The Angel or the Bad Boy, whi...

بواسطة DaisanDaDork

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The Angel or the Bad Boy, which one to pick, Heaven or Hell?
[3]The Angel or the Bad Boy, which one to pick, Heaven or Hell?
[4]The Angel or the Bad Boy, which one to pick, Heaven or Hell?
[5]The Angel or the Bad Boy, which one to pick, Heaven or Hell?
[6]The Angel or the Bad Boy, which one to pick, Heaven or Hell?
[7]The Angel or the Bad Boy, which one to pick, Heaven or Hell?

[2]The Angel or the Bad Boy, which one to pick, Heaven or Hell?

1K 31 19
بواسطة DaisanDaDork

Here's Chapter Two. :D

I know I should still be working on the other two. But I don't always have time to update so I'll write and tinker around on my notebook. I made this one long because I had all the time. If I don't update in a long time, it is because I pissed off my parents. D;

But anyway I hope you love this one, please tell me what you think!

It would be most of helpful.

You can vote, comment or become a fan if you want but no pressure.

Also please check out my other stories!

Thankieesss. :D

And thanks to ChickyDeeIM. :D

And to my twin, BC. Yeeee.

Anyway here is it.!

Chapter Two

Dante's POV

So Gabriel Morales is still with her.

'Hello, Gabriel.' I said in a succinctly voice. I watched as Mayla shifted closer to Gabriel, hell, as if I would hurt her. Which I wouldn't. Gabriel stood up and wrapped his arms around her. The action puzzled me but if it showed on my face, they would have asked. I wonder what Mayla's older brother think about Gabriel hanging around his little sister.

'Dante.' Gabriel replied with a smile. I watched Mayla's face change from annoyance at seeing me to one of shock. Ahh, Gabriel, even for your little ward, you had been keeping nasty dirty little secret. I grinned.

'Why didn't you invite me to your girlfriend's party?' I know goading Gabriel would be disastrous and bad but hey it's not my fault if anybody get hurt. The only one ending up getting hurt is the frail little ward of his. What a fickle and meek being. But then that is Gabriel, the one who always pick the weak ones.

It is me or what? Did I just sound like Megatron from Transformers? Too much mundane movies is messing up with the sync of my head.

'Where would have I found the chance to talk to you?' Gabriel motioned with his free left hand.

'I wouldn't have invited him anyway. But we'll have a talk later, Gabriel.' Mayla seemed pissed that Gabriel had been hiding things from her. She spared me a venomous glare before leaving us alone. I watched the sway of her hips enclad in black skinny jeans and the cascading strands of light brown hair. I still remember her eyes. The eyes that the minute she opened them after that terrible moment of helplessness years ago, was filled with hatred. Shaking my head, I turned to Gabriel and said, 'Trouble in paradise?'

'Give up the act, Dante, and tell me what you want.'

'No time for reminiscing?' I swung my legs until I dropped on the tree house roof and looked down at him. He's wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. Ugh, why am I even thinking about that now?!

Instead of looking at him, I shifted my attention to Mayla. She mingled around holding a Pepsi can in her right hand and her back stiffened. Then she turned right at me. I just continued grinning and not letting her see how her venomous eyes of hatred affected me. I said without looking at Gabriel, 'You know, the same little thing.'

'Which will never happen. You remember the deal; it's her choice to make. Not mine, nor yours. Even if...' Gabriel faltered. Hmm. Fascinating that it can affect him so hard. If my memory serves me right, which is such a curse since having a photographic memory is a curse, Gabriel wouldn't even as so much look at her.

'She lost her memory.' I finished for him. He narrowed his eyes and shifted his back to the crowd of people behind us so they won't see his spiteful face glaring at me. 'Why don't you bonk her in the head and maybe that way, she'll get her memory back and you don't have to play ward. And also, that'll get off Darren off your back.'

'Darren as sure as hell doesn't have any business pushing his nose in where it's not wanted.' I stood up and walked around the sturdy roof before jumping to a branch to get away from him. I snickered and said, 'I thought you're not supposed to cuss?'

I wriggled my eyebrows at him.

'Hell isn't a curse. It is a place. Where you belong.' If Mayla was here now, she would have been shocked. But then it is me she'll get pissed at not sweet and innocent Gabriel Morales.

'Which we know isn't true.' I smiled at him before swinging from branch to branch then collided with somebody when I dropped down.

'Get off me, monkey!' I realized I hit Mayla. I got up and held out my hand but she pushed it away and got up by herself. Hah. Even the weak can be feisty. Amazing.

'What're you doing here anyway in the first place?' She crossed her arms like a sulking child and I smiled privately in my head. I took out something from my pocket and handed her a small red box before giving her a slow kiss on the mouth and then walked away. Walking away from her each time when she doesn't remember is a pain.

Why did she pick Gabriel in the end?!

Mayla's POV

I stared at his retreating back and thought of throwing away his present. But naturally as am I a curious person, I waved to Gabriel and went inside the three story house of my family and went to the kitchen before making sure nobody is there and pushed a button under the sink before the wall of the fridge pushed away to a winding staircase. I slowly went inside and closed the passageway and walked slowly up.

Why did he kiss me?

But as the long slow walk to my third story room, I got no answer. What is the dimwit doing? I shouldn't be thinking of him and our kiss. Well, his kiss. I felt sadness in it, as if he didn't want to let me go. But we've never talked deeply before, when we do, we pass by each other and I always had a sarcastic remark to him when he tries to talk to me.

He always looked like he's having the time of his life but whenever that eyes look at me, there is a hint of pain and sadness.

