Fake Accounts And Cute DM's

By Petalboytroye

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Troye has it good, he is touring the world with his new music and is living the life. Though Troye wants more... More

Nearly caught and never forgotten
Building up to now
Late night calls
My Mum Thinks You're Cute
You melt my insides
So Close To Meeting You
Please Don't Bite
Cute hand holds over Coffee
Flats and Films
Dancing and surprises
Somewhere new
One more night
Silent Night, Awake Minds
Morning kisses
Don't say goodbye
I'm Sorry
A/N - The End
Thank you!
Character Ask?
A New Book With An Actual Happy Ending??!

Interviews and Chats

895 64 10
By Petalboytroye

Connor's P.O.V

2 Months Later

Things had never been the same after Troye had left, the sounds in my apartment growing still, the beating of my heart growing uneven, not once tampered with. I wasn't really interested in leaving the apartment, the dark minds of those who roamed the streets never appealed to me. I hadn't really found myself in a good position, jobs left undone, my boss on the verge of firing me. Though I didn't even care anymore, my mood falling into an undesirable state, a mood in which I couldn't be bothered to care anymore about anything.

Though my heart raced violently in my chest when I saw him flash across my screen.


We hadn't spoken in months, the negativity of our relationship ending becoming harder to fix. He had always come back to message me though I couldn't find the strength to reply, the tears laying inside of me, hiding as I read his messages.

His hair had gotten longer, facial hair beginning to litter his face. He looked so unclean, so unhappy. Though as he walked across the stage to the chairs where he would sit, a smile made its way onto his face and for once, I found myself not believing his smile.

As he sat down in the chair, facing the host, his hair fell down upon his eyes and he giggled as he moved it away. Oh, how much I had missed his laugh, his eyes, him.

"So, Troye. How has the tour been so far?' The host asked, his eyes looking straight into Troye's, brown mixing with blue.

"It's been good, there were a few bumps in the road though it went okay. I love seeing the fans and seeing everyone though there are people at home that I miss," He ended his sentence with a nervous giggle, a small blush making its way onto his face.

I felt my stomach flip at his comment, my mind racing.

"These people? Is there anyone we should know about?' The host asked, a small smirk on his face.

Troye froze, his back tensing. His face fell instantly, a look of dread hiding behind his eyes. I wanted so badly to reach and hug him once again.

"Unfortunately no. I had a chance but I blew it and I fucking regret everything. Can I swear on here? Fuck it, I don't give a shit. I fucked up big time and hurt this guy that I was really close with all for this damn tour and these damn people who don't even give a shit about me. Like, you and the rest of all the damn media," Troye spat his words out, small tears making their way down his face. " I'm so alone in this world now and I regret everything'

Tears fell down my face as I watched him. Watched him cry. Watched him yell. Watched him leave a sobbing mess. Watched him break down completely. Watched him call out my name.

Before all the cameras went black and I was left with nothing but what remained of my apartment.

I raced for my phone instantly, grabbing it with my shaky hands. I had never touched his contact in fear that it would call though in the moment, I instantly hit dial.

He picked up on the third ring.

"Con?' His small voice made its way into my phone, sending a smile instantly onto my face. Though he sounded broken, small tears still being heard.

"Troye," I replied.

There was nothing but silence and the humming coming from his line.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Con," He breathed out, the nervousness behind his comment being heard.

"It's okay. I fucked up, I shouldn't have left you like that. I love you so much Troye," I cried, all I wanted was him though he was so far away. Hearing his voice made me realize all the things I loved about him, the things I missed.

"You said you loved me," Troye giggled, a smile being heard alongside his comment.

"I never stopped loving you," I replied, my voice warm.

"Con, can we be like we used to?' He asked hesitantly.



"I love you so much Tro," I gushed through the phone, hearing him giggle on the other end.

"I love you too Con," I heard him say before my phone erupted in beeps.

The line had gone blank.


Another chapter for you lovelies! There is only a few more chapters left of this book because something really important is about to happen. If you want a sequel or anything let me know.

Love you guys,

Jorja xx

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