By zylgnagnaba

216K 5K 994

Valerie Scott and Harry Styles are forced by the Modest! Management to live together and pretend that they're... More

Chapter 1: Expect the Worst
Chapter 2: The Show Starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, Action!
Chapter 3: Break a Leg!
Chapter 4: Retrieval Operation
Chapter 5: The Remedy Causing Dilemma
Chapter 6: Cat and Mouse
Chapter 7: The Unaccustomed Book
Chapter 8: End of May
Chapter 9: Lost in Paradise
Chapter 10: Splash of Foolishness
Chapter 11:Laugh Out Loud
Chapter 12: I Don't Like You At All
Chapter 13:Goodbye,Paradise!
Chapter 14: Cherishing Cheshire
Chapter 16: Virtual Loving
Chapter 17: Just a Kiss
Chapter 18: The Vow
Chapter 19: Worst Day Ever
Chapter 20: Dark Valerie
Did You Know That ...
Chapter 21: LA Love Story
Chapter 21.1: TAKEN
Chapter 21.2: Mean
Chapter 21.3: Devious Love Birds
Chapter 21.4: The Villain in Me
Chapter 21.5: Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 22: Cake for Thought
Chapter 23: Lies and Celebration
Chapter 24: Almost... Almost!
Chapter 25: Fist of Fury
Chapter 26: Melancholic September
Chapter 26.1: I love you, Harry...
Chapter 26.2: Compromise
Chapter 26.3: Strike One
Chapter 26.4: Kryptonite
Chapter 26.5: Under the Sheets
Chapter 26.6: Strike Two
Chapter 26.7: Strike Three
Chapter 26.8: Strike Four
Chapter 26.9: Homerun
Chapter 27: Vicissitude
Post Interview Questions here!
Chapter 28: Autumn Feels
Chapter 29: Say It Again
Chapter 30: PDA
Chapter 31: Who's Gail?
Chapter 32: The Disclosed Reality
Some sort of review...
Chapter 33: Lovestrucked
Chapter 34: When in Milan
Chapter 35: When in Milan 2
Chapter 36: Home
Chapter 37: Dance for You (Repost)
Chapter 38: Up and Down
Chapter 39: Don't read this! OMG
Chapter 40: New Beginning
Casts, Credits, and A/N :')
Important! Please READ. :')
The Next Books...

Chapter 15: Mixed Thoughts and Emotions

3.7K 77 11
By zylgnagnaba

Behold, I give you six new chapters to make up for slacking for weeks. HAHA
I’m sorry for those who waited, but here it goes!

This chapter is dedicated to lupgup.
Sorry to keep you waiting! LOL

I’m going to choose Change Your Life by Little Mix as this chapters’ theme song.
Because the song consistently makes me cry and it talks about friendship.
And I really miss my friends already. Sigh.

Enjoy reading, hope you like it!


 Copyright © zylgnagnaba 2013

I proceed casually to the cafeteria with a lunch trey in my hands. I stop by the aisle, in between the lunch tables occupied by diverse students, I don’t even know where I supposed to be seated. I rummage to the left side, the tables are occupied by Goths, the next table are the nerds; the third table is occupied with glee members. At the right side, football athletes, cheerleaders and lastly, the popular people in school composed of mostly blonde girls; and the rest of the tables are other bunch whom I couldn’t classify into groups. In all seriousness, I am completely torn. Where do I belong?

“Hey! Over here!” One straight blonde girl from the last table at the right side calls my attention, waving her hand in. I flutter and shut open my eyes, I stroke my hair and check its colour. Nope, not blonde. Why would she call me to sit with them?

But anyway, I proceed briskly to their table, utterly confused and caught unaware of what’s happening but I went with it, just to get a table where I could devour my lunch.

“Gail, are you okay? You seem troubled.” The girl asks concernedly as I went nearer to their table. Who the heck is Gail? “Come here, sit with me.” She scoots over to lend a seat.

The next happening took me by surprise. Another blonde girl, only curly, appeared from my left side, carrying with herself a lunch trey. I glanced at my hands, my lunch trey is gone. The girl hastily walk past me and casually sit on the seat that was supposedly mine, or so I thought.

