Bite Me, Love. (COMPLETED)

By MintyNFresh

2.9K 129 30

I look as she yells at my beta for making her friend mad, and I can't help but think about her. She is always... More

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Thanks again!
All over the world!
Editing Still Ongoing


89 4 1
By MintyNFresh

//This, my loves, is Daniel Sharman. Daniel Sharman acts as Hunter Smith. Who is Hunter Smith? Well, guess you will just have to find out yourselves! To this chapter!

QOTC - Which man do you like the most so far in this book?

I personally like Hunter! You guys might not know him, but I know my characters, and this guys a keeper!//

I look at Dylan with wide eyes. He loves me... he loves me! DYLAN loves ME! What should I say? What should I do? I don't know if I love him yet!

" It's okay angel face, you don't need to say I love you back." He says as he pulls me closer and rests his head above mine.

Was he reading my mind?

I push my thoughts back, then fell in a deep, deep sleep...


I open my eyes, then squeal. It was my first day of modeling! Dylan shoots up from the bed, then looks over me.

" What? Are you hurt? Blink two times if your hurt." He says with concern.

I roll my eyes.

" No I am not hurt I am just excited because today I am going with Pilar to mo- I mean shop today..." I correct myself, then look away, telling him a lie.

" Okay... shopping for what?" He asks.

" Umm.... stuff? hey lets go see whats for breakfast!" I say, avoiding the subject. No way he can find out that I am modeling! He will just become angry with me! I run down the stairs, with Dylan's shirt on, which by the way, runs down to my middle thigh.

" Hello." I say, my cheeks flushed from realizing that Dylan's mom was down here as well. What will she think of me?! Just wearing her sons shirts not noticing or caring to cover myself. I felt instantly ashamed of wearing one of his shirts instead of something else. I attempted to pull the shirt lower, so that it would show less of my legs, but the shirt just plopped back up to my mid thigh.

This is her house, of COURSE she would be downstairs! My wolf rolls her eyes at me, and I roll my eyes at her.

As if Dylan's mom read my mind, she breaks the silence.

" Don't worry, I think you look good in Dylan's shirt! " His mom flashes me a smile.

" Thanks." I smile back.

" So Natalia, you ready for today?" Pilar asks, then wiggles her eyebrows.

" Yeah I am!" I answer back, getting excited.

" What is so exciting about shopping?" Dylan pops up out of nowhere, then leans on the wall behind him.

'I told him that we were going shopping.' I attempted to mindlink Pilar, apparently it worked, because she nodded at me.

" You wouldn't understand Dylan. Just because you act like a girl, doesn't mean you also need to think like one." Pilar rolls her eyes, and me and her mom laugh.

" I don't act like a girl!" Dylan complains, then stomps upstairs.

" Yeah but you act like a kid." I reply back. Dylan's mom laughs and so does Pilar.

" You need to get changed." Pilar says, pointing out that I look like a wreck.

" Yeah." I agree, then head towards the stairs.




" What! I have to wear THAT kind of stuff?!!!" I say. Me and Pilar were in her car while she showed me what I needed to wear for the photoshoot. She rolled her eyes.

" It's victoria's secret. What do you expect." She says, then rolls her eyes again.

I start chewing on my nails. Will Dylan be mad if I wear this?! Isn't this a LITTLE too inappropriate?

" Don't worry Dylan won't be mad at you, just at me." She says, assuring me.

" I don't want to do that to you though!" I blurt out.

" He will get over it." She rolls her eyes once again.

" Okay... Hey, where did Jackson go? Why wasn't he downstairs with you?" I asked, changing the subject.

" Duty had called for the pack." Pilar said simply.

" Why didn't Dylan go?" I asked her.

" Some things Dylan doesn't need to be there for. I am sure he got a mindlink about the situation, but I am guessing it was not important enough that Dylan had to be there. Plus, I am sure Beta Colton can handle it." Pilar answers back, not taking her eyes off the road.

" Colton is the beta?" I asked another question. I never knew this!

" Yeah, he has been since Dylan became the new alpha, and the alpha king. " Pilar answered my question once again, clutching the steering wheel to her car.

" I'm sorry about your father..." I say back to her. I could see that she was hurting.

" It's okay. He wasn't the alpha king, ya know. The alpha king before Dylan had never had a son, and he liked Dylan a lot, so he handed his alpha king position to Dylan." She said, changing the subject.

" Oh, I didn't know that." I replied, ignoring the fact that she changed the subject.




