My Sample Rated R Stories


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Sample of my Rated R and Mature stories on Wattpad. Each section will contain the entire first chapter with r... More

My Sample Rated R Stories
Christina's Peril (Forever Soulmates Part 2)
Blind Date
My Life As An Escort (Book 1)
My Life As An Escort (Book 2)
My Life As An Escort (Book 3)
7 Pleasures in Wonderland
Armed and Dangerous (This story has currently been taken down)

Forever Soulmates

48.4K 273 31

••• Sexual Content••••••

::::: Interracial Romance:::::

Grant and Lisa

  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. -Anonymous


Grant's side of the story

I looked out my office window at the view of the river. It was noon and the sun was at its most high and the people down below scattered around looking for places to eat. My meeting with Daryl Mercer had my head spinning and losing this deal could cost my customers over a half a million dollars in stocks and revenues. I'm sure my other partners wouldn't be ecstatic over this loss. But lately, my mind was so unfocused and my heart was weary.

I sat down at my custom made desk and pondered if I would ever fall in love? This question had been haunting me for the past few months. I knew I wasn't a bad looking guy. At 6'5, blonde hair, muscular built with green eyes having had to juggle and sexing with multiple women at the same time; I thought that it would bring me happiness unfortunately the happiness only lasted a few hours. Believe me; women came on to me at an alarming rate.

Sometimes I felt like a piece of meat, but it always ended up the same, meet them, have sex, the end. It seemed like a never ending cycle. Sometimes I didn't even remember their names. In a large city of San Francisco you would think you could find at least one decent relationship?

My best friends and business partners seem to be finding their better halves lately, while I still seem to be playing the field. John, Elvin, Troy and Thomas were dating, engaged or either married. I did not want to be a rich old man with one failed relationship after another, or be a balding fifty year still chasing skirts all around town.

I looked at my watch. Damn! It was 3:00 pm. I had to get out of this funk. Daydreaming for three hours was getting me nowhere. I decided to go to my beach house to relax for the weekend. After the day I had today, I had to get out of town. The Mercer Merger was at a stalemate and it didn't make sense to stay here, plus the fresh air would do me some good. I jumped out my chair, leaving the mess on the desk and headed out. "Carol, I'm leaving, you have a good weekend," I told my secretary as walked out to the elevator.

I arrived at the beach house around seven- thirty after stopping at the grocery store to pick up a few things. As I hit the road leading up to the beach house, the smell of the ocean surrounded me. The smell of the ocean breeze followed me into the house.

I turned on the lights and the soft glow cascaded upon the blue walls and the crystal chandelier sparkled throughout the living room. I headed straight to the bar and poured a shot of whiskey. The hard dark liquor slid down my throat and I could already feel the stress of the day leaving my body.

The beach house belonged to my parents. I had bought them the house five years ago as a retirement/anniversary gift. My dad had worked hard for over thirty years as an electrician and my mom was a teacher. They always wanted to live at the beach and so when my business grew, I decided it was time to finally repay them for all the hard work they invested into me. My parents were firm believers in education so they made sure I attended the best schools and made good grades. My mother was the stricter of the two, while my dad was laid back. I remember the day; I brought them to see the house.

"Where are you taking us," my father asked.

"It's a surprise," I said.

When we arrived at the house, I shouted "Happy Anniversary!" My parents looked at me in confusion. "This is my gift to you," I said to both of them. Of course they turned it down. I took my mother inside and she instantly fell in love with it. I told them, it was my turn to take care of them for everything they had done for me.

Three years later my parents were killed in a multiple car crash. That was the worst day of my life. I think that was the day, I decided to do what the fuck I wanted to. Life was short and I wanted to do it all. That's when I started down the wrong path with relationships.

I missed my parents in the worst way. With no other siblings to talk too or close family, the burden of it all rested on my shoulders. I thought about them every single day.

I wondered what my mother would have cooked or if my dad would be smoking his favorite cigar on the back porch. One thing about the beach house, it felt like home. I wanted to sell it, but the memories of my happy parents living here wouldn't let me. I prayed many days just to hear my mom's laughter or my dad's guidance, but to no avail I heard nothing.

I stood next to the window with my head leaning against the cool glass. I looked out into the wide ocean hoping, wishing the voices would come and rescue me. My life was SHIT! I had money but the emptiness I felt inside exceeded all the money in the world.