“Ugh. You don’t want to know.” The seemingly annoyed curly blonde girl rolls her eyes. Maybe she’s Gail. Wow, this is embarrassing. I presumed I was the one the other girl was calling out.

She’s only an inch shorter than me, skinny, fine-toned body, she’s really gorgeous and she could be a model too. Her eyes were fiery and her lips were as red as the poinsettia during Christmas but she seems innocent still. Her looks is very striking and gaining attention from the other lads wouldn’t be difficult for her.

I stood by their table but no one seems to notice. I felt invisible. They went on chattering together while eating their lunch. I know I had to go out but I don’t know why my feet doesn’t follow my mind. I felt like a ghost travelling anywhere, my head was light.

“Hey Gail.” I hear the other girl whisper to the beautiful lass. “He’s coming.” She alerts.

The innocent-looking Gail then pulls out this very sinister smile. She suddenly turned into one of these scary villains you see in movies whom you know wouldn’t do any good just by looking at their evil smile. You know something bad is bound to happen. I felt the hair by my neck start to stand up just by staring at her detrimental eyes raging with anger and grudge.

She even looked worse when she glances behind her. I trace her sight and I saw this quaint-looking teenage boy, frail and the slouching of his back while carrying his trey made him look more inferior. He looks down at the ground while walking inside the cafeteria, seemingly lacking of confidence to look at other students’ eyes.

As he approaches near the blondes’ table, Gail pulls out her leg below the table and trips the boy over. His trey flew and his food just literally went all over the place. He fell flat on the floor and everyone in the room hilariously laughs at him with Gail having the strongest laugh of all. My heart shreds into pieces with the sight of the poor boy whom Gail just single-handedly humiliated in front of the whole school.

I stepped in with the intention to help the boy regain himself from the fall but somebody from behind pulls my elbow and put me to a stop. I gaze at the hand wrapped in my arms and trail its owner. As my sight goes higher to the face, the grip just went tighter and tighter it hurts already.

My face flustered as I saw Gail stare back at me, glaring. There was darkness in her eyes as she grits her teeth. That moment, I know she’s the scariest person I have ever laid my eyes on. My knees shiver, my eyes went frightened and the fear crept into all my flesh. I could never be scared of anyone my whole life like that of when I saw her face.

“DON’T.” She utters disdainfully, refraining me from helping the boy. Her lips curl into a contemptuous and scorned smirk.

Gail’s hand finally alights my arm, thank goodness. I look around and everyone’s gone, including the boy who was down on the floor. The room dims with a strong bang. My heart jumps in shock. Gail is gone but my fear of her switched into my fear of the darkness. I frazzled, my face sweat, turning around determined to look for any source of light but there was nothing. It was complete darkness.

I felt someone rush behind me as the wind strikes my back. I turn around, I couldn’t see anything. I felt it again behind me. I turn around, there’s nothing. My chest started to pump and went panting in all nervousness of the unknown, my eyes tear up as they continue to look around.

Seconds later, I found myself seated on a chair at the middle of the dark room. The lamp above my head lights up, swinging at the ceiling. It feels like detention. Scratch that! It’s even worse than detention. I don’t even know if I’m ever getting out of here.

“Valerie, such a nice name.” A malefic voice echoes from somewhere as I felt someone approaching me. I don’t know who’s out there but I know something’s not right.

“YOU THINK YOU COULD JUST EASILY GET AWAY FROM ME, DO YOU? DO YOU?” It’s her. It’s that girl again. She took me in a shudder, screaming in front of my face. My heart quickly starts pounding heavily more and more. I am so terrified by her, I went frantic.

I don’t know what to think anymore. She’s all over my face, screaming threatening words. I can’t take it any longer but I am helpless. My hands shiver as they cover my ears, resisting for her words to come in. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t scream. All I could do is bawl my eyes out of her every harsh and threatening words. Her voice was the scariest voice I’ve ever heard of.

“You can’t get away with me, Valerie!”

“No matter how hard you try, you can’t get away with me!”

Her voice reverberating inside the room and resonating in my brain that’s going to crack any minute now.

I continue covering my ears, shaking my head hastily. Crying and crying rivers of tears. If this is a nightmare, please wake me up. I don’t want this anymore!