" Hey, do you want to come with me and Dylan to see that know it all werewolf?" I asked her while we were heading towards victoria's secret, making sure I didn't say werewolf too loud.

" I would love too! Wait... don't you need 10 people to see him?" Pilar asks me, her eyes were confused.

" Yeah... I planned on bringing Neliya, Grace, and Hazel. Dylan wanted to bring Colton, Jackson, and Zach." I replied back, answering her confusion.

" But thats still 9..." She said, her voice sounded uneasy.

" Yeah I know. I still need to find one more person. Any suggestions?" I asked her.

I don't care who comes with us to see the Know it all, I just needed another person.

" Oh yeah! I have this one friend named Harper! She actually models in victoria's secret! Maybe we can talk to her! " Pilar suggests.

I frown.

" First of all, she has to be a werewolf. Second of all, we don't even know if she will be there!" I say back to her. We were almost at victoria's secret.

Pilar rolls her eyes.

" Of course she is a werewolf. And Harper is always at victoria's secret, if she is modeling OR just shopping. She has nothing else to do, so she decides to just hang around at the shop. She will be happy to do something other than just standing around a store all day." Pilar snaps back.

" OKAY OKAY! We will talk to her!" I say to Pilar.


" You want me to wear this?!" I whisper/scream to Pilar as she shows me what I must wear to model. Pilar was standing in a bathing suit, showing off WAY more than needed to.

" Please Natalia, do it for me!!" She pleaded me.

" FINE. Only because you found our 10th person." I rolled my eyes. Me and Pilar had seen Harper doing as Pilar had said, walking around the store and buying stuff. We told Harper about what we were doing, and she said ' Sure. Not like I got anything else to do.' Harper was really funny. She was REALLY pretty too. turns out, she was actually the HEAD victoria's secret model!

I walk out and start modeling for victoria's secret. It was really fun, actually. I constantly got compliments of how pretty I was, and that I should start modeling. The people knew exactly what they were doing, so I accepted their offer. Pilar was really happy about it. They showed me one of my modeling pictures to me.

I had looked so pretty in the picture! I modeled in many other outfits, bathing suits, under garments, and regular clothing. After that, me and Pilar and Harper decided to go out for some ice cream. I invited everyone else who might be going to see the know it all, so that me and Dylan and Harper and Pilar could know who all was going.


"You want us to see WHO?!" Grace screamed. Dylan and Colton and everyone else was still heading here, but Grace got here first.

Me, Pilar, and Harper all roll our eyes.

" It's not a big deal Grace. Get over it." Harper said to Grace in a DUH tone.

It turns out, Grace and Harper all ready knew each other, they were cousins. Neliya, Grace, and Harper were like inseparable, or at least that's what they said.

" It is too! That guy is smokin'! I don't have the TIME to get ready and do all of my makeup and hair and dress and shave my legs..." Grace kept listing all of the things she needed to do.

Pilar rolled her eyes.

" If he can't see the true beauty within you, then he is lost Grace. " She says in a matter of fact tone.

" Yeah... I guess your right... I just wish I had found my mate already, ya know? You have found your mate," She said, referring to Jackson," Hazel has a mate, and so do you, Natalia. It's just not fair. What if he is dead? What if he rejects me? What if I never find him?" Grace says, looking down at her feet.

" HEY!! Grace! I haven't found my mate yet and you don't see me complaining! Snap out of it. He will love you, and if anyone rejects, I am sure it will be you. And of course he wont be dead, unless the moon goddess was too stupid to realize you need a strong mate! Plus, who wouldn't love your snarky remarks?" Harper says while crossing her arms.

" I'm sorry... I should have never say that... Thanks Harper" Grace says, pulling in for a hug. Instead, Harper leans back.

" Hey hey hey! You know I don't do emotional S**t like that." Harper says, pushing Grace back a tad bit. Grace giggles.

" Yeah, sorry I forgot."

Harper wasn't exactly what you call girly. She doesn't get grossed out, doesn't hesitate to kill, very cold hearted (except when it comes to her friends), and gets mad at the slightest things. She is very tough and she always stands her ground.

Just then, Neliya comes and waves.

" Hi guys!" Neliya smiles, then makes her way to sit down at the table in Ice Cream Delights.

" Hey Nel!" Grace says, hugging her. Why does she like hugging so much?

" Hey!" She replies and accepts the unreasonable hug.

" Have you found your mate yet?" Grace asks, her eyes filled up with sadness.

" No, but I am all good! Not like I need any boy in my life anyway!" Harper smirks as Neliya shrugs her shoulders as if finding a mate is stupid.

