An American Promise (Book 2)

By soitsash

86.5K 6.1K 340


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 11

2.3K 207 11
By soitsash

'It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.'

-Theodore Roosevelt

Max, Emilia and the small group of actors arrived at James' flat near the centre of town. He let them in, shouting something to his landlady.

"Welcome to my humble abode," James lit a gaslight, placing it on a table and opening a cupboard. "Make yourself at home," he said, pulling out seven glasses and a bottle.

"You've cleaned this place up a bit," Eva remarked, pulling a chair out from the table.

The room was circular with a table and some scattered, mismatched chairs. A threadbare sofa sat in the corner next to a stack of books. The room smelt of wax and soap and all available wall space was covered with paintings.
"I try, I do," James placed the glasses and bottle on the table, proceeding to pour the brandy. "Here's to a good season!" He raised his glass and the others followed suit before gulping down the drink.

Emilia winced; she never had brandy before (it was considered a man's drink in England) and she had to admit she didn't like the taste much.

"You got yourself a fellow?" Dinah asked, holding out her glass for more.

"No," Emilia said, looking down.

"You got your eye on one?" Eva asked, her vibrantly red lips turned up at the corner.

"Not really," Emilia took another sip, trying to avoid answering. It was too late however as the blush had already made it's way into her cheeks.

"What does not really mean? I tell you, lots of fine options for you here," laughed Dinah, resting her chin in her hands.

"I'm sure, I just am not really looking for anyone," Emilia mumbled, looking anywhere but at Max and hoping he didn't know of her infatuation for his brother. The other women however, were equal to that and they laughed.

"Well good luck," Martha winked, downing another glass. "And what about you Max? You heard back from that girl? What's her name? Lucinda?"
"Lucille, and no, I have not." It was Max's turn to blush and Emilia felt bad for him; from what she gathered he was in the same position at her.

"Why not? Thought you two were already an item?"
"No, I have had not had that luck," Max said nervously, wiping his hands on his trouser leg.

"Yeah, what a pity," Eva laughed and, much to Max's visible relief, the conversation moved to other topics.

Emilia found the time went by quickly. It was a quiet evening of talking and occasional laughter, before the clock on the mantel chimed eleven. Startled, Emilia leapt to her feet.

"It's already eleven, I can't believe I stayed so late! Samuel will be worried," she said, scrambling for her bonnet.

"Here, let me come with you," Max offered.

"No no, don't be silly; I'll be fine. Thank you," she said but Max followed her.

"I wouldn't trust the people around her to behave nicely. I'll come," he persisted.

Emilia didn't argue and after they said their goodbyes and thank you's, they headed out into the night. 
"We won't be able to find a cab around here, we should walk to the main street," Max took her arm and they walked quickly down the dimly lit street.

"Wait," Emilia paused as they approached an alleyway where two figures were. One, clearly a woman, was against the wall, sobbing, trying desperately to fight off the other figure, a man.

"Please, let me go," the woman pleaded.

"Shut up you stupid bitch," the man slapped her, pulling at her skirts

"Get behind me," Max murmured, his eyes locked on the man.

"No," Emilia shook her head. He turned to see her tearstained face, shining in the moonlight. She was upset beyond measure and Max couldn't tell why, but he knew she needed to do something.

"Stop it!" Emilia cried, advancing on the man. Max, wary, stayed close behind, ready to do anything to protect her.

"Help! Please," the other woman sobbed brokenly. The man leered at Emilia, his dark eyes taking her in.

"What? Jealous?" He smirked, slapping the woman on the rump.

Emilia was shaking so much she could hardly get the words out.

"You, you disgusting, horrible piece of filth. I hope you rot in eternal suffering." Emilia strode towards him. He reached out a hand for her but she got to him first, landing a blow right to his nose. Blood exploded from where her fist had struck, spattering her face. She went on however and Max, still close, was prepared to step in. "You don't deserve to live or die. People like you should be flayed and left for the crows!" The man aimed a blow at Emilia's face but Max leapt at him, his head colliding with the man's chest, bowling him over.

Max was small compared to the man, but he was quicker; the man's head made contact with the ground and he was stunned momentarily. He was back up in a moment however, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Son of a-" The man roared but before he could finish the curse Max punched him square on the jaw and the man, his eyes rolling shut, fell with a thud. Max turned to the woman, to see that she had fled. Emilia, however, was still there, sobbing.

"Emilia, are you all right?" It was a stupid question but he didn't know what else to say.

"I hate him. All men like that!" She was shaking and he put an arm around her.

"Don't worry, we can get a police man," he said but he could see that was not what was bothering her.

"I can't bear to look at him. Why? Why are they so cruel? What kind of a person thinks that that is all right?"
"I know, don't worry. We should go and find a policeman," he said.

"There's no point. She's gone, we have to evidence."

"How can you say there's no point? Weren't you the one who just said how men like him don't deserve life or death? If we don't do something, who knows what will happen."

"You're right, of course, I'm being stupid. Go fetch an officer, I'll stay here."

"I don't want to leave you alone with him."