She laughs sinisterly. Evil, she’s evil. She’s a monster trapped in a beautiful and innocent girl’s body. She’s bound to no good. She’s very detrimental. I don’t even know what I did to her that made her terrorize me like this.

“You can’t get away from me, Valerie! I’m always with you.” She threatens further with a low and demeaning tone. Her face even an inch closer to mine causing me to shiver even more.

“You can’t get away from me …” She repeats, screaming again. “… Because I’m …”

I wake up in a jolt as my phone alarms. It’s already 3:15 in the afternoon.

Shoot! Before I forget, we have a fashion show today. I should totally remind myself not to take a nap when I got work. The show starts at five and all the runway models should be there an hour earlier.

I get out of bed and quickly skid in to the bathroom. While brushing my teeth, I got reminded that it’s Danielle’s birthday today as well. Eleanor and I got everything planned out for her special day.

Thirty minutes before our call time, I finally got out of the flat and took a cab to the venue.

Am I just lucky to get caught up with the traffic? Ugh. Can anything get even worse than this? F@*%! I have to be there by four or I am dead. I look out the windshield, it’s a heavy traffic. I think it’s going to get on for a little while before my cab could finally move on. I bury my face in both my hands in total exasperation.

I peek at my watch and it’s already seven minutes quarter to four.

“Come on. Come on.” I mutter to myself, grunting and gritting my teeth and impatiently wiggling my right leg.

I swing to my seat from side to side, looking beyond the parade of vehicles on the expressway. I am so freaking totally, utterly and completely in all words agitated. Why now?

“Why aren’t we moving?” I groaned.

My phone rings which only made me more worried than I already am. This could be our show director, Gregory, who is very much blunt when it comes to professionalism. By that, I mean punctuality. He does not hesitate to embarrass anyone anywhere in front of whoever is around.

I dig out my phone from my bag anyway. I sigh in relief as I see Eleanor’s icon appear on my screen. I press the answer key and put the phone against my ear.

“Hello, El.” I speak up, rather forcedly.

“I gather you’re already at the backstage.” She guesses enthusiastically. I could feel her vigour travel from where she stands to where I am. Her prediction just made me hate myself more as I am not yet where she expected me to be at the moment. I recline at the back of my seat and sigh in dismay.

The car behind my cab blows his horn twice, answering Eleanor’s previous question.

“Oh no.” She drones.

“I’m stuck in a traffic jam. F*%@!” I murmur hopelessly.

“Are you kidding me? People starts coming.” She states frazzled.

I was taken in shock causing me to lightly jump from my seat.

“You mean, you’re already there?” I shrilled.

“Yeah. I’m with my boss.” This time, she whispers to the mouthpiece. I suppose her boss is just beside her. “I mentioned about watching the fashion show and she suddenly decides to come with me.” She continue whispering contemptuously. “Weird, right?” I can feel her cringe when she uttered the last two words.

“It’s not weird, you silly!” I chuckle despite being irritated by the current situation. I think it’s just fair that her boss at the Hollister’s would take interest on watching the show. But she was perhaps talking about her boss coming with her. After all, I would hear Eleanor complain for hours about her work and her boss making it harder for her than it should be.

After just another three minutes on the phone with El, our cab has finally proceed. I burst a sigh of relief and ended the phone conversation with her. I’m finally going to the venue, just late for a couple of minutes from the call time. Bummer! Gregory is going to kill me.

I storm out of the cab after quickly paying the cabbie. My hero as of the moment, my flat shoes, is making it easier for me to run. Thank God!

I trot to the backstage, panting and gasping for air. There I found all the models getting dressed and all glammed up by stylists and make-up artists. The commotion was crazy, everyone was pacing back and forth and running around. Everyone’s frazzled, especially Gregory who monitors everything before and during the show. He wants everything to be perfect for his designer-client.

“Valerie, there you are!” He chants in surprise and perhaps in relief. I got alarmed. My eyes grow wide shut and my mouth slightly agapes in anticipation of what’s he going to say next. I know he has a boyfriend and he’s gay, but I’ve always found his Italian accent very compelling and sexy.

“Make-up. Stylist!” He calls the attention of anyone whose available to ready me by clapping his hands together shortly just like a pro.

