Demon's Pup

By PhoenixBunny456

215K 5.5K 543

{Yet another Inuyasha Fanfiction!} Yui comes to visit the Higurashi Shrine. She is down in the rut. Being in... More

Chapter 1: Inuyasha and Kagome
Chapter 2: Aristocratic Assassin, Sesshomaru
Chapter 3: The Fight For Tetsusaiga, The Phantom Sword!
Chapter 4: Young Pup, Meet Full Demon!
Chapter 5: Naraku and Sesshomaru Join Forces!
Chapter 6: Would You Ever Want To Return To Your Own Time?
Chapter 7: The Story Of Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga!"
Chapter 8: The True Own of the Great Sword!
Chapter 9: Kaijinbo's Evil Sword!
Chapter 10: Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin!
Chapter 11: The Connection Between Inuyasha and Tetsusaiga!
Chapter 12: The Demon's True Nature!
Chapter 13: Kagura's Plan and the Plot of the Panther Demons!
Chapter 14: The Panther Tribe VS the Swords of Fang!
Chapter 15: Yui, Rin and Jaken's Wild Adventures!
Chapter 17: Vanishing Point: Naraku Disappears!
Chapter 18: Movie Chapter: Return of So'unga!
Chapter 19: Movie Chapter: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha Fight!
Chapter 20: Movie Chapter: Sword of the Honorable Ruler!
Chapter 21: Jaken Falls Ill!
Chapter 22: Koga and Sesshomaru, A Dangerous Encounter!
Chapter 23: Encountering the Band of Seven, Mukotsu!
Chapter 24: The Search For Kohaku and Battling Jakotsu!
Chapter 25: The Exposed Face Of Truth!
Chapter 26: What Sesshomaru Desires?
Chapter 27: The Other Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru!
Chapter 28: Final Battle At The Gravesite - Inuyasha Vs Sesshomaru!
Chapter 29: Familiar's Light and Adamant Barrage Combined - Destroy Naraku!
Chapter 30: Forever With Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Yui!
Chapter 31: Friends Just Before Death - Goodbye Kagura!
Chapter 32: Meido Zangetsuha - Tenseiga's Offensive Strike!
Chapter 33: Goodbye Kikyo - We Shall Fight In Your Stead!
Chapter 34: A Dog Demon's Wedding Ceremony!
Chapter 35: Sesshomaru In The Underworld!
Chapter 36: A Complete Meido!
Chapter 37: In Pursuit Of Naraku!
Chapter 38: True Heir!
Chapter 39: Magatsuhi's Evil Will!
Chapter 40: Beginning the Search For Magatsuhi - Kohaku's Shard!
Chapter 41: When the Jewel Is Whole - Kohaku's Guardians!
Chapter 42: Inside Naraku and His Trap Of Darkness!
Chapter 43: Yui's Subconscious - Naraku's Trap of Light!
Chapter 44: Naraku's Uncertain Wish - Yui's Beacon of Light!
Chapter 45: I Want To Return To Him!
Chapter 46: Towards Tomorrow, Demon's Pup!

Chapter 16: Sesshomaru and the Abducted Rin and Yui!

5K 125 4
By PhoenixBunny456

Yui and Rin look around for the food. Yui looks up when a gust of wind appears out of nowhere. Yui gasps in shock when she sees Kagura appear.

"It's you!" Jaken yells.

"Sesshomaru can be so careless. Letting you out of his sight." Kagura says. Yui focuses on Sesshomaru's whip of light and when nothing happens, Yui's eyes widen.

'Don't tell me... I can't use any of my powers unless I'm by Sesshomaru's side?!' Yui's thoughts say.

"Surprised? I figured as much. When you aren't at Sesshomaru's side, your powers diminish to nothing. You are nothing more than a human girl right now." Kagura says and she attacks Jaken to send him flying.

"Ah-Un to me!" Yui yells as she grabs Rin and pulls her away. Ah-Un rushes to get to her and Yui screams when Kagura hits her with a dart that knocks her unconscious.

"LADY YUI!" Rin yells before Kagura carries Rin and the unconscious Yui away.

"Hmm?" Jaken asks as he jumps up, "Rin? Yui?!" He looks around and his eyes widen as he spots Kagura flying away from them.