" You should be more like your sister, Grace." Harper faces towards Grace, and grins. Grace huff out air and pouts.

" I wanna find my mate! Is that bad?" She says simply. We all roll our eyes.

" Trust me, if you had a mate like Zach, then you'd wanna have no mate." A familiar voice said. We all turned around to see Hazel as angry as can be, with a high waisted Denim skirt with a black crop top, and some full sun glasses with a couple watches on and her favorite orange purse around her arm. Her black high heels hugged her feet tight. I could tell she was having a rough day.

" Whats wrong Hazel?" I asked Hazel, and she instantly look her glasses off and shoved them in her purse, showing her angered eyes.

" Your brother CHEATED on me, thats what!" Hazel's words felt like daggers being converted into my chest. Why would my brother do that to Hazel?! AAARRRRGGHHHH I WILL RIP HIS HEART OUT AND SHOVE IT UP HIS BLOODY BUTT FOR DOING THAT TO HAZEL!

" WHAT?!" I whispered/screamed, so that we wouldn't get kicked out.

" Yeah! He said that the girl was all over him while he slept, and DID IT with him while he was asleep! Can you believe him!" She threw her hands up in the air. I instantly relaxed and rolled my eyes. It's not his fault that she basically raped him in his sleep.

" He didn't cheat on you Hazel. How was he suppose to stop the girl when he was asleep?" I ask Hazel, again rolling my eyes.

" He should of locked all of his windows and stuff before he went to bed!" Hazel said, snapping at me. I instantly got mad. Why is she mad at me now?! He didn't cheat on her!

" If you want to yell at someone, then I suggest you walk away from me because you are not gonna treat me this way because he's my brother. He didn't cheat on you. " I snapped back at her. Hazel's eyes instantly filled with hurt.

" I am sorry... It's just what if he actually wasn't asleep, and he was lying to me? How would I know, and how do I know if he will do it again or not? I just don't know what to do Natalia..." Hazel whimpered and looked down at the ground. I sighed and pulled her into a tight hug, and she returned it.

" It's okay Hazel. If he ever does that, he wont live long enough to tell you." I laugh, and she giggles along with me.

Harper fake coughs.

" I know you guys are having like a friendship moment, but 4 guys are coming our way..." Harper points to the Dylan, Zach, Jackson, and Colton walking our way, but Colton seemed to be moving faster than usual. He face looked really odd, and there was tons of emotion across his face. What.The.Actual.H*ll. Colton's lips instantly smashed onto Neliya's lips as they make PDA in a PUBLIC ice cream place. WHAT THE CRAP! I had just stood there in shock, as did all of the other girls. The boys just smiled to there selves, well, all except for Zach, who kept looking at Hazel as she avoided eye contact with Zach. I gasp slightly as Dylan's arms slither around my waist.

" Why are they sucking each others faces? I am pretty sure they had just met each other. " I say, confused. Dylan chuckled slightly and kissed me on my cheek. I ignored him, and looked around as everyone in the shop just stared at them disgusted.

" Excuse me! Couple over there! No PDA in our shop!" The lady yelled at them. A man yelled " Get a room!" as well.

Colton pulled back from Neliya's face as his hands were on her cheeks. He caressed her cheeks and whispered to her faintly, " I have waited for you my whole life.". Instead of being confused, I instantly got excited. THEY WERE MATES!! I run up to them, push Colton away, then hug Neliya.

" You found your mate!!"I squeal and so does Neliya. Grace joins the hug as well as Hazel and Pilar. Harper just stands there awkwardly while crossing her arms and leaning to her side. Good thing this was a werewolf town, or everyone would have to be brain washed! I chuckled at the thought.

" Can I have my mate back now?" Colton pleaded us, then we nod and release from the hug. Colton puts his arm around Neliya, and we all sit down at the table. All of the couples or mates sat by each other, except for Hazel and Zach. What is wrong with these two. I roll my eyes and whisper into Dylan's ear, " I gotta talk to Zach for a sec. Talk to everyone else about seeing Mr. Know it all guy." I place a light kiss on his lips as he nods his head. I was about ready to leave, but Dylan grabbed my arm.

" You know you can just call him Alpha Smith, right?" Dylan asks, his eyebrows frowning.

" He is an alpha?!" I whisper/scream to Dylan, being sure no one else heard me.

