Av zylgnagnaba

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Valerie Scott and Harry Styles are forced by the Modest! Management to live together and pretend that they're... Mer

Chapter 1: Expect the Worst
Chapter 2: The Show Starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, Action!
Chapter 3: Break a Leg!
Chapter 4: Retrieval Operation
Chapter 5: The Remedy Causing Dilemma
Chapter 6: Cat and Mouse
Chapter 7: The Unaccustomed Book
Chapter 8: End of May
Chapter 9: Lost in Paradise
Chapter 10: Splash of Foolishness
Chapter 11:Laugh Out Loud
Chapter 12: I Don't Like You At All
Chapter 13:Goodbye,Paradise!
Chapter 14: Cherishing Cheshire
Chapter 15: Mixed Thoughts and Emotions
Chapter 16: Virtual Loving
Chapter 17: Just a Kiss
Chapter 18: The Vow
Chapter 20: Dark Valerie
Did You Know That ...
Chapter 21: LA Love Story
Chapter 21.1: TAKEN
Chapter 21.2: Mean
Chapter 21.3: Devious Love Birds
Chapter 21.4: The Villain in Me
Chapter 21.5: Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 22: Cake for Thought
Chapter 23: Lies and Celebration
Chapter 24: Almost... Almost!
Chapter 25: Fist of Fury
Chapter 26: Melancholic September
Chapter 26.1: I love you, Harry...
Chapter 26.2: Compromise
Chapter 26.3: Strike One
Chapter 26.4: Kryptonite
Chapter 26.5: Under the Sheets
Chapter 26.6: Strike Two
Chapter 26.7: Strike Three
Chapter 26.8: Strike Four
Chapter 26.9: Homerun
Chapter 27: Vicissitude
Post Interview Questions here!
Chapter 28: Autumn Feels
Chapter 29: Say It Again
Chapter 30: PDA
Chapter 31: Who's Gail?
Chapter 32: The Disclosed Reality
Some sort of review...
Chapter 33: Lovestrucked
Chapter 34: When in Milan
Chapter 35: When in Milan 2
Chapter 36: Home
Chapter 37: Dance for You (Repost)
Chapter 38: Up and Down
Chapter 39: Don't read this! OMG
Chapter 40: New Beginning
Casts, Credits, and A/N :')
Important! Please READ. :')
The Next Books...

Chapter 19: Worst Day Ever

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Av zylgnagnaba

“Valerie, wake up!” I hear Harry’s voice as he wobbles my torso. I groaned and shifted position, squeezing my eyes shut, persistent to go back to sleep.

“Valerie, wake up! Isn’t today your photo shoot for Guess?” Harry admonishes and reminds, causing for my eyes to abruptly flutter open and I bolt out of bed.

I checked the digital clock, it’s already 7:43 in the morning. The photo shoot starts at nine. Why did I forget to set an alarm last night? Ugh. I already lost an hour and forty-three minutes time allowance on preparing myself.

“Why didn’t you wake me up, Harry?” I grumble as I storm to the bathroom to brush. Never mind showering, I took a shower last night.

“Hello? I just did. Didn’t I?” He refutes while sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard. He shrugs in annoyance.

I enter the bathroom and quickly grab my toothbrush and toothpaste.

Harry walks to the bathroom and leans his shoulder by the doorway.

“I’m cooking for breakfast. What do you want to eat?” He asks foolishly while my mouth is full with foam to even speak and answer his question.

Are you blind? Can’t you see I’m brushing?

“Aggagaglabbregpasgg” I rumble.

“What?” He hisses, his brows furrow.

“Aggagag…” Wtf! I stop brushing and spit out in exasperation. “I said I am not going to eat breakfast!” I huff.

“Okay, okay.” He sighs and puts up his hands evasively. “You don’t need to yell.” He backs off.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and grimace at him, “You know, Harry. I don’t mean to hurt your feelings but sometimes, you are stupid.” I shake my head disdainfully while looking at myself at the mirror.

“I know. Thanks.” He gibes while walking out of the room on his way to the kitchen.

Harry, he has been the most annoying person I have ever came in contact with. But he’s the same person I couldn’t live without despite that.

After washing my face, I skid out of the bathroom and scamper to the walk-in closet to quickly choose something to wear. Then I hear my phone ringing from the bedside table. It’s probably Walt now hurrying me up. I trot to the bed and take the phone.

DANA calling …

I immediately press the answer key and put the phone against my ear.

“Dana? Are you at the shoot already?" I question hurriedly.

“Didn’t Walt tell you?” She stated interrogatively.