I remember falling to my knees asking God, my parents and anyone that would be listening, "please make the pain go away! I can't seem to do it by myself!" After staring out into the water, I felt this gentle breeze wrap around me. It calmed me. It embraced me. The tears fell from my eyes and it was the first time in three years I cried.

The next morning, after the first peaceful night of sleep that I've gotten in weeks, I decided to take a run. A run on the beach would exert extra energy that I definitely needed to burn. Grabbing my tennis from the front closet and finding an old t-shirt and black shorts, I headed out the door.

I started with a light stretch and knew if I jogged from one end of the beach to the other it would put me around two miles. The good thing about this part of the beach, it was not for public use. Each home owned a part of the beach.

There were approximately twenty homes that lined the beach from one end to the other. The gate to come into the community was password protected to keep burglars away and a watch tower was built for suspicious boats entering the community. With multi-million dollar homes, you just couldn't take any chances.

I began my run with a clear mind. I had Simply Red playing on my I-Pod; singing about the lady in red. My muscles were starting to relax and I wasn't sure how long I was in the zone, but when I opened my eyes I saw her.

Who was she? I knew everyone here and no one had sold or was selling their house. She was walking back from the ocean towards the beach and her long white gown was soaked and I could see every curve of her body. She looked like an angel dropped down from heaven. Instantly I felt a pull to run to her. She turned and looked at me. All air ceased to exist and I closed my eyes, and all I could hear was the beat of my heart and another. I felt as if I was on a string and someone was pulling it. I blinked my eyes and she was sitting on the sand with her arms wrapped around her knees with her chin resting on top. I had to know who she was.

My thoughts were going a mile a minute but as I got closer they slowed and my body was starting to respond.

As I got closer she looked up at me and smiled. Her caramel skin glowed in the sun, her long brownish-red hair blew in the wind and her light brown eyes warmed my heart. She was beautiful. Women had always been pretty or attractive, but none had been determined beautiful by me. There was something undeniably perfect about this woman. I smiled back at her. Looking at her she seemed familiar.

She turned her face back towards the ocean. My feet were mere inches away.

"Aren't you Grant Whittington?" she asked. I was shocked. How did she know my name? I had never met her before, because if I had I would have definitely remembered.

Her white gown clung to her like a silk glove. Her light brown eyes glistened in the sun sending a shiver down my spine. Her nipples were hardened although her long hair covered part of them through the sheer front of her gown. As I came back to my senses, I realized that she knew my name.

"Excuse me," I asked. "How do you know my name?"

"You probably don't remember me. I was a Junior at St. Joseph's High. You attended St. Louis High. You use to hang with Randy Hargroder and Peter Roxford. Peter dated my friend Jessica. You still look the same."

I was trying to picture her. Wait, wait.. "I remember, Lisa Garrett, you had braces and wore glasses. You look totally different", I said with a smile. She was cute back then, her big brown eyes reminded me of chocolate drops.

She smiled with sadness in her eyes. I looked at her and wondered why she looked so sad. She must have realized what I was thinking.

She turned to me and said "my grandmother died last Friday and then my grandfather died three days ago. It seemed that they really couldn't live without the other. My grandmother use to tell me they were soul-mates."

I saw the tears streaming down her eyes. The only thing I could do was wrap my arms around her and console her. We sat like that for hours. Holding her in my arms, I thought about my parents. Maybe they were soul-mates too. They died together holding on to each other.

My parents would finish each other sentences and laugh at each other without saying a word. I thought they were weird but they were in love.

Lisa thanked me and apologized for her behavior. "You have nothing to apologize for," I said to her, hoping her feelings of awkwardness would disappear.

"Since you let me cry on your shoulder, at least let me make you some lunch," she said. I nodded and told her to "lead the way."

I remembered that Mrs. Garret had gotten sick a year ago and Mr. Garret decided to move them into an assisted living facility. He was a retired banker and Ms. Garret was a stay at home wife/mother.

The Garret's home was built over twenty years ago and throughout the years they managed to keep it updated. They were one of the very first homes to be built in the neighborhood. My parents loved being around them, my dad use to say" they remind us of an older version of Diane and I. I hope we get to live as long as they have." I smiled thinking about my parents.

"Well let me change out of these wet clothes and I will be right back," she said headed to the master bedroom. A few minutes later she appeared with a short green romper and her hair in a high ponytail swinging as she walked back in the kitchen.

"Is chicken salad okay?" she asked from the kitchen.

