Demon's Pup

Da PhoenixBunny456

209K 5.5K 532

{Yet another Inuyasha Fanfiction!} Yui comes to visit the Higurashi Shrine. She is down in the rut. Being in... Altro

Chapter 1: Inuyasha and Kagome
Chapter 2: Aristocratic Assassin, Sesshomaru
Chapter 3: The Fight For Tetsusaiga, The Phantom Sword!
Chapter 4: Young Pup, Meet Full Demon!
Chapter 5: Naraku and Sesshomaru Join Forces!
Chapter 6: Would You Ever Want To Return To Your Own Time?
Chapter 7: The Story Of Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga!"
Chapter 8: The True Own of the Great Sword!
Chapter 9: Kaijinbo's Evil Sword!
Chapter 10: Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin!
Chapter 11: The Connection Between Inuyasha and Tetsusaiga!
Chapter 12: The Demon's True Nature!
Chapter 14: The Panther Tribe VS the Swords of Fang!
Chapter 15: Yui, Rin and Jaken's Wild Adventures!
Chapter 16: Sesshomaru and the Abducted Rin and Yui!
Chapter 17: Vanishing Point: Naraku Disappears!
Chapter 18: Movie Chapter: Return of So'unga!
Chapter 19: Movie Chapter: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha Fight!
Chapter 20: Movie Chapter: Sword of the Honorable Ruler!
Chapter 21: Jaken Falls Ill!
Chapter 22: Koga and Sesshomaru, A Dangerous Encounter!
Chapter 23: Encountering the Band of Seven, Mukotsu!
Chapter 24: The Search For Kohaku and Battling Jakotsu!
Chapter 25: The Exposed Face Of Truth!
Chapter 26: What Sesshomaru Desires?
Chapter 27: The Other Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru!
Chapter 28: Final Battle At The Gravesite - Inuyasha Vs Sesshomaru!
Chapter 29: Familiar's Light and Adamant Barrage Combined - Destroy Naraku!
Chapter 30: Forever With Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Yui!
Chapter 31: Friends Just Before Death - Goodbye Kagura!
Chapter 32: Meido Zangetsuha - Tenseiga's Offensive Strike!
Chapter 33: Goodbye Kikyo - We Shall Fight In Your Stead!
Chapter 34: A Dog Demon's Wedding Ceremony!
Chapter 35: Sesshomaru In The Underworld!
Chapter 36: A Complete Meido!
Chapter 37: In Pursuit Of Naraku!
Chapter 38: True Heir!
Chapter 39: Magatsuhi's Evil Will!
Chapter 40: Beginning the Search For Magatsuhi - Kohaku's Shard!
Chapter 41: When the Jewel Is Whole - Kohaku's Guardians!
Chapter 42: Inside Naraku and His Trap Of Darkness!
Chapter 43: Yui's Subconscious - Naraku's Trap of Light!
Chapter 44: Naraku's Uncertain Wish - Yui's Beacon of Light!
Chapter 45: I Want To Return To Him!
Chapter 46: Towards Tomorrow, Demon's Pup!

Chapter 13: Kagura's Plan and the Plot of the Panther Demons!

