Demon's Pup

By PhoenixBunny456

209K 5.5K 532

{Yet another Inuyasha Fanfiction!} Yui comes to visit the Higurashi Shrine. She is down in the rut. Being in... More

Chapter 1: Inuyasha and Kagome
Chapter 2: Aristocratic Assassin, Sesshomaru
Chapter 3: The Fight For Tetsusaiga, The Phantom Sword!
Chapter 4: Young Pup, Meet Full Demon!
Chapter 5: Naraku and Sesshomaru Join Forces!
Chapter 6: Would You Ever Want To Return To Your Own Time?
Chapter 7: The Story Of Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga!"
Chapter 8: The True Own of the Great Sword!
Chapter 9: Kaijinbo's Evil Sword!
Chapter 11: The Connection Between Inuyasha and Tetsusaiga!
Chapter 12: The Demon's True Nature!
Chapter 13: Kagura's Plan and the Plot of the Panther Demons!
Chapter 14: The Panther Tribe VS the Swords of Fang!
Chapter 15: Yui, Rin and Jaken's Wild Adventures!
Chapter 16: Sesshomaru and the Abducted Rin and Yui!
Chapter 17: Vanishing Point: Naraku Disappears!
Chapter 18: Movie Chapter: Return of So'unga!
Chapter 19: Movie Chapter: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha Fight!
Chapter 20: Movie Chapter: Sword of the Honorable Ruler!
Chapter 21: Jaken Falls Ill!
Chapter 22: Koga and Sesshomaru, A Dangerous Encounter!
Chapter 23: Encountering the Band of Seven, Mukotsu!
Chapter 24: The Search For Kohaku and Battling Jakotsu!
Chapter 25: The Exposed Face Of Truth!
Chapter 26: What Sesshomaru Desires?
Chapter 27: The Other Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru!
Chapter 28: Final Battle At The Gravesite - Inuyasha Vs Sesshomaru!
Chapter 29: Familiar's Light and Adamant Barrage Combined - Destroy Naraku!
Chapter 30: Forever With Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Yui!
Chapter 31: Friends Just Before Death - Goodbye Kagura!
Chapter 32: Meido Zangetsuha - Tenseiga's Offensive Strike!
Chapter 33: Goodbye Kikyo - We Shall Fight In Your Stead!
Chapter 34: A Dog Demon's Wedding Ceremony!
Chapter 35: Sesshomaru In The Underworld!
Chapter 36: A Complete Meido!
Chapter 37: In Pursuit Of Naraku!
Chapter 38: True Heir!
Chapter 39: Magatsuhi's Evil Will!
Chapter 40: Beginning the Search For Magatsuhi - Kohaku's Shard!
Chapter 41: When the Jewel Is Whole - Kohaku's Guardians!
Chapter 42: Inside Naraku and His Trap Of Darkness!
Chapter 43: Yui's Subconscious - Naraku's Trap of Light!
Chapter 44: Naraku's Uncertain Wish - Yui's Beacon of Light!
Chapter 45: I Want To Return To Him!
Chapter 46: Towards Tomorrow, Demon's Pup!

Chapter 10: Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin!

5.6K 159 8
By PhoenixBunny456

        A fast song begins as Yui is shown standing back to back with Sesshomaru and the two are spun around to show them one at a time. "Flowing down are the tears, to the one I cry for!" Yui is shown alone as she looked to be standing as just herself before she's shown activating her powers. "Like rolling waves they can't ever reach and meet the shore!" Sesshomaru is shown walking before he's shown activating his whip of light. "Don't think that I am too weak, just because I will weep!" Yui is shown before she's turned and she transforms into her 'Familiar's Dog Demon' form. "This tenderness won't hold back... CLARITY!" Inuyasha and Kagome are shown standing together before Kikyo is shown drawing an arrow and firing it. "Sometimes I cannot breathe, if you're standing near me!" Sango is shown facing away from Kohaku as Naraku floats above them and Kohaku turns as if he's going to attack Sango before he's carried away by Kagura. "Trapped in this darkness the sky's found in your eyes, I SEE!" Miroku, Shippo and Kirara are shown looking up before Miroku is shown activating his wind tunnel. "The sun is shining so bright, but the lights left you blind!" Yui is shown standing in front of Sesshomaru as she smiles up at him while Jaken yells at Yui. "Please tell me what you are trying to find!" Sesshomaru is shown turning before he transforms into his dog demon form to face Naraku as he stood over Yui protectively. "The day I swore to free you, my mirror will tell the truth!" Kana and Kagura are shown before Yui's face is reflected in the mirror as she's shown staring sadly moments before the mirror shatters. "I'll finally find the me inside the broken you!" Yui is shown sitting on Ah-Un as Rin and Jaken are shown in front of her. "The journey laying in front of me, spread out your wings and be free!" Sesshomaru and Yui are shown walking together before Sesshomaru throws out his left arm holding Bakusaiga. "As you change your feelings the world will change along with you!" Yui is shown rushing towards Rin and Jaken as demons rushed to attack them. "The flame that's running on love will expose burning, burning dreams I held back will finally show!" Yui is shown floating in darkness as she activates her Familiar's Light that ignites like fire. "In the sky, the light will shine on the rivers down below!" Yui is shown directing the light towards Naraku who is shown attempting to block the attack. "But only the gentle heart soon will know!" Sesshomaru is shown jumping in and grabbing Yui before he jumps away as Naraku went to attack back. "In the future, who will be the angel breaking through?" Ah-Un is shown carrying Rin and Jaken while Inuyasha, Kagome and their friends are shown following. "Hold the shards of passion you find worthy close to you!" Yui and Sesshomaru are shown up close before the title appears above them.

