Quantum: The Stories Of Elija...

By NoahHump2001

383 26 14

**Warning: this book is recommended for teenagers 13 and older, as the show will be TV-14, for crude language... More

Ch. 2 The Voices of The Ring
Ch. 3 The Awakening of Quantum
Ch. 4 The 1st Night
Author's Note
Ch. 5 Super Human Operations (SHO)
Ch. 6 Confessions
Ch. 7 The Kidnapping
Ch. 8 A New Power
Ch. 9 The Portal
Ch. 10 The Restoration of a Samson
Ch. 11 The Final Battle

Ch. 1 Parent's Death

132 5 8
By NoahHump2001

You ever had one of those days where you wish that it could have gone completely different?

Well, for me, that was pretty much every day of my life.

Now, before we get started, I would like you to know more about me.

First off, my name is Elijah Samson, and I am 16 years old.

I have a brother named Anthony, and a sister named Margaret.

I am the oldest out of the three.

I have, or, actually, had, a wonderful mom and dad.

Before I get into that, I'm going to explain my story.

When I was born, a scientist named Dr. John Watson, injected me with a serum called SS457.

I wasn't breathing when I was born, so, with my parent's consent, John had taken me back to his lab to try and revive me.

The serum was very experimental, as it was one that he himself designed.

It was meant to increase a person's health tenfold, making the person live longer, healthier, etc.

However, it developed a very unintentional side effect; it gave me powers.

From watching most superhero movies and tv shows, the three basic powers of most superheroes are Super Strength, super speed, and enhanced healing.

However, with those three, it gave me two more; camouflage and flight.

Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that it didn't have its limits. For example, one time in 5th grade, I was playing on the playground, more specifically, the monkey bars, when, out of nowhere, I started to feel very light-headed, and I dropped down. That was the last thing I remembered before I passed out.

I woke up, suddenly, with my mom and dad in front of me. I seemed to be laying in a hospital bed. The room must have been one of Holland Hospital's beds because just outside the door was a sign that said
"Making the city of Holland, MI a better place.
Holland Hospital: the hospital that saves."

Classy Holland Hospital. This hospital is my family hospital. It has been for as long as I can remember.

When I awoke, automatically, you knew that my parents were hysterical.

"You okay? Do you need anything? You feeling alright?", mom and dad said simultaneously.

Anthony, my brother; 8 at the time, and Margaret, my sister; 7 at the time, were sitting outside the door. Mom and Dad told them to come inside, but Anthony and Margaret both refused.

Dad was getting angry, but he tried to keep his voice down.

"Get in this hospital room right now", dad said, angry. "Before I spank you in front of all these people."

Because they were trying not to get in trouble, both of them reluctantly came in, trying to hide something. You could tell because of the way they were walking. Automatically, you know that mom saw that something was up, so she simply said "What are you two hiding in your pockets?

They tried to pass it off. They said, "We're just cold. Our hands were freezing, so we put our hands in our pockets."

Then mom tried a different approach.

"Okay then. Why are you two walking like that?"

"Like what? This is how we walk."

By then, you could tell mom was getting worried.

"If y'all do not tell me what going on, I won't be able to help."

After that, my brother and sister felt bad, so they made sure that no one else was looking, and took out their pockets. Both my mom and dad were shocked to see a piece of the bench in both of their hands. By piece, I mean almost a full handle for each of them.

Oh, did I forget to mention that they had powers too? My bad. Yes, all of us, except for my parents, have powers, and the powers are the same for all of us. Well, for the most part.

What I mean is because of the age difference between the three of us, the serum can have unintentional side effects, on the subject, such as weakness, increased heart rate, and the biggie; drain of power control energy. What I mean is that sometimes the powers disable automatically, or goes out of control. Now, long story short, my parents got on to Anthony and Margaret for breaking the bench and asked them to put it back discreetly. Well, using their super strength, they put the bench handles back and bent it back in place. Then the doctor came back with my results.