“Tell me what?”

“That the photo shoot is off until three in the afternoon.” She informs.

“It is?” I mutter in dismay and plop down on the bed, bursting a sigh.

“Yeah. I just called to check how you are doing.” She chuckles.

“Well, I was actually hurrying up for the shoot. Good thing you called or else I’ll be all alone at the location.” I stated, snickering.

“Maybe Walt just forgot to tell you. You know he’s got a lot of things in mind. Not just us.” She stated, lighting me up.

“Certainly. Thanks Dana.”


I waltz to outside the room casually and head to the kitchen where Harry is. He sits on one of the barstools at the counter, eating his breakfast, eggs and bacons with a tea on the side.

He drags his sight to me as he traces my steps approaching the counter. He drops his bacon and look at me in utter curiosity.

“Aren’t you leaving yet?”

I sat next to him and reach over his plate. I take two strips of bacons and shove big bites.

“Dana called. The shoot is off until three.” I say cheekily while chewing the food in my mouth.

“Dana?” He asks, frowning and looking away like trying to recollect his thoughts. He drags his sight back to me and say “Isn’t that the girl who hated you?” He peers at me, wiggling his index finger.

“Yeah.” I shrug.

“You’re talking?” He asks doubtfully.

I nod at him, shoving the bacon in my mouth.

“I don’t know about that but I don’t think you should trust her.” He shrugs and takes a sip of his tea.

I laugh dismissively and stated, “Oh come on, Harry. Give her a chance.” I persuade him.

“Just saying.” He shrugs again.

Harry and I continue having our breakfast in one plate.


“Harry, I’m leaving!” I yell at Harry as I walk towards the door, my high-heeled shoes clanking on the floor. He is at the back porch, doing something I don’t know.

He runs inside and asks, “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you there?”

I smile and say assuredly, “It’s okay. I can manage.”

“Okay, safe sex.” He says mockingly as I open the door and step out.

“Shut up!” I reprimanded. Someone needs to remind him about his choice of words, really. It’s a photo shoot I’m headed to, not some strip club or something.

“I meant, take care.” He stated in remorse as I shut the door behind me.


I took a cab to the location. I confidently walk towards the big tents set up in the grassland, ready and excited for work. I am thirty minutes early, I couldn’t wait any longer.

As I continue walking, I felt some staffs who were busy working for the shoot look at me with contempt and confusion like I’m some criminal.

Is there something wrong with my face?

“That’s a wrap everybody!” I hear Mister El Rey Gibson, the photographer, yell just meters distant from where I am headed to.

I trace the sound and spotted him cheering with Dana, kissing either her cheeks.

“You did a great job today, Dana.” Mister Gibson praises, squeezing Dana to his side.

That moment, I knew Dana fooled me. She wanted this project for her own. I felt my eyes sting as a tear fell down to my cheek. Harry is right. I never should have trusted her. What a selfish brat!


I drag my sight to my side and see Walt walking briskly towards me. He immediately drags me to the back of the wardrobe.

He grips my arms and look at me with big disappointment.

“Where have you been, Valerie?” He questions, raising his tone but whispering so only two of us could hear. “I’ve been trying to call you too many times. You were out of reach. What happened?”

I am clueless. My phone has a good signal and my battery is fine the whole day. Why would I be out of reach?

“Seems like I’ve been tricked.” I sneer, my eyes turning red with tears.

“What do you mean?” He looks intently at me.

I ignore his question and attempt to step out of concealment.

“Where do you think you are going?” Walt asks disapprovingly. “Try not to show yourself to El Rey.” He persuades.

I paused and stare at him, distraught, and then he grabs my wrist.

“He wouldn’t be delighted to see you at this time.” He stated, looking at me with sympathy.

Of course, Mister Gibson wouldn’t be delighted to see me. He thinks I’m late, horribly late. It’s because of Dana. I feel really betrayed right now. My heart constricts as I recall the day she asked forgiveness, the same day I gave her a chance and made friends with her. She was just faking it the whole time so she could accomplish her selfish plan.

I wish I knew better.

Moments later, I spotted her entering one of the tents. I quickly and unnoticeably follows after her and sneak in. I couldn’t believe just what she did to me.

“Dana.” I utter in complete exasperation while she was busy searching her bag. I felt my fists tightens as I look at her with grim. I really want to knock her down with a straight jab.

“Oh hey, Valerie! You made it. Finally.” She remarks theatrically.

“Don’t patronize me, witch.” I admonished threateningly. “You fooled me. I trusted you.” I hissed scornfully.

