fools [rilaya] - short story

By hartklutz

3K 113 14

only fools fell for maya hart. was riley matthews any different? a story where the rebellious golden ha... More

p r o l o g u e
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t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
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t w o

325 15 1
By hartklutz

hi! fair warning that there's a sex scene in here with decriptive material so if that's not your thing I suggest you skip it when it comes to the flashback. happy reading! - sierra

MAYA's POV - past tense

                                I couldn't believe the words that came tumbling out of the brunette's mouth. Taking the blame for this mini rampage of the principal's office was one thing-but to have it come from my I had stood there for a blank second, don't get me wrong, I did consider letting her take the bait. But, could I do that to her? No, of course I couldn't.

                            "Riles, what are you doing?!" I walked over to grab her hand and looked directly into her eyes, pleading for her to just let me grow. Not to protect me. "Stop doing it-that thing where you try to protect everyone. It's not gonna happen this time." I turned around to face Rogers, not wanting to see the glum look on Riley's face, I couldn't bear it. 

                         "Principal Rogers, yes, it was me. I'm the one who trashed your office, but," Rogers was even more angry at my admitting of the little crime, but I wasn't finished. "You wanna know why I did it?" I stood up on the hallway bench and yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. "This man, right here, our PRINCIPAL, has been staring down female students for months. That's right, a pervert runs our school and that's why I trashed your office. Think twice before you date a student, Principal Rogers." I left the principal in a daze, shocked with the fact that I had just announced his own crime in front of the entire student body-well, whoever happened to be in the main hallway. Word spread fast. But that wasn't any of my concern, especially when birthday girl Riley Matthews had ran back to the safety of her friends, probably to get away from me. I don't get it, I wondered. Didn't I just basically save this girl's permanent record from being tarnished? Not to mention, brought attention to the grossest principal we know? She should be thanking me. These string of thoughts came in a blur as I stood on the hallway bench still as the bell rang. Teachers surrounded the principal with questions, while Rogers himself was taking phone calls, probably getting fired. I jumped down from the bench and walked slowly but surely into my first period History class. 


                     After class, I quickly left to avoid any contact with my former friends. The last thing I needed right now was to be judged for my actions in the principal's office, despite what we found out about the principal today. Yes, some people just hate me that much. I twisted the combination to my locker and hurriedly switched books in and out to head to Algebra when I heard the deep voice of him right behind me. The bell rang and the two of us were left alone in the deserted hallway. 

                     "Hey." Lucas said.

                  The memory of the last time I had a moment alone with Friar was...interesting. Some would say it was a big mistake considering the place Lucas and I were in now, but then again it was good while it lasted.

                          Sophomore Spring Dance - May 18, 2018

                       "Guess everyone's leaving, Huckleberry." I giggled. Lucas was in his clean, crisp suit and looked amazing. At least, I think he did. I was looking at Riley the whole night. Her gorgeous brown locks traveled down her back as she danced with Charlie Gardner all through the night. Now, as she headed out, I saw the light in her eyes go out, the happiness that came with the night had now gone away. I blinked back to reality with Lucas, my date. Focus, Maya, I told myself. You like boys, like Lucas. He's perfect, I kept telling myself. 

                       "Guess they are. Hey, uh, you wanna stay at this hotel nearby? Don't worry, I'll text our parents." Lucas suggested. He looked overjoyed for a reason I couldn't tell. At that point I didn't know what he had up his sleeve. 

                    Once we arrived at the hotel and we checked into our room, Lucas had become very affectionate. Very. We sat down on the edge of the queen sized bed as he kissed every inch of my skin, until he came to my lips. He kissed them softly, gently at first and then it was something furiously quick with the two of us. Tearing the clothes off each other, gasping for breaths in between. I climbed on top of his toned torso, slipping tongue into his mouth. My panties still on, he tugged at them, asking for permission. I breathed a yes, in the moment not realizing how quick I wanted-needed for this to happen. His head was buried between my thighs as his tongue licked my center and I came, my wetness growing. He looked up with a smirk on his face, satisfied with his work. As he came up and looked me dearly in the eyes, my head laying on the bed, he was so insistent on making sure I was okay. 

                     "Are you ready?" He asked softly, out of breath but so caring, so deeply caring of me I didn't even begin to realize what a show he had been putting on. I nodded a yes, wanting it to happen. He had protection, unwrapping and putting it on. He inserted himself into me, pushing in and out softly and gently. I begged for more, not wanting to slow down any further. I moaned his name in whispers that then became screams. The night was a cautionary tale, a warning. Nothing that good could ever last. Nothing that amazing could ever ring true for Maya Hart. 

                            Present Day

                  I pushed down those memories, not wanting to envision the ways we touched, the way I had actually been thinking of Riley and her beautiful skin when I should've been thinking of Lucas. And now, he stood in front of me with a look in his eyes that wished things were different. That I was different. Isn't that what everybody wanted?

                 He stood in his perfectly ironed green plaid button-down and black ripped jeans, running a hand through his messy quiff. I could see why other girls had found him attractive-the good looks, humor and charm. It was easy to get caught up into, if you weren't looking for a dark past out of habit. Friar doesn't chuckle or smile this time though, it's something serious. 

              "Maya, I-Look, this isn't-I,uh-" He was at a loss for words. The topic didn't make him nervous, it was me, standing in front of him. It wasn't good self esteem talking, it was fact-he wasn't over me. I offered some wit to lighten the load of awkwardness in the situation.

                "You're worse at this whole talking thing than I remember." I commented with a bitter laugh. He smiled an awkward smile, indicating I just made the situation worse.

               "Right. Uh, anyway...Riley's really upset. I tried asking her, but she said she needed to talk with you. Said to meet up at Topanga's at around 4:00 today. You don't have to come, but it-" I cut him off with the simplest answer. If she was hurting, if she needed me, there was no other option here.

                "Yes. I'll be there." Lucas looked surprised, like he didn't expect an answer so quickly. I remember my soft yes the night, Maya. Those days weren't me. They were another girl, someone who still had her life together.

                 "Anything for Riley." 

              gosh its 2am when im writing this chapter. but don't forget to vote/comment ! thanks for reading! 

- sierra

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