"Elijah will be just fine.", said Dr. Harry Rex said. "He just needs to take things slow."

Before my parents could say anything, I interrupted.

"Trust me, doctor, I never take things slow,", I said.

"Trust me, Elijah. It will help you to-"

"But I will this time for my parents and myself.", I finished, smiling and looking up at my family.

With that being said, the doctor let me go home with the prescription of Tylenol, for my headaches(from my powers), and lots of sleep.

Back to the powers. Now, all of us had mastered one power or more. I've mastered all except for the strength, Anthony has mastered all of them, and Margaret has only mastered the flight.

Now, before we go forward, I'll explain the last two. For flight, it's basically weight distribution, which means that I can shift my weight around my body, giving my body the ability to float in the air.

I'm sure that you guys are wondering how the pieces of glass help me at all. Well, John, the scientist that he is, loves microchips. So, he attached around 50 microchips or so on each of the pieces of glass and injected it inside my body. John programmed the microchips to stick to the major muscles in the body, so if anyone of us gets scared, or basically flexes, the microchips activate the pieces of ice to move so close to the skin that the sun can just barely touch the pieces, reflecting the light, giving the appearance of invisibility.

I know that this is getting confusing, so I'll skip to the point.

So, two years ago, my parents and the rest of us flew to Scorpion Reef, which is where John created, raised, and injected the serum. Both my parents were mad because they thought that our powers were just a mutation caused by our births. They were pissed off when they found out that it was the cause of their trusted colleague and friend's stupid mistake.

In case you guys don't know, my parents were scientists, and one of the best. They actually figured out, without knowing, the formula for the serum that gave me and my siblings our superpowers. It was originally supposed to be a healing factor or an aging serum that ages you slower.

Well, if you've ever been betrayed by one of your close and best friends, then you would know how my parents were feeling.

I was carrying dad, and Anthony was carrying mom. The reason why Margaret was not carrying anybody was that she was the youngest, and her powers were fresh in her system, which means that her powers disable more quickly than I or Anthony do.

Actually, I have not had a malfunction with my powers since my 13th birthday. I was so happy when I received my superhero costume (I have always thought of myself as a hero), that I accidentally, using a reflex, raised my fist, breaking the fan and my hand.

"Elijah, are you alright?", my mom asked, worried, looking at my hand.

"I'm fine, mom.", I said, as my hand started to pop into place.

"Okay, Elijah. Me and your dad need to talk to you. Alone.", my mom said, walking into the hallway with dad.

"Okay, mom.", following her. "Bye guys", waving goodbye to my friends, who just stood there lost.

My mom took me and dad into their bedroom. I sat on the bed and mom and dad grabbed two chairs that were in the closet and sat down.

I started off the conversation.

"So, what's up, guys?"

Next was mom.

"Well, there's a number of things we would love to talk to you about, but we are just going to talk about the general thing here", mom said, nodding at my hand.

"I told you guys it was fine. Don't worry about it."

"I know, but it's becoming harder and harder to understand what is happening to the three of you."

"What is there to understand? While you were pregnant with all of us, more specifically, when you were in labor, the doctors stuffed all those chemicals into you, altering our DNA-"

"I understand that, but the epidural wouldn't have altered your DNA. It's scientifically impossible. Now, I can't seem to figure out how y'all got your powers. It must have been some kind of mutation, but I just can't seem to figure out the cause of it. A serum, or something..."

As soon as mom said serum, I started feeling very lightheaded. You see, all three of us always knew that John was the one that injected us with the serum, and he asked to keep it a secret. He knew that mom and dad would freak if they found out. Duh.

Well, at age 13, when you start to experience hormones, it makes it harder and harder to keep secrets, especially if it could threaten the ones you love.

All of a sudden, Margaret ran in with her super speed, her face red from crying, and tears streaming down her face.

