Mark Me Yours ✔️[REWRITING]

By ivankaross

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(The first book of the supernatural series) When eighteen year old Savanna opens a portal during camping wit... More

Mark Me Yours
(1) Battle Cry
(2) The Coronation
(3)Meet Mr. Knight
(4) Mother Dear
(7) The Forgotten Story Of Vashka
(8) Lost In Knowledge
(9) Humanity
(10) First In Everything
(11) A Shock Of Doubt And Attraction
(12) Attraction For Death
(13) Know Your Enemy
(14) The home For The Wicked
(15) My Beloved
(16) Jealousy Does Not Suit You My Friend
(17) Mine
(18) I Am My Own Enemy
(19) We Are At War
(20) Dear Cousin
(21) Witches beware
(22) The Lost Soul
(23) A Sleepless Night
(24) The Lost Witch
(25) The Thorns Of Pain
(26) Brotherhood
(27) I Sense The Pain In Your Presence
(28) A Sword On Your Mouth
(29) Enchantments And Goodbyes
(30) The Awaited Moment
(31) Monsters Vs. Magic

(5)The New Man

899 31 23
By ivankaross

Chapter Five(unedited)

Pic on the side is Savanna's wolf

Savanna was brought back to the present once she opened her eyes. It felt like she could breath properly again as she looked at her surroundings

Amanda was still there, concern etched on her face but this time, she felt another presence and someone else's scent. Turning, she found Lucas watching her against the door with his arms folded. It was like he was trying to figure her out until he spoke that made her shudder

"so now you know her past and why she was important to us. Why you are important to us"

with a nod she cleared her throat

"but why though? she looked normal and....well it didn't show me why she was wanted in her homeland"

"technically her father, your grandfather was part of the council who left to live a normal life with his family. Pretty much he violated every rule when he took his mate now they want him dead. And they did but the thing was, one escape which is your mother who they are after when they discovered she had a gift, the goddesses gift of destruction" he explained while she only looked at him like he was crazy. Lucas though seemed irritated with the young pup but Amanda quickly took over the story when She saw he's face

"Didn't you have that in school?" Amanda ask but Savanna snorted when she heard school

"I was trained for combat, not knowledge"

This time it was Lucas who snorted

"They never change huh?"

"What he means dear is that, in the wolves history- the goddess of the moon chooses Three young girls to Carry her power as a gift to her sons and daughters." Amanda joined in

"The three young girls are chosen in every pack that is worth with their strength and you just happened to receive the gift"

"Really so where are they now?" Somehow she felt excited for she was not the only one but her hopes suddenly crash when Lucas opened his mouth


She furrowed her brow and looked at Amanda for an answer since Lucas only gives short ones

"They believe it is a gift until one girl who had a gift of beauty lost her sanity when her mate decided bed another she wolf- blinded by rage she had killed him and took every mated wolf and bed them until their mates grew in fury once they knew. What happened Next was their pack are now extinct. She had killed everyone. So the council took it into their hands to kill the women who receive such gifts. They now believe it as a curse from the goddess for their disobedience and lack of love for her. I'm not sure If you know Savanna but the wolves now are questioning their beliefs for the goddess, most of the packs now are rebellious and believe in one god and it is their Alpha"

Savanna could only blink twice. She watched Amanda who stared at her and turned to Lucas who slid against the chair In front of her

"And the other?"

"Found dead when the word spread out that they were cursed. Beheaded actually and she was five"

Horrified, her hand each to cover the gasp that left her mouth before she hesitated

"Why would they do this? The wolves aren't like that, we have always been praising the moon goddess but-"

"Tell me, have you left your packs land and enter the others?" When she shook her head he continued "that's right, your pack are amongst the packs who are still believers but Ashtok is already convinced that their is nothing the goddess could do to save them"

"Unfortunately you're the last one standing, the gift of destruction was more threatening then the both that they took it to find your mother. Once they knew she held the gift her father didn't hesitate to leave with her.

"But after she came home with the Shadow Hearts beta, they took action to find her but it was too late when she came back to the human world to Amanda. It was a victory to them when the words spread that she had died but they never took the time to acknowledge that the baby took in next in line"

"You have a lot to learn dear but know that you are not a threat- somehow I saw you could defeat something bigger, something more threatening then a little girl with powers" Amanda came to her before she rested her hand against her shoulder in Comfort and she took in with a smile

"So where do I fit with you guys?" Savanna ask

"Do you remember when you had opened the portal? Someone was there. A woman perhaps, she reeked in dark magic for she is the great Flemeth herself. The first witch who performed dark magic until it has consumed her soul. Somehow she is connected to the moon goddess. We don't know how but she uses The wolves gift as her weapon to destroy your kind"

"This has a lot of information" Savanna grumbled. Her mind was now trying to remember everything she had never even knew from her kind and she was learning from a seer!

