5 Seconds of Summer BoyXBoy o...

By Louis_Guardian_Angel

257K 6.2K 1.9K

5 Seconds Of Summer boyXboy oneshots written by yours truly ~ Requests open~ [Highest ranking: #186 in Short... More

Hello (:
Strawberry Caramels // Mashton
A Daydream Away // Cake
Radio // Lashton
Misophonia // Malum
I love you in eight different languages // Muke
Silent Night // Cashton
Out of Control // Muke
Uptown boy // Cake
What happened to us // Muke
I wanna grow old with you // Lashton
Rain // Cake
The Pizza Place // Mashton
His Dream Wedding // Muke
Sunlight // Malum
Just be mine // Cashton
No Surprise // Cake
Chocolate // Muke
Baby let's dance // Cashton
The Last Night // Lashton
Clear // Mashton [Muke&Malum]
Stay // Malum
The Irony Of Choking On A Lifesaver // Malum/Cashton
Barakat // Cake
Last Night Of The Kings // CALM
Knee Deep In My Heart // Mashton
Roller Coaster // Lashton
Moments // Cake
Marshmallows // Muke
If You Only Knew // Cashton
Sound of Falling Rain // Muke
The Exchange Student // Lashton
Lullaby // Mashton
Fairy Floss // Malum *SMUT*
Conversations With A 2 Year Old // Cake
Second Chance // Cashton
Get 'Em Up // CALM
Primo Victoria // CALM
It's Not Supposed To Go Like This // Muke
Disconnected // Cake
There Really Should Be A Part Two To This // Cashton
Riot! // Muke
Obedience // Muke
Skin // Cashton
There's Nothing You Can Say // Mashton
Bubble Tea // CALM
Alone This Holiday // Cashton
I Miss You Most On Christmas // Cake
Coming Home // Lashton
Ginger // Muke & Cashton
Frosty The Snowman // Mashton
Christmas With The Misfits // Malum
His Favorite Christmas Story // Lashton
Christmas Shoes // Muke
All I Can Give You // Cake
White Lips Pale Face // Mashton
The Colour Of Christmas // Malum
Thinking Out Loud
The Collector part 1
The Collector part 2
You Must Have Had A Broken Heart // Cake
And Bone // Cashton
Sins (The Collector Sequel)
Death Valley // Cashton
While You Loved Me // Muke
Invisible // Mashton
Personal Trainer // CALM
Leaving // Lashton
Nap Time // CALM
Right Here // Malum
Meeting // Muke
Shadows // Lashton
Sweater Squad // CALM
Me Without You // Malum/Cashton
Lemon // Muke
Valentine // CALM
Just Saying // Cake
All These Lives // Malum
Colours // Mashton
Hypno's Lullaby // Muke
Teddy // Muke
Carnival // Lashton
Flight // Muke
Swan Song // Cake
Just Friends // Lashton/Cake
Effortlessly You // Muke
Don't you know who I think I am? // Cake
Fever dreams // CALM
Drive // Muke *SMUT*
Better with you // Cashton *SMUTISH*
I got a heart // Muke
And I got a soul // Muke
Into the night // Lashton
Christmas Without You // Lashton
Everything but Me // Mashton
You and Me // Malum

Nowhere kids //Cashton

810 28 2
By Louis_Guardian_Angel

~ So I got the idea for this one as I was creeping over on @Sirwie's account so yeah, the idea itself is in no way mine and I did not ask to take it but hopefully this won't be anything like their story and yeah. 

Also this is part one of two as I will be writing with the main focus being on Ashton (Calum) here and on Calum (Ashton) in the next one. Therefore, this one will probably be pretty short 

Now I haven't started with any of the requests yet but I will once I've finished watching the game tonight (Sweden vs Belgium, who's watching?), possibly sooner if we embarrass ourselves out there. 

One last thing, thoughts on the new cover? as always, lots of love to all of you xx /M~ 

Ashton had felt...weird as he made his way home from school the day before. Not sick or anything like that but strange. Entering the house he had decided that it must have had something to do with that very strange can of what he had thought was some off-brand coke. No more than one sip of it had been needed for him to realise that it most definitely was not coke, it hadn't even been close, and he had left it next to a dustbin outside his classroom.

And surely it must have been the strange drink, because the breakfast he had that morning had been the same as always and the banana he had for lunch had appeared to be fine. Either way, Ashton went to bed that night feeling odd to say the least, thinking he'd feel better in the morning. He was right about that, and he was not.