"I'll be fine, I promise, if he wakes I can deal with him."

"Are you sure?" Max was torn but Emilia smiled shakily.

"Yes, don't worry, be quick."

"Of course," he dashed off, leaving Emilia to stare at the man, anger and disgust burning through her. She looked at him with such loathing that if he were conscious, he would have shrunk back.

All Emilia could see on this man was the face of Christopher South, the father of her child. She could see his cruel face and the leer he made at her scream of pain and fright. It had been almost three years ago but she could still remember every detail. clearly.

The man on the ground stirred and groaned, trying to sit up. Emilia, swallowing her anger as best as she could, placed a boot on his chest, forcing him back down.

This however, was a mistake as the man, who was more alert than she had given him credit for, took her ankle in his hands and in a quick motion, twisted it to the side, causing her whole body to lurch to the ground, her ankle flaring up in pain.

As soon as she hit the ground he leapt up, ready to run, but she was close behind. She leapt onto him, ramming her knee into the small of his back. He faltered but didn't stop and before she could dismount him, he backed up into the wall of the building and her head made contact with the cold brick.

She was aware of large amounts of pain, a shout of alarm, falling and the ground coming up to meet her before she slipped to the ground, unconscious.

"Emilia? Emilia can you hear me?" It was Max's voice and Emilia struggled to open her eyes but all she could make out was his dark figure bending over her, his concerned green eyes swimming in a blur above her head before she fell back into unconsciousness.

When Emilia did awake fully, it was morning and bright sunlight streamed onto the bed where she was lying. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and found that Samuel, Jane and Lettie were at the end of her bed.

"Emilia, you're awake, what happened? Are you all right?" Samuel was on his feet at once, hurrying to the side of the bed.

"I'm fine, I think. Where am I? Where's Max?"

"You're in Mrs. Lewis' room. Max is downstairs, he wants to see you after. What happened? The doctor came and said that your ankle is twisted and you'll have a nasty bruise on your head but other than that you seem to be ok."

"We were walking to find a cab when," Emilia began but Samuel shook his head gently.

"I know that part, Max explained. I want to know what happened when Max went to get the officer?"

"I, I was watching over the man and he began to awake. He pushed me to the ground but I managed to get up. I, I think we may have had a brief tussle but all I remember is my head hitting the wall. What happened to the man? They caught him, right?"
"No, he got away but Max managed to give a description and the police will be looking for him. I can't believe Max left you alone with him, I am going to murder him."

"No, Max wanted to stay but I convinced him. I thought I could take care of it but I don't think the man was really out cold. I was an idiot," Emilia shook her head but her brother placed a hand on her arm.

"Don't worry, you tried. I'm just sorry you had to see that."

"I'm not. If we hadn't been there, the woman well, I'm just content we could save her. The fact that men still even think of doing that," Emilia shuddered, just as Jane came forward.

"Mama?" She asked, her wide eyes inquisitive.

"Oh Janey," Emilia pulled her daughter up with her, burying her face in Jane's soft curls. "I'm sorry I didn't come back yesterday," Emilia murmured.

There was a gentle knock at the door.

"Is Emilia awake?" It was Max and Samuel opened the door. "Emilia?" Max looked tired and red eyed; a man who had not slept well.

"Good morning Max, how are you?" Emilia offered her brightest smile, noting the look of pain he bore.

"Uneasy, I must say, but how are you feeling? I'm a cursed fool for leaving you alone. I shall never forgive myself."

"I am fine, thank you. And please, it was not your fault. I should've been more careful, it was I who was foolish."

"No, please do not blame yourself. I wonder Samuel, if I may speak to your sister in private for just a moment?" Max looked at Samuel who, in turn, looked indignant but Emilia nodded.

"Of course," she said. "Janey, would you go with Uncle Samuel for a moment?" She kissed her daughter's head and the three left the room, leaving Max and her alone.

"Emilia, I cannot stress how sorry and scared I was for you. I should never have left you alone and when we came back to find you I could've, well, I'm sorry."

"Please Max, it wasn't your fault. I am not a maiden in need of defending, I should've been more careful."

"You cannot blame yourself, but as much as I should apologize I came to you because I have a very personal question that I fear I should not be asking."

"All right," Emilia frowned but waited.

"The way you acted last night was strange. You clearly hated the man, more than a mere passerby would."

"What are you trying to say?" Emilia asked uneasily.

"There is no Mr. Fisher, is there?" His gaze was steady, focused on her and Emilia could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks at the question. She shook her head slowly however and he nodded. "I didn't think so. But don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I am just even more sorry now. No one ever deserves that fate."

"Please, tell no one. I would be ruined if anyone found out."

"Of course, I won't say a thing." She nodded slowly, biting her lip as he stood, opening the door.

"Thank you again," Emilia said hoarsely and he nodded, a single gesture of understanding, before exiting the room.

So Emilia reveals her secret to someone... How will this end?

 Hope you enjoyed that, please vote if you liked it and please comment, you know how much I love to hear from you guys! It makes my day :)

Dedicated to NightOwlHatter for being a constant support and friend.

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