Divergent High: College Life

By annaeliza247

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➽Sequel to Divergent High. I suggest that you read the first one before you read this. ➽It's been two years s... More

hey guys!


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By annaeliza247

As I open my eyes, I get blinded by the sunlight coming through my blinds. My eyes start to adjust, and I stretch out to help wake myself up. I get up and slowly walk downstairs.

When I get to the living room, I lay down on the couch and turn the TV to Botched. I'm weirdly obsessed with this show.

"Good morning, Bea. Can you come in here for a few minutes?" Dad calls from the kitchen.

I get up from the couch and walk to the kitchen.

"Morning," I say while yawning and walking through the kitchen door.

"Good morning," my parents say in unison.

"What's up?" I ask as I sit down on a stool at the island.

"You know you brother is graduating next weekend," Mom answers and I nod my head," so your father and I thought that maybe instead of leaving on Friday and only spending a few- what is it, three?- nights in California, we'd leave Monday and spend the entire week there. We wanted to know what you thought about that."

"Sounds cool," I reply.

"Good, because we already bought the plane tickets," Dad says and I laugh.

"Also, Aunt Becca called and said Claire really wanted to come over for a couple days in a few weeks," Mom says as I nod. "And your grandparents called as well and said they could use some extra hands with the horses and to come over whenever you felt like it."


"Yes, they are pretty much your horses. So we thought instead of coming back from California with your father and I, you could just take a plane up to Portland, and spend a week there."

"I was hoping I could take a plane to Omaha instead for a few days," I say, sounding like I'm asking a question.

"Do you have your own money for a hotel?" Dad asks and I slightly shake my head. "Didn't think so."

"That's it," Mom says, "that's all we needed you for. Breakfast is going to be ready in twenty minutes or so."

"Sweet," I reply as I leave the kitchen to sit back on the couch.

A few minutes later, I get a FaceTime call from Tobias. I answer it and Tobias's face comes up on the screen.

"Hey babe," I say.


"Whatcha doin?"

"Eating breakfast," he replies and eats a spoonful of Fruity Pebbles.

"Oh, obvious," I say and laugh.

"What are you doing?"

"Watching Botched."

"Really?" I nod my head. "Why do even like it?"

"It's interesting. It's not any different than Grey's Anatomy or The Night Shift." He loves those two shows.

"Whatever," he scoffs but laughs after.

"I miss you," I say after awhile.

"I miss you too, only a few more weeks."

"Only a few more weeks," I repeat. "But is going to feel like eternities."

"I know. But it'll be over before you know it."

"Yeah," I sigh. "I love you."

"I love you more."

Before I have a chance to reply, one of his teammates barges in and yells, "Oh, look at Four getting all sentimental with his girlfriend," with a hand over his heart.

"Shut up, Matt," Tobias laughs.

"Hey, Matt," I say and wave to my phone. Matt waves back and walks away.

"Bea! Breakfast!" Mom yells from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I yell back. "I have to go eat breakfast, I'll talk to you later," I say to Tobias.

"Okay, bye."

"Bye," I smile and end the call.

I stand up from the couch and go back into the kitchen.

I sit down on a stool and put two pieces of French toast on the plate in front of me. I lather them in strawberry jam, and grab three pieces of bacon from a plate in front of the griddle my mom's using.

I chow down on my food, and finish within fifteen minutes. I put my plate and juice cup in the sink, thank Mom for breakfast and head back upstairs to take a shower.
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
A couple days later, I wake up at five am and throw on my Adidas soccer sweats, an old Divergent High Volleyball t-shirt, a zip up hoodie, and Nike roshes. I put my hair up into a messy bun, and barely bother putting on makeup; I wash my face, put foundation and mascara on, and then brush my teeth. I need to have at least foundation and mascara on, or I'll look like a total zombie; and no one wants to see that.

I grab my two suitcases and cinch bag and run downstairs where my parents are waiting for me. I won't lie to you, one of my suitcases is filled entirely with shoes.