A fast song begins as Yui is shown standing back to back with Sesshomaru and the two are spun around to show them one at a time. "Flowing down are the tears, to the one I cry for!" Yui is shown alone as she looked to be standing as just herself before she's shown activating her powers. "Like rolling waves they can't ever reach and meet the shore!" Sesshomaru is shown walking before he's shown activating his whip of light. "Don't think that I am too weak, just because I will weep!" Yui is shown before she's turned and she transforms into her 'Familiar's Dog Demon' form. "This tenderness won't hold back... CLARITY!" Inuyasha and Kagome are shown standing together before Kikyo is shown drawing an arrow and firing it. "Sometimes I cannot breathe, if you're standing near me!" Sango is shown facing away from Kohaku as Naraku floats above them and Kohaku turns as if he's going to attack Sango before he's carried away by Kagura. "Trapped in this darkness the sky's found in your eyes, I SEE!" Miroku, Shippo and Kirara are shown looking up before Miroku is shown activating his wind tunnel. "The sun is shining so bright, but the lights left you blind!" Yui is shown standing in front of Sesshomaru as she smiles up at him while Jaken yells at Yui. "Please tell me what you are trying to find!" Sesshomaru is shown turning before he transforms into his dog demon form to face Naraku as he stood over Yui protectively. "The day I swore to free you, my mirror will tell the truth!" Kana and Kagura are shown before Yui's face is reflected in the mirror as she's shown staring sadly moments before the mirror shatters. "I'll finally find the me inside the broken you!" Yui is shown sitting on Ah-Un as Rin and Jaken are shown in front of her. "The journey laying in front of me, spread out your wings and be free!" Sesshomaru and Yui are shown walking together before Sesshomaru throws out his left arm holding Bakusaiga. "As you change your feelings the world will change along with you!" Yui is shown rushing towards Rin and Jaken as demons rushed to attack them. "The flame that's running on love will expose burning, burning dreams I held back will finally show!" Yui is shown floating in darkness as she activates her Familiar's Light that ignites like fire. "In the sky, the light will shine on the rivers down below!" Yui is shown directing the light towards Naraku who is shown attempting to block the attack. "But only the gentle heart soon will know!" Sesshomaru is shown jumping in and grabbing Yui before he jumps away as Naraku went to attack back. "In the future, who will be the angel breaking through?" Ah-Un is shown carrying Rin and Jaken while Inuyasha, Kagome and their friends are shown following. "Hold the shards of passion you find worthy close to you!" Yui and Sesshomaru are shown up close before the title appears above them.

[Sesshomaru's POV]

A slight breeze blows by me and I take a small whiff of it. The scent of the wind has changed. My thoughts go to Yui and how she, Rin and Jaken were out getting food for the girls. They had been gone for an entire day. Jaken was with them, so I didn't really have to worry and yet, something didn't quite feel right. Something felt off about letting Yui go. I look over with my eyes when I hear Jaken running towards me.

"Lord Sesshomaru! I'm sorry! Rin... and Yui... they tried to escape but they were taken, milord." Jaken says. My eyes widen as I instantly wonder why Yui hadn't defended herself.

"Why didn't Yui just defend herself and Rin?" I ask.

"Well, she tried, but it seems her powers wouldn't work! She was hit with some kind of dart and the girls were taken after Yui went down." Jaken says. I didn't sense that Yui was dead, so she had to be alive.

"Who was she taken by?" I ask.

"Let me assure you. If you heed my request, I shall return them soon enough, completely unharmed." Naraku says as he appears wearing his baboon outfit a few feet away with the poisonous insects with him. I begin growling as I look at Naraku.

"If you are so angry, you should take your anger out on your brother. Kill him and the girls will be returned to you." Naraku says.

"Yui doesn't like to be kept still. I expect she'll be free in no time. I refuse your request." I say and destroy the empty body again with my whip of light. I narrow my eyes before I turn and walk away.

"Milord? Where are you going?" Jaken asks.

[Later – Yui's POV]

I wake up laying beside Rin who was trying to shake me awake. I sit up shocked as I remember what happened. I take a deep breath as I rub the spot on the back of my neck where the dart hit.

"Rin, are you alright? Are you hurt?" I ask.

"No, but where are we?" Rin asks.

"The last thing I remember is getting attacked by Kagura and that is it." I say. I glance around the room and I gasp as I grab Rin and jump back into a corner.

"Who are you?" Rin asks. The boy doesn't answer her and Rin heads to the door and slides it open. I slam it shut as a demon flies towards us. I sigh and close my eyes as I focus on how angry Sesshomaru must be with whoever kidnapped us. Rin goes and sits down and looks at the kid. I glance over at him and I wonder why he looks so familiar. I gasp and hit my fist on my hand.

"What is it, Lady Yui?" Rin asks.

"You are Kohaku! Your Sango's little brother!" I say. The boy doesn't react and I cross my arms. Rin begins asking Kohaku a bunch of questions.

"You don't have to be a snobby little kid." I say and stand up, "Well, Rin, close your eyes it's going to get really ugly in here. Rin closes her eyes and I begin to focus on changing into my other form and I begin pulsing then stop and I whine.