"Well if it's too much to take in we could do it tomorrow?" Amanda asked. She knew the poor girl was exhausted especially when she was their to witness her mothers life. Maybe it was for the better she took a rest first

"to be honest I'm not that tired, with all those thing you told me I don't think I could even sleep" she said truthfully while Amanda thought of something to ease her mind a bit. Amanda's eyes then widen when she thought of a good Idea

"Say dear, would you want to see the city? Just to ease the tension before we start again. Lucas could come with you after all he need a fresh air himself with all the work" she winked at his way while Lucas though looked disappointed but grumbled in defeat

"Come on pup, Amanda just want me gone so she could have the mansion with her husband" this time it was Amanda who blushed and smiled softly. Amanda still couldn't believe she had earned a husband and a mate. It still seemed surreal after a hundred years of being together

Savanna silently nod and followed the bigger form. As she followed, she couldn't help but look at his figure. He was wide and pretty much strong enough to break her in two. she notice how his midnight black hair curled on the tips that stop just in the middle of his neck, it made her wish she could curl her hands on it, and see if it was smooth as she saw it.

"as mush as I appreciate being gaped at, I find it rather irksome when all you do is look at me too long"

embarrassed she muttered lowly "Like you're that handsome to stare"

but she knew Lucas heard it clearly but he didn't reply. Instead, they left the mansion where an awaited car was in front with a man who she guessed is the driver

"good morning Mr. Andreadis"

Lucas who only nodded, silently went in the vehicle while she followed suit.

"so where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to my office"

"oh....Why?"curious she looked at him once again only to find him looking through his phone. Didn't Amanda say about him not having to work?

"as you know, humans have jobs just as you do except we work for money"

"hey Lucas?"


"why did you come here?" this time he's head shot up and looked at her with an annoyed look

"there was nothing there for me to stay" he said with no emotions before he said once again

"Amanda knew of my plans, pretty much she wants me to take you to get your mind of things. So I want you to keep your mouth shut and don't do anything stupid" it was short and quipped knowing he was pissed so she rolled her eyes before folding her arms with a 'hmp'

the ride was silent, not that it was a problem to savanna who only looked at the city in awe. Lucas on the other hand was too busy taking calls that he didn't notice Savanna had been wriggling on her seat to see more of the city and when he did look up, he couldn't look away. Savanna may have forgotten she wore a dress where it had ridden up to her thighs, Now Lucas wouldn't have cared since skin were seen much with werewolves but he had been in the human world for years that the humans decency had worn on him. But he was in fact a man and he couldn't help his eyes travel towards the smooth skin. Lucas knew he should look away but just seeing her inner thigh had lit a fire inside of him that it took strength to look away and when he did he cursed himself for being affected by a mere pup

"where here" he gruffed and didn't take time to open his door leaving Savanna to scramble to her seat to follow him


'That bastard' she seethed, she knew he was doing this on purpose . She grumpily went in through the glass door but stopped on her tracks when she had lost sight of him. Cursing she began to watched the crowded place before detecting his smell. She walked aimlessly toward his scent not even realizing she had bumped on someone

"I'm sorry" she said but never taking her eyes away when she saw Lucas head just above the crowd

"it's fine but be more careful though, I wouldn't want to spill my coffee on a pretty girl like yourself". Savanna was surprise at the sudden remark that this time, she did look at him for the first time.

Savanna was now faced with a rather handsome man who smiled at her

"I'm Sorry" she mumbled once again. This man was human, she could smell. His face was strong. His blond hair was slipped back in a professional matter while those brown eyes watched her with interest that it made her nervous

"who you are looking for?" he ask when she didn't say anything after that. She cleared her throat before replying "Lucas Andreadis, I lost him in the crowd" she muttered before a smile spread throughout his beautiful face

" I was just about to go to his office and give him some papers, we could go together if you want?" This time she smiled in gratitude before she nodded. They both began to walk towards the elevator, The stranger who was a complete and gentleman made her walk first before he said

"Aaron Knight, Lucas' Pa" hands were smooth when we raised them to shake her before she replied

"Savanna Creed, Lucas'....friend"

a look of surprise washed through his face before he quirked his eyebrow

"Now that's surprising. Lucas don't usually have friends especially girls. They're more of an.... interest to him until he finds something more interesting. Do you get what I mean?

Awkwardly she nodded. She understood clearly and thats what made her uneasy

"Well I only knew him for a day so.."