5.4K 138 16
Da PhoenixBunny456

        A fast song begins as Yui is shown standing back to back with Sesshomaru and the two are spun around to show them one at a time. "Flowing down are the tears, to the one I cry for!" Yui is shown alone as she looked to be standing as just herself before she's shown activating her powers. "Like rolling waves they can't ever reach and meet the shore!" Sesshomaru is shown walking before he's shown activating his whip of light. "Don't think that I am too weak, just because I will weep!" Yui is shown before she's turned and she transforms into her 'Familiar's Dog Demon' form. "This tenderness won't hold back... CLARITY!" Inuyasha and Kagome are shown standing together before Kikyo is shown drawing an arrow and firing it. "Sometimes I cannot breathe, if you're standing near me!" Sango is shown facing away from Kohaku as Naraku floats above them and Kohaku turns as if he's going to attack Sango before he's carried away by Kagura. "Trapped in this darkness the sky's found in your eyes, I SEE!" Miroku, Shippo and Kirara are shown looking up before Miroku is shown activating his wind tunnel. "The sun is shining so bright, but the lights left you blind!" Yui is shown standing in front of Sesshomaru as she smiles up at him while Jaken yells at Yui. "Please tell me what you are trying to find!" Sesshomaru is shown turning before he transforms into his dog demon form to face Naraku as he stood over Yui protectively. "The day I swore to free you, my mirror will tell the truth!" Kana and Kagura are shown before Yui's face is reflected in the mirror as she's shown staring sadly moments before the mirror shatters. "I'll finally find the me inside the broken you!" Yui is shown sitting on Ah-Un as Rin and Jaken are shown in front of her. "The journey laying in front of me, spread out your wings and be free!" Sesshomaru and Yui are shown walking together before Sesshomaru throws out his left arm holding Bakusaiga. "As you change your feelings the world will change along with you!" Yui is shown rushing towards Rin and Jaken as demons rushed to attack them. "The flame that's running on love will expose burning, burning dreams I held back will finally show!" Yui is shown floating in darkness as she activates her Familiar's Light that ignites like fire. "In the sky, the light will shine on the rivers down below!" Yui is shown directing the light towards Naraku who is shown attempting to block the attack. "But only the gentle heart soon will know!" Sesshomaru is shown jumping in and grabbing Yui before he jumps away as Naraku went to attack back. "In the future, who will be the angel breaking through?" Ah-Un is shown carrying Rin and Jaken while Inuyasha, Kagome and their friends are shown following. "Hold the shards of passion you find worthy close to you!" Yui and Sesshomaru are shown up close before the title appears above them.

[A Few Months Later – Yui's POV]

It's been months since Inuyasha scratched up my back and I was fully healed again. This time I was healed all the way through and I have yet ANOTHER new kimono. I didn't really see for the need for yet a new one, guess Sesshomaru doesn't really like the smell of human blood. But this kimono was actually a lot easier to move in. Didn't restrict my leg movement at all. It was still blue, so that was odd.

I follow behind Sesshomaru when the wind suddenly picks up around us. I close my eyes as I reach forward without thinking and grab onto the sleeve of Sesshomaru's kimono that hung loose due to no arm being there as my white hair is blown into my face. When the wind calms down, I gasp in shock to find Kagura standing there.

"Yo." Kagura says.

"Yo, yourself!" Jaken says.

"Wind sorceress, Kagura, I recall." Sesshomaru says.

"So you remember me. I am very flattered." Kagura says and I narrow my eyes in annoyance. Already starting her flirting with Sesshomaru. My eyes widen when I spot Kagura looking right at me. Sesshomaru reaches for Tokijin as he steps in front of me.

"Take your hand off your sword, I didn't come here to fight, Sesshomaru. I have a proposition you might be interested in." Kagura says.

"Proposition?" Sesshomaru asks. Even without looking at him, I could tell his eyes were narrowed. Kagura holds out her hand and I peek out at her.

"You know what these are, Sesshomaru." Kagura says as there were jewel shards on her hand, "I'll give you these sacred jewel shards. In return, I want you to kill Naraku."

"What?!" Jaken asks.

"Free me. Release me from his grasp." Kagura says. She can't be serious. If she thinks flirting with Sesshomaru and batting her eyes at him will get him to agree then she's a fool! From what I've learned, he'd never accept just because of that and jewel shards.

"You have the power to do it. Once you kill Naraku, All the sacred jewel shards he has gathered will be yours. Let's use those shards and provide ourselves with a little amusement." Kagura says.

"You intend to betray Naraku?" Sesshomaru asks.

"It's not as though I have chosen to live under his command." Kagura says, "What do you think of my plan? Joining forces would be of mutual benefit. Kill him and he'll never get to use your little familiar."

"Little?" I ask as I find myself growling in annoyance. WE LOOKED TO BE THE SAME DAMN AGE!

"Unfortunately, I have no interest in the sacred jewel. If you wish to become free, use those shards yourself and destroy Naraku." Sesshomaru says. I look at Sesshomaru. Yeah, you tell her!

"Hmm! Are you afraid of him?" Kagura asks.

"I'm saying I'm under no obligation to assist you." Sesshomaru says.

"Ugh." Kagura says.

"If you don't have the resolve to go it alone, don't even think about betraying him." Sesshomaru says.

"Foolish coward! And you call yourself a man!" Kagura yells angrily and I step forward and growl at her. She sighs and holds up her hand.

"I misjudged you." Kagura says and activates her giant feather to take off, "Pathetic fool!" Kagura flies off and I roll my eyes.