"What's wron-", mom said before Margaret interrupted.

"I'm sorry, Elijah. I really am."

Automatically, I knew what she was talking about.

"Margaret, we promised him we would keep it. It will break them."

My mom noticed that remark.

"Okay, what are y'all talking about? And what do you mean, mister, when you say "it will break them"?"

Automatically, as a teenager, I knew, in my heart, that I needed to tell the truth. So I lied.

"Oh, we are talking about the bike inside the garage that Spike let me borrow. Bikes will break people if you are not careful. That's what I meant, and I'm assuming that Margaret was crying because she felt bad that y'all couldn't get on the bike. Isn't that right, Margaret?", I said, looking in Margaret's direction, pleadingly.

Okay, before y'all get confused, let me state that Spike is one of my best friends. He has been since 3rd grade.

Margaret, being only 10 years old, wanted to tell the truth. So she did.

"Actually, that's a lie. The truth is that John is the one who gave us our powers.", she said, still crying.

Before I go further, let me just state that she was crying because she was the last one to find out about John giving us the powers. Then again, she also found out two days ago, so it was probably eating her up from the inside. So, she sped in here, after being talked to by Anthony about how "she doesn't understand the situation.", or how "she's going to mess things up with John and mom and dad.". Anyway, back to the story.

Not believing her at first, mom and dad burst out laughing. I started to laugh along until they stopped. Then Margaret continued.

"He injected us with a serum called SS457, which gave us our powers. It had a whole bunch of steroids, pieces of glass, and -"

At this point, dad went ballistic.

"GLASS! He injected you with glass?!!

Now, at this point, it's pretty much self-explanatory. Margaret finished telling the truth, mom and dad felt betrayed, and this brings us back to Scorpion Reef.

Dad was getting anxious.

"How long does it take to get there? We could have already been there if we had flown the jet."

I said something hurtful, but I didn't care at the time. I was ticked off.

"We would also get there if you lost a few pounds. Would it kill you to be more considerate to me? We had to leave the day after my birthday. We should be at home with our friends, hanging out by watching TV and playing video games, not flying in the Atlantic Ocean, at pretty much midnight, and going to an island that looks a boomerang that has a whole bunch of moss on it."

It was silent after that. I didn't mean to be harsh, but they couldn't have done this another day or at least a week after my birthday?

What seemed like forever, we finally got there.

On the bright side, the view was spectacular. The bad news; the laboratory was expecting us.

The lights were on, and there were guards at the gate.
Anthony landed with ease, landing on his feet. I, however, because of my lack of strength; specifically, super strength, dropped dad on Anthony and slammed into a tree.


I actually said "dammit", but it basically means the same thing.

"Elijah Christopher Samson, watch your mouth.", Mom said, with a firm tone.

"Sorry, mom".

With that, my face was bloody, with pieces of bark in it. After I took most of the pieces out, I started to heal very rapidly. Now, if you have ever seen Heroes before, y'all might think that after I mastered my healing, I don't feel the pain like Claire did. Well, ha! Just because we can heal, doesn't mean that we can't feel pain.

Now, we finally got there, and dad started screaming.

"JONATHON WATSON!! Get your ass out here NOW!!!"

As soon as dad finished, everyone except for us ran inside.

With that, dad barged in the laboratory.


I tried to calm him down, but something told me to leave him alone.

We made it to the door of his lab.

Dad knocked hard three times, then barged in.

If you have never gone into a laboratory, then let me explain the lab.

The lab was freshly painted blue, so the first thing you smelt was the paint. There was the laser in the corner of the room. The lab itself was massive. It had its own colosseum-type skylight, which was like a disco ball in the moonlight.

John was standing in front of, what looked like, test tubes. And as soon as dad saw him, it was over.

"JONATHON WATSON!", my dad said, obviously angry. "I have one question", standing right next to him.
(A/N What are those!!!!) "Did you even think about the kids' health?"