"Ready?" Mom asks.

"Yep," I reply and walk out to my parents' Kia Optima that we're taking to the airport.

The drive is short and sweet, then Dad parks the car and we all head inside to get our boarding passes and check our suitcases.

We go through security, then head to our gate. I sit with my parents for awhile, but then get thirsty and head to the Starbucks inside the airport.

I order a caramel cocoa cluster frappuccino and a lemon loaf. I pay for my order then walk over to where they give you your order. I decide to give Tobias a call, and it goes to voicemail after awhile.

"Hey babe. You're probably still sleeping, but I wanted to let you know that I'm at the airport. Um, I think we have about 10-15 minutes until we board the plane," I grab my drink and lemon loaf from the counter when it shows up, "and then we're off. I'll text you when we land. I love you. Call or text me later, okay? Okay, bye. I love you." I hang up then put my phone in my pocket and walk back to the gate.

We board the plane when they call our row, and I get ready for four and a half hours in a small space with my parents. I put on my beats headphones and drink from my frappuccino.
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
"Congrats, bro," I say when I hug my brother after his graduation ceremony. "You too Amanda." I hug her also.

"Thanks," they say in unison. A smile forms on my face as my brother and his girlfriend pose for pictures in their graduation caps and gowns. I'm just glad to see Caleb so happy.

My phone buzzes in my purse then, and I take it out to see that I just missed Tobias's phone call. He'd already called me three times during Caleb's graduation. He must've finished his game during that time. My finger slides to the right on the screen and I call Tobias back. I take a few steps away from my family and wait for Tobias to answer.

He does so after a few rings and speaks first.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Hi," I laugh as I continue walking around. "How'd you do?"

"We won," he replies. "I was two for four with a double and a home run."

"Really? Babe that's awesome!"

"Yeah, the idiot pitcher threw it right down the middle and I couldn't resist," he claims with a laugh. I laugh too and frown a bit when Mom calls me back over to them.

"That's incredible Tobias. I have to go because Mom wants to take more pictures, but I'll call you again later tonight."

"Okay, darling, talk to you later."

"Oh my god, stop with all these cute names, it only makes me miss you more. I love you."

He laughs and joyfully replies, "Fine, I'll only call you that when we're together, then. I love you too, bye."

"Bye, sweetheart," I laugh and then smile when I hear Tobias laugh again. "Bye, again." I lower the phone from my ear and press the red end call button. I walk back over to my parents.

They take a picture of Caleb and I, then they add Amanda, then get someone to take a picture of all of us.

"Hey sis, some of my friends are having a party tonight. Wanna go?" Caleb asks.

"Oh no, Caleb. Really, I'm fi-" I start, but Caleb cuts me off.

"Come on, Tris! I know the parties at ASU are sick, but you haven't lived until you've been to a Stanford party."

I sigh. "I guess I have no other choice, do I?"



"Okay, good. It starts at eight."

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

After we got home at three, I grabbed a bowl of raspberries and a Gatorade from the fridge and ran upstairs from my room. I slipped my feet out of my shoes and jumped on my bed. I picked up my laptop from the nightstand, opened it up, went to the Netflix website, and started playing the next episode of The Vampire Diaries.

For the next four hours, I watched five and a half episodes of The Vampire Diaries, only getting up when I wanted more Gatorade, or when I had to pee.

At 7:15 though, I paused the episode I was watching and got up from my very, very comfortable position on the bed to change my clothes.

I put on a cropped ribbed blue tank top, my favorite pair of jeans, and black lace-up sandals with a chunky heel. I threw my long curly hair in a ponytail, and then did a big pull through braid. I put on a big bib necklace, a bunch of different colored bracelets, another charm bracelet, a heart ring, a teardrop shaped opal ring, a starburst-type ring, a flower ring, and turquoise stone earrings.

"Tris!" I hear Caleb call from downstairs.


I grab my phone from the nightstand and run down the stairs where Caleb and Amanda are waiting for me.