"That despicable woman. You know, I wonder if she truly intended to make you her protector. Talk about gall." Jaken says, "Where on earth does she get the nerve?! An incarnation, that's all she is."

"You're so strong, Lord Sesshomaru. You don't even need the power of the sacred jewel." Rin says.

"Yeah! Plus, I'm getting better at my powers every day." Yui says and she looks up at Sesshomaru who watched Kagura fly away.

[Sesshomaru's POV]

"That despicable woman. You know, I wonder if she truly intended to make you her protector. Talk about gall." Jaken says, "Where on earth does she get the nerve?! An incarnation, that's all she is."

"You're so strong, Lord Sesshomaru. You don't even need the power of the sacred jewel." Rin says.

"Yeah! Plus, I'm getting better at my powers every day." Yui says. I continue to watch Kagura fly away. Wind sorceress Kagura. I wonder if she can use the sacred jewel and defeat Naraku by herself. Either way, it doesn't concern me. I start to walk away.

"Hmm? Milord, where are you off to?" Jaken asks, "Are you leaving already?"

"I do wonder if she can do it though." Yui says as she walks beside me. Jaken rushes back to grab Ah-Un while Rin walks on the other side of me while Yui was on my right.

"Lord Sesshomaru, I'm not lonely anymore, but I wonder if maybe Kagura is." Rin says.

"Hmm, that could be why she wants to be free because she's never had a friend." Yui says. I just stare ahead as I walk.

"Uh, Milord, what should we do about dinner?" Jaken asks.

[A Few Weeks Later – Normal POV]

Yui smiled as she held Rin on her lap while they ride on Ah-Uh. Jaken and Sesshomaru walked behind the dragon and the girls. Rin looks down confused and Yui looks back at Rin.

"Where are we now?" Rin asks.

"The place where a giant demon known as Ryukossei was sealed into a dormant state. Strange though, that it was completely destroyed like this. Lord Sesshomaru, do you honestly think this is Inuyasha's doing?" Jaken asks.

"It's anyone's guess how he might have accomplished this." Sesshomaru says.

"Indeed. Imagine Inuyasha defeating such a formidable foe. It took everything in your father's power to send Ryukossei into dormancy." Jaken says and realizes that everyone was leaving him behind, "Don't leave me behind Lord Sesshomaru!"

'Not like we could. He always ends up finding us.' Yui's thoughts say in annoyance.

[Later the Next Day]

Yui sighs as she sits back while she soaks her bare feet in the water while Rin and Jaken play in the water while trying to catch some fish for dinner. Yui looks back behind her at Sesshomaru to find him deep in thought as he leaned against a tree.

"Just like that Master Jaken. You can do it!" Rin says, "No, to the right, now in front of you!" Jaken struggles to grab at the fish. Yui hums a single sound as she looks over at Sesshomaru. She tilts her head to the side confused and she gets up and pulls on her shoes before she walks over to him, kneels beside him and places her hand on his as he'd closed his eyes to think for a little.

"Is something on your mind, Lord Sesshomaru?"Yui asks as she ties up her white hair. Sesshomaru doesn't reply and he looks towards a nearby set of trees as he looked to be avoiding looking at Yui. Yui gets a little angry that he's ignoring her. She follows after him as he walks away and she sighs. They head downstream a little away from the others and Yui looks up at Sesshomaru.

"Lord Sesshomaru, why are you ignoring me?" Yui asks. Sesshomaru looks down as he watches the water turn to ice.

"Hmm? What's that?" Yui asks as she looks down at the ice.

"If it isn't Toran." Sesshomaru says. Yui looks up and her eyes widen at a girl who walked on the ice towards them. Yui jumps up and steps behind Sesshomaru.

"It's been a long time, Sesshomaru." Toran says.

"I thought you were dead." Sesshomaru says.

"That's a hell of a way to say hello. This time I'm going to settle things once and for all." Toran says. Yui blinks confused as she instantly gets the idea that the woman is an ex-girlfriend of Sesshomaru's and she gets a sad look in her eyes.

"We settled things a long time ago, but if you insist." Sesshomaru says. Toran notices Yui and she smiles.

"Hmm, I never expected you to be the one to take a human mate." Toran says. Sesshomaru puts his hand up protectively in front of Yui. Yui's eyes widen when she realizes that Sesshomaru doesn't deny what Toran says.

