Forgotten Memories

By Onyx_thunder01

1.8K 86 45

Living in a small town means there's not many surprises. You know everybody, have done everything, and nothin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The End
AN || Sequel

Chapter 24

38 2 1
By Onyx_thunder01

I stretched, a stripper worthy moan escaping me. What is it about stretching that makes you moan? I didn't think much more of it as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and yawned. The room came into focus and I noticed that Logan was gone. I was alone in our bed.

"Logan? Where are you?" I asked in my normal volume. I knew that if he was in the house, he would hear me. After a swish of air, he appeared at my side. His eyes, while concerned, still showed signs of recently waking up. His hair was unruly but in an attractive way and he wore only sweatpants which were hanging low on his hips. My eyes were drawn to his V-line like a fish to bait; knowing I wouldn't be able to escape but not being able to resist the temptation.

"Lily, did you just call me up here to check me out?" He asked with a smirk. I attempted to supress my blush as I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"In your dreams." I turned around, giving him my t-shirt clad back to look at. I didn't want him to see my burning cheeks.

"Every night." He whispered, huskily, his hands wrapping around my waist as his chest pressed up against my back. I leaned my head back on his chest, relishing his warmth and scent. I wasn't sure why he smelled of a mixture of mint and sandalwood but I loved it. It always managed to calm me down and I couldn't help but crave it.

"D-Do you ever think that we w-went too far t-too fast?" I blurted out, thinking of the other day. I wasn't sure if I regretted it, I didn't think that I did, but I couldn't help but feel like we rushed into it.

He tensed behind me and said, "Why, do you regret it?" He sounded scared of my answer, nervous and unsure. He didn't want to be hurt.

"No, no, not at all!!" I rushed out, turning around so I could look him in the eye. "I just think that in normal relationships, they don't rush into it that fast."

"Well we're not exactly normal, are we?" He asked, trying to be funny. I let out a small laugh and sighed. I wrapped my arms around his chest and he relaxed as I laid my head on his chest.

"Is it normal to go so far when we only just met each other? I mean, for werewolves." I looked up at him, watching. He seemed lost in thought and I took the opportunity to study him. His dark hair was sticking up in some places but it still looked as gorgeous as ever. His eyebrows were scrunched together, making a crease in his forehead. His lavender eyes, which were so like mine, seemed unfocused, far away. His cheekbones were so high and beautiful, nearing a feminine look. His nose was slightly crooked, as if it had been broken a few too many times. His lips,which were oh so kissable, were a soft pink and beautifully shaped; they were my weakness. I slid my hand up his chest, his neck, tracing his sharp jaw line, and gently grazed his full bottom lip with my thumb. He shivered and I instinctively moved closer.

Slowly, he moved his hand up and grabbed mine, stopping me. "Mates have a stronger bond than humans do when they're together. It makes rush into things. I do agree that what we did may have been too soon but it's alright to be in a relationship and tease some." He said, holding my hand and staring into my eyes. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Good because I like you." I blurted out before thinking about what I said. He smiled at my shocked expression and gently brushed his lips against mine.

"I like you too." He whispered in my ear before disappearing. I groaned at his absence and fell back onto the bed. I was lost in my thoughts when the smell of food poured into the room. I jumped when I heard a growl, immediately assuming werewolf, but laughed when I realized it was my stomach.

Speeding down the stairs, my face lit up once I saw all of the food being made by a shirtless Logan. I shamelessly watched him move, his muscles rolling and flexing with each movement. My eyes follwed his movements, realizing that even when he was cooking, he was graceful.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." He said, turning around and giving me a smirk. I rolled my eyes and got up to steal some food. He laughed as I snuck behind him, grabbing whatever I could. He didn't even try to stop me and I wasn't sure if he could. I was just too hungry.

The doorbell rang, making the both of us jump. "I got it!!" I yelled, already on my way to the door. It wasn't until I had the door open that I smelled the familiar scent of vanilla.

"Lily, wait!!" Logan yelled, but it was too late.

"Jordan, what're you doing here?" I crossed my arms, trying to seem like I didn't want him here. But my body was screaming for me to touch him.

"Kate tried to call but neither of you were answering. So I came by to make sure you were okay..." He trailed off as his eyes trailed down my body. It wasn't until then that I realized that I was still only in Logan's t-shirt and a black lace thong. I was suddenly glad that Logan's shirt came down to mid thigh. I didn't feel like flashing anyone today.

"Well, we're fine. What did Kate want?" I tried to hide within myself, folding my arms around me but it didn't work. I jumped when I hand was placed on my waist but I calmed down when I felt sparks where he touched me. His smell calmed my nerves; mint and sandalwood.

"Yes, Jordan. Do tell us, what did Kate want?" Logan said, visibly trying to calm down. His lavender eyes were being swallowed by his pupils as he grew angrier and I placed a hand on his back to calm him.

Jordan caught this and he grew angry too. I watched as his pupils grew and his body became tense. He took a deep breath before answering. "She wants you to come back to the pack house; she has news."