"Yeah, I figured that was going to happen." I say, "I'm still too far away from Sesshomaru."

"You might as well sit still then." Kohaku says.

"Shut up!" I yell.

[Normal POV]

Sesshomaru and Jaken arrive at the location of Naraku's castle and Jaken gulps. He was worried about what Sesshomaru planned to do here at Naraku's castle.

"I don't recommend going in there without Yui, milord. You won't be at your most recent full strength!" Jaken says.

"If Yui is nearby, I'll have my strength." Sesshomaru says before he heads inside. Once inside, Sesshomaru and Naraku talk about why Sesshomaru is really there.

"You purposely leaked your scent to reveal your castle so that I would follow you here." Sesshomaru says.

"Would you have come otherwise? Admit it; you are only here to find your Familiar." Naraku says as he appears, "I must inform you that your familiar and the mortal girl you seen are not here in my castle. They would never be able to survive the airless atmosphere of this poisonous Miasma. The girls are under my protection outside the castle walls. I assure you, they are unharmed... For now."

"Naraku, do me the honor of at least recognizing that I am not here simply to save Yui and Rin." Sesshomaru says.

"Huh?" Jaken asks confused.

"Of course, you of all people seem to despise taking orders from others. You will not kill Inuyasha when told to do so. Nor did you come here to look for the girls. I realize that you are here to kill me." Naraku says.

"Hmm. You sound as if you believe you've led me into your trap. Perhaps later, I'll have you explain yourself. If you should survive the night that is." Sesshomaru says as he cracks his fingers.

"Lord Sesshomaru, I'm honored by your visit. So in return, I will gladly accept your challenge." Naraku says before he transforms himself.

"What's he become?!" Jaken asks.

"Hmm, a collection of rejected demons. Is this your true form, Naraku?" Sesshomaru asks.

"True form? No. My body is far from being complete." Naraku says before he attacks Sesshomaru who dodges with ease. Jaken runs away in fear to hide while Sesshomaru fights.

"Huh. You'll destroy me for refusing to do as you wish?" Sesshomaru asks.


Yui had been trying to transform for the last half hour. She sighs as she falls onto her butt. She looks over to see that Rin and Kohaku had somewhat become friends.

"Oh come on. What is the distance?" Yui asks as she lies back onto her back. She sighs as she tries to focus on Sesshomaru. Her eyes widen suddenly in shock when her body begins to pulse.

'W-What is this? This feeling washing over me suddenly... It feels like...' Yui's thoughts say and she closes her eyes.

"Lady Yui?" Rin asks.

'This feeling... It's Sesshomaru. He's close enough that I can transform.' Yui's thoughts say and she focuses on transforming. Yui takes her dog demon form and she growls in triumph. Kohaku puts out the fire as Yui was prancing around in a circle as she was glad she could finally take her dog demon form. She looks down at Rin and motions her head. Kohaku checks the door and Rin does too.

"Lady Yui, Inuyasha's companions are outside." Rin says and Yui nods with a growl.


Kagome, Sango, Miroku and Shippo arrive at the location where Kagome sensed a jewel shard. They arrive to find a bunch of demons protecting a hut. She hears a sudden growling sound and she looks around confused.

"What is it?" Sango asks.

"I think I just heard a growl." Kagome says.

"Don't you think it was all these other demons here before us?" Miroku asks.

"No. The growl sounded familiar. I've only heard it a few times but I think it was Yui." Kagome says, "I think she's nearby somewhere!"


Sesshomaru draws Tokijin to fight off Naraku who attacks him. He jumps back and his eyes widen as he felt Yui take on her dog demon form. He attacks Naraku with a stronger attack from Tokijin which shocks Naraku who just brushes it off with a smile as he laughs.

"Your sword has gotten a lot stronger. Could it be because you sense that your familiar is near?" Naraku says. Sesshomaru doesn't answer him. Naraku laughs as he knew he'd get a ton of demonic power from Sesshomaru and Yui's connection.

"Naraku, you're such a lowly demon. You will never have the power or resources to harm me." Sesshomaru says. Naraku laughs once more and the piece of demon that Sesshomaru had destroyed grabs Sesshomaru's leg.

"Huh?" Sesshomaru asks as he looks down at his leg. Sesshomaru jumps as Naraku attacks and he uses Tokijin to fight off the waves of attacks by Naraku.

"Heh. How long do you intend to keepup this ludicrous farce?" Sesshomaru asks. Naraku gasps in shock when he sensessomeone trying to break into his barrier. Naraku sends Kagura after theintruder. Sesshomaru attacks with Tokijin while Naraku is distracted.Sesshomaru hacks at Naraku repeatedly and Naraku just laughs as Sesshomarudoes.

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