I looked at Lisa and told her that would be great. I looked on the mantle and noticed photos of her family. One picture in particular caught my eye, a pretty young girl smiling up at a tall Caucasian man and an African American woman.

"Is that you?" I ask holding the silver frame in my hand.

"I was around six and we were headed to the amusement park. I was going to ride the rollercoaster for the first time." She laughs showing that beautiful smile. We sat around the bar and ate our lunch.

"I'm not much of a cook. I'm usually at work most of the time, so I normally grab something on the go."

She told me she was a Contract Attorney from New Orleans and she was deciding if she wanted to give California a try.

"My grandparents loved it here. I use to come out here for the summers as a child and I always felt at peace. My parents died about three years ago in a fatal car crash.

"Now since my grandparents are gone, I feel so alone right now. I overcompensate by working long hours and taking cases no one else wants. Now what I am going to do?" I saw tears rolling down her cheek.

She sighed. "Can you believe I haven't had a stable relationship in over three years? Oh no. I didn't mean to tell you about my drama, I'm more than sure you have your own," she said wiping her tears.

I was stunned. Not only was I broken, in some way she was broken like me. Everything she spoke about, I was dealing with it too. The lost of your love ones is bad enough but losing the only family you knew was even worst.

She turned and looked at me. Her eyes had unshed tears trying to creep down her eyes. She reached her palms to my cheeks and wiped away tears I didn't know were coming from my eyes.

"I didn't mean for you to cry too," she said in a whisper. She stood up and kissed me. The shock her kiss sent through me was enough to make me collapse. Her kiss deepened and I was paralyzed.

She pulled back and I felt emptiness. In just those few seconds of her touch, my body was awakening for the first time in a long time. Not only did I want her, I needed her.

I stared back at her and she grabbed my hand. She led me up the stairs and into a huge bedroom. She peeled off her romper and low and behold her body was perfect. Her breasts were aching to be suckled, her hips were ready to be pleased, her body was ready to be tasted and her ass was ready to be gripped. Lisa pulled down my shorts and my manhood bobbled against her stomach.

We both stood before each other completely naked and free. We looked at each other as long lost lovers. I felt that pull and along the lifeline, I felt her emotions.

We looked at each other bodies trying to figure out what was happening. No explanation was needed. We both closed our eyes and with the silence all around, I could hear her breathing. In that very moment, our eyes opened and we both took that first step.

I pulled her into my arms and her arms gripped the width of my back. Our lips touched again. The heat from the kiss sent a line of perspiration across my brow. The kiss deepened until her body arched into mine. I gently kissed her neck, nibbling along the side of it. A small moan escaped from her which put a smile on my face. She wanted me just as much as I wanted her. She would be different. She wouldn't be part of that vicious cycle.

Her hands roamed my back and down to my ass. She gripped it and brought me closer to her. I lifted her into my arms and laid her on the huge king size bed. I crawled up to her and she continued to stretch her legs to welcome me. My manhood nestled between her curly trimmed mound waiting for her to open. Our lips never missed a beat. I didn't believe in love at first sight, but if this was it, I definitely could not deny it now!

We continued to kiss as my hand slid down her chest. I reached for her nipple and she arched. I broke away from the kiss and ravished them both. They were full and natural. They puckered against my tongue and the heat was becoming so intense.

"Oh, Grant, that's it!" She said in the sexiest voice I ever heard.

I continued to nibble on her breast and slid my hand down her stomach to her mound. I enter my digit and holy cow, she was soaked. I was the one now moaning.

Her wetness empowered me to leave her breast and I eased down her stomach until her lower lips caught my attention. They were there for the taking, and I was the one that was going to take. Kissing her lower lips smelling of the ocean, I dived in for the taking.

Lisa's body rose inches off the bed as my tongue continued to ravish her. Kissing her inner walls, licking and enjoying, I felt her fingers through my hair.

Purposely ignoring her clit, I continued to leave her wanting. I knew if I were to touch, suck or lick she would cum, so I continued to torture her. With another finger emancipating her opening, I raised back up to capture her breast. I felt her walls tightening against my fingers.

"Stop teasing Grant! I need you in me now!" she said.

"Patience, sweetheart, all in due time," I said knowing if she begged one more time I would be in her in nanoseconds. She rolled me over and took my member and lowered herself onto it. With a grasped from her and a moan from me she took me inch by inch until she was fully covering me.