Quickly, a make-up artist grabs my hand and drags me to her station. She sits me on the chair with the mirror in front of me and she begins to dab foundation on my face.

Through the mirror, I stare at Gregory as he progressively approaches behind me. Gosh, here it is. I’m dead as a meatball. He’s going to cuss on me like he did to other models in our recently acclaimed fashion week. I seem pretty calm on the outside but deep inside, I’m dying.

“Valerie …” He taps my shoulder while looking at me through the mirror. I look back at him through the reflection. “Next time, don’t be late okay?” He continues, curling his lips to a smile and winks at me. Is he or is he not mad at me? I can hardly tell.

“Okay, I’m really sorry Gregory. It won’t happen again.” I beg for his pardon. I refuse to justify my being late by blaming it on the traffic. It’s a cliché thing to reason out. I know as well that he hates hearing excuses and it is not in my vocabulary to blame other things for my failure. When shit happens, it happens. No need to mull it over and over.

Gregory then left my station with a smile and proceed to other models. He’s not mad at all. It wasn’t the way I expected him to deal with me. But great, I can now breathe.


The show is about to start and the stylist are just done fitting me with this very elegant and wearable dress from the designer’s summer collection. I feel really sexy wearing it as it accentuates the curve of my body. Okay, not to brag but I got this bumps about the size of Louis’. Louis’ was bigger though but … hey! Why am I comparing my bums to a male? Nah. I couldn’t complain. Louis got some fine butt, hasn’t he? HAHAHA

All the runway models then line up in order of who gets to come out first to the last. I didn’t know where I should insert myself so I place myself seventh to the last. Until Gregory, again, calls out my attention.

“Valerie, what are you doing there?” He admonished. He grabs my hand and drags me to the last of the queue. “This is Westwood’s most priced creation. This dress highlights the show so you should be coming out last.” He goes on while fixing the dress I’m wearing.

Suddenly, I felt glares of vexation, envy and jealousy from the other girls who heard Gregory’s statement. Nonetheless, his statement made me more tensed and pressured than ever.

Moments later, the show has finally started. Models start coming out while I wait here at the last to strut my stuff on the runway.


Ugh. The show was crazy. I mean, the backstage situation was crazy.

Right after getting myself changed to my jeans and shirt that I wore before the show, I skid out of the changing room. By the hallway to the exit, there’s Eleanor waiting for me. I could see her grin as I start walking towards her.

“Hey.” I sigh tediously, managing to smile back at her.

She pulls me in a light hug and kiss me on the cheek.

“I’m so proud of you. You were amazing.” She states vigorously while squeezing my arms.

Then I see from the corner of my eyes Dana, one of the models on the show and is also under the same management as me, glaring at me while carrying her bag as she pass by us. My subconscious being notice Eleanor glaring at her as well until she disappears from us. Eleanor rolls her eyes and drags her sight back to me.

“Who was that girl?” She stated agitatedly as she frowns. “I don’t like the way she looks at you.” She shakes her head slightly.

“Dana. She’s been hating on me forever.” I groaned and shrug.

“Why?” She questions curiously, her brows furrow intently looking back at me.

“She thinks I’m stealing her spotlight, I’m just an amateur, and that I get all the attention just because I’m Harry Styles’ girlfriend. That I don’t really deserve where I stand today (Which I totally agree on all, by the way).” I mutter to Eleanor. I slightly grin just to make her feel not sorry for me.

She frowns and exclaimed, “She said that? To you?”

“I heard her talking about me with the other models. No wonder no one wants to make friends with me her.” I chuckle and make a fun of it all.

“Aww.” She cooes. “Who needs them when I am already here? And Perrie, and Danielle, and Louis, and Liam, and …” She stated enthusiastically while enumerating with her hands adorably.

I interrupted her by saying, “Aww, Ellie.” I’m so touched that I called her by her nickname that I made myself. My lips curl up into an affectionate smile, I pull her in a tight embrace and say, “Thank you. I am so blessed to have you.”

I pull out from the hug and quickly fight back the little tears in my eyes.

“Now enough with the drama.” She scoots beside me and hooks her arms with mine at the same time. “We have a birthday to attend to.” She finishes off blithely.

