By zylgnagnaba

216K 5K 994

Valerie Scott and Harry Styles are forced by the Modest! Management to live together and pretend that they're... More

Chapter 1: Expect the Worst
Chapter 2: The Show Starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, Action!
Chapter 3: Break a Leg!
Chapter 4: Retrieval Operation
Chapter 5: The Remedy Causing Dilemma
Chapter 6: Cat and Mouse
Chapter 7: The Unaccustomed Book
Chapter 8: End of May
Chapter 9: Lost in Paradise
Chapter 10: Splash of Foolishness
Chapter 11:Laugh Out Loud
Chapter 12: I Don't Like You At All
Chapter 13:Goodbye,Paradise!
Chapter 14: Cherishing Cheshire
Chapter 15: Mixed Thoughts and Emotions
Chapter 16: Virtual Loving
Chapter 18: The Vow
Chapter 19: Worst Day Ever
Chapter 20: Dark Valerie
Did You Know That ...
Chapter 21: LA Love Story
Chapter 21.1: TAKEN
Chapter 21.2: Mean
Chapter 21.3: Devious Love Birds
Chapter 21.4: The Villain in Me
Chapter 21.5: Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 22: Cake for Thought
Chapter 23: Lies and Celebration
Chapter 24: Almost... Almost!
Chapter 25: Fist of Fury
Chapter 26: Melancholic September
Chapter 26.1: I love you, Harry...
Chapter 26.2: Compromise
Chapter 26.3: Strike One
Chapter 26.4: Kryptonite
Chapter 26.5: Under the Sheets
Chapter 26.6: Strike Two
Chapter 26.7: Strike Three
Chapter 26.8: Strike Four
Chapter 26.9: Homerun
Chapter 27: Vicissitude
Post Interview Questions here!
Chapter 28: Autumn Feels
Chapter 29: Say It Again
Chapter 30: PDA
Chapter 31: Who's Gail?
Chapter 32: The Disclosed Reality
Some sort of review...
Chapter 33: Lovestrucked
Chapter 34: When in Milan
Chapter 35: When in Milan 2
Chapter 36: Home
Chapter 37: Dance for You (Repost)
Chapter 38: Up and Down
Chapter 39: Don't read this! OMG
Chapter 40: New Beginning
Casts, Credits, and A/N :')
Important! Please READ. :')
The Next Books...

Chapter 17: Just a Kiss

3.8K 78 6
By zylgnagnaba

This chapter is dedicated to my friend, @monicalovesnouis
Hey friend, as you read this chapter, you will be surprised towards the end. I don’t know if you’ll like it or not but I hope you will. HAHA enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: In this chapter, I will mention three people who does not exist in the fashion industry, in Guess specifically. HAHA just letting you know. Okay?


 Copyright © zylgnagnaba 2013

“Ironically, Best Song Ever isn’t the best song ever.” I chuckled and teased Harry last night through skype. They’re finally on their flight back home today and I can’t even tell if I am excited about it or not. But I am proud they bagged four surfboards from the TCA (Teen Choice Awards) yesterday. That’s a great achievement. Plus, they’re going to be a lot busier now that This Is Us is going to premiere here in London anytime soon. Most probably in other countries too, considering they have a large and overwhelming fanbase.

Eleanor and I agreed to fetch them at the airport today. I also expect Perrie along with the boys. I miss her a lot and her Geordie accent. It is such a music to my ear. No wonder Zayn never grows tired listening to it, by phone or personal. I could just actually record her voice and play it every time I miss her.

I am also looking forward for my prospect deal today. Models are going to be screened to be the new face of Guess all over UK. I am so excited. I hope I get picked. This is going to be the biggest break in my entire amateur career, as Dana calls it, in modelling.

The door buzzes. It’s perhaps Eleanor picking me up. I open the door and voila, it’s really her, pulling off this wide excited grin on her face.

“Are you dressed?” She asks curiously while looking at me from head to toe. I am wearing this batman shirt and blue denim jeans with my brown ankle boots on. She perhaps hate it and thinks I am underdressed for meeting up with our boyfriends for the first time in more than two months.

“Yeah.” I snorted while stepping outside, and then lock the door behind me.

“Oh…kay?” She grimaces and her questionable sight glued to my shirt.

“Come on, El. It’s not that bad.” I grumble in defence to convince her, stretching the hem of my shirt.

She chuckles and says teasingly, “Is that what you are going to wear for your go-see?”

“Of course not.” I hoist my blue duffel bag. “I brought extra clothes, don’t worry.”

“Fine.” She sighs and puts her hands up evasively. “How about me? How do I look?” She asks and enthusiastically turns around, allowing me to see the details of her little yellow dress.

She probably spent the whole time on deciding what to wear for today as she anticipates for Louis’ arrival. How cute!

I shrug.

