Remain My Drug, My Desire

By twisted-diva

24.7K 1.2K 639

Their addictions continue on as they are being thrown into new problems. Ones that are harder to face everyda... More

Coming Soon
Not an Update
Not An Update
4 (The Feels Are Strong)
31 (Final)


756 36 18
By twisted-diva

-Sway's POV-

Andy has been gone pretty much all day today, after he fucked me all day/night. I've spent most of my morning laying in bed watching boring documents. I was sore everywhere. My stomach slightly hurt, and my head was pounding, I should have started my period sometime today.

The thought dawned on me. I was on the pill. I took it everyday. Never missed a day of taking it. I took it before I even knew Andy. Yeah we didn't use condoms, but it was Andy, he didn't like condoms. Then again most guys don't, but us girls don't want to get knocked up.

Now the thought scared me. Could I be pregnant? Still naked I jumped out of bed, but a little too quickly, because my head spun so fast, that right there I threw up all over the place. Maybe I'm just sick. I could be sick. I'm not pregnant. After I threw up, it was a mess. Gross, the smell made me sick. I'll have to call housekeeping. That'll be fun, I mean look at the bed, it's covered in soap, cum, blood, and sweat. Like always, Andy fucks me till I bleed. But I've stopped bleeding, meaning it's not my period. Again panic rushed through me.

I hurried to the bathroom, and leaned down to the toilet and threw up again. I decided then that I needed a shower, I was a mess. Turning on the hot water, I stepped inside. It was warm and it felt good. Once I felt clean, I stepped out, and grabbed my sweats that don't fit. I stole one of Andy's long sleeves. Grabbing my wallet and the key to the room I hurried out the room.

I went to the front desk, "How can I help you?" the man working there asked. Oh, boy I feel so bad for the people who will be cleaning our room. I'm leaving for a couple hours until it's clean.

"Yeah, I'd like to ask for housekeeping in Biersack's room." I said.

"Sure thing," he said giving me a smile. Oh he won't be smiling when he hears what kind of damage has been done.

"Thanks," I said, and I quickly left, I needed to head to a store nearby, I had to know. And whatever it was, I don't know what I'd say to Andy. I still felt sick, so I think I'll also grab some Advil while I'm out. I found a CVS a few blocks down. I grabbed some Advil and the other thing. Heat crept up on my face when checking out, the older lady just shook her head at me. Do I say something to her, or do I keep my mouth shut. I don't have Andy here to pull me away from the fight. I payed her, and decided it was best to keep my mouth shut.

I still didn't want to go back to the hotel, at least not yet. I'll text Juliet later, or maybe by then Andy will be back. Food didn't sound good, but I did want to know, so I headed to a gas station to use the bathroom. I read through of what I had to do. After reading through it, I waited. Pacing around the small bathroom, my palms sweaty, my head still pounding, my stomach turning every which way. After the time was up, I took a deep breath and snuck a look.

Not pregnant.

Thank god.

Why do I feel so sick?

Why is my period late?

Not pregnant. Again I felt like I was going to throw up, I rushed to the toilet and threw up. I felt even worse now. I pulled out my phone, and decided to call Juliet.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey," again I threw up in the toilet.

"Sway is everything okay?" Juliet asked.

"No. Can you come get me?" I asked her.

"I can't, but Andy is here, I'll get him." damn it, I don't want it to be Andy, he'll worry too much. "Andy!" I heard Juliet call his name.

"Angel?" It was Andy, he must of taken the phone from Juliet.

"Can you come get me. I'm at a gas station, it's a few blocks away from the hotel. I don't feel good," I told him.

"Yes angel, I will be there in five minutes," with that Andy hung up. I didn't want to leave the bathroom, because I couldn't bring myself to stand up without passing out. I threw up again, there was knocking on the door.

"Yes?" I called out.

"Is everything okay in there?" someone asked.

"I can't stand up," I told them.

"I'm opening the door," the door was soon being unlocked and a worker opened the door. "Do I need to call 911?" they asked.

"My boyfriend is on his way now," I told them. I felt even more sick, my head pounding and my stomach hurting. I threw up again. The lady who had opened the door and spotted the stick.

"Are you pregnant?" she asked. I wiped the sides of my mouth.

"Surprising no." I said.

