
By HappilyEverAfter19

5.1K 113 16

(My version of Voltage) After Skyvolt's death, Garrison has been trying to find a way to bring her back while... More

Ch.1 Broken
Ch.3 An old enemy
Ch.4 Practice
Ch.5 Ice cell
Ch.6 Electric power
Ch.7 Power of love
Ch.8 The real Skyvolt

Ch.2 A new guy

698 13 0
By HappilyEverAfter19

The next day, Garrison was walking up the stairs to the clock tower where he opened the door and went into the hideout, but when he went in, he was shocked to see a young man there looking at the partially destroyed bulletin board.

"Uh who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked as the guy turned around.

"Oh" he said "I'm Jack Owens, I'm a reporter who's trying to write a story about Skyvolt's death."

"Well I'm sorry" Garrison said "But no one is allowed up here."

"Are you Garrison Anders?"

"Yes...?" he said with a wondering look.

"So you must be Skyvolt's sidekick."

"How did you know that?"

"I know this is Skyvolt's hideout, and I know that no one is allowed up here, but when you came in, I figured that you must be Skyvolt's sidekick."

"Wait how did you know this is our hideout, no one is suppose to know that."

"Well I figured that Skyvolt would hide out where she got her powers, so I decided to come here to check out and I was right."

"Well you need to leave, I'm not answering any questions."

"Look, I know you're really stressed out Tess's death."

"How do you know her real name?"

"Because I used to go to school with her, she was in my history class before I graduated last year. I'm now in college trying to become a reporter, and when I heard about her death, I figured that this would be a great story to write about."

"But how do you know she's Skyvolt?"

"Well I may of seen her transform into Skyvolt before, and also I could tell she was Skyvolt cause of her face. But now that she's gone, I was wondering if I can ask you a few questions for my story."

Garrison gave a sigh "I'm sorry Jack, but I'm not interested, and I think you should leave."

"Okay look" Jack said "I know how much Tess meant to you, and I'm devastated too."

"Not as devastated as me" Garrison said sadly.

"You really love her huh?"

"I do."

"And would you do anything you get her back?"

Garrison's eyes widen "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that if you love her so much, what sit around mopping when you could be looking for a way to bring her back?"

"But, she's dead, you can't bring someone back from the dead, well unless you're Dr. Frankenstein."

"Well you may wanna rethink that" Jack said as he pulled out his iPad and showed Garrison a picture of a purple crystal.

"See this crystal?" he asked "This is called the Living Stone, it's one of the most rarest stones in the world, and could be only one left."

"So what's your point?" Garrison asked.

"My point is, this crystal has the ability to bring someone back from the dead, but it can only work if the person is a few days old and hasn't rotted away yet."

"So you're saying that this crystal can bring Tess back?" Garrison said with his eyes widen.

"Well she's been dead for 2 days right?"


"Great, so if we can find the crystal before she, you know, then maybe we bring her back."

"So where can we find this crystal?"

"Well it's mainly hidden in cold places, such as snow, mountains, ice caves."

"Wait" Garrison said with his eyes widen "Ice caves."


"I know where we can find an ice cave."

"You do?" Jack said surprised.

"In fact" Garrison said a bit sadly "It's where Tess died."

"Oh" Jack said sadly.

"Her body is still there, in a glass coffin, I recently saw her yesterday."

"Oh well, can I see her?"

"I guess" he shrugged.

"And while we're at it, we can search for the crystal."


"But uh, before we go, there's something you should know about me."


"Well, like Tess, I'm not an average person."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll show you."

Jack then looked at a chair and held his hand towards it as it began to levitate. Garrison's eyes widen as Jack lifted the chair up some more before putting it down.

"What the?" Garrison gasped.

"Yeah" Jack said with a small smile "I have telekinesis."

"Whoa!" Garrison gasped again.

"I also have telepathy, and right now, I know that you are a photographer who used to be so shy, but Tess brought you out of your shell."

"That's- that's correct" Garrison said surprised.

"You were also the one who first knew about her powers and how she really got them. And that you've been in danger a lot so she had to save you a lot, making you a damsel in distress."

Garrison stood there dumbfound "I don't know what to say to that."

"And lastly, you're not what you seem to be, you're really a missing person from 25 years ago who somehow found a way to look like a teenager."

"Yeah that's a really long and complicated story which I really don't want to talk about."

"Suit yourself, but I already know what it is" Jack smirked.

"Okay can we just go to the ice caves and find this crystal?"

"Oh right."

Once they made it to the ice caves, Garrison showed Jack Tess's glass coffin.

"There she is" he said with a sad look.

Jack went up to the coffin and looked through the glass at Tess's body.

"Oh my God" he said sadly as he examined her body.

He then turned to Garrison "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine I guess" Garrison sighed.

They both stood there in silence for a moment until Garrison spoke up.

"Uh, I think we should look for the crystal now" he said.

"Oh right" Jack said as they started to search.

As they were searching, Garrison spotted something shining in a hole in the ice, he looked inside and reached in and pulled out a purple.

"Hey is this it?" he asked as Jack went to him.

"Let me see" Jack said as he took the crystal and examined it "Yep, it's the one."

"Really?" Garrison gasped.

"Yeah" Jack smiled.

"Great" Garrison said surprised "So how do we use it?"

"That I don't know, but I'm going to look it up now."

But as he pulled out his iPad, Jack spotted something on the ground.

"Hey why are there ashes footprints here?" he asked.

"What?" Garrison said as he spotted the footprints.

"Wait a minute" he said with his eyes widen.

He looked where the footprints came from, he saw that they were from a small ash pile.

"No" he gasped "It can't be."

"What is it?" Jack asked.

"Looking for me Garrison?" a familiar voice said that sent chills down Garrison's spine.

He turned around and was shocked to see the villain that made Tess loose her life.

"Zaydock?" he gasped.

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