By evening the next day, Yui, Sesshomaru and Jaken return to where they left Rin to wait. It was because they'd been searching everywhere for Kaijinbo so that Sesshomaru could claim his sword. She had a little fire going as she sighs sadly.

"What could be taking Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Yui so long?" Rin whispers as she stares into the flames. She gasps as she hears Jaken complaining.

"The fool Kaijinbo! Where in the world could he have gotten to with your sword?" Jaken asks.

"Lady Yui!" Rin says, "Lord Sesshomaru!" She jumps up and Yui smiles. Yui climbs down from the dragon and she heads to meet with Rin.

"Hey Rin, did we make you wait long?" Yui asks.

"Stop you two. Do not move." Sesshomaru says and Yui and Rin stop moving as they were only a few feet from each other. Yui looks over her shoulder at Sesshomaru.

"What is it a demon? Do I need to tackle Rin to safety?" Yui asks. Sesshomaru suddenly jumps over the two girls and he attacks a group of trees that were behind Rin. A lone woman jumps out from behind the trees to dodge Sesshomaru's attack.

"A woman..." Sesshomaru says and Yui rushes to Rin and she stands in front of Rin while Sesshomaru stood between Yui, Rin and the woman. Jaken takes a sniff of the air.

"I know that scent. She smells much like the strange beast that offered to lend you the severed human arm. The demon that disguised himself with a baboon palate." Jaken says and Yui gasps, "His wretched plan took us to hell and back. Curse him! Your arm was almost burned off, Lord Sesshomaru. And I was beaten to a pulp by that monk. Oh, simply recalling that incident makes me ill."

"Then spare us the vivid details, Jaken." Yui says.

"I recall the scent. It is the same as the beast that attempted to trap me, the one who is known as Naraku." Sesshomaru says.

"So, you must be Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru." The woman says.

'You know, for being evil and all, she's very pretty. Why are the pretty ones evil?' Yui's thoughts ask.

"You're very cleaver." The woman says.

'Is she... IS SHE FLIRTING WITH SESSHOMARU?!' Yui's thoughts say as her face turns bright red. She makes an angry pouting look as she puffs up her cheeks.

"I am Kagura, the wind sorceress, an incarnation of Naraku." The woman introduces herself.

"Incarnation?" Sesshomaru asks.

"Correct." Kagura says, "Sesshomaru, the fangs you delivered to Kaijinbo to make your sword were those of a demon called Goshinki. Like me, he was also created from Naraku."

"All very interesting, but did you search me out to simply tell me this?" Sesshomaru asks.

"Hmm... Can you not detect its scent? Surely your familiar has seeing as she's pure good and it is pure evil." Kagura says as she looks towards Yui. Sesshomaru's eyes narrow and he steps into Kagura's line of sight once more.

"Tokijin reeks of Goshinki's evil aura. It is closer than you think." Kagura says and wind picks up around her before she takes off into the sky on a giant feather, "You are the sword's rightful owner!" Kagura disappears from sight.

'So, the strange feeling I've felt since we left Kaijinbo's hut where it was made... that was Tokijin's evil aura?' Yui's thoughts say.

"I am not sorry to see her leave so soon." Jaken says, "I don't believe I've seen such an arrogant woman."

"Yui." Sesshomaru says, "Is what she says true?"

"I didn't realize what the aura was... I mean, I remember that I was able to sense your power when we first met, but I thought it was because I was destined to be your familiar. I didn't know I had the ability to sense evil auras." Yui says.

"Rin, you're free to move now." Sesshomaru says.

"Yes, my lord!" Rin says and then giggles.

"Yeah, I moved long before you told Rin she could." Yui whispers. Rin stretches and falls down at Yui's feet. Rin begins giggling and Sesshomaru looks up into the sky as he was still on edge in case Kagura returned to pick a fight.

"The Tokijin..." Sesshomaru says.

"Speaking of strange women." Jaken says.

"I can hear you." Yui says with an angry look on her face. Rin sits up in confusion.

"Yui, where is the sword?" Sesshomaru asks.

"Hmm? Oh, it's um... that way." Yui says and points towards the direction that Tokijin is. Sesshomaru nods and he begins walking away.

[The Next Morning]

By morning, the group arrives at the spot that Yui sensed Tokijin. She rode on the back of the dragon with Sesshomaru. Yui wasn't surprised to see Inuyasha's party already there beside Tokijin. One of the dragon heads turns the weather using its lightning powers and they appear out of a bold of lightning. The other head uses an attack to hit Tokijin. Sesshomaru jumps down and lands beside Tokijin. Inuyasha's group gasps in shock as Sesshomaru lands.

