I Want to See Your Smile Again

De klapollol

20.3K 639 1.4K

Really, Kristoph Gavin is the last thing Apollo wants back in his life. Klavier may insist, but it seems like... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 10

677 28 46
De klapollol

the plot is dumb let's take a break from that


Apollo can't help but say the name as he rushes towards the man sprawled on the couch, shedding his bag on the floor. He doesn't care, he'll pick it up later, he's too relieved at the sight of Klavier in the flesh to think about anything else. It's all he could think about on the ride over, through the traffic.

Klavier's eyes open at the sound of Apollo's voice and search for the sound, scanning the living room until Apollo wraps him up in a hug. Apollo's kneeling by the side of the couch, arms wrapped tight around Klavier. Klavier feels warm to the touch, now that Apollo thinks about it, and in a feverish way. Apollo's glad he stayed home today.

Actually, now that Apollo thinks about it, he's glad for more reasons than one. He doesn't know how Klavier would react if he got the news alone, in his office without Apollo. Apollo can practically see Klavier leaning back into his chair with his head tilted up, his breathing turning to staccato, gulping the way Klavier does when it seems like the world is spinning around him.

Apollo tightens his grip. He hates the thought of Klavier dealing with Kristoph at all, but without Apollo around... Kristoph is one big excuse for insecurity, a looming threat ready to strike at any moment.

Apollo draws back from the hug, and Klavier makes a little noise. His face looks a little swollen, a bit bigger and fuller than usual. Is he allergic to anything? Maybe that's why he's sick. He hasn't tried anything new lately, though, so maybe he's developed a sensitivity randomly. Allergies are weird.

Apollo takes Klavier's hand, squeezing gently. "You feeling ok?"

Klavier smiles. "Ja." His voice is hoarse and deep. "You, Apollo?"

Apollo snickers. "What's with the Apollo? I don't think you've ever called me that."

"Sentiment, I suppose, liebling." Klavier mumbles, eyes closed. He really does look kinda pale.

"Liebling. That's new." Apollo says, taking a seat on the other end of the couch. "Another way to say darling?"

"Ja. I say schatz usually, nein? It is becoming overused, I think." Klavier continues, and Apollo rolls his eyes.

"You never admit you overuse any German," Apollo mutters. "Is this self awareness? I'm gonna have to watch out for myself, if you give up the cheese act and pursue your romanticism."

"You're cruel, liebling." Klavier pouts and kicks Apollo gently.

"Ow! Hey! I left work early for you, you ungrateful foppish trash can." Apollo rubs his thigh, sticking out his tongue at Klavier. Klavier makes a face back.

Apollo sighs, staring at the floor. Right. Now that he remembers it, there was a reason he'd left work, a rather serious one. Klavier has to know. It'd be cruel to keep it from Klavier any longer, even if the news will probably hurt him. Apollo only hopes he'll make it through, especially with last weekend to think about.

"Hey, Klavier?" Apollo tries to say it as gently as he can, looking at Klavier.

"Mmm?" Klavier meets Apollo's eyes, turning to lie on his back.

"You sure you're okay?" Apollo waits for Klavier's eager nod, for him to look insistent. "I... I kind of have some bad news for you."

"Try it with a hint of optimism, ja?" Klavier suggests with a smile.

Apollo can only blink at him, staring blankly. That comment was... that was weirdly Klavier. It's more typical Klavier style than Apollo has seen since- shit, since the Misham Trial. It's like the foppish rockstar Klavier is back, like he never left at all. The Klavier Gavin act doesn't feel like a shoddy cover for tears and hopelessness anymore, but a genuine pretty rockstar prosecutor. It looks almost natural to him, again. Apollo's almost ready to wonder if the depression and the nightmares and the- attempt- were nothing but a fever dream, an elaborate fantasy he'd conjured up.

"Liebling?" Klavier looks concerned. Apollo shakes his head, he was probably spacing out wondering... but shit, this is weird. Something's off, but in a... good way? Apollo doesn't want to question it. If Klavier is feeling better, who is he to argue? Maybe seeing Kristoph again was more therapeutic than Apollo had originally thought.

"I'm fine, yeah. Just..." Apollo sighs. "Kristoph's broken out. They don't know how he did it or anything."

Klavier's face falls. "Ach, so that's why you look so stressed."

"Yeah." Apollo swallows. "I... fuck, I'm worried, Klavier." He stops short, staring at Klavier again. "You're taking this far better than I thought you would."

Klavier shrugs, and Apollo remembers coping mechanism number 1. "Klavier, don't hide anything from me, please. You don't have to pretend that you're alright."

Klavier's eyes drop from Apollo, skirting to the side. "Ja. I am worried, too."

Aha. There it is.

Apollo sighs. "Are you scared?"

"Ja. Are you?"

"More than I know I should be." Apollo leans back against the couch, into the cushions. "I mean, I know that it's dumb to be scared. Even if I do die, it can't be that bad."

"Don't talk like that." Klavier looks uneasy. "Bitte. I- I don't want to lose you, Apollo."

Oops. Apollo's mortality was definitely the wrong thing to bring up.

Apollo leans over to Klavier. "I mean- I'm not dying or anything! I'm not planning on it! I don't... I'm not going anywhere."

Klavier's smile almost looks painful. "J-ja, I know."

Apollo wants to bang his head against the wall. Stupid, stupid... he's just added to the pile of insecurities, reminded Klavier that Apollo could die at any moment, that he'd be all alone with the bang of a gunshot. They've probably both been thinking it, but that doesn't make it right to say aloud. Everything's more real, when it's spoken aloud.

It's... it's hard, nein?" Klavier says suddenly, looking to the side. "knowing that he could do anything he likes..."

Apollo closes his eyes. "Yeah. The suspense is almost worse than anything he could do."

Klavier hums. His eyelids are beginning to droop, he looks really tired. Whatever he's got seems pretty bad.

"We'll be fine, though!" Apollo insists, and it comes out a little loud. His words echo in the foyer, all the way up the staircase. "We can do this! We'll make it through! We've done it before, Klavier. You'll be fine, and I'll be fine, and no one will get hurt. This time, everyone will be fine!"

The speech sounds pathetically desperate to Apollo, but Klavier gives him a grin anyways. "Ach, seems like Apollo Justice is ready for action. Watch out, Kristoph! Achtung, baby!"

Apollo laughs. It echoes around, filling the silence better than his yelling. Klavier begins to laugh a little too, and suddenly, the house doesn't seem so empty anymore. There aren't any corners for Kristoph to hide in, no pockets hidden from Apollo and Klavier.

Apollo shivers. It's like all of the nerves he had have been melted now, eased away into the jumpy laughter. "Thanks, Klavier. I feel better now."

Klavier snaps his fingers. "I can say the same to you, schatz."

Apollo grins at Klavier. Leave it to Klavier to make it all better, especially when it seemed like nothing ever could. "So, are you hungry?"

oh yeah! this is long overdue, but thanks to everyone who reads and likes this crap lmao :)

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