"Let me get you some water," she said, she propped the door open, she then came back with some water. I took a sip but didn't swallow I spit it out in the toilet. "Is it just the flu?" she asked.

"I hope so." I told her. Just then someone rushed into the gas station, and hurried to the bathroom.

"Angel!" I have never been so happy to see his face. I reached my arms up, and he picked me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck, "What's wrong angel?" he asked.

"I feel like shit," I told him.

"Why did you leave the hotel?" he asked me, he stopped and turned to the lady, "Thank you for making sure she was okay," Andy told her.

"Oh, it's no problem," she said smiling, "Oh wait. Dear you forgot this," she said going into the bathroom and picking up the stick. What is she doing. She handed it to me, Andy had his eyes glued on me. He quickly hurried out, his walking was fast. We headed back to his car, he didn't say anything, he put me in the car, and put my seatbelt on. Driving quickly back to the hotel. Still no words. The car ride made me feel worse, so when we got to the hotel I head to throw up again. This time on the sidewalk, Andy was standing next to my side rubbing my back.

"Have you've been doing this all day?" he asked me. Finally words.

"It was around noon, when I finally got out of bed," I told him. "I asked for housekeeping," I finally told him.

"Oh joy." he said, and picked me up again and carried me into the hotel. I wanted to get out of New York and I wanted to go back home, we've been gone for a good two weeks. I'm ready to go home, and Andy wants to stop by and see his mom and dad.

"I wanna go home," I told him as we took the stairs instead.

"I know baby, and we will. I'll call my parents." he said, we finally made it to the top, thank god I'm not huge, and it was easy for Andy to carry me. Housekeeping was finishing up with the room. "Leave," Andy said stepping inside the room. The ladies all stopped and looked at us, but mainly Andy, "I said get out. We are going to fuck again, so it's just going to be a mess... So go." Andy snapped at them. Why would he say that? Damn it Andy, my face was bright red, as all the girls looked at Andy and then at me. They all hurried out of the room. Andy walked into the bedroom, and put me down on the now clean bed. That's when he grabbed the stick that was still gripped in my fingers. He looked at it, then looked at me, "So the flu?" he asked.

"My period is late," I told him. He sat down on the bed, and pulled me onto his lap, I kept my head down in the crook of his neck where I felt safe.

"How about when you feel better, and you aren't throwing up, we will fly back to LA and then go see a doctor," he said. I nodded.

"What would you have done, if I was pregnant?" I asked him, I just had to know.

"Be a father," he said kissing me on the forehead. He would have stayed with me? Most guys go running for the hills. They don't want to be dads. I know Andy isn't just a fuck, and I'm not just a fuck, but kids? Really.

"I'm tired," I said with a yawn.

"Go to sleep, I'm not leaving," Andy said.

"Did Juliet get to see Danny?" I asked.

"Yes, they are flying back to LA, Juliet is very worried about you," Andy said.

"Did you fix everything?" I asked.

"Of course," he said.

"Juliet is my friend Andy... I'm still talking to her," I told him.

"I know. She loves you Sway," Andy said kissing me again, "Now go to sleep," he said. My eyes fluttered shut, and in Andy's arms, I passed out, feeling safe.

When I woke up, I wasn't sure where I was. I wasn't in Andy's arms anymore, and I felt light movement. Where did Andy go. I looked around, in a tiny space, small windows. Am I on a plane?

"Andy!" I called. Just then a door from the back swung open and out walked Andy. He had some food and water.

"Angel, you are awake." he said sitting by me. We must be on his jet. Let me tell you something it's a nice jet. And I'm on the couch of that's inside the jet. "Here, have some food." he said handing me a sandwhich.

"Did you make it?" I asked him, he smiled and nodded. I took a bite, it was good for a PJ. Let's just say Andy doesn't cook, but that's fine because I don't either. "How long have I've been out for?" I asked Andy.

"Since yesterday," Andy said. My jaw dropped.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Five. And we are close to LA," Andy said, I felt slightly better, I didn't feel sick all that much, "I made a call to the doctor, we will go first thing in the morning," he told me.

"What time?" I asked.

"Eight." he said.

"I can go by myself," I told him, Andy smirked at me.