"Sesshomaru." Inuyasha says.

"Ah! Oh, no! Not him!" Totosai says before hiding behind Inuyasha.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Inuyasha asks.

"Just what I would ask you. I've merely come for this sword. It seems the demon you killed was so bitter, it desired revenge even after its remains were forged into a sword." Sesshomaru says.

"What?" Inuyasha asks.

"How does he know that Tokijin was created from Goshinki's fangs?" Sango asks.

"It must mean that—" Miroku says.

"I was the one who commissioned Kaijinbo to make this sword." Sesshomaru interrupts Miroku.

"Sesshomaru, you must not touch Tokijin!" Totosai warns, "Even you will be possessed by the sword's evil aura. Heed my warning, I implore you!" Sesshomaru's eyes narrow slights as he hums in annoyance in a quick sound. Yui watches as Sesshomaru steps forward. Her breath hitches as Sesshomaru grabs onto Tokijin's hilt and he begins lifting the sword.

"Pathetic fool. Just who do you take me for?" Sesshomaru asks. The aura begins moving around the sword before it centers in the middle of the blade.

"The evil aura!" Miroku says, "It's... dissipating!"

"The evil aura was overtaken by Sesshomaru. I don't care much for him." Totosai says.

"Hmm. I see the sword has chosen me as its master." Sesshomaru says.

'He sounds like he wasn't sure it would!' Yui's thoughts say as she sighs while also taking a deep breath from holding her breath in anticipation.

"Draw your sword, Inuyasha. There's something I wish to verify." Sesshomaru says.

"Something about me?" Inuyasha asks.

"Don't do it, Inuyasha." Kagome says grabbing Inuyasha's sleeve.

"Would you let go of me?" Inuyasha asks.

"Do you honestly think you can defeat him?" Totosai asks.

"Huh. I can't exactly tell him to come back when I'm finished training." Inuyasha says.

"Precisely. Come at me, little brother. I'll make it easy. I shall come for you." Sesshomaru says moments before he rushes forward to attack.

"Huh. You're going to regret this, Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha yells. Sesshomaru swings Tokijin and Inuyasha blocks the attack.

'Just as I thought. His scent is but that of a half-demon. When he defeated Goshinki, his blood changed for sure. What could it mean? I must witness his transformation with my own eyes.' Sesshomaru's thoughts say.

"What? Have you altered your combat strategy?" Sesshomaru asks aloud, "Usually you charge at me blindly with great haste."

"Huh. Whatever you say." Inuyasha says before he rushes forward with Tetsusaiga raised. Sesshomaru holds up Tokijin in time to block and Tetsusaiga and Tokijin collide sending sparks around the two brothers.

"Ah... Tetsusaiga has become heavier, I see." Sesshomaru says.

"It's a lot heavier, you stupid jackass." Inuyasha says.

"Hmph. The sword is too heavy for you." Sesshomaru says, "You are better off without it!" He attacks once against and Inuyasha uses Tetsusaiga to block the attack but Sesshomaru makes Tetsusaiga go flying. Inuyasha goes flying back and lands on the ground a few feet from Tetsusaiga. Inuyasha decides to attack Sesshomaru without Tetsusaiga. Sesshomaru attacks Inuyasha and sends him flying back.

"He's been thrown by the power of the sword!" Sango yells.

"I've seen all that I needed." Sesshomaru says and readies Tokijin, "Die!" Sesshomaru rushes forward to attack.

"Look out Inuyasha! He's coming for you!" Miroku yells. Yui stares down shocked as a strange feeling washes over her. She jumps down from the dragon as fast as she can and she rushes towards Sesshomaru. Her only goal was to get to him before the feeling got stronger and her eyes widen as it gets stronger the closer she got to Inuyasha. Sesshomaru stops when he picks up the same scent and Yui stops beside Sesshomaru.

"Lord Sesshomaru, get back. There's something off about Inuyasha." Yui says. Inuyasha begins to growl angrily at them, more than usual and Yui gasps as her eyes go as wide as they could in fear. She steps closer to Sesshomaru as the vibe she was getting from Inuyasha somewhat frightens her. Without thinking, she grabs onto Sesshomaru's sleeve as she steps behind him a little. Totosai sets up a flame barrier between Sesshomaru, Yui and Inuyasha. They watch as Inuyasha's friends carry him away. Once the fire from Totosai's attack dies out, Jaken finally lands and speaks to them.

"Milord, why did you let them go?" Jaken asks. Sesshomaru looks at Yui who finally let's go of his sleeve. Yui looks up at him as she steps to his side from behind him.

"Lord Sesshomaru?" Yui asks.

"You were trembling." Sesshomaru saysand Yui looks at her hands. Her faces flushes a pink colors and Sesshomarulooks away. He mentally scolds himself as he himself had trembled for a meresecond. It stopped the moment that Yui grabbed onto his sleeve. Her handtrembled with fear a lot longer than his did. Sesshomaru begins to scoldhimself for staying to make sure that Yui was alright. He hadn't dare to leaveher side a feeling that made him confused. 

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