By gdrgnseyo

2.9K 96 49

Jiyong never thought the day he had to lie to his mom about having a lover so he could avoid being married of... More

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476 20 12
By gdrgnseyo

Thought Four

The last part of the chocolate cake was swallowed as he reached for his strawberry milkshake. Seungri sat back in his seat, satisfied. He rubbed his belly in content and continued to suck in the sweet beverage through the pink straw. Pulling back with a small burp, Seungri flashed Jiyong a bright smile.

Jiyong shifted slightly and elegantly placed the last piece of his blueberry muffin in his mouth with the fork (who the fuck actually eats a muffin with knife and fork?). Wiping his mouth with the tissue as if he was a judge on Masterchef, Jiyong then picks up his cup of coffee with grace and (gulps it down like a madman) sips it slowly; savouring the bitterness and the sweet aftertaste. He looked sophisticated, high class; a man of knowledge.

That was until Seungri decided to spit his strawberry milkshake all over Jiyong's face and shirt (damn son, good job).

"What the actual fuckㅡ" he gasped and quickly dabbed at his pure cotton, liquid absorbent cardigan with a tissue in shock (and disgust because that strawberry milkshake was inside Seungri's mouth mixing with his spit less than a second ago). Jiyong was cut off by a loud, obnoxious laugh.

"AHAHAHA, OH MY GOD. YOU LOOKED SOㅡ AHAHAHA, LIKE THAT OLD WOMAN FROM SECRET GARDEN!" Seungri snorted, muffling his voice by pushing his face against the table; trying to calm himself down. The sudden chaos gathered attention from fellow customers once again and Jiyong bowed his head in shame as he let the beverage drip down his face and onto his jeans. His clothes were ruined; so was his reputation (Karma, it's karma). Seungri continued to giggle like a maniac and was trying to hold back his laugh so much he was trembling. Everybody's eyes were on them again and Jiyong bit back a scream of frustration.

"Seungri..." the older of the two hissed, already standing up to walk straight out of the cafe as if he didn't have a soft pink stain on his white shirt. It looked as if a fluffy pink dolphin had barfed onto his clothes. Jiyong scowled, "Get up, we're leaving."

Seungri stopped trembling and looked up at Jiyong in confusion, "What?"

"Do not 'what' me, you git. Get up. We are leaving to go and buy new clothes, and I'm sure you need to buy some bathroom necessities anyways," Jiyong squinted at Seungri. He was already stepping away from their seats and the younger boy quickly stood up to follow. Jiyong strode out like a boss, stopping by at the kitchen to say bye to Youngbae, and Seungri skipped along behind him like a small puppy without a sign of protest.


"Where are we going?" Seungri spoke up for the first time since they stepped onto the bus. He was wearing a thin undershirt and Jiyong's cardigan, which was even thinner. He was absolutely freezing. Jiyong was fucking petty; he made Seungri give him his jumper because he didn't want to walk around with a stain on his shirt. Seungri tried to reason with 'you can just button up your cardigan!' and 'I'll be so cold though, I might die!' but all Jiyong did was give him a stink eye and the silent treatment. Well, at least the older was kind enough to offer Seungri his cardigan, otherwise, Seungri might have actually frozen to death.

"Shopping district," Jiyong answered him.

Aye aye, thank you Captain Obvious, as if they would be going to an animal farm to fucking shop for clothes and toothbrushes. But of course, Seungri didn't dare to say that out loud and opted to keep it all in his head; Jiyong was scary, that much Seungri knew. He narrowed his eyes at the thought of spending a night in the streets in this weather. Nope, not happening in a zillion years.

The two continued to sit in awkward silence until Jiyong suddenly stood up and started to shuffle his way through the crowd and to the doors. Seungri blinked a few times and rushed to follow Jiyong in case he lost the older. The younger boy pushed himself against Jiyong's side, making sure he wasn't going to be abandoned, but little did he know, Jiyong took it the wrong way. The older could feel the goosebumps on Seungri's arm even through his cardigan and he couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty (Jiyong had a fragile heart, people). And the iciness that was legit radiating from Seungri's entire body didn't help either, so Jiyong wrapped his arm around the younger.

"Jiyong?" Even though Seungri was clearly shocked by Jiyong's action, he did not make any move to move away or to remove Jiyong's warm arm. In fact, he pushed himself closer.