As Ashton slowly comes to it he immediately feels that something is off. It's not until he opens his eyes that he realises just how off things are. He isn't where he's supposed to be, this place is nothing like the comforting, scaled down room he fell asleep in, and he has no idea how he got there.

"Finally! I thought you had died or something" a loud, somewhat familiar voice has him on his feet in a heartbeat and a curse word falls from his lips as he hits his head on something very hard and very cold. "Dude chill, it's not like we're late or anything." As he raises his hand to see if he's bleeding Ashton sees something that almost, almost makes him scream. On the back of his hand, between the thumb and the next finger, three letters are written in black. Realising it must be a tattoo he sits back down, trying to figure out what kind of sick joke this is.

And that's when he hears the voice again.

"Calum? Are you alright? You're really starting to freak me out." Calum. For the first time since he woke up, Ashton has a look around the area, really taking it in. He's sitting on the ground under what must be the fig tree bridge, bottles and plastic bags scattered around him. The owner of the voice he's been hearing is sitting a few meters from him and a pair of green eyes filled with concern seem to be glued on him.

"Michael" it takes Ashton a while to remember the boy's name but eventually he does, having had a few classes with him over the years.

"Calum." Michael tilts his head to the side, hesitating before moving closer to Ashton. "Are you alright? Maybe you've got a fever or something." he hasn't paid attention to Michael in quite some time, only catching short glimpses of him in the hallways, but Ashton it pretty sure they're pretty close in height. Now however, even though they're sitting down it's pretty obvious that Ashton's taller, not by much but taller none the less. "You should have gone home Calum, I would have been fine out here by myself."

"I'm fine" too busy trying to understand the situation to really comprehend what Michael is saying, Ashton discreetly gives himself a one over, now realising that he's completely dressed, skinny jeans and all.

"Alright" Michael leans back against the concrete wall, pulling a pack of cigarettes out from somewhere and offering one to Ashton. "Breakfast?"

"N-no thanks" suddenly feeling very overwhelmed, with what seems to have happened suddenly sinking in, Ashton once again gets on his feet, this time without hitting his head on the underside of the bridge. "I'll be right back" he excuses himself, making his way out into the bright sunlight. Having had a quick look around he heads over to some bushes, unzipping the unfamiliar jeans and pulling it out.

It's not that much bigger than mine.

He doesn't know why that's what's running through his brain as he pees, why the size of this stranger's dingaling matters to him, but maybe it is because he's always worried about the "right" size and whether or not he has it and now, seeing someone else with roughly the same size he knows it's not that far off.

But he shouldn't be thinking about that at all. No, what he should be worrying about is how to get back into his own body because this just feels wrong. It's not the kind of wrong where you're constantly aware of how wrong it is but it's there, in the back of his head and in the pit of his stomach, the feeling that he does not belong where he is right now, that he should not be there.

"Cal! Come on we have to leave if we wanna get to school before first period!" Michael's voice once again snaps Ashton out of his thoughts and he zips his trousers again before going back into the shadows under the bridge where Michael's waiting.


Two hours later and Ashton's sitting on the floor in a hallway, watching people walk back and forth as he waits for Michael to leave the bathroom where he's currently trying to wash himself. Before today, Ashton would never have guessed that the loud, obnoxious teenager was homeless but having found out where he sleeps he's having a hard time understanding how he didn't see it sooner. He probably would have, if he had paid any attention whatsoever to the boy instead of just sending him annoyed glares whenever he'd scream in class or make a rude comment to someone in the hallway.

Roughly two hours has passed since he woke up under the bridge, somehow trapped in somebody else's body, and during that time he's learned quite a bit about the boy whose body he's inhabiting, mostly thanks to the phone he found in his pocket. It had felt wrong, going through somebody else's phone, but he felt like he had to know who this person is, this boy he can't remember ever speaking to or even reflecting over.

"I really needed that" Michael sits down next to him, stretching his long legs and not caring who trips over them, and closes his eyes. "Oh look, there's blondie" his voice suddenly gets a lot softer and that's what makes Ashton look up from the phone in his hands, his eyes landing on a very familiar blonde man. "He looks really nice today." Michael's comment makes Ashton want to say something about how Luke always looks good but before he gets the chance to do so someone else catches his attention. A shorter boy is walking next to Luke, a boy he didn't even notice at first. Now that he's seen him however, he realises that the boys curly hair and hazel eyes looks very familiar, very very familiar.

And they should, shouldn't they? 

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