Frog Princess

By hershy344

6.8K 57 29


Frog Princess Characters
Frog Princess
Frog Princess Ch. 2
Frog Princess Ch.3
Frog Princess Ch. 5
Frog Princess Ch.6
Frog Princess Ch. 7
Frog PrincessCh.8
Frog Priincess Chapter Nine
Frog Princess Ch. 10
Frog Princess Ch. 11
Frog Princess heads up and IDEAS!!!!
Frog Princess Chapter 12
Frog Princess Ch. 13
Frog Princess Chapter 14

Frog Princess Ch.4

456 5 3
By hershy344

Please comment and vote!!! i hope you like it!

-Amber <3


Chapter 4

When I got to first period everyone just stared at me. Their eyes followed me to my seat. I sat down and they still stared! I corssed my legs nervously waiting for class to start. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around it was Greg.

"Hey." said Greg.

"Hi?" I replied confused.

"You look great."

"Thanks," I said confused again, "why are you talking to me?"

"Well I know I've been a jerk before but-"

"Oh I know where this is going! Look, you never even talked to me until I got this new image. I'm not stupid enough to fall for your pointless pick up lines that you got from a magazine. And besides, you're not my type." I said clearly. I wanted him to get the picture. He started writing down some thing on a sticky note and handed it to me.

"Uhh, here's my number. Call if you change your mind. Which you will." said Greg flirtatiously. I took the sticky note and crumpled it into my fist.

"Lousy dirt bag." I whispered to my self. I saw Austin sit next to me in the corner of my eye. I kept my face down sheepishly and started doodling in my notebook.

"Lexy, you're in this class now?" he said.

"I'm not Lexy. It's me Riley." I corrected.

"Is that really you? I'm being punk'd right?" said Austin searching around for cameras.

"Stop looking around for cameras. And yes, it's really Riley.' I replied blushing.

"I thought you were only going to get your braces off but you look,"

"Different, girly, weird a little?" I said finishing his sentence.

"No, more like cute and pretty." Austin whispered into my ear. I his musky voice gave me the chills...twice. I didn't know what to say but Mr. Bartlett walked in and saved my awkward silence. Austin suddenly passed a note to me when Mr. Bartlett wasn't looking.


A bunch of us are going to Woodland Park Friday wanna come?

Sure what time?

730 8ish


"Was this a date?" I thought happily. I'm guessing it was. All through the day people kept calling me Lexy.

I loved the attention I was getting and the new friends I was making through the week. I was so busy planning my birthday party and going to the mall with new people, I forgot about Jillian. So on Friday in free period I had to tlk to her.

"PSSSSSSST," I whispered, "hey Jill!"

"Don't talk to me." whispered Jillian.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Don't give me that bull shit. You haven't said a word to me, answered my texts, or ever hung out with me this whole week. And every time I ask why your like 'Me and some other people are going out maybe tomorrow.'" half whispered half yelled Jillian.

"Sorry, I do wanna hang out with you though. A bunch of us are going to Woodland Park tonight do you wanna come?"

"I'll go but do you even know what goes on at Woodland Park."

"Well no but Austin invited me." I said smiling.

"People go there to make out, drink, and sometimes do more stuff. You don't even have a boyfriend." said Jillian warning me.

"I'll deal with it." I said.

I actually couldn't deal. Lexy and Ryan, David and Jillian, and worst of all Melissa and Austin were all making out. They all surrounded me as they were all sucking face. I decided to leave the scene and walk around. I moved to the campfire and sat on a rock.

Suddenly Greg sat next to me and he was clearly drunk. He grabbed my face and pulled it towards his and started making out with me. His tongue was in my mouth and I couldn't breathe. I tried pulling back but he pulled me in closer. His lips were so soft but his breath smelled like vodka and apple juice. I finally pushed him off of me.

"Greg what the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Don't you want me?" he said slurring his words and grabbing my face again. He started groping my thighs and I kicked him where his most likely small manliness was. He fell to the ground. I stood up and looked over him.

"Sleazy drunk." I said as I walked away. How could I let him kiss me even though I like Austin?

The next day was our party. We had 100 invited guests and about 150 uninvited guests. Lexy and I had a photo shoot so we took pictures and out them behind our thrones. Yea I know we got the thrones but not the celebs. They were a little busy. I didn't even want to go to my own party. Everyone, including my sister, already knew about me and Greg. He's such a douche. I wore my orange swim suit with my orange flip flops. Lexy wore her white cheetah print swimsuit with silver flip flops. We had so much fun.

"Happy birthday!" said Jillian hugging me. Later on we through and after party. We walked in and everyone cheered and clapped and we felt like princesses. We all were having fun until the slow dance came on I sat down because I had no one to dance with. Someone covered my eyes with a blind fold and brought me into different room. I was in a closet and I thought it was Austin. It wasn't it was Greg.

"Greg, what the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed.

"Riley I haven't stopped thinking about you. Every since we kissed."

"Greg that wasn't anything you were drunk." I said trying open the door.

"So," he said slamming it shut, "I felt what I'm feeling right now. I must kiss you!" he leaned in and started making out with me again. I kicked him again but he blocked it. He pinned me against the door many times trying to keep me from leaving. While I was against the door I opened it and when it flew open he was on top of me and people were standing above us. His face was in my chest. My arms were around his waste. And worst of all Austin was one of those people who saw us. He walked away shaking his head in disappointment.


On Monday everyone knew about our little closet make out. People were saying we were having sex! We weren't I was trying to leave the room and now all the girls think I'm some slut. The guys keep slapping my ass and wiggling their tongues every time they see me. I was so fetup I blew up in 3rd period after a guy reminded me again.

"WE'RE NOT FUCKING DATING OK!! I DON'T EVENLIKE HIM!!!!" I yelled. I ended up getting a detention. Austin won't talk to me, guys think I'm easy and the girls think I'm a slut. My life totally sucked. That day I went home and cried my eyes out. I wanted to just stab myself a billion times until I couldn't feel it anymore.

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