Hard To Love

By xoxolazygirl

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"No need to be a d*ck. You know that's supposed to be a part of your body and not your personality, right?" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2. New/Old Friends
Chapter 3. Karma is a B*tch
Chapter 4. Confrontation
Chapter 5. Disappointment
Chapter 6. Shall we make amends?
Chapter 7. We are friends
Chapter 8. Sweet Dreams?
Chapter 9. Friendzone's a b*tch
Chapter 11. Kisses, fights and more kisses
Chapter 12. Happy Birthday Emma
Chapter 13. It's over
Chapter 14. Friends in need
Chapter 15. Feelings
Chapter 16. Parties and Tequila shots
Chapter 17. A Different Birthday Celebration
Chapter 18. Make a move
Chapter 18. Part 2. The aftermath
Chapter 19. He's okay-ish
Chapter 20. Close
Chapter 21. Part 1. The Ugly Truth
Chapter 21. The Ugly Truth. Part 2
Chapter 22. This Is It
Love Me Harder.

Chapter 10. Start of something new

101 6 8
By xoxolazygirl

Emma's POV

"It's the most wonderful time of the year
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you be of good cheer
It's the most wonderful time of the year" I sang going around the diner kitchen.

"Someone's in a Christmas mood" Christina said smiling when she walked inside to possibly take care of an order.

"I'm sorry I can't help it. It's only December 2nd and I'm excited already." I said with a smile that I was pretty sure was eating my face.

Come on, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. I can't help but feel overwhelmed by joy.

"It's a good thing hon. Nothing to apologize about."

"Plus I have evening classes in about an hour so I need something to keep me from getting depressed."

Christina chuckled "You better get your things then." She suggested "Charlotte will be here in a few minutes and you should get to class on time."

I smiled at her "Thank you."

I walked in the stuff room, changed my shirt and walked back in the kitchen "I'll see you on Wednesday."

"Bye hon" Christina said

I walked in the front of the diner and after saying goodbye to Stefan I walked to the door which was being opened by Lucas.

Lucas walked in the diner spotting me instantly.

"Hey" I said

"Hi, you're leaving?" he asked

"Yeah, I've got classes" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh okay" He said "Your hair looks good up by the way"

I smiled. "Thank you"

I never really liked my hair up and I avoided having it that way, but today I couldn't be bothered by it. So I put it up in a ponytail, threw on a pair of earings and that was it.

"So, I gotta get going or I'm gonna be late. I'll see you around"

"Sure" he said with a smile "Uhm Emma?"


He took a small paper out of his pocket and handed it to me "My band and I are playing at this bar on Saturday at 9. I'd like it if you dropped by."

"You're in a band?" I asked surprised taking the paper.

I know we've been talking a bit everytime he's at the diner, since we met but this never came up until now.

"Yeah, I play guitar and I do some vocals."


"That's great. I'll try to be there" I said with a smile.

I'm not gonna confirm it right away although I have no plans. I'm usually very straightforward but it's okay keeping him a bit on edge until I show up.

"Bye now"

I walked out of the diner and started walking.

Finally. He did something else other than flirt with me.

God. I'm acting like a 15 year old having a crush.

But come on. He's been coming to the diner for a month and we've been having small talk. But he hasn't done anything other than that and I'm getting frustrated. If he likes me, which Charlotte says he does, he might as well do something about it.

The past month that Lucas has been coming at the diner all I have really learned about him is that he's 24 and that his last name is Clark.

Yup, that's all I know about him. But I really do want to know more and it's kind of driving me nuts that all he does is stare and have small talk with me. Well at least I know he doesn't have a girlfriend and that trust me, is an important detail about his life.


"I'm surprised you didn't ask Nathan to come with you." Demi said parking the car.

"You are my bestfriend Dem, quit being jealous. It's not a good look on you anyway." I said chuckling and then unbuckled my seatbelt.

"I'm not jealous of Nathan" She said opening the car door

"Whatever floats your boat babe" I said stepping out of the car.

I closed the door behind me and checked the paper on my hand to make sure we were at the right place.

"Do you think I'll look desperate by showing up?"

"He invited you. He obviously likes you and you seem to like him too so why not show it?"

"Alright. Let's get inside" I said fixing my hair and my cardigan,looking at my reflection on the glass.

We walked towards the door of the bar and then inside.

God, this place is full. Well either the band is great or the bar is an in place.

I looked to the spot where the band was setting up. Lucas' eyes fell on me a few seconds later and he set his guitar down before walking to me and Demi.