We then head out of the venue and walk where her car was parked. We drive off to the nearest pastry shop to pick up the cupcakes El ordered for Danielle’s birthday.

After heading out of the pastry shop, god-forsaken paparazzis that even the Microsoft word couldn’t even recognize their existence, took us by surprise. They were all along waiting for us outside. El and I entwine with each other’s arm as we make our way back to where our car is while the paps continue to fire some shots on us. The flashes starts to irritate our eyes that cause us to look down at the ground as we proceed. The street’s commotion was overwhelming while paparazzis continue with their nerve-racking questions that only few I could understand.

Eleanor, what can you say about Louis smoking weed in Miami?

Valerie, are you proud that Harry wasn’t swayed for smoking weed?

How long does Louis been smoking weed?

Do you think Zayn is a bad influence?

Freaks! We ignore their uncalled for questions and quickly get in the car. There was utter silence as Eleanor starts the engine. I know she’s upset about her boyfriend being easily judged like that. She just loves Louis so badly. In all fairness, we have some fair share of weird experiences with paps. Clearly, they aren’t as pleasurable as anyone would think getting attention would be.

“El, don’t overthink. They’re just paparazzis being jerks. They just don’t know how to get a proper job.” I encouraged her while tapping her lap gently. She then reciprocated one meek smile and then focused her sight on the road.

Just almost half an hour later, we’ve arrived at Dani’s apartment. Eleanor pulls up the car at the parking space across the street and we then head out to Dani’s door. El and I are so excited. Just a matter of four buzzes, the knob turns open and I set the confetti to throw all over her as we surprise her.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DANIELLE!”  Eleanor and I cheer as soon as she opens her door while I throw the colourful confetti at the same time.

“Oh my gosh.” Danielle’s mouth agapes in astonishment after witnessing our surprise. “You scared me.” She giggles and pulls me and Eleanor in a gentle hug. She then steps aside to let us in and usher us to her lounge. She was still startled, continues giggling at us.

“We brought cupcakes.” Eleanor chants, hoisting the box in front of Danielle.

“Aww. You shouldn’t have to.” She blithely opens the box to peek at the treats. We ordered eight cupcakes, each with letters H, B, D, D, A, N, I and !so it reads HBD DANI!.

“Aww. You girls really are the sweetest.” She adds, rather awed and touched by our gesture causing her to quite tear up.

“Hey! No sobbing!” I chide. “It’s your birthday. We’re supposed to be celebrating.” I added, persuading Danielle to stretch her lips into a smile and wipe her tears.

The three of us decided to make the celebration a slumber party since it’s already dark outside. We all set the lounge with lots of pillows, sheets and blankets. We also prepared chips, popcorn and soda for us to consume while we watch a movie or two and chat.

After getting all set up with the party, we all lie down comfortably on the soft pillow and sheets-covered floor. Our heads lean against the leg surface of the couch.

I thought about calling Perrie, so I dig out my phone from my bag and dial her number. After just two rings, she answers and I put her on speaker phone.

“Yep, Val?” The Geordie-accented girl speaks up.

“Hey there, purple head.” I holler at her. “Is this a bad time?” I reckon she’s still busy with the tour with Little Mix.

“Nope. I’m at the tour bus right now.” She informs. I stand corrected.

“Perrie, you think you might have forgotten something today?” Eleanor interrupted, gibing Perrie. Danielle and I suppress our laughter.

It took a while before Perrie could respond. She then slowly starts humming and sings, “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Dani! Happy birthday to you!”

We all burst out laughing, especially the birthday celebrant.

“Thanks, Perrie!” Dani yells with too much happiness she can no longer contain.

“Hahaha! I knew it!” Perrie chuckles. “You’re at Dani’s place right now. I’m so awesome.” She exclaims childishly. We all laugh halfway through her statement.

“Listen Dani, I’m sorry I’m not there to celebrate with you. You already know why.” She murmurs, asking sympathy.

“I understand. At least, you remember.” Danielle replies with a wide grin on her face, the little tears glistening in her eyes.

The rest of the night we just spent chatting, especially about the boys. Me, being annoying as ever, ask Danielle is there is any possibility Liam and her could get back together. She just gave me no clear indication. I wish they could just be together again. I couldn’t imagine both of them with anybody else.

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