“You look insanely gorgeous. Louis won’t ever regret on coming home.” I complimented, causing for her to smile even wider.

Her cheeks turn red, cheekily smiles while lifting the sides of her skirt, “Really?”

“Really.” I nod. I walk towards her car and snicker, “Now drive.” I persuade and got in her car shortly.

In less than an hour, we already reached the airport. After parking the car, we both wear our shades on and step out of the car. We enter the airport unnoticed by other passengers. It’s very odd though, the airport is not that crowded like any other days of the year, fortunately. Or else the boys are going to get mobbed.

Eleanor and I sit ourselves on one of the benches, expecting the boys to arrive any moment now. I dig my phone out from my pocket to check some texts and e-mails as I subconsciously observe Eleanor rousing in her seat, looking intently to the direction of where we expect the boys to appear. I chuckle to myself just by looking at her anticipation and excitement to finally see her boyfriend.

“El, can you just relax?” I scoff off and snicker.

Shedefends, “Aren’t you excited to see Harry?”

“I am.” I chuckle and drag my sight back to my phone on my lap.

“I don’t get you.” Eleanor remarks, dramatically shaking her head.

“Louis?” She mutters to himself. I drag my sight to her as she storms out of her seat and run towards the love of her life who was lugging his suitcase. Eleanor then crushes Louis with a hug and a tender kiss.

I quickly stood up and conceal my phone in my back pocket. I trot towards them as I gradually catch a glimpse of the rest of the boys. I saw Liam first and then Niall.

“Leeroy! Hmm.” I teased, imitating the sound of Marcel on their latest music video.

I open my arms wide for a hug, he pulls me in and gently brush a kiss on my cheek.

“Wow Valerie. I missed you.” He snickers.

“I missed you too, Leeroy.” I stated, stressing on the name I called him. I drag my sight to Niall who was beaming at me. I move swiftly and hug his obviously tired body.

“How are you, goldilocks?” I sneer, ruffling his hair.

“Tired.” He murmurs and breathes out heavily.

“That wasn’t obvious.” I teased.

I fondle his shoulders and wobble him, mentally wearing off the veneer of negative vibe and tiredness from his body. We both laugh at my childish behaviour.

Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful?” A raspy voice of a male sings as he approaches. That instance, my heart started to beat even faster that I could hear it through my ear. I trace the sound that was behind Niall and see Harry who was smiling as he continues walking.

I press my lips together and curl them up to a smile with the happiness as I behold Harry in front of me. It has been more than two months, I terribly missed him. I quickly walk towards him. We halt in front of each other and look at each other’s eyes. His green eyes glisten with the light coming from the fluorescence at the overhead inside lining of the building. Somehow, I feel that there were only the two of us in that very place that very moment.

“Wow, you’re tan.” I stated rather than confessing to him how badly I waited to see him again. It’s still awkward when there’s only the two of us when it comes to expressing our emotions.

His complexion is a little darker now resulting from splurging with the sun in their entire tour in America. It’s quite impressive though.

As I feel the others looking at us, I move closer to him and give him a tight embrace. I forgot that we were in a pretend relationship.

We press our foreheads against each other. I could feel his hot breath ricochet to my lips as we mutually brush each other’s nose.

“I missed you.” I whisper softly, looking straight to his eyes. My arms still wrapped around his neck.

He chuckles meekly and whispers, “Isn’t that surprising?”

I chuckle back and tilted my head, about to kiss his pink soft lips. Our eyes mutually shut close and our lips move a little closer together.

“Valerie!” A compelling and bubbly voice of a toddler cried my name out. I open my eyes and abruptly turn my head to the side, aiming to trace who the source of the sound was.

I gently repel from Harry who was pretty much frustrated with the delay of our kiss. He scratches the back of his head in dismay and burst a sigh.

“Lux!” I yell excitedly as I see the little girl toddle quickly towards me. Her mom Lou, the boys’ make-up artist, was right behind following her and smiling at me. I scoop Lux over to me. Her legs straddle on my waist as I circle her around and swing her from side to side.

Lux and I instantly became close when I first visited the boys’ photoshoot. She was playing on her own so I decided to join her since I could get a little childish most of the time. That’s when Harry got the idea that I love kids a lot. Since then, every time Lux and I see each other, we’re inseparable.

I lightly bounce her up so our face are on the same level. She then gently pats both my cheek saying inquisitively, “You look pale.”

“I do?” I babble and she nods unsteadily.

“We’ll you’re getting heavier now.” I bounce her again, cunningly complaining about her weight. “What are they feeding you while you’re away?”

“Niall gives me ice cream every day.” She chants adorably and points her finger to the blonde boy. Her remarks cause us all to laugh.

The disappointed Harry then head toward us and pecks Lux’s cheek.

“Lux always makes the best timing.” He sneers, smiling conceitedly at innocent Lux.

