuse, she brought her head up and saw his eyes trained at her but this time they were in a shade of almost black

"Lucas?" She breathed when she realized the emotions swimming through his eyes

"Fucking hell" he cursed and the next thing Savanna knew, Lucas' lips crushed against hers in hunger. Savanna surprisingly kissed him back in the same intensity while they battled in a cloud of lust

"You fucking annoy me" he murmured when their lips left each other but this time, Lucas lips ascended down to her throat and began to nibble against the side of her ear. She gave out a strangle sound, making her burn in embarrassment but Lucas didn't seem to mind instead he grinned at the sound making him suck her neck harder


"Oh goddess I cant stop Savanna- I- I just cant" They panted as they couldn't stop their hands from roaming each others body. The way he gave out an animistic growl literally made her feel a pool below her legs- making her squeeze them tighter but Lucas who noticed her uneasiness brought his hand down and towards her thigh in a very slow and torturous way that got her more frustrated and embarrassed

She silently cursed Lucas for making her feel this way yet happy from this new sensation

They began to kiss each other in oblivion until they froze when they heard a distinct footstep and Amanda's scent coming toward her door. Savanna had never thought they could get out of each others arms in seconds until they literally flew out of each others grasp and stood across the rooms- panting

Savanna didn't know if she was seeing wrong but she thought she saw his ears turn pink before he cleared his throat. Silently they watched each other again but he, for the first time looked away first and walked towards her bathroom and closed it quietly, leaving savanna gasping for air and to clear her thoughts before she heard amanda knock against her door

her foot padded against the wooden floor before opening the door ajar as she saw a grinning Amanda

"I told you you'll live" she giggled and shoved the door fully opened making her eyes grow wide from almost hitting her head against it

"Jesus Amanda, Your quite happy especially when you wont be staying with you husband for six months" this erased her smile and Savanna had never felt guilty until she saw the sadness contort on her face. With a sigh, she apologized

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to remind you-"

"No its fine' she smiled sadly "Its kind of lonely not seeing him for a long time but he promised he would visit." sighing, she sat on the foot of Savanna's bed and grumbled "Sometimes I hate Raphael for being a workaholic and a Scientist who cant bring his work with him"

With her own sad smile, she walked and sat beside Amanda who rested her head agaisnt Savanna's shoulder. They stayed quiet until Amanda broke it with a question that literally almost shit her pants

"Why do you look so flustered and red?"

And so the girls talked. For hours

Savanna who sat uncomfortably kept glancing at the closed bathroom door, wondering if Lucas was about to loose his insanity for being stuck in the bathroom for hours but she couldn't really help Amanda who has been talking her mouth off with how she misses her husband until Savanna had the courage to lie to her that she felt tired. Amanda of course hugged her and patted her back for good luck

she did need that for tomorrow

when the door closed quietly and the room was finally quieted down from Amanda giggles, Lucas finally left the bathroom with a sour look

"You could have said that earlier" he grind his teeth together as he looked at her in annoyance while Savanna couldn't help but try to stifle a laugh at his impatience

"I'm sorry" yeah it was a lame apology but she saw Lucas lips quirked up. This surprised her so much that she froze in shock. She even thought she had died from seeing that sudden curve

Slowly he walked towards her like a predator until they were inches away. She could even feel his breath fanning her forehead while he slowly brought himself to her height and murmured while their lips were only inches away "I'm gonna get you for that kitten" Savanna finally gave a squeaked when he slammed his lips against her and brought his lips to swipe against her lower lip but before she could open up to him, he had backed away and left the room. Leaving her alone once again but her mind was still in chaos as she thought

what the hell just happened?

So this was what kept her for almost all night. Lucas' lips against hers. How his arms surrounded her small body or how she finally caught him smile. Although it was small, it was still the very first smile she had seen from him

she didn't know how or why she survived such sleepless night, but it certainly wasn't the meeting that made her insomnia, it was man who seriously haunted her mind every second. All throughout her the night until the sun had risen, She laid on her bed until Amanda had called her outside to prepare for most of the alphas who lived nearer had already arrive

Savanna had aimlessly showered, changed clothes and tried to look presentable without letting them see that she looked like a zombie.Her legs carried her away from her room and out the hall to go to Amanda who waited for her in the kitchen. Somehow she felt disapointed when she didn't get to see Lucas this morning but a bit of her felt happy for she didn't know what to say if they did

"Savanna? Holy hell you look like you've been beaten the crap out of bed!" Amanda exclaimed and rush in front of her to inspect the huge bags under her eyes. She looked at her in concern before going back to that ugly bags as she murmured "You need some cover up to cover that ugly bag dear"

and so she did until it was time for the meeting to start. Lucas was probably in the room filled with hundreds of Alpha including Alester

Something bitter ran through her when she thought of him....

Amanda who saw her expression when it was time to go decided it was unesesaary for her to be present "You know if you really dont wan to go, we could-"

"It's fine Amanda" she gave out. She thought it was time to face her demons even when it's sitting on one of the chairs in that room "I need to do this" giving out a sigh, she walked out and went straight towards the door in front of her. To be honest she literally stop breathing just by seeing it's wooden design and pretty much she regretting holding her breath when a soft but clear whisper ran through the hall in disbelief

Oh goddess why are you so cruel to me?

And there she saw, Alester alone and not with his mate with a shock face

She hopefully would rather run into a crazed alpha but just not him yet life was really against her

How unfortunate

"Alester" she gave out a surprised squeaked she he gave out a big smile. The way his face lit up as if it was good to see her until he stop short when he assessed her body, making her feel uncomfortably. She thought she saw him gulped as his Adam's apples bubbled up shakily before he cleared his throat with a small smile

"Your here" he stated simply but frown when he realize how stupid his words were "I mean I'm sorry I meant you're...." He gave out a breathless laugh before looking back at her " you look different- shit- good different and very beautiful but of course you've always been bea-" and now he was stuttering. To be honest, she turned bright red not because she was blushing but because her lungs were literally begging her to breath but she didn't instead she nodded, wanting to leave and into the room where she could sit somewhere far from him

"It's nice seeing you too Alester, your queen with you?" She thought she saw him flinch at her question but didn't reply. Not that she wanted him to answer- she didn't even know why she had asked that

"Anyway we're late so we should-"

"Savanna wait-"

"It's nice seeing you again Alester" she cut him out before she strode towards the room filled with men- leaving him

And to be honest?

She didn't feel her heart break from that man again

I'm back with another update! So what do you think about that short scene with Lucas and Savanna? *wriggles eyebrow*

Or how Alester is back?

Anyway I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and would share this to anyone so don't forget to...

Vote . Comment . Enjoy!!

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