"oh so are you from here?' she replied with a shake of her head

"oh right, I'm sorry. Anyway, I've been working for Mr. Andreadis for a year now and to be honest its pressuring but I still love my job though. It has a good pay" the elevator made a sign that meant they were on the right ground. And just as Aaron was about to guide her to his Office, a frustrated Lucas came out of what may be his office. His eyes were darker that it made both Aaron and Savanna stop at their tracks

"where the fuck were you" he gritted out. Savanna saw at the corner of her eye that Aaron had flinched but she stood on her ground. Angry that he had left in a hurry

"you were basically running. I couldn't catch up with you until Aaron here showed me the way" this time she turned and smile at Aarons way "thank you Aaron for showing me" but then she was surprise when he blushed before looking down at his shoes with a smile

"no problem" with another smile on her way he turned back to where his office was but just as he turned to look at her again, he accidentally hit is hip against the table that he began to curse

Savanna couldnt help but laugh at him, He looked so flustered that somehow she thought he was cute

turning back to the grumpy toad, she began to frown when Lucas irratation deepened

"are you always this angry?' she ask

"I swear if Aaron starts being stupid, I'm going to fire him" he muttered- He swiftly turned and into his office as she followed him in. To say his office was big, The interior was simply clean and manly with the color of grey and black. Although it had a touch of wood that it made her think Lucas had taste in art

"nice office"

"just sit and shut up" once again she rolled her eyes. Will he ever do anything except snapping

"if I'm gonna stay and bore myself to death then I'd rather bother Aaron then. I'd prefer his presence then seeing your grumpy face"

suddenly she heard a screech of his chair . The next thing she knew Lucas was in front of her, too close that it seemed like she had forgotten how to breath.

"lucas wha-"

"say his name again and I swear your going back to the mansion"

"like I care, I'd rather be their sleeping then sit here watch you work, you bipolar díck"

"savanna I am warning you"

"or what" she challanged. Suddnely he slammed his fist againts the chair that it made a bang. It echoed through the room as they fell silent ecxept for his heavvy breathing

"you stupid bítch" he hiss before leaving the office with the door slamming

It took an hour for Lucas to come back and finish his work. She though did what every bored people do. Die from boredom. Although she did play with a board game he had thrown her way, still she felt like she was going insane

"you know what" she stood, she had enough of this "If im going to die here, might as well eat. Wheres the Office kitchen?" with a sigh Lucas muttered with a defeated tone

"outside, door to the left"

Savanna stood ready to eat whatever there was. she left Lucas to do what he does and found the kitchen easily. Somehow when she opened the fridge, she had given out a sigh when she found it fully stocked

"wow you're still here" she knew the smell. With a smile she turned to look at the smiling Aaron

"well, the big bad witch wanted to play rapunzel and did not let me go for pretty much since I've came here"

"yikes" he shuddered at the thought before smiling "well its five and my shift is over. If you want I could show you around? you know since you told me earlier that you were new to this place?"

savanna would have said no but the thought of seeing the places her mother has seen excited her. She wanted to see the difference between what went on in the human realm and difference from home. She knew Lucas wouldn't agree so she nodded. It as worth a try

"yeah that would be great"


after a thirty minute break in the office kitchen where she had laughed at Aaron's jokes and charisma, she decided it was time they leave but as she had ask, Lucas then exploded

"what!" Lucas stood with determination while she could onlt look at him in anger "seriosuly Lucas, Amanda said I should get my mind off things and I think this is a good idea and-and Aaron is your PA- you trust him dont you?'

"Savanna I dont know if you notice but that man is smitten" he's voice was close that she took a step back to look at him with her eyes glaring at him

"Do I look like I give a shit if he does or not? I just want someone to show me around Why won't you let me!"

"I can show you around"

"yeah sure so you could corrupt the atmosphere with you gloomy aura" she said sarcastically but sighed when he remained passive

"I wont leave Okay? Im just going with him then when were done I'll go back. Simple as that"

"I think that would be a good idea" they heard a voice behind and when they turned Amanda stood outside with a smirk

"she will not Amanda, she needs to be protected and if anything happens to her it will be on your hands"

"she will not, I promise you" she turned to the excited Savanna as she gave a nod of approval. Savanna who jumped in excitment hugged amanda with joy

"thank you! you dont know how much I want to leave" with that she skipped and left the room where Aaron patiently waited

But Lucas stood rigid

He didnt know he had been holding the table until he heard a crack- that was then he let go with a growl

as he looked at Amanda. The seer only frowned at his uneasiness

"You are walking on a dangerous road Lucas- If you pursue her then she'll brake"

"who said Im going to Pursue that pup!" he snapped

but amanda only warned him again

"I'm afraid that you're already getting attach my friend and If you continue this you are going to pay a bigger price"

Psst! Hi *waves hand shyly*
So chapter five is here and I promised I'll be posting tomorrow for the next chapter cause I'm getting addicted myself Xb but if you enjoyed the chapter please don't forget to

Vote . Comment . Enjoy!!

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