“Doesn’t she always?” I snicker at Harry and sway Lux once again.

“Okay, lads. Let’s get going before this place gets crowded.” Liam suggested insightfully, swaying us to move out.

I then drop Lux carefully, then Lou took her hand. Harry and I entwine with each other’s shoulder just like we used to and walk with everyone else.

“Hey Veronica!” I softly shout to Zayn who was walking ahead of us. He quickly turns about and curiously stares at me. I giggle as he recognize himself as the Veronica in their Best Song Ever music video by turning around after calling him by the female name. “Perrie?” I ask.

He meekly shakes his head and says, “She couldn’t come home yet.” I noticed disappointment in his eyes. I felt my heart pinched by his answer.

Moments later, Harry wiggles my shoulder causing to gain my attention. I turn my face and peer at him. He quickly pouts his lips twice inconspicuously, demanding for a kiss. I snicker at him and crumple his mouth playfully.

As soon as we reached outside, a pulled up van quickly opens up for us. We immediately got in one by one before the fans could even recognize and mob us. The boys’ baggage were left outside waiting to be loaded in another car.

“My car’s at the car park.” Eleanor informs the driver. The van turns right on its way to the parking lot.

“We’re sorry we can’t join you for the ride. I promised Valerie I’ll take her to her go-see today.” Eleanor explains, leaning her head against Louis’ shoulder.

“I understand.” Louis replies, tenderly leaning his head against Eleanor’s and kiss her forehead.

“Go-see? What for?” Harry asks interestingly, glancing at me.

I burst a sigh and answer, “A prospective project. Not that big.” I shrug sarcastically. Guess is really a huge deal and I don’t want to brag it to the boys. It might cause jinx. Haha!

The van pulls up parallel to where Eleanor’s car is parked. The driver gets out and opens the van for us. El brushes a kiss on Louis’ cheek and hops off of the car.

I turn to face Harry and smirk at him.

“I’ll see you later. Wish me luck.” I stated with a low excited tone.

“Break a leg.” He replies softly. He licks his lips and bites his lower lip. It’s attractive.

I have to kiss him.

I lean quickly closer to him, pull the back of his head against me and surprise him with a kiss. He kisses back. Our lips move in synchrony. His lips was as soft as that of the rose petals. They were like magnets that I couldn’t resist from touching mine. His hands creeping to my waist the whole five seconds, I counted. I gently release my lips from his but our foreheads were still pressed against each other while we hear the rest of the boys laughing and teasing us.

Harry and I chuckle at each other. That instance, I know something has changed between us. I missed him, I know. But this is something deeper than that. If I have nowhere else to go today, I’d probably spend the rest of the day with him.

“Bye.” I utter as I scoot away from him and towards the door of the car.

He catches my hand even before I could step down, and then I turn around back to him. His eyes were pleading please don’t go as he tugs my hand. I could melt just by looking at him but I had to control myself.

“What?” I chuckle. “I’m running late.” I murmur playfully. I slip my hands from his grip gently, and then step out of the car.

“Bye boys!” I yell, waving my hands at them.

Eleanor and I then disappear from them as our car was the first one leave the parking lot.


I quickly got off the car with the duffel bag and my portfolio in my hand. It has a pair of clothes I can change in with and my own make-up set. I am finally giving Eleanor the freedom to spend the rest of the day with Louis. I am sure they missed each other a lot, so as a good friend, she can now fly like a bird.

While inside the elevator, I receive a call from Walt, my agent from the model management who would usually do some bookings and organize some appointments for me. If you’re a model, you cannot survive having one.  He also does the same for Dana Berkley, the girl who hates me so much. Needless to say, we have the same agent. Bummer!It’s a small world after all.

“Hello.” I speak up after answering the phone.

“Where art thou, Valerie?” His soft manly voice sounds off from the earpiece of my phone.

“I’m at the lift right now. Third floor, right?” I stated.

“Good. Right. See you in a bit.” He says rushing every word, and then hangs up.

The lift dinged open, then I quickly step out. As I attempt to head straight to the washroom to change, Walt spotted me just before I notice him waiting outside the lift.

“Valerie, what are you doing?” He chides, grimacing at me. “What are you wearing, sweetie?” He stares at me contemptuously from head to toe. I should have listened to Eleanor. If she hates it, it means the whole fashion industry will hate it too.

“Exactly the reason why I brought extra clothes.” I inform, hoisting my duffel bag.

“No, no, no, no.” He admonished. “We don’t have time to change. You might be called next.” He stated, frazzling. He hastily drags me to the waiting area where all the other models are waiting for their turn to be interviewed by the Guess executives.

“Give me your lipstick.” He demands, opening his palm in front of me. I reached inside the bag and place the lipstick immediately on his hand. He opens the lipstick and dab it on my lips artfully.