We say goodbye to Mom and Dad and walk to the Jeep in the garage. My parents like to keep the Jeep at our house here, because, well, Jeeps are more fun in California than in Chicago.

When we get to the party, Caleb parks across the street, and we all get out and walk inside the beach house. This place reminds me of all the parties Zeke and Uriah would have in high school.

We weave through all the people until Caleb spots his friend and drags us over to him.

"Robert, this is my little sister Tris, and you obviously know Amanda," Caleb says as he slings his arms around Amanda and I. It's funny how Caleb always introduces me as his little sister, acting like I'm two rather than 21.

"Hey Rob," Amanda says and fist-bumps Robert.

"Hi," I smile. "Where's your beer?"

"Tris!" Caleb warns.

"No really, it's fine. It's just over in the kitchen." He points to the large doorway to the right of us.

"Thank you," I say and start walking over to the kitchen. I grab a bud light from one of the coolers on the island and then go outside and sit on the sand watching the sunset.

I take a swig from the bottle, not taking my eyes off the ocean as the waves roll in. My elbow rests on my knee and my head is in my hand as I keep taking drinks from my bud light.

The sun fully sets a few minutes after I finish the beer.  I just sit for a while, listening to the waves. The sand crunches beside me, and I look up to see Robert with two beers in his hand.

"Mind if I sit with you?" He asks, the bottles clinking against each other.

"Not if you give me one of those," I joke. He laughs and sits next to me, twisting off the cap of one of the bottles and handing it to me. "Thanks."

"No problem. I can't help but notice you're out here all by yourself."

"Well I was, but then you showed up, so I'm not anymore. I'm really just here because Caleb wanted me to be. He said that you haven't lived until you've been a Stanford party, but honestly I think the ASU ones are better."

"Ha! Ouch, that hurts!"

"Oh, sorry. Forgot this was your party." With only the light reflecting from the moon to the ocean, I can see Roberts small dimples in his cheeks when he smiles.

"It's okay. No boyfriend?"

"Yes boyfriend," I take a swig from my beer. "Six years." Robert nods and drinks from his bottle.

"That's a long time."

"It sure is. We took a break between junior and senior yeah of high school though because he cheated and I was going to Paris for two months to model for my mom. I'm sure Caleb probably told you that our mom is a fashion designer for teens."

"He did mention that."

"Yeah. We also both had separate relationships during that time, but they didn't last long."

"Well that sucks for me that you have a boyfriend. I was hoping to score tonight." I slap his arm.

"Oh, wow. Is all you came over here for? Just hoping to get laid?"

"Not just that. I also wanted to get to know you, but I was kinda hoping I'd get laid too."

"Well that makes me feel good about myself," I laugh, taking another sip from the brown bottle.

"It's a good thing! It means your pretty enough that I'd want to hook up with you! You should be proud of that," he laughs.

"And you should get a slap in the face," I respond, pointing at him.

"I do probably deserve one, don't I?"

"Oh, definitely."