I opened the door to my room and winced at the pink frilly stuff my mom put around my room. Ugh. Oh well, I was only a baby and I didn't want her to go overboard again and do something I don't like so I just told her I loved it. My mom, I love her so much and my Dad. Hmmm. Then when I dropped to my bed on my back, I remembered the red box.

Frowning, I wondered what is inside the box then I opened it. And that is when I shrieked as a paper hit me in the forehead.

'Ouch!' I rubbed my forehead. 'I'm so gonna kick his sorry butt for playing such pranks!'

But then I saw the contents of the box and gasped. I fingered the necklace carefully with my pinky as so that I won't break it. I sat up and looked at the brilliance of the heart shaped locked. Tiny red brilliant gems were incrated in a swirling design. I lifted the necklace and was surprised that it was light as feather. I started to put it around my neck before I remembered.

Maybe he stole it!

Angrily, I wanted to throw the locket away. But then I cradled it in my right hand and knew that I'll not be able to so I went to my workstation where I kept my jewelry box and put the locket along with its box. Then laid down contently on my bed. Before trailing off to a dream the second I closed my eyes.

I was in a ruin but where, I can't tell. Instead of a sun that I had been expecting, there is a shining moon. I was wearing a black dress with torn threads and made it look like a cold shoulder dress but the dress isn't figure hugging but flowy. And I was just happy to be in a beautiful place that I danced around giggling. I tiptoed like a ballerina and grabbed a purple flower before continuing with my dance.

Then I stopped when I saw two beautiful beings fighting in distance. My steps became slower and more cautious. Each are complete opposites of each other, the one have a blond hair and brilliant white wings that unfurled then swung to hit the other being. I looked to the other being; this one had a mesmerizing dark raven wings and black hair.

The white winged one had a spear martealize in his left hand and he started to flung it at the other winged being and that is when...

My breath caught then the black winged one flashed his eyes at me and I got dizzy at the hypnotizing brown eyes. And when his beautiful face contorted in pain as the arrow hit his heart, I screamed and started running. The white winged one flung himself up and flew away. The black winged one started falling and down to the ground he crashed, I ran to him and he was smiling at me with that familiar looking face as he enveloped us with his wings.

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down when I realized with a scream as I tried to get away, that this is Dante Anglieakai.

Darren's POV


I got up from my bed and started running to Mayla's room and took her in my arms before shaking her vigorously.

'Mayla shut the hell up!' I yelled impatiently in her ear but she won't wake up and that's when my Dad came in and smacked me on the head hard. 'Ouch! I am trying to wake her up!'

'Then don't yell at her and shake her. For goodness's sake, you're strangling her!' I looked at my hands holding my little sister's neck and let her drop down to the bed. Annoyed, I ran to her bathroom and got the bucket under the sink cabinet, filled it with water. After five minutes, I turned off the tap and went back near her bed and threw the water at my screaming sister and shrieking pissed off Dad.

'Darren, what the hell are you doing?!' My mom yelled. She smacked me in the head but missed when I slipped what with all the water from the bucket and fell on my back. I cursed in seven different languages.

'Darn it, what the hell is your problem? I am trying to sleep and this little brat won't shut the hell up!'

'She's your sister and a girl so be gentle. You're just pissed because Gabriel was here. So stop.' Dad said. Rolling my eyes, I went to Mayla who slowly opened her eyes. I pushed away the hair from her face and asked, 'Are you okay? Was it a bad dream?'

She nodded and started looking around nervously. Then said, 'Who the hell splashed me with water?!'

'I did, you can kick me later and let me deal with you right now.'

She started to speak, 'You- did- what-?! You got me wet!'

'He's not blind, darling, but he's an idiot. I don't even know why we adopted him!' My mom said.

'Hey I am not adopted! You're just saying that!' It makes me mad when my parents start taking over whenever I can deal with my little sister. Okay, I admit it, I am a little rash but she's my sister. I can't believe Gabriel still has the nerve to hang out with her. He's just asking for trouble.

'Mom and Dad, I'll talk to you tomorrow, let me deal with Darren.' She was shivering so our parents kissed her on the forehead before getting down the trap door. Yeah, a trap door, a perfect fairytale room with all the frilly stuff. I grinned at her when she said,' Yeah, sucks right for the frilly stuff?'

'Take a hot bath, brat, and I will change the bedding.' I carried her to the bathroom and closed the door then began changing the bedding with bright yellow ones and dropped the wet ones on the laundry chute. Being rich, certainly have its perks.

'So what did you dream about?' I said through the bathroom door. I could hair the water running and the song, I Can, from the radio inside.

'I think it was that scary movie we watched this morning before school.' Something was off with her voice but then again, Mayla have this weird perks.

'It is your fault; I told you so, nightmares.'

'Stop saying that! I still haven't forgiven you for the strangling thing and the bucket water.' Ouch. She can remember even if her voice is rising and screaming. Ughhh. This is what I hate about a sister who is so smart. 'Yes, I remember. Stupid, I can see the bruising now. Why did you attend that military school anyway?!'

'None of your business.' I shrugged and went to her sitting room which have a giant plasma screen TV and sat on the sofa. I watched a rerun of NCIS until I heard the door open and Mayla plopping down beside me on the hideous Spongebob pajamas I gave her for her Christmas three months ago.

'But anyway, how do Gabriel and Dante know each other?'

Mayla's POV

There I finally popped up the one question that I never dared to ask him. Darren just sat there watching NCIS so I contented myself being with my annoying big brother and fell asleep on leaning on his shoulders.

And instead of the bad dream, I had a dreamless sleep.

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