“Tie your hair up in a bun.” He commands, breathing hastily. I complied quickly after he grabs my bag so I could freely tie my hair. He is way more nervous than me, apparently.

After five ladies exit the holding room, a lady in a white long sleeve shirt and pencil-cut skirt, the secretary I suppose, steps out as well with a paper slate in her hands. Everyone in the waiting area focus their sight and attention to the lady as she flips through the pages of the slate.

Walt abruptly grasps my hands, looking more frazzled than earlier.

“Good luck. Are you nervous?” He asks, both his brows raising at me.

“Maybe. Maybe not.” I respond uncertainly while frowning my forehead, then sigh.

Dana who is seated at a bench opposite my direction, glared and rolled her eyes at me, making me feel more intimidated. She’s lucky I have changed, or else …

“Attention.” The secretary requested. “Next batch of entrants; Adrianna Colby, Monica Botello, Dana Berkley …”

As the models’ names were called, they stand up from their seats to be recognized by the lady. I am kind of hoping not to be called yet because that means I’ll be in the same room at the same time with Dana while being interviewed by the panellists. That would only add up to the tension I am already feeling at the moment.

“… Leidy Rose Smith and …” She hangs for a moment.

Please! Please! Please! Not me yet. Not me.

“Valerie Scott.”


“Okay, girls. Hand me your portfolios as you step inside.” The secretary instructed.

We then walk towards the room in order of who was called first and give the secretary each of our portfolio. As the five of us got inside the room, three persons seated on the panel behold us. I easily got to recognition the lady at the middle. She’s Alma D’Amato, an Italian editor-in-chief of their magazine. The two gentlemen on either her sides is El Rey Gibson, photographer, and Derrick Evans, their resident stylist.

We stand before them as the secretary delivers to them our portfolios.

Miss D’Amato then starts calling the first girl as she flips through the pages of her portfolio. The entrant first introduces her name, and then Miss D’Amato requests the girl to turn around, walk and give some poses. Came in next the interview, the three alternately ask questions, expecting comprehensive answers from the entrant. They did the same to Monica, Dana, Leidy, and came in finally, me.

I step forward near the table, the other through entrants stand behind me. I still feel Dana glare at my every move. I know she’s expecting for me to screw up this one, but I’ll do my best not to.

I can feel the sincerity on the panellists’ faces. They barely smile back at me but I continue pulling off a vibrant appearance, disregarding the fact that I’m wearing the shirt Eleanor and Walt hates a lot. This time, I didn’t mind.

“Good Morning, lady and gentlemen!”  I greeted vigorously. “My name’s Valerie Scott, I’m turning nineteen and I am from Glasgow, Scotland.” I enunciated, maintaining my composure despite the nervousness.

 I don’t want to inform these people that I am Harry Styles’ supposed girlfriend, though I think they already know. I want to prove to Dana and to the people that I book jobs because I have the ability to model, not just because my name’s glued to Harry. I want to create my own name. I don’t want to be just recognized as Harry’s girlfriend. I want to be the Valerie Scott.

“Okay, Miss Scott. Please show us your walk and strike poses at the end.” Miss D’Amato requested.

I then let down my hair first and flip it side to side unintentionally. I started walking from the middle of the room. I strut down, letting my hair flow like I have my own wind as I walk. As I walk towards near the panellists’ tables, I strike five different poses, sultry but innocent, seductive but calm, naïve but detrimental, punk but gentle, and elated but sincere.

I notice the three of them share an impressed look and smile at each other. I don’t know what that means but I know I am doing my best.

“Valerie Scott, how long have you been modelling?” Mister Gibson asks, looking sternly at me and glances to my portfolio that Miss D’Amato was skimming through.

“Honestly,” I gulped. “I have just started more than a year ago. Compared to others, I think I have the least experience in this job and I am still learning.”

“I like your honesty Miss Scott.” Miss D’Amato remarks. “So what can you offer us just in case we pick you?”

“Well, as I have said earlier, I have the least experience on this job compared to other hopefuls to book this job under your brand. I have still a lot to learn. But I am a sponge, I can easily absorb everything I ought to learn.” I stated positively.

“You mean, we still have to teach you?” Mister Evans questions frankly and slurs.

The four girls behind me snickers.

“That’s not what I meant.” I corrected. “I mean, I don’t have to gain a lot of experience just to learn and understand the essence of modelling.” I defend, managing to smile at them vibrantly. “Most of my knowledge came from reading magazines and watching fashion shows on TV. Now if you give the opportunity to work with you, I assure you a hundred and ten percent of myself as a blank canvass, as what pros define models.” I endorse myself like I’m running in a political position, trying to win a vote.

“Very well, then.” Mister Evans, presses his lips as he nods slightly.

“Last question.” Mister Gibson cites. I raise my brows in acknowledgment of his incoming question. “What makes you a Guess girl?”


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