"You came" he said with a smile when he reached us. Today he was dressed in jeans and a dark blue t-shirt which made it really hard to not notice his biceps and drool over them.

"I wouldn't miss it." I answered honestly

"I've saved you a couple of seats." He said motioning at a table.

"How did you know that I would show up?"

"Wishful thinking" was his answer as his blue eyes kept looking right into my green ones.

Demi cleared her throat.

"Right" I said snapping out of our staring contest. "This is Demi, my bestfriend" I said turning to look at her "Dem, this is Lucas."

"Nice to meet you" Lucas said shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too Lucas. I've heard a lot about you."

I nudged her so she wouldn't say more "You should get back to your band" I said to Lucas "I'll probably see you after your performance"

Lucas chuckled "Drinks are on me. Suit yourselves" he said before walking away.

Me and Demi took our seats at the table Lucas had saved for us.

Demi was silent, which was really rare because she usually doesn't shut up about guys that like me. The waiter took our order and walked away.

"He's hot." she said finally breaking the silence.

Ah there's my girl.

"I get why you forgot I existed for a few seconds"

"I didn't forgot you existed" I protested.

"Yes babe, whatever you say."

"Shut up. They're starting." I said looking at the small stage. The lights were almost out and guitar started playing

Okay. If I didn't like Lucas enough before, I do now. The guy is seriously talented at playing guitar and he has a great voice too.

Who can deny a guy who can sing and play guitar? I know I can't.

"You guys were great" I said when Lucas aproached our table after their small performance ended.

"Thank you" he said "Come on. I want you to meet they guys." he said

Me and Demi got up and followed him at the spot where the rest of the band was.

"Guys" Lucas started "This is Emma" he said pointing at me and then at Demi "And Demi"

The 3 people in front of us smiled at us and Lucas went on.

"This is Aiden, he's our lead singer and also my bestfriend since highschool." Lucas said patting the brown haired guy at the shoulder.

"So this is the famous Emma" Aiden said with a smirk on his face "Nice to meet you"

I raised an eyebrow "Famous?"

"Well yes. This guy over here" he said pointing at Lucas "Doesn't shut up about you"

"Really?" I asked with an amused smile on my face.


Lucas butted in before the conversation could go any further by clearing his throat. "Moving on. This is is Beckett, he's our drummer and this is Blair, she plays the piano."

Beckett smiled at me and Demi "Nice to meet you girls"

The red haired girl, Blair, only kept a tight, almost forced smile, on her face but didn't say a word.

"It's nice to meet you all" I said with a smile

"You guys are really good" Demi said as if reading my thoughts.
I was literally about to say the same thing.

They thanked us and asked us to join them at a table saved for them.

A couple hours later, after getting to know everyone better, it was time for me and Demi to head home.

"You guys really were great" Demi said before slipping on her jacket

"You're welcome to come and watch anytime we've got a live" Beckett said

"We will" I said with a smile.

Lucas walked with me and Demi to the door.

"I'm going to the car. Take your time" Demi said with a smirk on her face "It was nice to meet you Lucas"

"It was nice meeting you too Demi." he said holding the door open for her to walk out.

"I'll be out in a sec." I told Demi, she nodded and walked out.

I turned my attention to Lucas "Thank you for inviting me here today. I enjoyed meeting everyone."

He smiled "Thank you for showing up."

Feeling bold I reached in my purse and pulled something out. I handed it to him.

"What's this?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

I flashed him a smile "That's my number" I pushed the door open "See you around Lucas" I said before walking out of the bar and into Demi's car.

I got out of the shower an hour later, feeling completelly ready to crawl into my bed and sleep for as long as possible.

I checked my phone and to my surprise a text was waiting for me.

Can I take you out? -Lucas


"So you think this okay?" I asked Stella and Demi while looking at myself in Stella's mirror. "I mean he said we're only watching a movie and then grabbing some dinner. It's okay right?"

"You look great relax" Demi said

I looked at myself. My outfit was pretty casual but I guess it fits the occasion.

I was wearing a pair of black high waisted jeans, a white shirt and a jeans jacket over it. I had also worn a pair of black Suede wedge booties to make it more suitable for night. My hair was straight and my make up was pretty light.

We heard the doorbell.

"Are we sure he's safe with McGrumpy, Nate and James?" I asked throwing my bag over my shoulder and fixing my hair one last time.

"Emma your date is here." We heard Nate from the kitchen.

"Relax. Take a deep breath." Stella said standing up "Have fun"

"I'm gonna go" I said "Wish me luck"

"Good luck" Said both Demi and Stella in unison

I walked out of the room and into Stella's living room "I'm here" I said approaching Lucas "Hey"

"Hey. You look great" Lucas said with a smile

"Thank you. Let's get going."