“Don’t make a scene here, Valerie.” She persuades cruelly and cockily steps closer towards me like I do not intimidate her at all. “You know very well from the very start that I don’t like you, right?” She raises her eyebrows against me.

I look up at her, still scorned.

“And you expect that I would ever want to work with you?” She laughs snidely. “You know, sweetheart. You trusted the wrong person.”

My brows furrow, lips shiver and my teeth grit in agitation upon hearing her words. If only looks could kill, she’s dead already minutes ago.

“In fact in this industry, you shouldn’t trust any person having the same goal as you. Everyone is your competition.” She continues with a demeaning smirk. “Take it from me, Valerie.” She stated, walking to my side and taps my shoulder.

“I know better.” She cocks, raising a brow at me and exits the tent.

I am utterly angered and aggravated. I worked hard and prepared myself for this deal. I have long been waiting for this opportunity to come but she single-handedly ruined it for me.

You’re just lucky today, Dana. This time is yours. Mine’s next.


“I’m home.” I yell grumpily and trudge to the kitchen, longing to quench my thirst.

I heard no answer. It means that Harry’s not home.

I open the fridge, grab the juice and pour it to the glass in my hand. I am still annoyed by the fact that Dana betrayed me. But certainly, she isn’t the worst person I’ve ever met. I’ve seen worse than her. Even more evil and capable of making people’s lives hell. And trust me, Dana wouldn’t want to encounter that person even in her dreams.

As I close the fridge, I notice a note stuck on the door with a magnet.

                I’m at Liam’s. Come over. X

-          Haz

Haz? Are you mocking me right now? I’ve never called him Haz or Hazza, worst, Hazza Bear in the entire six months of living together. Only his band mates and fans call him that, and I find it really corny.

What annoys me more is that he waited for me to come home just to read this lame note. He should have just at least texted me, rather than wasting paper and ink. Ugh, people! Could this day get any worse?

I step out of the flat and just a matter of estimated thirty steps, I’m already in front of Liam’s door. I heard laughter and chattering inside. What seems to be the occasion?

I knock for five times, and then Louis opens up for me with a bottle of light beer in his hand. There’s a party and I wasn’t informed?

“Valerie! Finally. Come in.” He sways blithely. He steps aside to let me in, and then he walks ahead of me. “Hey, guys! Valerie’s here already.” He announces to everyone who is gathered in the lounge.

Harry immediately walks towards me. He gently hugs and kisses me on the lips. He wraps his arm to my waist as we continue walking. The lounge fell silent as I walk in.

“What’s happening here?” I ask, confused while scanning everyone’s faces until I spotted the purple head whom I truly missed, Perrie, grinning at me.

“Perrie?” I exclaim surprisingly and trot towards her to give a hug. “Oh my god, I missed you. How are you?” I question enthusiastically, squeezing her hands after embracing her.

“Uhm, Valerie.” Zayn interrupted and wraps his arm on Perrie’s shoulder. “There’s something we have to tell you.”

“Okay?” I uttered curiously. “You’re not getting married, are you?” I ask impatiently.

Perrie then pops the silence by pulling out her left hand and shows me her ring.

“Oh shut up!” I yell in disbelief. “You are?” I squeal. My eyes grow wide shut and my mouth shapes into an ‘O’. Everyone in the lounge snickers at my startled reaction.

“Oh my, I can’t believe it. You’re engaged.” I exclaim frantically, prying at Perrie’s engagement ring.

“It’s lovely, isn’t it?” Perrie asks cheekily, nuzzling on Zayn’s shoulder.

“It’s drop dead gorgeous, Perrie. It looks good on you.” I state blithely.

“I’m the one who picked it.” Zayn states proudly.

“I’m having goosebumps right now.” I chuckle while patting my chest in astonishment.

“Val?” Liam calls out. My glued sight to the newly engaged couple repels from them. I furrow my eyebrows as I look at Liam in curiosity.

“There’s someone I actually want to introduce to you.” He enunciates, beaming at me. I smile back in anticipation of who that person could be.

Liam walks fast to the back and returns with this curly brown-haired girl, holding hands together. She’s just as tall as Liam, slender and sexy. And I must admit, she’s pretty too.

“Who is she?” I ask blankly.

“Sophia, this is Valerie. Val, this is Sophia. Sophia Smith. My new girlfriend.”

My new girlfriend …

New girlfriend …

Girlfriend …

Liam’s words echoes in my brain until they sink in.

“No shit.” I mutter in shock.

I am dismayed. My heart melted.

This is the WORST DAY EVER!!!



It’s too much to take in for a day.


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Glyz <3

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