"You won't be as lucky as you were fifty years ago." Sesshomaru says.

"Mm, maybe I should just eat your mate." Toran says.

'He's not denying it!' Yui's thoughts say. Yui's cheeks flush a bright pink as she still didn't hear Sesshomaru deny it. Yui's cheeks get redder as she wondered if Sesshomaru truly was startin to think of Yui as his mate.

"Hmm, I agree that things will be different from how they turned out 50 years ago, though." Toran says.

"Master?" Sesshomaru asks.

"Yes, the one who leads the Panther tribe. I realize your dear father is dead, but our master is going to be resurrected at long last."

"Resurrected? For what purpose?" Sesshomaru asks.

"To attack the lands in the east once again, but more importantly to get our revenge on all your kind." Toran says, "I think I'll begin mine by eating your mate for sure."

"Yui, go back to Rin and Jaken." Sesshomaru says.

"What? No, I'm not leaving your side." Yui says.

"Hmm, she's even made you weak." Toran says.

"And just who the hell are you?! I won't be eaten by anyone that's for sure! Your master won't be revived because Sesshomaru will make sure you can't return to revive him." Yui says angrily. Sesshomaru takes Yui's hand and she looks at him shocked.

"Don't say anything you don't know anything about." Sesshomaru says.

"I'll even let you bring as many allies as you can to our castle!" Toran says and then Toran destroys the ice and she disappears.

"Lord Sesshomaru! Look how much fish, Jaken and I caught!" Rin says boastfully. Rin stops and sees Yui and Sesshomaru holding hands. Sesshomaru releases Yui's hand before Jaken walks into sight.

"Jaken, the panther demons are back." Sesshomaru says.

"Ah! What are they doing here again?!" Jaken asks.

"Rin, listen." Sesshomaru says.

"Yes?" Rin asks.

"You are to wait here with Ah-Un and—" Sesshomaru says and looks at Yui to find that though she was blushing she looked furious.

"She was a cat?!" Yui asks, "I mean it does make sense, regardless of the type of demon she is, she is still a demon..."

"What are you talking about?" Sesshomaru asks.

"Nothing. Look, I'm not staying behind, no matter what you say." Yui says.

"Rin, remain here." Sesshomaru says.

"Yes, sir!" Rin says before Jaken, Yui and Sesshomaru leave.


Yui walks beside Sesshomaru and she looks down as she blushes. She couldn't stop thinking about the things that Toran said. Sesshomaru didn't deny that Yui was his mate. Yui had never even thought they were dating much less in love with one another. Sure, she liked him a lot and even if he was silent brute most of the time, he had times that he showed he cared about her.

"Sesshomaru... About what that girl said..." Yui whispers. Sesshomaru continues walking forward as if he were ignoring her.

"You didn't deny it... why?" Yui asks. Behind them, Jaken thoroughly mentally begs Sesshomaru not to go up against the panther clan by himself knowing good and well that he won't let Yui fight. He would rather Sesshomaru ignore the challenge from the Panther tribe.

"I don't need to justify my actions." Sesshomaru says.

Meanwhile, the panther demons all meet up at the entrance to the valley and Kagome struggles against the male of the panther demons, Shuran.

"Let me go! I demand to know what you are going to do with Inuyasha!" Kagome says. Shunran, the girl panther demon who knocked her unconscious using some type of pollen smiles at Kagome.

"We're going to kill him." Shunran says.

"Hey so Toran what are you going to do about Sesshomaru?" Karan, another female panther demon who can control fire, says.

"I don't need a bait for Sesshomaru, all I needed to do was threaten to eat his mate." Toran says.

"Mate?" Kagome asks.

"You still baited him. I bet he took it." Shuran says.

"Hmm, I bet he made her turn and run with her little tail between her legs." Toran says.

"I wouldn't count on that." Kagome says.

"What?" Karan says.

"Why?" Shunran asks.

"Well you've made a terrible mistake, Yui is a familiar, which means Sesshomaru will be extremely strong and he doesn't like it when anyone attacks Yui." Kagome explains. Koga, the leader of the wolf demons attacks to try to save Kagome and the panther demons get away. Inuyasha and Koga give chase, but lose them.

"It's just like with Naraku's barrier." Koga says.

"Barrier you say?" Inuyasha says andbegins charging his sword with an ability that he's learned to use.

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