We continue talking for a couple hours before Caleb says it's time to go. I wave at Robert, and get into the back of the Jeep, and replying to a text Tobias sent that I'd just realized I had gotten.
✆  ✆  ✆  ✆  ✆  ✆
A/N: GUYS. NO APOLOGY IS GOOD WNOUGH TO SAY HOW SORRY I AM. I know, I know, I know, I'm sorry it's been almost a month. I didn't write for like an entire week after I updated last, and then I kept wanting to make it longer and longer, so that made it take a lot more time too. I'm also sorry bc this is probs gonna be a really super duper long a/n.
OKAY, OKAY, OKAY. THE ENDING. Ever since The Heir, I had a feeling Eadlyn would wand up with Erik, or Eikko, or whatever, but I was kinda hoping she would be with Kile. BUT EADLYN'S TALK WITH MAXON AT THE END WAS SO ERMEGERSH!!!! AND SERIOUSLY MAXERICA IS ONE OF MY OTPS!!! THEY'RE SO ADORABLE!!! But I had to go searching for the extra epilogue online, bc I didn't get the Barnes & Noble version, I got the lame Fred Meyer's version(SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY OREGONIANS AND WASHINGTONIANS (is that how you spell it? Oh well) PACIFIC NORTHWEST REPRESENT!!) but anyway, Eadlyn and Eikko's daughter Kerttu (which I found out on The Selection wiki, is pronounced care-two) is so adorable! And MAXON and America as grandparents makes me so happy. Have you ever read a part in a book, then had to like stop and like take it all in and let like a single tear run down your cheek, or let your heart explode, or shake the book bc your so mad at it? I know I have, and I'm sure a lot of you guys have too. So after finishing The Crown, I was thinking, "why not make a selection fanfiction with Kerttu's selection?" And I started making covers for it, bc I make covers for everything, but I wanted to know what you guys though of the idea. So, would you read it if I made a selection fanfiction? Please comment and tell me, I'd love to know.
SECOND: THE EVE TRILOGY BY ANNA CAREY. IF YOU HAVENT READ THIS SERIES, SKIP TO WHEN I SAY, "CUPCAKES," W/ A CAKE EMOJI. BUT  REALLY THE BOOKS ARE SSSOOOO GOOD. OKAY. So as I said, these three books are soooo good. That said though, the end to Rise was rather abrupt and annoying. I KNEW CALEB WAS ALIVE!!!! I was just like, "the King just made the doctor say Caleb was dead just to make Eve move on, and there Caleb is, at the end of the book. I knew he was going to show up sometime, and every time some new character came, I was just like, "it's Caleb, it's Caleb! It has to be Caleb! He's here and alive and is gonna save everyone!!" But he didn't show up until the end and I was REALLY mad about that bc by then I was like, "Caleb's dead, I hay have to accept that. It's just gonna be Leif or Kevin or someone. BUT ALSO WHEN THEY SAID THERE WAS ONLY ONE SURVIVOR FROM THE LAKE TAHOE AREA I JUMPED UP AND DOWN ON MY BED AND I SCREAMED AND YELLED, "ITS CALEB ITS CALEB ITS CALEB!!!" Then the doctor said his name and I was like, "I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!! You can't fool me, ANNA CAREY!!!" I knew he could be dead, bc Eve was pregnant, and he might've had a son or daughter that he didn't know about! And that was going to kill me! Then I found the 16 page epilogue this morning (or yesterday morning?) and read it and found out Eve and Caleb have a daughter named PIPPA. And I couldn't help but wonder, was she named after Pip, Eve's childhood best-friend? Then, a few days ago, I was looking EVERYWHERE for eve and Caleb fanfictions but I couldn't find any, and that made me so sad. I was also looking for Eve and Caleb's ship name, but I couldn't find it, so I though of some of my own:
That's all I could think of, sadly. And if you guys like one of those we could you it, and I could be the creator of the Eve and Caleb ship name, like whoever created fourtris, everlark, maxerica, etc. OH, I KNOW!!! CALE!!! I don't know how I didn't think of that earlier!😂 I am in TOO deep guys! These series are messing with my emotions!!!! I'm not emotionally stable anymore!😂😂😂 help! SOS!
So anyway, I love the trilogy, Eve, Once, and Rise. Really guys, it's so fucking good, and I don't say fucking on here very much. I try to seem innocent.😂 Give a try for me? I know not everyone loves that stuff, but I do, and I hope you're willing to try it. I hope I didn't give any spoilers to anyone, sorry if I did. Honestly, I wouldn't even be offended if you didn't read the a/n altogether. But really, try it out, go to your local library or bookstore and get it, and sorry if you end up hating it, but I love it, and I thought it deserved to have people know about it.
Oh, and the updated Pinterest app is wack, isn't it? Stupid! SHOUTOUT TO ALL MY PINNERS!❤️❤️❤️💋(my name for Pinterest is just Anna Parsons with like a volleyball and a sparkle or somethin)
I LOVE YOU ALL❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋
Over 3 thousand words😂😂😂

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