" Yeah, one of the most powerful ones to be exact. His pack is huge and VERY powerful. He was also one of my best friends growing up. Our dads always had meetings since our packs our close together. We have a treety between packs. He is basically only 1 rank below me, right below Alpha King, which is called a Commander. He is quite the stubborn one, very needy and greedy. I am sure he would reject his mate for power." Dylan replies to me, making sure no one heard him as well.

" OH wow. He sounds kinda like Harper." I say, shuddering at the thought.

I kiss him gently once again, then make my way towards Zach. I pull him up, and drag him outside of the ice cream shop.

" You have a LOT of explaining to do, Mr." I say demandingly. Zach sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"I didn't mean too Nat. I was asleep when it happened. I know what she did was wrong... but I also know that what I did was wrong, too. I hurt her bad Nat, but I can't stop thinking about her every second of every hour. I just want to run up to her and hug her and tell her everything is okay. I don't know how... But... I- I think I love her..." He sighed, his face was in his hands.

I pull Zach into a hug, and he hugs back. I release from his grasp and look into his eyes.

" Tell her. She needs those three words to come out of your mouth. She doesn't deserve this right now, but neither do you. It's best to just tell her how you feel Zach." I say, hugging him one more time.

" Tell her." I say. Zach nods and looks down to the floor.

" Thanks Nat."

I push him to the door.

" That is what siblings are for!" I say and smile, as does Zach.

Me and Zach both walk back into the ice cream shop. Zach walks fast! I couldn't catch up to him, but when I saw where he was heading, I walked the opposite direction. I sit on Dylan's lap and eat some of his ice cream as he raps his hands around my waist, resting his head on my shoulders.

I watched as Zach grabbed Hazel's hand and dragged her outside. I ripped out of Dylan's grasp and head towards the nearest open window, as Neliya, Grace, Pilar, and Harper follow.

We watch as Zach led Hazel outside.

" What makes you think you have the right-" Hazel is cut off by Zach kissing her on the lips, while tilting her chin up.

Me, Neliya, and Grace squeal, but Harper just snorts in disgust and eats her ice cream while watching.

" Hazel, you are my mate and I don't know what I'd do without you. You are one of the reasons I get up in the morning every day. You are my sunshine through thunder storms. You are the brightness of my day. I loved you the day I met you, there was just something about you. I have loved you ever since. You being my mate is just a cherry on top of a large sized ice cream cone. " He pauses, and stares into her eyes while we all sighed. " Please stay with me..." He whispered. Hazel grabbed Zach's face and put her large plump lips on top of his. She pulled away and smiled.

"You don't know how long I have waited for you to say that. I love you too, Zach." She replies while hugging him, and he hugs her back.

"AWWWEEEE!" Me and the girls all do our happy dance, while Harper pretends she doesn't know us.

" You guys are so embarrassing!" Harper rolls her eyes. We all run back to our seats, making sure Zach and Hazel didn't notice we were watching. Hazel and Zach came in with Zachs arm around Hazel's waist, and there bodies pressing against each other.

" Glad to see you guys made up!" Grace sighed, as all of us did as well.

Hazel rolled her eyes.

" We both know you guys were watching us. Stalkers."

" We just couldn't help it! You guys probably have the best relationship out of all of us." I say, throwing my hands up in the air as Pilar and Neliya agree.

Dylan grunts, as do Jackson and Colton.

" That's not true. Pilar and Jackson have, like, the BEST relationship ever!" Hazel points out, earning a blushing Pilar and a smirking Jackson. Jackson wraps his arms around Pilar's waist tighter as she is sitting on his lap.

" That's not true. I think Neliya and Colton are ALREADY the cutest couple, and they just met." Pilar shrugs her shoulders. Dylan rests his chin on my shoulder, and I rest my head on his.

" I think Natalia and Dylan have a pretty killer relationship, I want my mate and I to be exactly like them. They aren't going too fast, but they also aren't going too slow." Grace admits, blushing a little.

I shake my hands.

" No no no no no... I'M the one who is keeping it from going too fast. Dylan here," I pointed to him." wants to go through the FULL mating process. He already has marked me." I said, showing everyone my mark, and Dylan smirks. All of the girls gasp, while Harper just stares with disgust.

" I think love is kinda stupid. It eventually just gets you hurt. I don't want a mate. I think the whole mating process is pretty disgusting, actually. If I ever had a mate, I'd make him reject me." Harper shrugs, and we all gasp.

" Wh- what if he doesn't reject you? Will you reject him?" Grace asks. Harper shrugs again.

" Then he will have to deal with my teasings. I will tease him, but I will never let him have me. My body and wolf might want him, but I am stronger then both my body and wolf. I will NEVER give in." Harper crosses her arms. I roll my eyes.