John was flinching for a punch, but he answered scarily, "Honestly, Dan, I... I really am sorry. It was no excuse, but at least one good thing came out of this.

At this point, I would like to describe John.

You know the classic nerd, with the broken glasses with tape, and weak muscles? Well, John is not like the stereotype nerd. John doesn't wear glasses and he is a buff guy, like John Cena and Dwayne Johnson combined. Dad, however, is semi-like the stereotype nerd. Dad wears glasses that get broken every so often, and he's slightly buff, but not as buff as John.

I know John flinching doesn't make any sense because he's huge, but it will later in the recording.

Now, back to dad and John.

"What do you mean 'At least something good came out of this',?", dad said. "What good thing could've possibly come out of this?".

Then, John stopped flinching. In fact, he stood up to his 6'5 self.

"Well, since you asked,", John said, with a sly smile. "At least we know that the serum works, and we also know-".

Dad punched him in the jaw and received bloody knuckles.

"F**K", dad screamed. "It was worth it, though. I defended my family."

John had blood dripping from his jaw, and stood up wearily, and angry.

"Such a beautiful speech, Danny boy, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

After that, John took out a gun from his lab coat. Everyone except for us and John left in fright.

"What the hell are you doing, Watson?", my mother said, putting herself in front of Anthony, Margaret, and me. "You could lose your license for this.

John started to get a crazy look in his eye.

"Oh, Angela", revering to my mother. "You think that I care about a stupid license? All I need is right here, and those kids...", pointing to us. "...are the key to my research."

You're mad", I said. "If you want us, you're going to have to catch me first.

Using my super speed, I circled around my family, creating a dust vortex. One by one, I grabbed all of them, with a struggle, and ran towards the exit. However, before I reached the exit, John enabled the security system, and set it to fire only on the serum cells, I guess, because as soon as I got there, there were lasers around the exit, and the blasters on the ceiling were firing only on us. Well, unfortunately, I couldn't phase through objects, so we couldn't do that. I needed to think of a plan, and fast.

John was standing in the middle of armed guards, smiling, like the weasel he is.

"Well, Elijah, we caught you.", John said. "You know, for 14, you're not very smart.

"You sure about that, John?", I said with a sly smile. "I'd recount."

"What are you talking about? I clearly see... 3?"

I gave him the old switcheroo. I ran very fast into the nearest room and hid my family in there. Then I ran fast enough to make 2 speed mirages and dressed them up to look like Anthony and Margaret.

As you can tell, John was pissed.

"SEARCH EVERY PART OF THIS LAB,", John said angrily. "UNTIL THEY ARE FOUND. And you...", pointing to me. "I'll deal with you and your family later."

"Oh, I'm so scared.", I said. "What are you doing to do, blow up the lab?

John had that crazy look in his eye, which meant that he was crazy to do anything.

"Are you insane?", I said. "You are aware that you will die too?"

John got right up to my face since I was 5'10.

"Oh, trust me.", John said. "I will be as far away as possible from the explosion. You, unfortunately, will have no time to gather your family members, and get out of here alive."

At this point, I became very mad. Everyone had been testing my powers; dad, John... I'm sick and tired of it. So I said the only logical thing I could think of.

"Let's see how fast I actually am, shall we?

At that point, I started to run towards the door with my super speed. Then, out of nowhere, a white light came, and I felt a force against me, blasting me, backward, through 3 walls, when I ended up outside. Then I fainted.

When I awoke, the lab was in pieces. All that was left were wood pieces and a few hundred pieces of glass. Instantly, my instinct was to find my family. So, using my super speed, and strength, I started moving pieces of wood to look for my family. After what seems like hours, I finally found them.

Mom and Dad had blood on their heads, near their eyes, and Anthony and Margaret had blood on their arms. The sight was too much for me. I started to cry. Then, pulling myself together, I checked their pulses.