"Sure. Nice meeting you guys." He said looking at them.

"Yeah dude. See you around" James answered.

We walked out of Stella's house closing the door behind us.

"They didn't bug you, right?" I asked Lucas when he got in the driver's seat of his car after helping me in the seat next to him.

He chuckled "No. They are your friends?" he asked before driving away

"Yes. James is my friend's, Stella's brother and Nathan is a close friend of mine and James' bestfriend. Well then there's Alex who is Stella's and James' older brother and also my English professor so you can't really consider him a friend."

"Alright. Got it" He said with a smile

"So are you hungry?" Lucas asked when we exited the movie theater

"One thing you should know about me is that I rarely say no to food." I answered honestly

Lucas chuckled and let me in his car "I knew there was a reason I liked you" He said before closing the door and heading to the other side of the car, getting in as well behind the steering wheel.

Okay, so he admitted he likes me, that's a good thing.

"You know I barely know anything about you right?" I asked Lucas before taking a bite of my dinner.

"Well same goes for you, but that's what dates are for, right? Getting to know one another." He said with a smile.

"Alright. You go first."

"Well there's not much to know about me I guess" He said rubbing the back of his head "You know that I'm 24 already and that my last name is Clark. I have two older siblings, a sister who is 28 and a brother who is 31. I have a Mathematics degree and finished college almost two years ago. Beckett was my college roommate and I've known Aiden since highschool and we now share an appartment."

I frowned "Mathematics degree?"

He chuckled "Not really a big fan of Maths are we?"

"Not really." I said shrugging my shoulders "But it's alright, I guess I finally found one thing that I don't like about you."

He raised an eyebrow and a smirk appeared on his handsome face "Which means you like everything else about me then?"

I shrugged with a smile on my face.

The playfull smile didn't leave his face. "Your turn now." He said before taking a sip of his coke.

"Uhm... I turn 19 on February and I study at the Communication department, because I want to become a journalist. I have an younger sister, Lexi, she's 16 and she'll probably get into Juilliard once she graduates, because she loves ballet and she's been doing it since she was four. I play guitar and sing a bit, but not really in front of anyone. I have the bad habit of talking a lot when I get comfortable" I said chuckling "Which I am doing right now, and I should probably stop because... because I should just do."

God, I'll drive him away with all this rambling before we even start.

Lucas had a look of amusement on his face "I don't mind you talking if it means you're comfortable around me. I wanna know as much about you as possible."

God, I'm starting to believe he's perfect.

"Well that's good" I said quickly just to prevent myself from aw-ing out loud. "But I wanna know aboout you too. So why don't you tell me about how the band got started?"

"Alright" He agreed.

"So that's your dorm right?" Lucas said almost three hours later, when he pulled up in front of the dormitory.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and turn my body slightly to face him. "Yup. Thank you for tonight Lucas. I really had a great time."

"No need to thank me. I was really looking forward to tonight and I had a great time too." He said inching a bit closer to me.

I felt the temperature inside his car rising. I can hear my own heartbeat in my ears and I just hope that he isn't able to hear it too.

Lucas' lips captured mine in a slow, almost identifying kiss.

I breathed in and kissed him back keeping the same pace.

Oh god! This is already addicting.

Lucas pulled away only a couple of inches and spoke almost against my lips "That was definatelly worth the wait." And then his lips found mine once again. His hand went around my neck to keep me steady while we were kissing.

I kissed him back enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine.

My breath was heavy when he finally pulled away.

I bit my bottom lip slightly. "I should go. It's getting late and I have a morning shift tomorrow." I said unable to wipe the smile off of my face.

Lucas smiled and nodded.

"Good night." I said and opened the door of his cars.

Lucas' hand caught my arm before I could move futher away.

The second I turned to face him, his lips captured mine in a sweet kiss.

He pulled away a few seconds later. "You can go now. Good night"

I chuckled "Good night."


Aw, so things are going great...for Emma.
What do you think of Lucas?
What is Nate thinking about Emma going on a date?

Leave a comment and vote pretty please.

Chapter 11 Preview: Two months later

We soon found ourselves outside of Lucas' appartment.

"Wait, is Aiden home?" I asked placing my hand on his, preventing him from unlocking his door.


"Uhm... Maybe...Uh...we should.." I rambled on nervously

He turned to me "Baby. Relax" he then placed his lips on mine.

I breathed in and out "Fine."

Lucas chuckled unlocking the door. We let ourselves in.

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