Crossing Arrows (Arrow/Flash...

By caler_jo_hyden

67.4K 1.2K 219

Allison Allen is best friends with Oliver Queen since they were teenagers. She was on that island with Oliver... More

Chapter One
Author's Note
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Eleven

2.3K 40 0
By caler_jo_hyden

I was my pants, boots, and a black sports bra. I had unbraided my hair was on one side of my shoulders. My hands were strapped down on the arms of the chair that I was sitting in.

A metal contraption was above my head as I waited for them to wipe my memory and 'start fresh'. I did disobey.

"Take everything." Frank Griffin told the scientist who usually did the memory erase procedure on me. "Make sure she doesn't remember anything this time."

The scientist, Lance Jameson, moved the helmet machine down and placed it on my head, putting in a mouthpiece in my mouth, so that I won't scream out.

He began typing on a keyboard after leaning me back. Electric jolts moved through my mind as I let out a groan of pain and squeezed my eyes shut.

Now, I only remember how to use my powers and how to fight and such. "How do you feel, Nīla kaṣa?" Frank asked, taking the mouthpiece out of my mouth.

"Awaiting your command." I answer, my face expressionless as well as the tone of my voice. An alarm sounded as red lights flashed throughout the room.

"What's going on?" Frank asked some guards who rushed to check the security screens.

"Two costumed men are entering the premises- One in a crimson outfit and the other in a green outfit and has a bow and arrows." The guard announced.

Frank Griffin looked over at me and nodded. "Take care of them, and don't listen to a word they say. They're tricky." He ordered me, "Kill them both."

I nod and put my vest back on and load my weapons in their places. My hair was still left down. Black paint was smeared under my eyes a little. I slide my mask over my face and march outside of the room.

The Flash and the Arrow was ten feet in front of me. I take out two pistols and hold both in each hand and aim the guns at them. "Allison, it's us-" The Flash started.

I pull the triggers as bullets zooms over towards their way. Flash moved him and the Arrow out of the way quickly before they could be hit. I shoot again as they dodged the bullets again.

I began firing just after they took cover behind a wall. "Why is she shooting at us? I thought she remembered us!" Flash told the Arrow.

"They must've wiped her memory again." The Arrow replied to him.

I ran out of bullets and dropped the pistols on the floor, super speeding over to the two men and flipped them over me, making them land on their backs.

They quickly stood back up and start hand to hand combat with me. I grab Flash's arm and swing him into the Arrow. They bump into each other as I hit them both super fast. I grab the Flash and take him thirty or forty feet away from the Arrow, beating him up.

I punch him in the face hard a few times with my left hand, which was metal. His nose was bleeding and lip was split. Blood was on the side of his mouth as well. He tried to punch me with his left hand as I quickly grab it with my left hand and twist it, breaking it.

"Ah! Ow!" He exclaimed in pain, holding his broken hand. I punch him again in the face and then kick him in his ribs hard, making him land on his back on the ground.

I kick him again in the ribs, and I'm pretty sure I heard some of his ribs crack. I crouch down beside him and look at him. "Allison, it's me-" He started breathless just as I punch him in the face, knocking him out. I stand back up just as the Arrow found us and stopped in front of me, pointing his bow and arrow at me.

"You don't want to do this. We're your friends, and I don't want to hurt you." The Arrow stated. I super speed over to him and take his bow and arrows away from him. I quickly hit him in his back and then his right side. I stop in front of him and look at him.

I was fixing to punch him in his neck when he grabbed my hand and twisted my arm behind me, my back against his chest. "Listen to me. Your name is Allison Allen. You're my best friend. And that guy over there is your cousin. Trust me. I need you, Ally." He murmured in my ear, "Please remember."

I phased through him and faced him. I start to punch him in the stomach but he blocked it. We started to go into hand to hand combat again- both deflecting moves from each other and getting in a few hits.

I cartwheel over him and side kick him in his back, making him fall on his knees. He stood back up and faced me as I use my super speed and punch him and hit him hard in the back of his knee. He fell on that knee and let out a groan of pain. I pull out my knife, tossing it in the air, and catch it with my other hand.

I take off the Arrow's hood and mask and hold the knife to his neck. "Go ahead. Do it. I'm not going to fight you anymore, but... Ally, I love you- always have. Somewhere inside of you, you feel the same way."

I hesitate for a second and feel something for this stranger. I believe him. I lower my knife and look at him, falling to my knees. The Arrow touched both sides of my face and took off my mask. "I don't remember you, but I believe you for some reason." I murmur, quickly standing back up. My boss was going to come out any second because he's probably watching. "Beat me up. You two have to escape. I'm going to drop my knife 'accidentally', and you reach for it and stab me in my gut."

The Arrow looked at me and shook his head. "I can't do that." He muttered.

"I'll heal, but it will buy you two some time to leave. They want me to kill you guys." I whispered, dropping my knife.

He picked it up and lunge at me with it hesitantly. I jump back and spin behind him as he stabbed me in my gut. I hold my stomach and start to fall down when he caught me. "I'm sorry..." He whispered, laying me down on the ground carefully. The Arrow ran over to the Flash, helping him up, and ran out of the building.

Guards rushed over to me and helped me up. "What happened?" Frank demanded, glaring at me angrily.

"I screwed up. I dropped my knife, and he grabbed it before me. Then he stabbed me." I explain, my wound already healed.

"Nīla kaṣa, you never screw up on a mission. What made you to now?" He asked, trying to figure out how I dropped my knife.

"I don't know. I guess he was just better than me this time." I answer, "I'm sorry, Sir. It won't happen again."

"Damn right, it won't. Those two masked heroes will meet their end and be killed." Frank Griffin replied.

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