I became hysterical when I didn't feel a pulse on my parents but started to feel better when I felt a pulse on my siblings, but it was weak. So not taking any chances, I managed to pick up everyone and fly to Holland Hospital.

It must have taken all my energy to get there because after I got there, and put them in their gurneys, and sat in the emergency room, I fell asleep.

When I awoke, the doctor was waiting for me.

"Elijah Samson?",Dr. Eric Rex said.

At this point, I'm wide awake.

"Yes, doctor.", I said. "How are they?"

"Well, I'm not sure how to tell you this but-"

I was starting to get teary-eyed.

"Please don't tell me. Please don't tell me that I didn't get here quick enough to save them. Please..."

The doctor felt sympathy, so he broke it down for me.

"Well, we couldn't save your parents because of the brain damage they had, but we were able to save your siblings-"

It took all I had when I heard about my parents not to cry, but I was so relieved that I at least had a part of my family that I said something that I haven't said in a long time.

"Thank you, Jesus", I said. "Thank you, Jesus. Can I see them? Did they ask for me?"

"Elijah....", Dr. Eric Rex said. "They are in a coma."

At this point, I had to sit down.

"So, they will be okay, though, right?"

"Elijah, they will be fine.", the doctor said. "They will just have amnesia when they awake."

After that, I was so exhausted that I called my Aunt Lisa to come pick me up. Following that, I walked outside and waited for my aunt.

While I was waiting, I wasn't watching where I was going, and I bumped into someone and knocked myself and that person over.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am.", I said. "Here, let me help."

As I was helping the person, she started laughing.

You could tell that it was a girl because of the way that she laughed.

You see, girls have that high pitched laugh that makes a guy think "Yep, that's a girl".

Well, I couldn't take it anymore, so I asked her why she was laughing.

"You know,", she said, laughing. "I'm only 17 years old."

"It crossed my mind,", I said. "because you actually look younger than 20 years old."

She actually started to blush, or at least I think that she was because of the fact that she has kind of a red-like complexion...

Well, after I helped her, we started to talk.

"So, what's your name?", I said.

"Debra Jean Roxanne, or D.J. for short.", DJ said.

"Nice to meet you, DJ. Well, my name is Elijah."

"Elijah. What a beautiful name."

So, summer's almost over. What school are you going for your..."

"Senior year? I will be going to Holland High."

"What a coincidence!", I said, astonished. "That's the same school that I'm going to. Course, I'll be going in as a freshman. That doesn't bother you, does it?"

I looked over at DJ, but she was gone. I guess I freaked her out. Then I looked at the virtual clock outside the hospital and looked at the time.

It was almost 5:30. I probably took 2 and a half hours to fly here. Granted, I was carrying everybody. Man, I still can't believe my parents are gone. I am parent-less at 14. Then a horn honk interrupted my thoughts. It was my Aunt Lisa.

"Elijah, come on,", Aunt Lisa said, with her mascara ruined, from crying, I'm guessing. "It's time to go home".

"Coming, Aunt Lisa.", I said.

So, I went into the black 2008 Honda Accord and thought about what happened today. I also thought about how the rest of my life will turn out because of not having any parents, or rather, my actual mom and dad.

When we got home, I was tackled by my cousin, Robin, but because of my super strength, I was able to lift her 14-year-old cheerleader body off pretty easily. I didn't take her off hard, but just enough to enable me to move upstairs. I went to my bedroom, or the one that they set up for me.

When we were in the car, I and my Aunt talked over rules, such as curfew at 9:00, no girls allowed upstairs, etc. Also, there was the biggie; no powers outside the house.

You see, everyone in my family knows about our powers.

Additionally, she also told me that the room closest to her and Uncle Nick is mine.

When I came in, I looked around the room.

In summary, the room was small and had 2 windows. There was a chest in front of the bed foot, so I placed my stuff on top of the chest and went to sleep. The bed was so comfy that I fell asleep instantly.

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