It was the most intense sensation I had ever experienced and I had been with my share of women. She completely took me in and began to ride me. My hand grasped at the sheets while the other grabbed onto her hips. She placed her hands in front of me to grip the headboard and settled on her feet. Slowly up and down, up and down, she pulled almost all the way out.

"Damn, Lisa you are killing me. I don't know how much longer I can last."

She took me deeper as my hands explored every inch of her. My eyes rolled back and I lifted my chest to her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and continued to wreck havoc on me. I lifted my knees and the force from our thrusts sent us over. If we had close neighbors or people in the house, we would surely have been busted.

She fell on top of me and I rolled her over. I continued to rock into her and she held on as if she was on a rollercoaster about to jump the track. Our bodies were slick from sweat and her sex was gobbling me up. This was so intense, I wasn't sure if I could ever leave from her arms. She continued to rock in rhythm with me and I could feel my erection creeping up.

"You feel so good," she said.

"And you too," I said as my thrusts began to speed up.

"I want you Grant! I need you!"

I rolled her over and without any interruption slid back in her while my pace accelerated and I pulled her legs around my shoulders.

We kissed and looked at each other. Although I didn't know a lot about her, I felt as if we known each other for eternity, emotionally and physically. We fit each other as if we were born for one another. Lisa held on to my back as her nails dug in. With the sensation of her marks, her eyes told me she wanted me to claim her.

Believe it or not she would be mine starting today. No other man would make her feel this way; I would bet my life on it. The orgasmic wave hit us both, we both screamed as if a murdered was being committed. Once it subsided we held on to each other.


Hours later still basking in the glow of our love making I laid there and watched her sleep. Beautiful and perfect. If she is the one or not, "thank you." I whispered up in the air. I knew my demons weren't completely gone, but the time spent with Lisa definitely eased them away. She had her demons to deal with and I could only hope I was able to ease hers too.

"What time is it?"

I looked at the clock and answered "8 o'clock."

She rolled over looking at me. Lisa placed her palms on my cheeks. "Thank you, that's the best sleep I've gotten in a week," she said in a drowsy voice. I bent down and kissed her fingers.

"You are very welcome. How about we grab a bit to eat. My treat."

She looked at me. "Well, if you are treating, I'm accepting."

A hour later we were headed into Desiree's. We had a great dinner and conversation. I told her about my past relationships. She said she didn't care about the past, but looked forward to the future. It was also the first time I opened up about the death of my parents. I could see the pain she felt for me behind her eyes. She held my hand as I told her the story.

"Wait, your parents died in a car crash too," she said.

"They died the 14th of December 2007 on interstate 5 when an 18 wheeler struck them from the side. The driver of the big rig fell asleep at the wheel," I managed to tell her without shying away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. At that moment everything became clear.

"Can I ask you a question, Lisa?" She nodded to continue.

"Do you believe in fate? A higher power?"

She replied" Of course I do. I was raised in the church- Catholic, so I was taught and I do believe there is a greater power."

"I haven't been to church in years."

"I will go with you Grant. But why are you asking?"

"I wonder if this was all coincidental. Maybe it was fate. Listen and tell me what you think."

"First both our parents die in a car crash. Your grandparent's deaths brought you here. Thirdly, I came to the beach house this weekend not only to get away from work but I missed my parents. Fourthly, my personal life is in shambles. I hope you don't think I'm crazy but I asked in a prayer last night to help me find that someone I would be happy with. Then lastly, I ran into you this morning on the beach and what we just shared was unbelievable."

Lisa smiled back at me. "Maybe it is a way to bring our lives back to that complete circle. Meaning, I had the biggest crush on you since high school. I figured you were the handsome jock and I was the nerd girl." She let out a low laugh.

"But you are right! What we just experienced was unlike anything I have ever experienced. I didn't believe in love at first sight and believe me I never sleep with anybody on the first date or in our case before the first date." She laughed.

"But when I read the note left by my grandfather and met you, something inside of me clicked. He told me, my soul mate was out there waiting for me and that I would find him soon. I'm not sure if we are meant to be but I definitely would like to be friends, Grant," she said holding my hands.

Just her touch and smile made my heart want her even more. "I would like that very much, Lisa except would you move to San Francisco?"

She looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

We spent the rest of the weekend together.


Highest Ranked #130 Non-Teen , #175 Romance


I love your story... Great job.keep up the good work.- braggin_rights90

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