"Shut up. I'm making sure you don't die on me because I don't want to go to jail for suspected homicide," Jiyong quickly explains, making sure his tone was harsh and did not betray the tingling feeling in his chest. They stood together, bodies pressed together in silence once again. A couple of seconds later, Jiyong heard a small voice whispering against his ears, "What is it called when you kill your buddy?" Jiyong hummed, indicating for Seungri to answer his own question.


And Jiyong pushed Seungri right out of the door the exact moment the bus stopped moving.


"Goddamnit Jiyong," growling as he walked faster to keep up with Jiyong's pace, Seungri tried to warm his arms by rubbing them constantly when Jiyong stopped and placed a slender finger against his pink lips.

"I want you to call me hyung, you brat. I'm at least two years older than you," the older smirked when he saw that Seungri's eyes widen in surprise at the finger against his mouth. Well, at least, he now knew it wasn't completely impossible to tame this foul-mouthed little shit. As he started walking again, this time with Seungri by his side, a really familiar face caught Jiyong's attention.

"Kiko!" he called out, startling Seungri. The said woman turned around from her own group of friends and waved at Jiyong. He waved back and Seungri stared at them in confusion. What? Who was this woman? And what was her relationship with his Jiyongie hyung— oh my god, did Seungri just call Jiyong 'his Jiyongie hyung'? Fuckadeefuckfuck, what was wrong him?

"Hey Jiyong," the 'Kiko' woman jogged up to them after talking to her friends for a few moments. She gave Jiyong a hug that was way too long and intimate for Seungri's liking (shit, what was actually wrong with him). And what made Seungri even more mad and confused because what the fuck? Why was he getting angry? Jiyong embraced the woman back with the same amount of enthusiasm. Was he jealous that these both were beautiful and looked even more gorgeous together? Yeah, that was probably it. He was only envious of their beauty, nothing else.

"Haven't seen you in a long time," Jiyong patted Kiko's back and finally let go of her. The woman nodded in agreement and made an offhand comment about Jiyong being a work slut—only interested in his stacks of paper. But then she noticed Seungri who was just standing awkwardly behind Jiyong like some sort of creepy stalker.

"Oh? Who's this?" she directed the question at Jiyong but her eyes were on Seungri and the younger cowered under her piercing gaze. Thankfully Jiyong jumped to his rescue before he could embarrass himself more.

"Ah, this is Lee Seunghyun. He's my new roommate," Jiyong explained and Seungri inwardly scoffed at the fact that Jiyong left out the 'boyfriend' part even though he was so insistent on using that term earlier. Maybe Jiyong liked this Kiko woman, Seungri should be happy but the thought didn't sit well in his stomach for some reason.

"Hi, I'm Mizuhara Kiko. Jiyong and Seunghyun-shi, do you mind if I hang out with ya' guys for a hour before I go back to my friends?" Kiko asked again, and Jiyong immediately nodded enthusiastically. This time, Seungri couldn't help but actually scoff, only to quickly hide it with a fake cough when Jiyong's chocolatey brown eyes turned to him.


Jiyong had every right to be happy as fuck when Kiko decided to shop with him. It wasn't because he liked her in that way, but because they were best friends and understood each well. Not forgetting the fact that Kiko had amazing fashion sense as well. They were definitely the best of the best friends so Jiyong couldn't decipher as to why he wanted to tear out Kiko's eyes so bad when she watched Seungri walk out of the changing room like a hawk.

"Oh lord, you look nice," she complimented while fixing Seungri's collar, her hands touching all the places Jiyong didn't want her to touch. It was honestly irritating him to no ends. He should be the one watching Seungri like a hawk. He should be the one fixing Seungri's collar. He should be the one trailing his hand down Seungri's arms. Jiyong should be the one kissing Seungri's soft lips— wait, what?

Jiyong blinked.




And screamed at the top of his lungs, "YOU BITCH!"

Kiko had just kissed Seungri and Seungri didn't bother to pull back. Who was he kidding? The poor boy was so traumatised by the sudden action, he couldn't even push the older woman away. Jiyong sprang up from his spot on the waiting seats and bolted his way to the two of them and pushed them apart.