" Sure..."

Wait... I should set a deal for that! I start smirking.

" Okay, I will make a deal. If your mate doesn't reject you, then you will have to be his mate for 1 month. 1 month full of teasing and what not. If you are marked by the end of the month, then me and the girls AND YOU will go shopping, do your hair, makeup, and clothes. Then, we will go shopping for more things to tease him with." I wink at the last sentence.

" And if I win?" She asks, smirking.

" Then me and all of the girls will be forced to not see our mates for 1 month." I say, and all the girls agree, but the boys all freak out and growl. I roll my eyes.

" Don't worry. There is not a chance she will be able to resist him for the full month, especially when she is teasing him. God bless her mate though." The boys relax, while Harper huffs out air and stomps her foot.

" I will win this bet!" All of us roll our eyes.

" Even I couldn't win this bet no matter how hard I would have tried Harper. You are gonna lose." Pilar says to Harper, her wolf barking in agreement.

" Fine, you guys keep thinking that." Harper says, huffing out air.




" So... about seeing Alpha Smith..." Colton says, and I stare at him with shock. How does he already know about it?!

' I told them angel face.' Dylan mind links me, as if he read my mind. Wait, he already knows how to read my mind!

I instantly relax.

" what about it?" I ask.

" Well... I don't know. When? I guess." Colton asks, shrugging, while holding Neliya tight and kissing her cheek. I am glad Colton got over me and found him mate, especially since it is one of my best friends!

"Well, me and Dylan were hoping we could just get it all over with today. I mean, it would be best if we did it all today, anyway." I say, giving a glance over my shoulder where Dylan was. He agreed with me.

" I could do it today, it's not like i have anything else to do." Harper says, shrugging her shoulders.

" I could too." Pilar says, and everyone else says they could as well.

" Okay... I guess we should get going then?" I ask everyone, and they all nodded, except for Grace, who refuses. I roll my eyes.

" Why shouldn't we get going Grace."

" We haven't gotten any ice cream!" Grace pouts. I laugh.

" Okay, we can get our ice cream, cry baby."




" We are here." Dylan shifts in his seat. We had gotten into our car after getting ice cream, and everyone got into there cars. The couples mostly road together, and the non mated people rode in a different car. It had took a total of 43 minutes and 37 seconds to get there. What? I got bored so I started counting. I put that in notes in my IPhone and shoved it in my pocket, then got out of the car, as did everyone else from there cars.

" Me and Harper will be back. We have to go to the bathroom." Grace says, and we all nod. I look around the property. It was beautiful. There were TONS of gardens and statues, and tons of wildlife and green grass. It was absolutely beautiful, and large! Did I mention? We made our way into the dream house mansion, it was SO beautiful!!!

" If you think this is beautiful, wait till you see what our pack looks like." Dylan says, while holding my hand and whispering in my ear. I look at him amazed as he chuckles.

We walk to a beautiful red living room, with tons of expensive vases and paintings as decor. I look at the silk made couch and make my way to sit on the comfy couch. Just then, a handsome man walks in and shouts.

" Hey hey hey! Watch the couch! " He stops me from sitting down as I stare at him confused. Dylan rolls his eyes as does everyone else.

" Hello Hunter." Dylan says, pulling me towards him.

" Hello Alpha King." He bows while looking at me.

" Oh, and you guys need to leave. Anyone who wants to see me from outside of my pack has to bring 9 other people with them, which makes 10 people if you didn't know what 9+1 is." Hunter smirks as Dylan growls. I roll my eyes.

" If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on Earth." I bark back at him. He rolls his eyes.

" Don't piss me off today, I am running out of places to hide bodies, Ms..."

"Parker." I say, rolling my eyes.

" Great. Now would you guys leave?" He says sharply.

" No, we have 10 people." Pilar says.

"Oh... yeah, right! I totally forgot you guys have imaginary friends!" Hunter says sarcastically.

Just then, Grace and Harper walk in.

" Mate."

// WHAT?!!! WHICH ONE?! AHHH I AM SO CONFUSED! GRACE AND HARPER BOTH DON'T HAVE THERE MATE YET! AHH! Any ways I am happy to announce that I am writing a new book about Hunter and his mate's romance! I think it will be a pretty good book if you ask me! I am so glad you guys chose to follow me! Forget all the people who didn't follow me, am I right? XD ANYWAYS who do you think is Hunter's mate? Who is the unlucky girl? Find out next chapter!

QOTC - Which man do you like the most so far in this book?//

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