The Elf

By yourempress_

193K 5.7K 349

I sloshed through the rain,cursing at the noises I was making. A purple light whizzed through the air,hittin... More

The Elf
You're a What?
New Start
New Grounds
Settling Down
Welcome to the Rat Pack
A Day Out
Something Bad
Past Memories
Deadly Situations
Different Perspectives
Story Time
All For One and One For All
The Sequel is Up!

Psychos and Scythes

8.6K 253 37
By yourempress_

Dakota silently curses to herself. Of course, they send Teresa again. Do they even want her back alive? Or in one piece for that matter. Dakota reacts quickly and tumbles to the right to avoid Teresa's scythe. Dakota snorts in her head. A scythe, how fitting. Teresa's more of a grim reaper than anyone she's ever met. The blonde psycho swings again, this time at Ariana. Dakota rapidly pushed her out of the way. As fast as she could, Dakota bites her thumb hard enough to bleed and conjured up an axe. With both her hands on it, she threw it to stop Teresa's weapon. The blonde followed with another attack, kicking Dakota hard enough in the stomach to knock her down. The red-head, winded, struggled to get up.

"Careful now.", Teresa said grinning.

She took a stab at Dakota with her scythe. Dakota rolled away and took the chance to grab Teresa's weapon. Surprised, Teresa let it slip out of her grasp. Dakota rolled backwards then jumped up, holding the scythe in front of her.

"Not so tough without your weapon, are you?", Dakota taunted. Teresa glared, her smile slipping from her face. She quickly smirked again however and raised her palm, facing Dakota.

"Oh sh-", Dakota said, before her was body flung back and she hit the wall behind her. She whimpered when she was picked up again, this time thrown against the ceiling. Teresa started giggling again while she threw Dakota against all of the walls in the room. Too busy having her fun, she didn't notice Ariana behind her. Said girl slammed the lamp she had in her hand on Teresa's head. The blonde stumbled but recovered quickly though and stood up. She glared at Ariana and if looks could kill, Ariana would be pushing up daisies. Ariana cried out when Teresa grabbed her by the neck. "Listen, human", Teresa spit out, "This fight has nothing to do with you". Ariana grunted in pain and kicked her feet, trying to escape. Dakota got up, holding her head.

"Let her go!", she yelled at Teresa. Teresa smirked, raising an eyebrow and threw Ariana against the ground.

"Fine, but don't you think you should stop messing with this human's heart? Skylar wouldn't be happy you got over her so quickly. Honestly, you guys broke it off an hour before you left, and everyone knows that's the reason you ran away. But honestly, what did you expect. She was engaged, your little affair couldn't last forever".

Dakota made a noise from the back of her throat and narrowed her eyes at Teresa. Ariana glanced at the both of them, confused.

Teresa looked at her, raising an eyebrow, "Oh, you didn't know? Honey you were just a rebound".

Dakota shook her head, "Shut up Teresa, it isn't like that". She rolled her eyes at the blonde. "Ariana isn't my lover, she's just someone who helped me while I was healing from yourlast attack".

Teresa's eyes widened in mock surprise. "We never know with your kind, do we?".

Dakota bristled with anger. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?", she said angrily.

Teresa gave her a half smirk and shrugged. "Oh nothing. So, am I going to have some fun bringing you back to Callista, or are you going to be boring and give up right away?".

Dakota bit her lip, trying to figure out her best options. She knew there was no way and hell she was going back to Callista without a fight. She also knew that Teresa was only there for her so if she wanted Ariana to be as safe as possible the red-head would have to lead the psycho blonde away from her. With a new resolve Dakota gave a subtle nod to Ariana and then faced Teresa.

"I choose the second one", and with that she started sprinting out of the house.

"She's always running away.", Teresa said, shaking her head at Ariana. She quickly smirked though. "Any other time I would leave you bleeding out on the street, so consider it your lucky day, human". Ariana swallowed her fear and confusion as she watched the blonde stranger chase the girl she had previously saved.

Dakota, still running, looked behind her. She wasn't surprised at how far Teresa let her run ahead. That was the game to the blonde. The chase was half the fun. A flash of purple flew by her, almost grazing her body. She turned to the left and jumped over a table. The family seated there gasped in horror as she stepped all over their food. She kept on running, and five seconds later she heard a bang and a shriek. She looked back to see the table blown to bits, and a little boy crying, holding his bloodied arm. She almost stopped to help but didn't, knowing there wasn't much she could do. Dakota kept running, and tears came to her eyes. With her vision blurry, she lost her footing and fell, rolling down a hill. A few minutes later her body stopped rolling and she groaned as her head hit concrete, hard. Dazed, she lied on the ground, clutching her head. She heard footsteps and shifted toward them.

"Help", Dakota whispered. The person giggled.

"Nope. Maybe you should have kept running.", Teresa smirked. Dakota groaned, and slowly got to her feet. She placed a hand on the spot on her head that hurt and brought it back to her face. She grimaced when she saw blood and then glanced back at Teresa, who raised an eyebrow.

"Done already?".

Dakota gave her a hard smile, "Not even close.". She muttered an incantation and a sword appeared in her hand.

Teresa smiled wider, "There you go, now you stand a chance.".

Dakota ran at Teresa with her sword. Teresa smirked and easily dodged it, parring it with her scythe. Dakota took a swipe at her again, this time going for her legs. Teresa jumped over it and quickly slashed at Dakota's arm. Dakota grimaced when she felt the contact and quickly jumped backwards. She turned her sword into an axe and charged at the blond again. Teresa sighed and blocked Dakota's strike. This time, Dakota smirked, and rapidly took the moment to punch her in the face. Shocked, Teresa held her mouth, and groaned in pain when Dakota's kneed her in the stomach. She fell to the floor with a grunt.

"Ugh, such a human move.", Teresa quipped.

Dakota smirked, "It's all over now". Teresa scoffed, and then looked at something behind her.

"Now!", Teresa screamed. Dakota looked behind her, and noticed a girl with midnight black hair, and oceanic blue eyes.

"Sk-Skylar!", Dakota breathed. She smiled and took a step closer to the girl.

"Big mistake!", Teresa said from behind her, stabbing Dakota deeply. The cut went from her back all the way to the front of her body, In the exact same spot Dakota was already injured in.

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