"I know you can, but I'm coming with you. I'm worried," he said. I rolled my eyes of course he is worried, when isn't he. "Also in four days we will be flying in, and seeing my parents. I want to give you some time back home. And I need to do some work at the company. With your help of course, because that is your job," he said.

"I thought I get you coffee?" I asked. Andy laughed.

"Also make me copies," he said.

"Yeah, yeah.. Easiest job ever," I said.

"I can always have you do more," Andy told me, "And I might just do that," he said giving me a kiss on the forehead, "How do you feel?" he asked me.

"Better," I said.

"Good," he moved closer to me, and pulled me in. Next thing I know his hand was in my pants.

"Andy..." I hissed.

"It's okay," he said, rubbing me. Making my eyes roll back, "I feel likes it's been forever since I was able to touch you," he whisperd.

"It-it's been..." I had a hard time getting my words out, "a day." I breathed out. Not by choice, but the way Andy can make me feel, my hips went up. Trying to get more of his finger inside of me.

"Don't Sway," he said pushing my back down, he now straddle me, so I couldn't move, and his body pinned back back against the couch.

"Who all is on this plane?" I asked him.

"Just a pilot," Andy smirked at me, "Come on, I've always wanted to do the dirty on a plane," he said leaving small kisses on my neck, as he still fingered me. A gasp left my lips, and my head hit the back of the couch. Yet again, I couldn't move much, Andy really liked me to be pinned down, tied down... You name it, if you can't move Andy likes it. More reasons of why I wonder if he is a hotter, less fucked up Christian Grey? Thank god he doesn't beat my either. I'd leave his ass, in a heartbeat. Before I could carry my thoughts on, Andy was taking off his pants, "I'm going to fuck you, my sweet, sweet angel," Andy said giving me a kiss. Out of all the names he calls me, I've grown to love it when he calls me angel, and I think it's his favorite.

"Wait, wait don't you think you should use a condom? Just in case..?" I asked him.

"Sway baby, if I get you pregnant, I'm more than willing to be a father okay. You know I don't like to wear condoms." he told me. Of course he hates condoms, but I don't know if I'm ready for a kid or not... Even if he claims he is, I don't know.... He is still older than me, but not by much. But I didn't have time to say anything else to him, because he was already taking my pants off, and sinking deep inside of me. I cried out.

"Oh, god!" I bit my bottom lip, to try and keep quiet, but no... Andy just loved to make me scream. Because now he grabbing my breast squeezing hard, as he thrusted inside of me, and then, sucked on my neck. I am being fucked by Andy on a plane... Beat that Christian Grey.

We finally landed, and that's when Andy called it done. I was struggling to get my clothes back on before we had to walk off the plane.

"Sway calm down, this is my plane, you are in no rush at all," Andy said. I sighed, and slowed down a bit, but in many ways rushed. Andy just laughed, we finally walked off the plane. And had a hold of my hand, one of his many cars was waiting for us. It was great to be back home, and I couldn't wait to see Taylor! I couldn't wait to hear all about her date with Ashley, I almost forgot all about it. We got into Andy's car, and seemed to be happy to be able to drive his own car again. It's been two weeks, and that's been longer than we thought we'd be gone. After what happened last time, Andy thought it was better if I would come with him, if he had any trips away.

We finally got back to his place. Part of me wanted to go back to the apartment, because I have missed that place.

"Do you think at some point I can go back to the apartment?" I asked Andy, as I watched him unpack his things.

"Not tonight," he said.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"I get you tonight." Andy smiled.

"You just fucked me on a plane. Come on babe. I miss Taylor." I begged.

"I love it when you beg. But no. I need to fuck you, in the bedroom. My favorite bedroom. Then we need sleep, then it's to the doctors tomorrow." Andy said, he tossed his bag into his huge ass closet.

"Ugh! That reminds me, I still haven't started my period. Andy I'm worried," I told him, Andy held his arms out, and I walked over to him, as he pulled me in, wrapping them around me.

"It's going to be okay angel," Andy said.

"How do you know that?" I asked him.

"Do you trust me angel?" he asked.

"Of course," I told him.

"Then do it baby girl. Trust me." he said giving me a kiss. I sighed, but nodded, he better be right. "Now, my angel, let's go fuck... in the fuck bedroom. Shall we," Andy grabbed my hand and pulled me away. Yet again, Andy tops Christian Grey.

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