"And what news is that?" Logan spat before I could speak up. I sighed in frustration and sent Jordan an apologetic look.

He looked at me when he answered. "That's for her to tell."

I nodded and smiled slightly. "We'll leave shortly. Thank you for telling us, bye." I said politely, pulling me and Logan inside and leaving a silent Jordan outside.


"How is Logan?" Kate asked, not even bothering with greetings. When we pulled up, she rushed out of the house, grabbing me, and practically ran to her office. It wasn't until we were behind closed doors that she spoke.

"More possesive than before but I can calm him down. I shouldn't be away from him for too long though..." I trailed off, looking uneasily at the door. She nodded in understanding and sat in her chair.

"This will just take a few moments and then he can join. Just be glad that my office is sound proof, otherwise Logan would know everything." She chuckled and pointed towards the door. I inhaledd, his scent flooding my nose. It made me smile but I ignored it for now.

"What did you need to talk about?" I asked, turning back towards her. I fiddled with the bottom of my t-shirt, my arms grazing my bare legs. I decided to wear a plain t-shirt and jean shorts.

"Well I see that he marked you." She said, pointing to neck, although it was covered up by the collar of my shirt.

"How can you tell? You can't even see it."

"I can smell it. Your scent is a little different; you smell a little more like Logan. Not as much as you will once you mate, but still." I gasped and blushed.

"I-I can't smell a d-difference." I blushed, embarrassed. Images of Logan and I mating poured through my mind and I struggled to try and keep a straight face. I heard a thump outside but chose not think much of it.

"Well, I'll assure you that everyone else can." She laughed and stood up. I followed her lead, standing, adn pulled down on my shorts to make sure they didn't ride up.

"Can we let Logan in now?" I asked, shy. I have to admit that the lack of contact between the two of us has put me on edge. She nodded and waved towards the door, turning to fiddle with something on her desk. I didn't hesitate to open the door, rushing out to find Logan. I laughed when I saw that he was sitting on the floor.

"Did you fall or something?" He jumped and banged his head on the wall. Slowly, he got up, rubbing his new sore spot on his head.

"I-uh.. Maybe." He replied, sheepishly. This made me laugh even harder, my hands clutching my stomach when I suddenly had a thought.

"So that's what that thump was... What made you fall?" His face turned red and he moved to scratch the back of his neck, nervously.

"I-um... I saw something.." He trailed off, not looking me in the eye. Why was he acting so weird?

"And that something was..?" I asked.

"Well, when I marked you, it opened up a mind link between us. And sometimes I can hear your thoughts or see them if you're imagining something..." He trailed off, still not looking me in the eye.

"And you saw my thoughts?" I asked, confused. Why would my thoughts make him fall down?

"Um... yeah..." I stared at him and his blood red cheeks and awkward manner. I finally put two and two together and got four. I was thinking of us mating when he...

"Oh my god, oh my god, I-I.. It wasn't like that. Well, it was but-but that's not why I was thinking it. Kate mentioned it and I, well, you know..." I was stuttering, my face growing hotter second by the minute.

"Daydreaming, Lily?" Logan recovered quickly, smirking at me. Why does he always smirk?

Why question it? You know it's hot. My wolf told me, sounding more like a teenage girl than a wolf. I wasn't really complaining though, I didn't really have a best friend anymore.

Oh shush, he's always hot. I told her, inwardly smiling. I heard her laugh in agreement and my smile widened.

"Shut up, you big buffoon." I told him, laughing. He opened his arms, grinning, and I ran into them without question. How could I pass up a hug?

"Okay you two, we have to talk, remember?" Kate's voice resounded throughout the hall. I pulled away from his hug and saw her standing in the doorway, arms crossed, a smile on her face. We all laughed and folllowed her back into her office, sitting in our seats. This time, however, Logan sat closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into his warm body, graetful for the physical contact.

"What is it, Kate?" Logan asked, getting straight to business. She sighed and straightened her back, becoming more serious. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared.

"We have more news about Seth. He's going to attack soon." She said, not sugarcoating it. I was partially thankful for that but partially not. Logan hissed and tensed up, causing me to automatically rub soothing movements on his skin.

"Why? What changed?" Logan barked. "He didn't want to attack before so what does he want?" He was practically shaking, he was so angry. I took his hand in mind and rubbed circles on the back of it, still trying to calm him. Kate waited to answer until he was breathing again.

"He heard that Lily has shifted." She stated, slowly. Logan tightened his grip against me and held me closer, not that I was complaining.

"So? What does that have to do with it?" I said, finally speaking up. I don't undertsand why Seth was so interested in me, I'm not special.

You may not realize it yet, but Lily, you are very special. My wolf said suddenly, catching me off guard. I jumped and Logan looked at me, concerned. I smiled at him, letting him know that I was okay before turning back towards Kate.

"He wants you." She said cautiously, looking at Logan. We all jumped when Logan let out a huge growl and ran out of the room.

What am I going to do with him?


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- Cam

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