"What the actual fuck, Kiko?" he scowled, checking Seungri up and down to see if his roommate was suffering any sort of harm or damage. Yeah, he was overreacting heaps but Jiyong felt the need to do this. He felt the need to protect Seungri as if he was some vulnerable species or something (Seungri was though, pandas are protected species and they're endangered as well).

"What?" Kiko replied, seeing nothing wrong with what she did. She simply just kissed a man she thought was hot. Nothing wrong, right? Well, unless the boy was very much taken. Ugh, but Jiyong didn't introduce Seungri as his boyfriend, or indicate anything like that. Wait, if Jiyong wasn't the boy's lover yet he was angry that Kiko kissed him... Oh my satan, Kiko felt like crying, what was this horrible one sided love? Poor Jiyong and his unrequited love. She wiped her non existent tears and patted her friend on the back dramatically.

"It's okay," she said with a heavy sigh, her eyes filled with pity and Jiyong made a face.

"No! What the heck! No it's not like that! Oh my fuck, you dumb cranberry nutshit," Jiyong guessed exactly why Kiko acted like that. Fuck fuck fuck, he was not some poor asshat with an unrequited love. He need to prove Kiko wrong took a step higher as the clear empathy in Kiko's eyes did not die down. Jiyong grabbed Seungri by his arm and roughly planted a peck on the younger's soft cheeks and growled at Kiko, "He is my boyfriend, dipshit."

Seungri spluttered.

Technically, Jiyong wasn't wrong. Seungri was playing the role of his boyfriend, but, wasn't that only for his mother to see? Anyways, this was not the time to think because Seungri caught a flash out of the corner of his eyes and immediately turned his head around, which resulted in bashing Jiyong's entire face. There stood his 'best friend', Kang Daesung, with the most evil smirk on his lips. Daesung waved the phone is his hand and Seungri's face heated up instantly.

Jiyong, who noticed the situation too, cringed because fuck, Seunghyun had his phone out too. Daesung and Seunghyun stood next to each other, exchanging the same witch cackle. Groaning, Jiyong tightened his hand that was around Seungri's wrist and pulled, taking Seungri with him as he escaped the current hella embarrassing position.


"Too much bullshit in one day makes me stressed," the older panted as the two of them finally stopped running. Seungri leaned against the window of a shop for support and nodded in agreement.

"But honestly, hyung, why did you do that?" Seungri asked, gulping in air like there was no tomorrow.

"Do what?"

"K—kiss me," Oh my fucking god, Lee Seunghyun, why did you stutter?

"Because I can't risk the chance of my mom finding out from anybody, anybody, I repeat, that we're not actually together."

"Does that mean we'll need to be one hundred percent similar to a real couple?"

"Yes, and that means we will need to sleep on the same bed—"


"Yeah, duh, because what if my mom barged into my house and found out we sleep separately. What would she say?"

"But you lock your door! She won't— she can't barge in—"

"I'm. Not. Marrying. Seok. Areum."

"Damn, what did I get myself into?"

"I don't know either."

"Now, even Daesung hyung thinks I'm together with you!"

"So what? Do you like him or something? You know he's with Seunghyun, right?"

"Yes! I know that, but—"

"But what? All you have to do is play mommy and daddy with me for a few months until my mom is over this shit!" Jiyong interjected, semi-shouting, but Seungri was already walking into the shop they were fighting outside in rage. The older grunted and followed Seungri inside, refusing to apologise or make the younger calm down. He was not at fault, he was providing free shelter for Seungri and all Seungri had to do was play pretend boyfriends with Jiyong. What was wrong with that? It's not like Seungri was dating somebody already, if so, he would have told Jiyong by now. Then, why was Seungri so angry?

Jiyong sighed again and trailed behind Seungri as the younger man strolled around looking for things that he needed. Sudden vibration took place in his back pocket and Jiyong took out his phone, answering the call without checking the caller ID. Seungri paused and glanced at him, his gaze asking who was calling. Jiyong ignored him, still slightly mad from earlier.

"Kwon Jiyong speaking."

"Jiyong-ah, it's mom," the greeting was curt. Seungri shuffled closer until he could hear too and Jiyong let him.

"Yeah mom, what do you need?" Jiyong answered, tone brusque. Seungri held in his breath incase Jiyong's mom started dissing him.

"Ji darling, if you really love that kid. You wouldn't mind... marrying him, right?"

Seungri sucked in a lungful of oxygen and screamed.

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